Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4)

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Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4) Page 21

by Jaime Marks

  It was indeed far quieter than it had been in their youth. The Palace and its grounds housed over a hundred manors and suites the once were filled with Fae, now they were lucky if twenty of the homes were currently occupied and utilized more than one or two suites a piece. Evidence of the hardships of war, Kato supposed. The Palace itself only housed the King, his servants and his Personal Guard. The Royal Guard, who saw to the safety of the Palace grounds had their own barracks that also provided homes for their families if need be.

  No wonder the King was so restless and reserved. What interaction had he really had these past few years? He had been all but remanded to the Palace of Light, unable to even walk its grounds most days. Watching the life around him fade had to have been impossible to bear and he had all but done so alone. It was true he could have chosen a mate years ago, but Mythos had always insisted he would wait until he bonded, that he would only bind himself to one he loved. Kato truly hoped that Steph was the one who would unchain the King’s heart. The isolation was not good for him.

  They had always assumed they would be returning to the Palace of Light once Reyana awakened. None of them had foreseen the Realm of Balance or the truth of her calling. Their absence had not been meant to be long term, but now it was clear that it would indeed be nearly permanent. Marcus was Praetor, but he was also Crowned King of the Light Throne of Balance. It required his consistent presence in the Realm of Balance. In truth now he could easily mist back and forth, but he would still predominantly live in the Palace Lunya, likewise with Cymeryn, though none of them had anticipated his return or current status. Grifyn was Second in Line to the Guardians and belonged at the Praetor’s side. Aside from that was the fact that Byryn and Kylion lived in the Realm of Balance, he would not easily be persuaded to leave them. With Kato having accepted the appointment to High Councilman and the Council moving to the Kingdom of Balance it was prudent that he remain there as well.

  None of them had considered the King in all this. He had an obligation to remain herein. There was no other option. He could make short excursions but the bulk of his duties lie herein and he could not afford to remain absent from the throne for long.

  “I will see you for meal, Kato. I have much to attend to in the meantime. My recent visit was unplanned and there were requests that went unanswered and disputes that remain pending due to my absence,” Mythos explained as they reached the gate to the Palace itself.

  “If you need assistance your majesty, I have the time to afford mine,” Kato offered.

  “No, my friend, go see to your mate. You are both in need of some time away. Cymeryn offered it wisely. Enjoy it.” Mythos smiled and clasped his forearm before misting through the gates with his Guards at his side.

  Kato watched him walk up the stairs to the Palace. They needed to find a way to assist the King more readily. The Lines of Lucerna were meant to assist in running the Kingdoms. Yes the security of the Realm of Balance benefitted them in many ways, but it hurt their ability to communicate and it was severely isolating the King. There had to be a better way.

  Chapter 19

  “Feeling any better, sprite?” Byryn asked with a smug smile.

  “Better enough that if you call me sprite again we’re gonna finish what we started earlier,” Steph snapped but there was a playful glint in her eyes.

  Star rolled her eyes. “I think I liked it better when you two didn’t talk to each other, it was a lot more relaxing.” She teased shoving them both.

  Byryn chuckled, “She wouldn’t know what to do if I was nice to her all the time.”

  “Any more than you would know what to do if I sat back and took the crap you spew,” she shot back with a laugh.

  “Well at least you seem to be back to your usual abrasive self.”

  Star shook her head studying Steph. She was probably the best friend she had ever had but there was a time when she was concerned they wouldn’t be able to remain friends, a time when Steph had wanted to pursue something more and Star hadn’t. It was bothering her.

  “Steph, I probably shouldn’t ask this, but well, considering certain…conversations we’ve had in the past, I feel like I need to. What’s going on with you and my uncle?”

  Steph blushed a moment and Star had to bite her tongue to refrain from laughing. Aside from since she had met Uncle Mythos, Star had never seen her blush. Byryn remained oddly quiet. He knew something, didn’t he? The sneak. That’s alright, she had ways of extracting information from him. She smiled sinfully and he shot her a devilish grin obviously reading her thoughts.

  “I know what you’re referring to Star and I’ve actually been thinking about that a lot since I ran into Cymeryn outside the school. I felt the same type of connection to him that I do to you. It kind of freaked me out a bit in all honesty.”

  Steph walked over to a rock and sat down facing Star as she sat on the ground so they could talk. Byryn just leaned against a tree behind her watching the area around them like he often did when they were off Palace grounds.

  “You have to remember, I never felt any kind of connection to my Grandmother and I only vaguely remember my parents, but I don’t remember feeling anything like this with them either. When Cymeryn brought me here, standing in those woods listening to him argue with the others, I felt Grifyn, Kato, Marcus and hell even Byryn which was just odd. I just about went on sensation overload. It was like I felt a connection to every single one of them and it was the same as what I feel towards you. When I had time to reason it out and then we found out about my lineage it made more sense. I guess it’s because in a large way you guys are my...well we’re um…”

  “We’re your family, Steph,” Byryn finished for her. “I’ll remind you even if you can’t say it yet.”

  “Yeah well, that,” she sighed.

  “And what about my uncle? What about the connection you feel to him?” Star studied her closely. She really needed to understand what was going on with them.

  “That’s different.” She blushed again with a sigh, but it wasn’t out of exasperation; it was out of contentment. It almost seemed like she relaxed just thinking about him. “Mythos makes me feel complete in a way I can’t really explain. He makes my heart skip a beat and calms everything inside of me all at the same time. I know it’s crazy and I know I’ve only known him a day, if that, but he means a lot to me, Star. I hope that it doesn’t make you uncomfortable because as much as I don’t want to hurt you or cause any shit for you, I don’t think I could stay away from him even if I tried at this point.”

  Star reached out her hand and Byryn was by her side in an instant. “It’s not crazy. I’m pretty sure I know exactly how you feel.” He knelt down and kissed her head letting her rest back against him. “I won’t deny it’s a little weird for me, but if you really care for him, I’m cool with it. I was just worried because I didn’t really think…I mean I’ve never seen you…shit…” She had no idea how to say what she was thinking.

  Steph laughed, “Yeah well let’s just be glad that things never went anywhere with us considering where we’re at now because that would make things really awkward.”

  Byryn froze beside her looking between the two of them, his eyes about bulged out of his head. “Wait a minute. You two...Wow, that explains so much.”

  “Don’t go getting all excited Byryn, nothing much happened,” Star shrugged.

  “Much?” He smirked wickedly, his Darker temptations obviously coming out. “That requires explanation, Brightness.”

  Steph laughed, “Relax Byryn, your mate’s honor is still completely intact unless you tarnished it yourself. It was just one kiss.” She shrugged nonchalantly.

  Star turned beat red and kicked Steph in the shin.

  “Ow! Damn it.”

  “A kiss, hmmm Brightness?” Byryn teased. “At least now I know why Steph always monopolized your time so much and intentionally blocked me from any possible advance.”

  “And why is that Byryn?” Steph asked curiously.

kept his eyes on Star. “Because if she kissed you even remotely how she kisses me you wouldn’t have been able to bear the idea of anyone else tasting these lips.” He leaned over kissing her passionately a moment before slowly pulling away.

  “It was just a few pecks,” Steph shrugged. “Enough for her to know that she didn’t feel anything. And while I won’t deny your lips are soft and sweet, Star. I didn’t really feel a spark either. I just blocked you because I didn’t really trust you with her, Byryn.”

  She turned bright red again and they both laughed.

  “A few pecks hmm, Brightness? I think we’ll talk about this tonight when I can pay the issue proper attention.” He leaned into her ear and bit and sucked at it a moment, “That blush that’s spreading over your body is sinfully alluring, Staryana.”

  “That’s what she gets for snickering every time I blushed today,” Steph laughed. “Pay backs and all.”

  “Oh, just wait Steph. I owe you for this one,” she shot back. “Two can play this game and I’m more than patient enough to do so.”

  “I figured, but it’s not like you wouldn’t have told him anyway. I’m not stupid Star. I see how the two of you are together. It obvious how you feel about each other or I would have probably skinned him alive by now.” She smirked, “I kind of knew it that day in the hall. It was pretty damn obvious the two of you were completely lost to each other. With the way you two so skillfully avoided but ate each other up with your eyes all the damned time I was surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.”

  Star glanced at Byryn as he chuckled. It was good to see her kidding around and smiling again. She’d been more defensive than anything. Well, with everyone aside from her Uncle Mythos. “Yeah well, whatever. Let’s just keep it between us, I don’t want Mom and my…”

  “What is it you do not wish us to know, Staryana?” They jumped a mile as Cymeryn appeared out of nowhere and gave her a sly smile. “Forgive me, I did not mean to startle you. I had some free time and I thought I would see how you were doing Steph, and perhaps steal Staryana away for a lesson.”

  “I’m doing a lot better actually,” Steph smiled. “Thanks, Cymeryn.”

  He bowed with a warm smile. “Good. Would you prefer Byryn join us, Staryana? I can mist us all back to the plateau. It would just require two trips.”

  She gave Byryn a kiss and he pulled her in tightly knowing that she intended to do this on her own. “No, I think I’m alright Cymeryn. Provided you two promise to get along.”

  “That’s entirely up to her,” Byryn laughed as he kissed her head.

  “Ehhh, I guess I can refrain from kicking his ass for a while.” Steph shrugged nonchalantly, but she gave her a wink.

  “You’re sure you want to do this on your own, Brightness? You know I would walk to the ends of the realms for you.” He brushed the hair out of her face.

  “I know Byryn, but as much as I know you will protect me, that you all will. I need to know that I can do this myself. I’ll be alright. I love you, baby.” She kissed him again before pulling away. “I’m ready, Cymeryn.”

  “The two of you should make your way back to the Palace, regardless,” Cymeryn reminded. “I walked through the unawakened corridors before I came down. The Shade were getting restless but it is amazing how well they fall in line with my presence,” He smirked.

  Byryn grinned, “I couldn’t imagine why. We’ll head back now.”

  Cymeryn bowed to Steph and then took her hand misting them to the castle.

  Byryn studied the odd expression on Steph’s face. “What’s up?”

  “Cymeryn’s King, right?” She asked in confusion.

  “Yeah, the Crowned King of the Night Throne of Balance. He rules here in the Palace now,” he replied with a shrug not really sure where her mind was. He knew she already knew that and it was probably easier for her to accept than it was for the rest of them. She’d never met him as Shade.

  “So why the hell did he just bow to me? Twice?”

  He laughed, “I’d get used to it if I were you. You’re basically being courted by the King of the Fae, Steph. You do realize that all but makes you royalty, right?” She grew quiet and he looked her over. “Or maybe you didn’t.”

  “No, I know that’s what it means.” She sighed. “I just don’t know if I have a right to be.”

  He took her by the arms, guiding her to sit back on the stones as he sat in front of her. “That doesn’t sound like you, sprite. No offense but you’re not exactly humble.”

  She shot him a nasty look but didn’t comment. She just looked at the ground and he gave her the time she needed.

  “Why did you answer Kato earlier? When he asked about the self-defense courses that I took?” She met him in the eyes.

  “Because it was obvious that you didn’t want to.” He shrugged, “and there are some things you shouldn’t have to answer or talk about if you don’t want to.”

  “And what exactly is it that you think I shouldn’t have to talk about?” She studied him shrewdly.

  He sighed and looked around the woods locating where the Guardians were and gave the signal for them to fall back. There was no reason for them to hear this. He crossed his legs and met her eyes. “Are you really sure you want to do this? Because I saw you the night I kicked every one of their asses. I know how you looked at them, and what you had on you. I also know how they looked at you. I’m not a stranger to violence and fear, Steph. You’re right, I was an ass. I’ve done some horrible things and I tend to recognize it when I see it.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut and a tear ran down her face. He sensed her and could feel the pain that wrapped around her.

  “We don’t have to do this. If you’re not ready to talk about it, we don’t have to.” He wanted to reach out and embrace her but he knew that she wouldn’t allow it. He was surprised she hadn’t knocked his hands away before or that she even wanted to discuss this with him at all, but then seeing as she probably realized he already knew, maybe he was the only one she would talk to about it.

  “I don’t even know what happened, Byryn. We were dancing one minute and the next…” she shook her head. “I wasn’t even drinking.”

  “They probably drugged you, slipped something into whatever you were drinking or eating.” He sighed, “You may be unawakened Fae, but drugs still work they just don’t work as well or as long.”

  “But why couldn’t I fight back? All these instincts, all the strength I felt today…Why couldn’t I use it then?”

  Sobs wracked through her and Byryn knelt gently pulling her to him. He half expected to get hit, but she let him. As he rubbed her back, gently comforting her he wished Mythos were here to ease her pain. He hated that this still hurt her so badly and worse that it was causing her to doubt herself now. “You didn’t know what you were then, Steph. You had no idea you had that in you and I’m guessing you didn’t have time to react by the time you were aware of what was going on.”

  It wasn’t just what they did to her that had left her scarred. It was the fact that they had taken away her ability to fight back. She had the pride of a warrior. The fact that she felt she was too weak to defend herself against them had cut her even more than any loss of innocence they could’ve inflicted. He wished he could go back and kill every one of them, but it wasn’t within his rights. It happened long before she came here, long before she would have even been considered his blood and they were human. The Fae protected humanity, guided them. It went against the covenants to bring them undue harm. Though he seriously debated the entire undue part in this case.

  “It doesn’t make you weak, sprite. In a fair fight? You could’ve kicked all their asses easily. They drugged you, it wasn’t your fault.” He pulled her to her feet. “You need to stop blaming yourself for what they did to you.”

  She started trying to regain her composure, breathing deep and slow. “It doesn’t change how it feels, Byryn. It doesn’t change the fact that I feel weak or that they…that I’m not…”

; “Steph, stop it,” he nearly snapped. “Were you in the same fight as I was today? Because the last thing I or anyone who witnessed it would call you is weak. You seriously blocked every one of my hits and landed a few of your own. I’ve got to seriously up my own training just so I can keep up with you and I should be miles ahead of you. I mean come on, I can’t let you surpass me and actually be able to kick my ass now can I?”

  She laughed a moment at that, which was a relief in a respect. He could sense how badly this tormented her, and he was guessing that she hadn’t told Mythos on purpose. Something had obviously happened that had allowed him to see her mind if he had asked what they looked like.

  “Come on, let’s get you back to the Palace and I’ll show you how Marcus deals with stress. Just don’t break too many, it kind of annoys Dad.” He laughed at the odd look on her face and shrugged, “Or ya know break them all if that’s your goal.”

  “Your Dad’s alright, he’s just a pain in the ass.” Her voice was raspy from crying but she was far calmer than she had been a few moments ago. He let her go as she wiped her eyes.

  “Grifyn means well, he’s just a bit overprotective. The two of you will find your own niche eventually.” Byryn shrugged again as he gave the signal for the Guardians to move back.

  “What do you keep doing with your hands? Are there people out there?” She looked around quizzically.

  “Cymeryn’s right, you’re way too perceptive, ya know that?” He laughed. “And yeah Alaria, Aryn, and Tryxia are in the woods. Ryo was earlier but he went back to the Palace when Cymeryn left with Staryana. I had them fall back before we began talking so I’d be sure they were out of ear shot. I just signaled them that they could reposition.”

  “Ahh, I almost forgot they were there.” She looked around and he took note that she pegged each of their positions.


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