Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4)

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Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4) Page 19

by Jaime Marks

  She met his eyes and nodded. “I’d prefer that actually.”

  “Good. I believe I have a theory, but I would like to know what you felt and experienced first.”

  “It’s hard to describe. You had said about testing my limits and I knew Byryn was trying to push me so I let loose. I was in control, completely, until I listened to you, Cymeryn.”

  She kept his gaze. She was studying him, sensing him. It was interesting how quickly she was progressing. “Which part, Steph?”

  “When you told me to feel his movements. I don’t know. When I just sit and try to focus, I can’t. It’s really hard but when we were fighting? Everything was focused and I was able to reach out my essence more on instinct really. I could feel everything…flowing I guess.” She made a face as she searched for words to describe something that was beyond the realm of acceptance for her just a short while ago. “The harder Byryn pushed me the more I relied on instinct. I, I got lost in it. In the end it was just a series of thoughtless reactions. It was almost as if I knew what he was going to do before he did it and knew exactly how to block and react to it.”

  “It was like we were fighting in a pool of her essence. Anytime I thought I might be able to overpower her it became suffocating and distracting,” Byryn interjected. “She probably did know what I was going to do before I did it because it was like she was connected to me, sensing me the entire time we were enveloped in it.”

  Cymeryn exchanged glances with Marcus, Kato and Grifyn. They easily recognized the technique she had utilized. It was a difficult talent to master but she had utilized it with a skill that suggested it was second nature and a prowess very few had ever exhibited. “Steph, has anyone ever trained you? Taught you how to fight before?”

  “I took a couple self-defense courses,” she shrugged. “They lasted over a couple weekends, but that’s it really.”

  “What type of self-defense courses?” Kato requested.

  She fidgeted, suddenly uncomfortable but Byryn interjected. “They were just basic defense courses they offer at school. Breaking holds, eluding attacks, pressure points to use to disable an attack so you can get away. Nothing that would account for today. We discussed them earlier before her training.”

  He was lying. Cymeryn was well versed in the art of reading lies from truth. Byryn had the same tells as Trevyn did. Steph glanced to up to him a moment but just looked away. Cymeryn measured Staryana. She was looking between them both with a curious stare. Her lip was pursed, her brow slightly raised in the way her Mother’s did when she was considering some mystery. Byryn was protecting Steph and she was allowing it, something not even Staryana could reason why. It was no matter, but Byryn had made it known he had no use for secrets and even as unawakened Shade the boy had never had much use for lies. He’d always preferred distraction to lying when possible. There would either have to be a good reason for it, or somefae had tasked him with protecting her secret.

  “What is your theory, Cymeryn? How is it she can do these things?” Kato implored.

  “There is only one answer really. She has access to the ancestral knowledge of her line. She was fighting using the Luxyndi forms. She responded only to Luxyn commands and used Luxyn techniques. Cerulyion himself perfected the use of essence to enhance the battle arts as she applied it,” Cymeryn explained. “If you watch her as she interacts with us there are times that her eyes flash gold and it is suddenly as if she knows things she should not.”

  “But, I’ve never been able to fight like that before. Believe me if I had skills like that they could’ve come in useful once or twice.” She trailed off seemingly lost in memory. “And I’m not really sure how I know the things I do.”

  “Up until we made contact with you Steph, your abilities were none aside from the ability to sense and see slightly beyond human capabilities. You had excellent instincts, but nothing more. I believe this was by design. You were hidden from our world and I would venture to guess if no one, Fae or Shade, had ever interacted with you, you would have continued as merely human. On the other hand, the more essence that seems to interact with you the more your instincts appear to sharpen and your abilities emerge. I believe this is especially true when you interact with Dark essence. You did not begin to sense essence as easily until we encountered Alayne at the safehold. Coming here, interacting with the Gray and all the Fae herein probably has you on overload. It is all designed for your survival, the survival of your very line.” Cymeryn studied her, she seemed tired. “Does it drain you, Steph?”

  “This whole world drains me,” she grumbled looking thoroughly defeated.

  “Hey, Steph?” Staryana interrupted as she walked over to the lounge and sat on the table in front of her. “Let’s get out of here awhile. Just you, me, and Byryn. Let’s just get out of the castle and go for a walk.”

  She barely looked at her but shrugged, “Yeah sure, whatever you want Star.”

  “Byryn, why don’t you get lunch and we’ll got down to our fort and have a picnic.” She met his eyes and something passed between them.

  He nodded with a soft smile, “I’ll have Haylia meet us out front with it, Brightness.”

  “Now, don’t the rest of you have a Kingdom to run?” She smiled reassuringly at them with a wink.

  Marcus gave her a warm smile as he went over embracing her a moment, “You got it, Starshine. You know how to reach Cymeryn and I if you need us.” He kissed her head. “Whose turn is it to entertain the Queen, my brother? She is on the verge of taking off on us.”

  Cymeryn reached out sensing her and met his twin with a devilish grin. “Go, Marcus. I will join you both in a moment. She is in a mood indeed.” He rose and gave Staryana a quick hug keeping his voice low. “If you have any issues, Staryana, call me immediately that I might aide you.”

  “I will Cymeryn,” she smiled warmly. “I promise we won’t be gone long.”

  Gryfin studied Steph with concern. “Steph, you’re right, we do need to talk, but only when you’re feeling up to it. I believe I’ve pushed you hard enough and for that I apologize. Whenever you’re ready, I’m available to you. Just have somefae call for me.”

  Steph studied him a moment and nodded but remained silent as she turned away. She was afraid of what was happening to her, but she would not admit it. She viewed her fear as weakness and despite her defensive nature Cymeryn realized she actually cared what they thought of her.

  “Before you leave Steph, I would like a word in private, if you would not mind.”

  She looked up at him in exasperation, but nodded. He knew he had already gained her trust and she needed somefae right now who understood how she was feeling. Or at least somefae who could ease her and Mythos was not available. Grifyn gave him a stern look, but he was just being protective of the girl and Cymeryn bowed his head to him in deference. The fragile trust they had gained was not something he wished to tarnish.

  “I want to change into boots anyway,” Staryana offered. “We’ll meet you out in the hall.”

  “Actually, Brightness, I’m gonna to check on Kylion quick. I’ll meet you both out front with the basket.” He kissed her chastely as they walked out together.

  “Be well, my lady.” Kato bowed to her and then Cymeryn. “I am going to catch up with Demytria and see if I cannot rearrange her shift. I want to visit the Order and she had expressed wanting to visit our quarters in the Kingdom of Light.”

  Cymeryn nodded, “Take the time you need. I will see that both your duties are covered until the raid tomorrow.”

  “Indeed?” Kato smiled devilishly. “In that case I will see you all in the morn.”

  Cymeryn chuckled, knowing exactly what was on the Fae’s mind. He waited until he and Grifyn had left before turning to regard the girl.

  “Steph, I know where your mind is, how confused and afraid of losing yourself you are. It is not something to be ashamed of. Anyfae in your position would feel the same.” He sighed sensing how she had closed herself off when she looked at him.
  “When I was first taken from this world, there were a lot of changes that were happening to me that I could not possibly comprehend and I was too proud and fearful of judgment to ask for help. I allowed it to overtake me and it cost me greatly for a very long time. Coming back, however was just as confusing and disorienting. The difference was, instead of being afraid and ashamed of what was occurring I took a chance and confided in my brother and Reyana. If I had not opened that door, or even if you had not, perhaps been present at the crossroads, there is no doubt in my mind I would be lost to the Shade still.”

  “Me? What the hell did I do besides ask annoying questions and hide in the corner?” She scoffed.

  He smiled to see her usual attitude return. It was far better than the isolated protective shell she had withdrawn to. “I was unaware of how quickly the changes were occurring for one and you pointed them out. Also if Alayne had not been distracted by your presence he very certainly would have detected that something was off with me. He is too clever not to.”

  She sighed, “So you’re trying to get me to see that I was supposed to be with you yesterday. That I belong here even if I can’t see the reasons myself. Like Grifyn said to you this morning.”

  “Perceptive as always,” he smiled. “I also want you to see however, that it is better to ask for help with these changes than to hide how you are felling about them within yourself. If I had been honest so many years ago, perhaps our lives would all have been much easier but I made my choices and I cannot change them. I can however, offer you the lesson that I learned and hope that you will make better choices than I have made.”

  “I’m just not used to losing control like that.” Steph conceded as she met his eyes. “It was like I could see and feel everything that was going on, but I had absolutely no control of what I was doing. It’s not something I want to repeat and I feel like it’s inevitable.”

  “I believe that is simply due to lack of training and knowledge, Steph. I am going to talk to the others. I would like to take over your training. I want to shift away from the defensive tactics you are learning to something that will grant you focus and balance. It will be much slower paced at first, but I believe it will also grant you the control you are lacking.”

  He was going to train her in the ways of the Luxyn Warriors. She already had the knowledge locked deeply inside her. They just needed to bring it to the forefront of her mind so she could use it without giving up control to her subconscious self.

  “Ok,” she nodded. “I’ll try to be open about what’s going on with me. I can’t promise I always will be, but I’ll try. And I’ll gladly train with you, Cymeryn. I don’t know why but I trust you more than most of the others. Maybe it’s because my Father did.”

  He laughed, “And that is a very rare and odd occurrence indeed.”

  She shrugged with a slight grin. “I’m a rare and odd occurrence.”

  “A most welcome one.” He smiled warmly.

  She stared off into the distance a moment and he got the sense she was considering something. “Cymeryn, do you know what the word Caria means?”

  He studied her in shock. “Wherever have you heard that?”

  Her skin flushed soft pink a moment and she pointedly avoided his eyes. “Um, in the hall when Byryn was showing me around a bit. I just wasn’t sure of the language. I was wondering if maybe the Fae had their own language.”

  Cymeryn chuckled, “I highly doubt that is how you heard it but I will allow you your dignity.”

  He watched as she blushed even more deeply. It was clear where she had heard it, there were only so many who would even know its meaning. Cymeryn was just taken aback by what it meant. He had anticipated it just not quite so soon.

  “It is a word from the Sacred Language of the Fae. It is a virtually dead language amongst our people, but as it is used in some of our most important rituals, the highest ranking members in the Lines of Lucerna and the Order are taught it from a young age.” He studied her as she met his eyes more out of curiosity than comfort. “The words are difficult to give accurate translation in the modern languages, but Caria most closely means my heart, my love, my soul. It is the most devout declaration of love made to be witnessed in the eyes of the Divine and if somefae has spoken it to you, it means they are telling you that they are eternally yours and accept you as eternally theirs.”

  She glanced away quickly realizing she had all but revealed herself, but not before he saw the red flushing to her cheeks and felt her essence surge to the surface. He perhaps should not have given her its full meaning, but she needed to feel Mythos right now. She desperately needed the comfort that the King so obviously brought her or he doubted she would have even asked what the word meant.

  “It is alright Steph, I have no issue with your relation with the King. I know there is no other who will respect and honor you more so and I find you are well suited for one another. No Fae understands more than I the need for the secrecy, just do not make the mistakes I and Reyana have made. Hold onto the love you share, it can only serve to strengthen you both. Now, come on. I believe you have a picnic to enjoy.” He stood and offered her a hand.

  “Thank you, Cymeryn,” she whispered taking his hand without hesitation.

  “It is what family does my dear, they are there for one another. It is something you will learn in time. Something we both will, hmm?”

  Chapter 18

  Kyle plopped down on Steph’s couch glancing around the mess they’d left of her things. They were trying to find some clue to tell them what happened to her. She hadn’t come home last night while they were gone and she wasn’t at school. The last time anyone had seen her as best as he could tell was when Alayne had paid her a visit. That didn’t exactly bode well for her future.

  He picked up the birth certificate with her name. “How the hell could we have missed this? I mean, we’ve been watching her. You’ve fucked her. She’s never even begun to hint at this sort of power.” It was definitely something he should have sensed in her even if she was masked. They knew she was Fae but Cerulyion?

  “I don’t know but your Grandfather was the last to see her. Do you think he took her?”

  “No.” Kyle shook his head trying to think of an explanation that would make sense without telling John more than he was allowed. If they had Steph they wouldn’t need him to try to reach Star. She was her best friend. They’d just leverage Steph against her. “If he had her Syneous would’ve interrogated me about why I was here to make sure I wasn’t hiding things again.”

  “True.” John sighed, “When are we supposed to meet with him anyway?”

  “I can summon him now if you want to get it over with.”

  “No, let’s wait first. I don’t want to risk exposing her if she hasn’t been already,” John mused folding up her birth certificate and putting it in his wallet. “No one can know who she really is. The Kyndra will hunt her down and I don’t want to have to face off with those sick fuckers.”

  “They’re dead,” Kyle replied. “Apparently Cymeryn went rogue and killed them. Syneous was livid when I met him last night.”

  John’s brow arced. “Then the Warrior Line is without leadership. Cymeryn, Trevyn, all of them are gone aside from Crytos. Hell, even the Brood is without leadership.”

  “Not quite.” They turned as a Shade took form between them readying themselves. He measured them both as Kyle sensed him. Brood. “I am Michael a Trevyn, Commander of the Brood. You Priests have been sticking your noses in where it doesn’t belong.”

  Kyle rose cautiously. “You’re trying to regain your brother. He took something I want.”

  “I know,” Michael smirked. “You want his whore.”

  Grinding his teeth he nodded. The way they all kept referring to Star was starting to piss him off but he couldn’t tip his hand.

  “Interesting, but then I suppose our tasks are aligned seeing as how your Grandfather has tasked us to bring him Byryn, his bitch and the girl that resides here. I guess
he’s tasked you with the same.”

  “What does he want with Steph anyway? She’s just a human,” John prompted evading the question. “She’s my slave but she went missing yesterday. We were getting ready to track her.”

  Michael shrugged, “She’s in the Realm of Balance. He wants to know why they protect her. As long as the High Priest finds she’s of no value to him he’s promised her as payment to us.”

  John’s eyes narrowed but Kyle could see the calculation. “He’ll find nothing in her other than the fact that she’s Star’s best friend. They’re protecting her to keep her from being used as leverage against Byryn’s slut. What if I make this easier on you? I’ll take on the brunt of this task and retrieve Star and Steph. Byryn will follow. I know he took two of your brothers and one of your sisters with him. Tell me want you want in exchange for the girl and I’ll make it happen.”

  Michael smirked, “What makes you think I’ll trust you so easily?”

  “You know Byryn has too much sway over your brothers and he’s too smart to risk leading a raid on the group homes himself. If you send anyone in after him you risk losing them. I, on the other hand, hate your brother and I’d love to see him suffer at Alayne’s hand. There’s nothing he can say or do to convert me and Kyle wants Star. We’re not susceptible to his manipulations. Unlike the rest of you, we can offer ourselves up to defect and reclaim them once we’re inside.”

  Kyle wanted to scream. This was dangerous. The Brood hated the Priests. There was no way in hell they’d get out of this free and clear, not to mention Alayne was gonna lose it if he found out they’d even tried to make a deal with them.

  John crossed his arms studying Michael. “I know the Brood Elders have a thing for Felycia and I know they aren’t gonna just bow down and kiss your ass, Michael. I’ll make you a deal. I bring you Felycia, you let me keep Steph. It’ll give you leverage.”


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