Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4)

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Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4) Page 13

by Jaime Marks

  “Alright, you want me to pick you up?”

  “Yeah…” There was a long pause on the line. “Kyle, man, I need to know how much I can trust you. I mean, if I tell you something…can it stay between us?”

  “Shit man.” Kyle rubbed his brow. “Look John, you’re my mentor and I know we don’t always see eye to eye but you know I’ve got your back as best as I can. I’d probably be dead by now if not for you cleaning up my shit.”

  “Yeah I know, but this is big, I mean really fucking big. Your Grandfather can’t fucking find out. Hell, for all I know he already did and that’s why he was here the other night.”

  “Fuck, just tell me John.”

  “Steph’s not just Fae. I think she’s one of the Lucerna Lines.”

  “What the hell makes you think that? They would never leave one of their own to fend for themselves on Earth. I mean that girl’s literally got no one.”

  “I know but I found her birth certificate. You’re never gonna fucking believe this. Just get here and I’ll show you.” John all but groaned, “I have to fucking find her before someone else does.”

  “Alright, I’m on my way there now.” He hung up starting the car.

  John could be a total prick and he treated Steph like shit sometimes, but only so much as he was Shade. He tended to use and abuse her as he saw fit but it was weird. He also took really good care of her. It didn’t take a genius to see how much he cared about her. Maybe he could use that to get John to help him with Star…no he would serve Star up the first chance he had to save Steph if Alayne wanted them both because Kyle was clear on who he wanted more.

  Fuck, he really didn’t know if he could do this. He knew what they were going to do to that girl and he couldn’t even stomach the idea of it. Worse they’d probably make him take part in it and there was no way in hell he’d do that. No, this time he couldn’t lie to himself. There was no way in hell he could turn Staryana over to his Grandfather. Kyle had no idea how, but he had to find some way to protect her from all of them. Alayne, Syneous, Byryn, he wouldn’t let any of them fucking hurt her. That meant he needed to make arrangements for Cal and let Phil know the score. Wherever he was going, he had no idea how long he’d be gone or even if he was coming back this time.

  Mythos woke slowly sensing around him. He could hear something, but he could not place the sound of it. He felt her turmoil and was up in the matter of an instant. Hesitating, he forgot he could not mist in this realm and rushed quickly from his chambers. When he reached her door he heard the sobs and opened it slowly, not wishing to intrude, but needing to be assured that she was safe.

  She lay tossing and turning in a troubled sleep, a sheen of sweat lacing her brow. It tore his heart open to see her in such pain. Waking her from such a state was perhaps a risk considering he did not know what she was seeing and he made the choice to reach out his essence attempting to calm her. He had not accounted for the strength of their connection, indeed he had been unprepared for it. Their essences merged and he was unwittingly accosted by the images of her mind. It took the space of a moment, but he had witnessed it all.

  Stephanie stood in some sort of school uniform. The skirting was too short and the shirt too revealing, but she seemed at ease in the enticing outfit. She was dancing with others, or what passed for dancing in the human realm. He watched as they offered her drink after drink and she refused. She made but one mistake, setting her bottle of water down for a moment. They slipped something into it. When she returned and drank the water she became intoxicated, listing to the side.

  Mythos realized he knew exactly what he was witnessing. It was exactly what Byryn had saved Staryana from, but no Fae had been there to save Stephanie. She had been meant to forget, but being Fae the dose they used was not strong enough. She became cognoscente half way through the rape and fought with everything she had, but they simply overpowered her. They took what they wanted from her, forcing her submission, then portrayed her as a whore they had paid, leaving two hundred dollars in her wallet. She had gone directly to the police but the boys had convinced the police she had offered them sex in exchange for the money and the police had threatened to charge her had she not been ‘honest’ about the context of what had happened.

  He pulled back and shook his head trying to erase the images of it. Brushing the hair from her eyes as they slowly fluttered open Mythos stared down at her needing to comfort her. “You are dreaming, my Caria. I cannot bear to see you in such pain.” He picked her up without thought or care of what anyfae might think if they discovered them.

  Carrying her to his chambers he lie her on the bed beside him and cradled her in his arms. Slowly he allowed his essence to wrap around her, soothing her as he kissed her head unwilling to let her go.

  “Mythos, I…”

  “Shhh, Caria. Just sleep. I will not cross any boundaries. I only wish to ease you so you may sleep,” he murmured kissing her head again. She was not quite awake and he allowed his essence to lull her into a restful state as he watched her eyes drift closed.

  Slowly he felt the tension in her ease as he reached up and stroked her hair. If it took him the rest of his days he would ease this pain from her. He swore in that moment that there would come a day where she could sleep without worry of falling prey to that dreadful memory.

  Chapter 13

  Reyana woke slowly feeling more rested than she could remember ever being. She had to take a moment to remind herself that she wasn’t dreaming. They were both there, beside her, holding her. Her essence flowed over them both. If she could wake up every morning in this way it would still be too good to be true.

  “You will, Rey. We will be here for you always,” Cymeryn whispered softly kissing her head.

  Marcus reached up stroking her hair. “Neither of us will ever leave you again, Reya.”

  She sighed contently. “How long before breakfast?”

  Marcus groaned, “Not long enough. I’m afraid we slept in, but then we all needed the rest. I would say we might have time, but Kylion wakes Star and Byryn like clockwork.”

  “Then I suggest we dress and attend to our Queen, my brother.” Cymeryn chuckled, “Lest you wish to rush about things.”

  Reyana smiled at the ease between them. “There will be time later. I’d very much like a shower.”

  “Hmmm, that sounds promising,” Marcus murmured.

  Cymeryn’s eyes shamelessly ran over her body. “Would you like us to join you, love?”

  “Then none of us would be ready in time for breakfast,” she laughed.

  Kissing them each she slid down the bed and made her way to the bathroom, well aware that their eyes followed her. The shower was her favorite part of the entire suite. The floor tiling reminded her of sand despite its smooth texture and the wall was a mosaic of a half day, half night beach scenery. The large shower head was like standing in the summer rain and she savored it. It had a tendency to relax her in whatever state she was in, though this morning it was more just an added pleasure. She was already more than relaxed.

  When she returned to their bedchambers she was surprised to find them both up and busy. They had carried in half of the furniture from the sitting room and straightened the bed. She grabbed the sheathing of the gown they had lain out for her and slipped it on. Once she was dressed a glass of water was handed to her.

  “Drink, love,” Marcus implored.

  “Then bed,” Cymeryn added firmly.

  She looked at them in exasperation but it was clearly not up for discussion.

  “No, it’s not.” Marcus measured her with a smug smile, “We mean to see that you follow your Healer’s orders.”

  Cymeryn nodded, “I told you last eve, love. We will take every precaution. You will just have to endure our pampering you a while.”

  She sighed and climbed into bed, drinking her water while she watched them finish setting up the room. “Who exactly are we expecting for breakfast?” She asked.

  “Everyfae is quite worried about you
, Reyana,” Marcus explained.

  Cymeryn shrugged, “We did not exactly make you available to soothe their fears last eve.”

  She studied the room. There were two tables pushed together at the foot of the bed, one from the sitting room and the other from the small sitting area that was usually in the corner of the chambers. They had positioned the couch, the arm chair, and the chaise lounge from the sitting room along with the two white arm chairs and small white love seat from the sitting area around the tables. There was more than enough seating for the entirety of their family.

  Kato and Demytria entered arm in arm. They both bowed before her and then turned to bow to Marcus and Cymeryn.

  “Good morn, your majesties.” Kato offered, “Do you need assistance?”

  “No Kato, I think this should suffice. Please sit, there is no need for such formality so early, my friend.” Marcus motioned towards the couches.

  Byryn and Star came in with Kylion. Star crawled on the bed momentarily and hugged her tightly. “Congrats Mom,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry that I wasn’t the one to explain all this to you, Starshine.” Reyana tried to sense her out to see how she was doing. “I feel like we never really get time to talk about things since this all started.”

  “I know Mom, but seriously? I’m alright with everything.” She gave her a warm smile. “We just have to schedule some Mom and me time or something. Our schedules have been a bit tight and with all the crises I feel like I never see you aside from meals, but that’s not your fault really.”

  “Staryana, your Mother is at rest the next two days. I am sure she would appreciate the company if you can find some time,” Cymeryn offered.

  She smiled, “Yeah, I’m sure I can work something out.”

  He inclined his head but remained otherwise quiet.

  Reyana watched as she went to sit with Byryn and Kylion on the couch. She was so attentive to the young. It was obvious how much she loved him. Her little girl had grown up this last month and in so many ways she’d missed it.

  Haylia came in and began setting the table as Trina came in and sat next to Demytria and Kato.

  “Good morn,” She offered.

  “Where is your mate, Trina? He is never far from your side,” Kato asked.

  “There was a matter he wanted to attend to.” She offered and met Marcus and Cymeryn in the eye but then simply sat looking at the door.

  Reyana didn’t miss the fact that both her brother and Steph were also missing. She was starting to wish that she had gone with Marcus and Cymeryn to talk to everyone last night. Just how close were Steph and her brother and why would Grifyn need to address it? Apparently she would have to wait and see for herself, but just the idea of it was a bit unsettling to her because she still saw Steph as a child and she hadn’t exactly had the greatest time of things. She knew Cymeryn and Marcus were right. Her brother would honor and respect Steph more than anyone.

  That was another thing that kind of felt off balance though. Her brother had never courted any female. As far as she remembered he never even paid attention to females outside of his family unless it was in a professional capacity. He wasn’t rude he just never really noticed them and according to everyone else that hadn’t changed in all the time she’d been gone. The Council had presented potential mates to him for a time but he hadn’t even entertained the idea a moment. He’d always said he would only choose a mate if he felt the bonds form.

  Was that what happened? Were he and Steph bonded? Really she should be the last person to judge this. Her own situation was far from traditional whether she measured it by human or Fae standards. If they were happy she would just have to find some way to accept it, just as she supposed her brother had to find a way to accept the lifestyle she had chosen.

  Mythos could not help but smile. He woke up to find her nestled against his chest sleeping restfully. He knew having her in his bed like this was improper, but he could not deny the satisfaction it brought him. He had to keep his control tightly reigned, however. He had not thought this through last eve. He was barely dressed, robed in only a small pair of shorts that he typically slept in and she was in nothing but her t-shirt and panties. It was a torturous temptation. One he would gladly endure every morn to be this close to her.

  Carefully he drew back unwinding his arms from her as he slid out of bed. He went to the closet and dressed, skipping his usual shower. Her scent on his skin was something he did not wish to erase. When he returned to the room she sat watching him quietly. They stared at each other a moment both seemingly unsure what to say.

  A soft knock on the door interrupted their privacy before either of them could speak. “I called for somefae to bring you some robing to choose from,” Mythos explained offering her a small smile to assure her that he wanted her here. “Are you awake enough to see them now?”

  She nodded slowly. “I think so.”

  He answered the door and saw the seamstress in. “I will leave you to dress, Stephanie. Choose anything you like, it is yours. She will bring you more in the fashions you prefer. You will need something formal for the Queen’s Bonding, daily attire, and something comfortable for sleeping so please, take whatever you like.” The seamstress bowed in acknowledgement and he turned to go, but stopped himself. “And Stephanie?”

  “Yes, my lord?” She met his eyes with an unexpected shyness that only made her more endearing.

  “Good morn, my Caria.” He smiled warmly as he met her gaze enjoying the blush that colored her cheeks.

  “Good morning, Lord Mythos,” she smiled trying to remain formal.

  He left the chambers closing them in and found Grifyn sitting, waiting for him. The Fae looked up at him questioning but remained silently watching him as if he were trying to gather his thoughts. Slowly he rose to his feet.

  “Good morn, Grifyn.” He greeted him allowing him whatever time he needed. He suspected what this was regarding but he honestly had no idea how to address it.

  “Good morn, your majesty. Is there something we need to discuss, Mythos?” He asked simply.

  He ran a hand through his hair. “Not at this juncture, Grifyn.”

  “You realize, my lord, that the girl is my responsibility?” He prompted.

  “Indeed Grifyn, I am aware of her origins.” Mythos sighed noting the formality and stiffness that his old friend regarded him with, “Grifyn, I do not wish for there to be this tension between us. If there is something directly that you wish to know please ask.”

  “Alright…What is happening with you and the lady Stephanie a Ceryn, my lord?” Grifyn eyed him cautiously. “I saw you carry her from her quarters last eve. I was coming back from checking in with the Guardians on duty and I heard her sobs. I thought it best to check on her but when I entered her room you were carrying her out. I held back not wanting to intrude…despite your attire. I trust you, Mythos. I know you above all others will honor and respect her, but consider how it would look to any other…not to mention you have the seamstress attending to her in your bedchambers,” he grumbled.

  Mythos looked him over. Grifyn was fiercely protective of his line. It was a trait that they shared. He could not fault the Fae for his concern for her, nor for his candor. He sighed, “Her sobs woke me from a sound sleep and I forgot my lack of formal attire in the moment. With all that has happened herein I was concerned for her safety, and we both know I do not need a blade to be lethal. She was in a…very restless sleep. I could not in good conscience leave her like that. I realize how it looks Grifyn, but I assure you, I only meant to ease her.” He met him directly as he spoke and let out a breath of frustration. He knew he could not completely discount his feeling to Grifyn, but he was not yet ready to discuss this and he would protect her from the scrutiny and pressure of a formal declaration if he could until she was ready. “I will not deny to you that I find the girl enchanting but she needs to find her way in this world before I would so much as consider anything more than to offer her my friendship.”

bsp; Grifyn gave him a shrewd look. “With all due respect my lord, remember to whom you speak when you attempt to make such claims. I know all too well how intense the connection can be when a bond is new. How you tell yourself one thing and find yourself doing quite another. You are fooling no Fae, Mythos. I doubt you even fool yourself. She is too young, too new to this world. You should not be allowing this at all, but if it persists you know well that you are required to make the declaration.”

  This was exasperating. Is this how Marcus and even Cymeryn had felt with his Father? With him? It was a wonder more Fae were not bound in secret as Grifyn and Trina had been. He left out a breath to calm himself. “Grifyn, I understand your concern but I will treat her with nothing but respect and honor. I do not know what this is between us and she does not even know who she is to make such a choice. When that changes, if anything progresses, I will do as is proper and…”

  The sound of the door to his bedchamber opening gave him pause. He did not wish to upset her, but even more so he needed to see her. When he turned to her, his heart skipped and his breath caught. The garment she had chosen suited her perfectly. It was a sleeveless dress jumper, the top of it was cut as a gown but it terminated at mid-thigh into a shorts. The gold fashion contoured her form perfectly tracing the delicate curves of her body without clinging too tightly. It was cut in perhaps a bit low of a v at her neck, but it gave nothing away and its slightly raised collar fit her brazen attitude perfectly. The boots she wore came up to just cover her knee. She looked refined and completely alluring. He could not have chosen better for her if he had tried.

  She blushed slightly and he realized he was shamelessly running his eyes over her body. “Is this…appropriate, my lord?”

  “It is perfect, Stephanie.” The reverence in his voice caught him off guard but it could not be helped. She was a vision and he could not help but pay her homage.


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