The Skulls

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The Skulls Page 4

by Sam Crescent


  Angel smiled, distracting the other woman. “I think I look like a whale. What do you think?” She gave a little twirl in the hope of breaking any tension.

  “You don’t look like a whale, and Lash is going to get a hard-on when he looks at you. You’re such a beautiful woman.”

  The rest of the day was spent shopping, and by the late afternoon, Angel was tired and wishing for a break. They ate burgers at the takeout place. The Lions took a seat across from them. Angel noticed Murphy watching Tate the whole time. Steven kept texting on his cell phone. The whole experience was tense, and by the end Angel was thankful to leave.

  During the drive home everyone was quiet. The bikes were parked on the forecourt outside the club. Tate didn’t make a move to get out of the car.

  “Are you coming in?” Angel asked.

  “No, Dad is taking me back home. Steven is going to give him a rundown of everything that happened, and then he’ll help you with your bags. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m not letting my Dad keep me away.”

  Angel nodded and turned to get out of the car. Before she left, Tate pulled her in tight for a hug.

  “I’m sorry for being a bitch. I don’t like opening up, and it can be hard at times.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You don’t need to be open with me. Take care, and I hope you’re feeling happy again soon,” Angel smiled at the other woman then made to leave.

  “You really don’t hold a grudge against anyone, do you?” Tate asked.

  “Not if I can help it.”

  “Okay, you’re really special. Lash is not the best guy in the world, but he’ll treat you right.” Tate glanced over her shoulder. “Speak of the devil.”

  Angel looked over to see Lash coming out of the building. He stopped to talk with Tiny and Steven. All the time his gaze was on her.

  Glancing down at the floor, Angel did everything she could to compose herself.

  “Good luck with him. He’s going to be a handful.”

  “Nash!” The word was shouted from Lash’s lips. His brother appeared with a smile.

  “What’s the matter? Why are you yelling?” Nash asked.

  “Help me load up Angel’s purchases. She’s going home with me tonight.”

  “What about the rules?”

  “Tiny, do you have problem with me taking Angel home?”

  “No, do what you need to do, son,” Tiny said.

  In no time at all, her bags were moved to the trunk of a car, and she was placed in the front beside Lash. No words were spoken between them. Nash waved at them before they were pulling out of the parking lot.

  “I heard what happened at the mall,” Lash said.

  “Nothing really happened. There was a standoff between Murphy and Tate, but nothing else happened. I don’t really know what went on, only that something did.”

  “Murphy hurt Tate a long time ago. The Lions are our biggest problem at the moment. They’re fighting for turf and for a chance to get into Fort Wills. Tiny’s not having any of it.”

  Angel sat beside Lash and wondered what the hell was going on between them.

  “Did you see my father today?” she asked.


  He didn’t elaborate any further.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my house.”


  Lash didn’t speak anymore on her father because they’d left the man with a black eye and a couple of bruises along his body. The bastard was playing them for fools, and Lash didn’t like it. When the call had come through from Steven, he’d been ready to kill David. The Lions were their biggest enemy, and Murphy posed a threat just as much as the whole crew, what with being in the position he was in. No one in The Skulls talked about Murphy. It was better not to.

  The Skulls lived by their code, and they didn’t let anyone break it. If they broke any of the rules then they dealt with the club and not in a good way. They were strict on several things, including the age of the girls who came in as old ladies and even as the girls they screwed with no intention of making it more. Eighteen was the limit for all women and men. They didn’t interfere in members’ relationships, and they didn’t sleep with each other’s women. If the woman in question slept with another member beforehand that was the risk guys took. Lash didn’t want any other woman that the guys had been inside.

  They never hurt children. They drank but never did drugs even though they distributed outside of town, and everything else was their own rules. The club partied hard, were rough and did whatever the hell they wanted, but they lived by their own set of rules. They were not controlled by the rules society gave them but what they gave themselves.

  The Lions, however, didn’t have a code, and Lash was repulsed by them. He didn’t even want to think about what they would do to his woman if given the chance.

  “Why are we going to your house?”

  “It’s where you’re staying tonight. We’ll go back to the club, but I needed to get out of there before I did something I would regret. Nash is staying there, so we don’t have to worry about being disturbed.”

  She was quiet, and he glanced over in her direction in time to see her frowning. He knew he was moving too fast for her, but it was something he needed to do. If he didn’t bombard her with attention, Angel would find some way to stay away from him. He wasn’t going to let that happen. They drove away from town, through the forest toward his secluded home. Lash had bought the plot two years ago and spent most of his spare time doing up the house on it. He’d always wanted something what his parents shared. Before they’d been killed his parents had given him and Nash a perfect home. Their father had been part of The Skulls, but he’d made sure they had a normal family life. Lash couldn’t recall if his mother hated the lifestyle.

  “This is your house?” Angel asked.

  “Yeah, this is my baby.” He turned the engine off and climbed out of the car.

  He went to the trunk of the car, opened it up, and started gathering the bags she’d bought.

  “I look forward to seeing you in these,” Lash said.

  He saw her blush, but she nodded.

  Lash made his way to the front door. He pulled out his key, unlocked the three locks before the door opened. Safety was a key issue for him, and he’d designed all three locks only to be open by his one key. Fort Wills was a safe place, but the club wasn’t. He could be the target for others at any time.

  Angel didn’t say anything, and for that he was thankful. He couldn’t handle lying to her right now. After the fear of learning the Lions were close to her, Lash had been ready to murder.

  The sun was setting, but it provided enough light for him to dump the packages on the table and floor and go straight for the fridge.

  “Okay, wow, did you decorate your home with someone in mind?” Angel asked, looking around her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why do you even stay in the club? This place is amazing.” She folded her arms smiling all around her.

  He’d decorated his kitchen without any expense to be spared.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  “Like it, I love it. You’ve got a keen eye, Lash.”

  It was the most she’d ever spoken, and she seemed to stop and take a breath. He hated the sight of watching her deflate.

  She took a seat and stared at her linked hands.

  “Why are you withdrawing from me?” He pulled out a beer and a bottle of orange juice. Popping the lids off the top he walked over to the table. Pushing the clothes out of the way, he handed her the orange before taking a sip of his drink.

  “What is this? I mean, up until last night I didn’t even know you knew my name, and now I’m wearing your shirt, sitting in your dining room, and I don’t understand.” She wouldn’t look at him. “And last night, you …”

  She didn’t finish. Her checks were a wonderful shade of pink from her blush. Reaching out, he stroked the pads of his fingers along her cheek.
  “Last night I touched your sweet pussy and made you come. I’ve staked my claim on you, Angel. As far as the club is concerned you’re my woman, and there’s nothing else to it. You’re mine, you’ll always be mine, and I’ll do everything in my power to protect you.”

  Angel shook her head. “No, this is not right. I’m the daughter of a guy who can’t pay you back. I was taken as payment.”

  She placed the bottle on the counter and didn’t reach out to touch it again.

  “And you’re still there as payment, Angel. Nothing has changed other than the fact the guys know to stay away.”

  Her mouth opened and then closed. “What?”

  “Your father is never going to pay back the money, baby. He’s in too deep, and we think he’s into something deeper. The longer we go without being paid, the higher the risk of you being one of the members’ plaything, rises.” The look of disgust made him feel like a pig. Angel was far too innocent. Why couldn’t he want a woman who knew how things went with him?

  “You’re telling me they’d treat me like some kind of whore?”

  “No. You’re a challenge to the men.”

  “My virginity is a challenge to them?” She let out a gross sound. “Well I’m sorry, okay. I’m sorry that my Dad had to borrow money, and I’m sorry my Mom died sending him to do it. I’ve got nothing to do with it. Why can’t you just leave me alone?” She stood up and made toward the door.

  Lash fought with himself. He should just let her go and help her get far away from The Skulls and him. She’d be safer without him being close by. Instead, he found himself getting to his feet and charging in her direction. She was stood in front of the door leading to her escape.

  He couldn’t let her go. Tiny would kill him, and the club would look down on him. He either tamed her or got rid of her. They were a club with a code, but the club would always come first, even to him.

  Slamming the door closed, he stopped her from moving. Her head rested against the door, and he felt the sobs escape her. Her shoulder shook with her tears.

  “Why can’t I just go? I’ve never done anything to any of you.” The pain in her voice was clear.

  “I can’t.”

  “I’m not used to this. I don’t watch people having sex in front of an audience. I don’t cook for a bunch of tattooed bikers. This is not me. It’s not fair.”

  He pulled her hair off her shoulder and laid a kiss to her exposed flesh. “I know, and I’m sorry.”

  She shook her head. “No, you’re not sorry. If you were sorry you’d let me go.”

  “There’s no way you’re leaving, Angel. You’re my woman. You stay by my side.”

  “I hate you. I don’t know you, but I hate you. You’re unfair, and I hate you for it.”

  Lash listened to her words and reached around to cup her breast. Her nipple hardened in his palm. He didn’t let up from his touch.

  With his other hand he pulled the vest he’d given her up over her chest until he was touching her naked tit in his palm. She filled his hand with her nipple poking against him.

  “You can hate me all you want, baby. Your body doesn’t lie, and you want me. Hate me all you want, but you’re mine. Your body is mine, and I’ll be fucking you very soon.”

  Dropping his lips against her neck Lash inhaled her subtle fragrance. Her scent was addictive, and he wanted to surround himself with her scent.

  She let out a moan, and her hands lay flat against the door. He wasn’t letting her get away.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can.” He dropped one of his hands to her jeans and flicked open the button of her jeans. She didn’t fight him. His Angel didn’t stop him when he slipped his hand inside her jeans and through her creamy slit. Her pussy was dripping wet and coated his palm with her cream.

  Their moans combined and floated away in the air. He nibbled her neck relishing the feel of her against him.

  Chapter Five

  Angel wanted to fight him, but no matter how much she tried a new wave of pleasure consumed her, stopping her from putting an end to Lash’s touch. Did she really want him to stop? Fingers stroked over her clit, and Angel was lost to anything other than the sensation he was creating.

  “You’re so slippery. Hate me, baby. I can handle the hate. I see it in the faces of people in town, but your body will always want me. I can make you feel so good. You know that, and so do I.”

  She didn’t fight him as he turned her around to face him. Her back against the door, she watched him kneel down before her. Lash removed the jeans from her body, exposing her to his gaze.

  His eyes never once left her face. He opened her thighs, and only then did his gaze wander down her body. She wanted to cover her fuller figure. Her thighs were thick, and she was sure they had a few dots of cellulite. Lash gripped her thighs, firmly. He split open her body for him to look.

  Angel stared at his head and felt his fingers open her pussy.

  “You’re going to have to get this waxed. I want my woman to be bare. I don’t want any restriction in getting to you.”

  There was no way she was going to get her pubic hair waxed. The thought alone made her feel sick. The sickness was soon replaced by his very expert tongue.

  Crying out, Angel gazed down in time to see his tongue circle her clit and then suck the whole nub into his mouth. She couldn’t breathe. Hands flat behind her, Angel did everything she could to keep herself upright.

  His hands moved from her pussy lips to grip her ass.

  “I’ll hold you steady, baby, open your lips for me. I want you to offer your pussy to me.”

  She shook her head. There was no way she’d open herself up to him. It was madness. It would be sheer madness to become vulnerable to him.

  Still, she reached down between their bodies and opened her pussy for him to devour. When it came to Lash she didn’t have any control.

  What’s wrong with me?

  “That’s it, baby. Give me what I want.”

  This tattoo-covered biker was making her lose control, and she hated it. For most of her teenage years she’d always imagined being with a guy who was like her. Who would be happy to stay out of the Fort Wills business and to have a small family and earn enough to support themselves.

  She never thought she’d be considering giving her virginity to a guy who’d probably been with hundreds of girls.

  His tongue was pure sin. She couldn’t get past how amazing it felt having his tongue on her body. He licked, nibbled, and sucked at her clit. She felt his tongue glide over her fingers before smashing against her clit.

  “Come for me, Angel.” He muttered the words against her flesh.

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  His hand tightened on her ass stopping her from arguing.

  “Come for me now, or I’ll take you over my knee and slap your ass.”

  The threat registered at the same time as his grip tightened even further on her ass. She knew there was going to be bruising. Closing her eyes Angel stopped thinking about everything that could happen and should have happened in her future. She thought about Lash and how sexy he was. The scar down the left side of his face pulled her in, grabbing her attention. She wanted to caress his face and see if the scar was rough or soft. His dark hair was thick and fell around his head and looked messy. On Lash, his hair fit. He was so tall that he made her feel small, delicate almost. She wasn’t used to being delicate. Being a larger woman meant she always felt like a beached whale. His hands were twice the size of hers, and his muscles made her mouth water.

  He was the complete opposite of everything she thought she wanted. Lash was relentless, and the feel of his tongue against her clit was too much.

  Keeping the lips of her pussy open, Angel felt the first stirrings of her orgasm. She trusted Lash to hold her up. The grip on her ass was firm. He wasn’t going to let her go.

  She cried out, the sound echoing around the room as she finally let go. Wave upon wav
e of pleasure engulfed her. She shuddered and heard Lash slurp the cream leaking from her body.

  Her embarrassment was complete. The orgasm died away, and he pulled away. She saw his chin glisten in the small light.

  “You’re so fucking tasty. I can’t wait to lick you again and again.”

  He stood and claimed her lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth. She tasted herself on his lips and tried to push him away. The instant her hands touched his hard shoulders the chance for pushing him away was lost.

  Hands sank into her hair, tugging on the length until she was pulled up taut against him.

  Lash took charge, moving her away from the door and back through to the dining room. All the time his lips never once left hers. He threw the clothes off the hard surface of the table without breaking contact. She had no clue how he managed to get her partially naked and flat on a table, but he did. The fight she originally had left her in light of what they were doing to each other.

  He lifted her onto the table, opening her thighs wide.

  “I can’t get e-fucking-nough of you. I want you so bad. My balls and cock ache.” He kissed a path down her neck to her collarbone. Lash didn’t stop there. He tore his vest in two exposing her chest to his view.

  “So fucking sexy. I can’t wait to see these tits bouncing around in front of me.” Lash pinched one nipple and then the other.

  Angel was completely naked, and from the pleasure alone, she didn’t care.

  He stepped back, removed his jacket and shirt until he stood in front of her naked. She got a clear shot of the snake tattoo on his arm and the love heart over his chest. On his hip was a small picture of a tree and lines where names needed to go.

  She watched, unable to tear her gaze away, when he tore at his jeans until they were thrown to the floor. His boots were taken off during the undressing. She also got a shot of a tattoo on his back, a picture of a skull and cross-bones with the titles Fort Wills and The Skulls across the top and underneath.

  Lash turned back to her butt ass naked. His cock stood out long, thick, and proud. She saw the tip leaking pre-cum, which he smeared over the head. He was that aroused his foreskin was pulled away, exposing the mushroomed tip.


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