Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4)

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Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4) Page 16

by Jaime Marks

  “Some warning of your intentions would have been helpful, Cymeryn,” Kato quipped.

  “I could not alert Alayne any more than I already had or he might have found some way to evade me. He was watching. I apologize if I caused concern,” Cymeryn chuckled.

  “It is alright Cymeryn, you did what was called for,” Mythos nodded.

  “Cymeryn, why did I feel that?” Every head in the room turned to Steph with concern and Mythos gripped her tighter as he studied her.

  “Tell me what you felt precisely, please Steph,” he requested. No Fae else, not even Demytria who had been Shade had sensed the High Priest’s presence in Byryn. She had felt him the day before as well when she should not have.

  “I don’t know, it felt like ice and pin pricks sliding over my skin all at once but it sort of hurt,” she shrugged.

  Cymeryn studied her with an arched brow. It was how it felt to sense the presence of the High Priest or any with such strength in Darkness. Though there were few others, the eldest of the Shade possessed it. “How does young Kylion feel when he is close to you?”

  “Like snow, kind of. He’s cool and when I feel his…I don’t know aura, energy? It feels kind of like rolling a snow ball over my skin, cold and crunchy.” She stared at him with shrewd eyes.

  “We call it essence, Stephanie. It is our life force, what gives us our sight and abilities. What does my essence feel like?” Mythos asked as he brushed the hair from her eyes when she looked up to him.

  “The summer sun on a hot August day and it tingles warmly on my skin almost like…like a strong hug.” She blushed ever so slightly revealing there was far more she had not said.

  Byryn chuckled but remained silent and cleared his throat when Mythos’ glare met him.

  “Interesting. She can sense both the Fae and the Shade beyond what any Fae should be able to,” Cymeryn mused rubbing his chin, “yet I sense only humanity and pure Light in her.”

  “Hello? She has a name and is sitting right here. Damn are you all so arrogantly annoying like that?” She huffed crossing her arms but remained in Mythos’ embrace.

  Cymeryn cleared his throat. “I apologize Steph, but you will become accustomed to it in time, because yes, we are.”

  They all laughed though she did not appear amused.

  “I’ve never heard of a Fae being able to sense the Shade that strongly. I didn’t even pick up on Alayne, Cymeryn and I could sense you through Reyana before your Redemption was complete.” Demytria was concerned and confused.

  “You sensed me because I am your sire, otherwise even that would not have been possible. I have no idea what it means. I suspect it may be a defense mechanism of some sort. As I said when I met you Steph, you are quite perceptive. I suspect the only way we will know is if we discern how you were so well masked,” Cymeryn hypothesized. “If you feel anything like that, even if it does not make sense, I would ask that you let me know immediately. If I am not available, then one of us here in this room.”

  She nodded seeming troubled, but did not elaborate as to what was on her mind. She eased back from Mythos some as if sensing the eyes on them.

  “So Alayne’s back already?” Staryana’s voice was all but a whisper.

  Byryn rose and went to her pulling her in his arms. “It’s alright, Brightness. You’re not alone in this anymore, remember? We’ll work through it together.”

  “Indeed,” Cymeryn agreed. “I will begin working with you this noon. I meant to give you a reprieve but with your awakening appearing to be at hand and the Priest’s actions it will not be possible. Lazurys must have helped him heal. I have to see to our issue in the dungeon, but I doubt that will take long. I will know easily what the result will be.”

  “You mean to Redeem her then?” Demytria asked an edge to her voice, her arms crossed in front of her. Unfortunately he had positioned Tatyna and Demytria as rivals. It appeared the resentment had not subsided.

  “I cannot simply leave her in the dungeon indefinitely, Demytria. What would you suggest? I understand the distaste you have for her but we all agreed this morn that we would attempt capture and Redemption where possible,” he reasoned.

  “Cymeryn, I understand the reasons but I’m warning you, keep her away from me. I doubt she will accept Redemption anyway unless it’s simply to cause issue.” She glance to Reyana to make her point.

  He sighed, “The intention is not for her to remain in the Palace. She will be moved with the first group to the colony if Redemption takes.” He understood her concerns. Tatyna had always considered herself his mate. She could prove dangerous to Reyana in her delicate state. He looked over his love, “Perhaps she could wait a few days, though if it would ease your mind.”

  “Indeed,” she huffed as Kato whispered in her ear.

  “I think we’ve had enough excitement,” Marcus mused. “Leave her for now. On that note, our Queen needs her rest.” He kissed her lightly. Cymeryn studied her, she was a bit tired, but more so she was restless.

  Staryana pulled Kylion from her Mother and kissed her cheek. “I’ll stop by at the end of the day to see how you are. Maybe I can hunt up a deck of cards and we can play rummy or something.”

  “That would be wonderful, Starshine,” she smiled warmly.

  Staryana and Byryn said their farewells and left with Kylion, no doubt to get the boy to his studies. Mythos rose and went to his sister’s side.

  “I am only a message away. If you need me, you send for me. Are we clear?” Mythos demanded.

  “Always, brother,” she smiled as he kissed her cheek.

  “I will be taking my leave in about two hours. Find me in my suite if you have need. I will see you all on Thursday. Be well, my friends.” They bowed their heads and he took his leave.

  “You said eleven, Grifyn? Is that human time, and what time zone?” Steph inquired.

  “Oh, thank you for reminding me, my dear. We haven’t really had time to talk.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a watch handing it to her. “I believed it’s what you call Eastern Time but it matters not. Just follow this. May I walk you to your quarters? I would like to discuss some of your previous studies and see if there is anything else we need to assist you with.”

  She studied him and shifted uncomfortably but nodded as she rose. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  He rose and kissed Trina, “Will you be in our quarters or is you shift this morn? I forget the rotation for today.”

  “My shift starts at one,” she smiled mischievously as he kissed her and whispered in her ear. They bowed to the three of them and Steph followed suit as they left.

  “We need to monitor the tension between Mythos and Grifyn.” Kato posed as he rose.

  “Indeed,” Marcus chuckled as he began rearranging the furniture that was generally in the room. “Mythos is about to get a taste of his own medicine, my friend.”

  Demytria groaned, “Let’s just hope Grifyn isn’t anywhere near as bad as he was with me.”

  “I’m rather hoping he is.” Marcus shrugged, “It will do the King some good to have to humble himself a bit.”

  “Am I the only one who worries about her age?” Reyana sighed.

  Demytria chuckled. “You realize that Star is the same age and judging by what we saw today, likely Bonding not all that long after you. Besides, he’s your brother Reyana, are you really worried he will disrespect her? I just find it humorous. If you can’t tell he’s as shocked by his reactions to her as all of us are.”

  “She’s right, Reya,” Marcus added as he and Kato moved the chaise lounge. “I’ve never seen your brother so much as notice another female. I honestly wondered if he had the capacity. Apparently not even he believed he did.”

  “I know, I just…I always felt that girl had it rough. I suppose I feel protective of her.”

  “Well, seeing as it appears they are bonding, that is probably best considering she may be your Fae in law soon.” Cymeryn teased, moving one of the chairs. “I know why you worry over her age b
ut remember Rey, once she is Fae she has the same status as the rest of us. Personally, I think they are well suited for one another. They certainly keep each other in check.”

  “Thank you for your assistance, Kato, though it was unnecessary.” Marcus clasped him on the shoulder. “And I had already planned on keeping an eye on them. With Mythos traveling between realms it should mitigate the issues for now.”

  “Of course, my lord.” He and Demytria bowed.

  “I’ll stop by later and see how you are, Reyana. I know how stir crazy you used to get,” Demytria offered.

  Once they were gone Cymeryn handed her a glass of water and lay beside her watching her drink it. “That was…interesting.”

  Marcus laughed. “We will have to discuss what is needed of your positions later, Cymeryn. I had a feeling he was going to ambush you as well.”

  “As well?” Cymeryn raised a brow.

  “He made Marcus Praetor immediately after my awakening when he all but presented me as his mate,” Reyana smirked. “He’s right. It’s my brother’s way of keeping you close, but it’s also his way of showing he has faith in you and wants to keep you in the fold. I think he’s afraid you will both go rogue and steal me away.”

  “No matter, but enough talk of formalities and appointments. I have duties to attend to.” He leaned over kissing her softly, “And I mean to ensure you are thoroughly tired out so you rest in our absence.”

  Marcus leaned against the window seat watching them as Cymeryn pulled back the sheets and unwrapped her dress, running his hands over her seductively. His hunger got the best of him and he tore the sheathing open as she gasped to his satisfaction. It had been so long since he had needed to embody control, to wait to fill his needs as he had this morn that his craving for her was brimming over.

  Her body arched as he nipped and suckled at her breast biting the tight nub to invoke the pain he knew she enjoyed, the pain he enjoyed granting her. Pulling back to disrobe he smiled as her eyes raked over him, her desire as evident as his own. He dropped down to her core not giving her time to react and latched on as he gripped her hips firmly, allowing her to squirm only slightly as he drove her. Her hands speared into his hair as he took her over drinking deeply from her cup. He drew out her release before surging up and thrusting deeply into her as she moaned loudly, her nails cutting into his skin, driving him.

  Cymeryn took her mouth roughly gripping her throat, sensing what she wanted. She enjoyed this, how he controlled her, owned her in this way. He always knew when that was what she needed, what she craved. He pulled her up by the neck, leaning back as he worked her body on his sex denying her the speed and roughness she desired while he taunted her.

  “Tell me, Rey. Tell me what you want,” he breathed as he bit her lip sucking it in as her essence ran into his mouth.

  She moaned, “Harder Cymeryn, please.”

  He grabbed her by the throat and took her to the bed as he slammed deeply into her. “Like this Rey? Is this what you want?” He groaned restraining himself.

  “Yes, please god, Cymeryn.”

  Quickening his rhythm he took her close to the edge, holding her there as she moaned out, “Oh god, please.”

  He felt her core shiver, driving her harder until his release rocked through him filing her cup and she flowed over him. Kissing her softly as he slowed and softened his thrusts he worked her through her release. As he drew back Marcus knelt beside them pulling her up into a deep, passionate kiss.

  Cymeryn watched his hands run over her body. They had agreed to take turns putting her through her paces until they were sure she was both sated and exhausted. They needed to be sure she rested. Both of them had duties they needed to attend to and simply leaving her with her guards was obviously not an option. Even with tiring her out they would need to keep a constant awareness of her to ensure one of them was able to attend to her if she became restless. Cymeryn grinned devilishly as he watched her body arc off the bed. If this was what it took to keep her at bed rest, well that was just delicious.

  Chapter 16

  “Do you feel you would prefer to work through the Basic Studies on your own, or would you like to join one of the classes with the other unawakened?” Grifyn asked. “It might be good for you to get to know some of your peers.”

  He stood in her doorway as she leaned against the desk by her bed. The quarters were very similar to Byryn’s or Star’s, but they had yet to have a personal touch added. They reminded him of the rooms at the Academy when you first entered, basic and sterile. The only evidence somefae stayed here were the few clothes that hung in the open closet and the fact that the bed had been slept in. He would need to find some way to help her feel more at home.

  “On my own is fine for now. I work faster that way,” she shrugged avoiding his gaze.

  It was obvious she was uncomfortable with their exchange but it could not be helped. These were things they needed to sort through together. He would not presume to make the decisions for her and she did not know all that needed to be addressed. He wished he knew how to bridge the gap between them.

  “Alright, I think you should be able to test out of most of the Basics based on your experience. I’ll have the materials brought by so you can look at them. If you let me know what you wish to test on I’ll arrange it. Our studies work a bit differently than the schools you’re used to because you progress through them at your own speed. As you were less than two years from graduating the concepts should be easy to grasp, but if you need help please ask. Likely you will be down to physical and defensive tactics, governmental workings and history very soon,” he explained. “I doubt there will be much more aside from those programs that you will need to focus into further.”

  “Ok. What else do I need to know?” She asked looking him over with those intense eyes of hers. In many ways it reminded him of the King’s gaze. As if she were constantly, carefully measuring everyfae and everything around her. Mythos had trained heavily with Cerulyion and the Commander had always instilled such a level of awareness in his students and his line. It was odd to recognize it in her so easily.

  “There are a few things we should discuss…” Grifyn gathered his thoughts not sure how she would handle everything he was about to say. He assumed mostly it wouldn’t be well, but she was his ward and it was his responsibility to address it with her. All of it. He already felt he had failed her once. He wouldn’t allow it to happen again.

  “First, above all we want you to feel at home here. You have free reign of the Palace grounds and if you’re up to it later I would like to show you around so you can find anything you need. The compound is rather large. At the same time, Steph, whether you understand this or not you are a member of the Lucerna Lines and very closely associated with both the Queen and the Princess. You don’t currently have the means to defend yourself in this world. Aside from this, if any knew of your origins, and they will simply by the virtue of your name, you could become a target. There is a reason your entire line was wiped out. The Shade feared your line greatly. They weren’t willing to risk retribution at the hands of future generations. Because of all this we’re going to assign you a guard detail.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” she scoffed crossing her arms as she regarded him harshly.

  “No you don’t, and that’s not their purpose. In fact, you’re of the Lucerna Lines and your family is something of a legend. Your guards would technically have to follow your orders provided they do not contradict with those of the Kings’, the Queen’s, my own, and Byryn’s as he’s head of the Personal Guard. They are there solely for your protection, Steph. They will be unobtrusive, unless you choose to seek company from them. Star’s actually fairly fond of her Personal Guard, especially Byryn,” he chuckled trying to make Light of the issue but it didn’t even crack her hard exterior.

  Instead she rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess I don’t really have an option so it’s fine.”

  “Give it a chance and after a few days we will discuss
it and address your concerns,” he offered. He was completely unsure how to handle this girl. She was defensive and abrasive always. Well at least when she wasn’t around Mythos. “Steph, I know that this is all unusual for you but I hope in time you come to feel more at ease here. I know you don’t know me, or any of us aside from Star for that matter, but we’re your family and that means quite a lot more here than you’re used to. If you need anything, anything at all, please just ask. We don’t have phones here, we generally communicate the need to discuss things with one another mentally. Until you have that ability you can ask any of the guards to call any of us and we’ll come to where you are. Do you know all of our names?”

  She glared at him in annoyance and her tone became condescending. “Yeah. You’re Grifyn, that guy who sensed me last night is Kato and his wife is Demytria…”

  “Mate,” he corrected. “Many here may not know what the term wife means.”

  “Fine, mate,” she grated out. “She’s your sister too, right?”

  “Yes,” he smiled. She barely talked to them, but she knew predominantly who they were. She would learn quickly.

  “I know all three Kings and the Queen, Byryn, Star, your mate is Trina and the kid is Kylion.”

  “Correct. Byryn said he’d come find you for training and introduce you to your guards. Lunch is on your terms. You have only to ask and it will be brought to you, but I would like it if you joined us for meal this eve. We try to come together for meals in the morn and the eve.”

  Grifyn hesitated a moment. He felt an intense need to protect her, to guide her until she understood their world. Mythos was overstepping his bounds and apparently not thinking clearly. She needed to understand that what was happening between them was improper, that it would place such undue pressure upon her. “Would you sit, Steph? There is something of a more…personal nature I wish to discuss with you.”


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