The Skulls

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The Skulls Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I heard about how your mother died. I’m really sorry you lost your Mom. It sucks,” Tate said, pulling Angel out of her thoughts.

  Tears filled her eyes as she thought about her mother. “She was really sick. I hate to say it, but I’m pleased she passed when she did. She was always in so much pain and tried not to show it. Mom was strong. She would have kicked Dad’s ass if she knew what he’d gotten himself into.”

  “My Dad has never been the same since Mom died. He hired a nanny, and she stays around but he’s never taken another woman. I imagine he fucks women at the club, but he doesn’t bring anyone home.”

  Angel winced at her language.

  “You do that a lot, you know?” Tate said.

  “Huh? What?”

  “When I say certain words you wince, and your face gets all scrunched up.” Tate flicked her hand in the air. “If you’re going to be Lash’s woman you’ve got to learn to talk the talk and handle all the shit in between. It’s the only way it’ll happen.”

  They grew silent as their masseuses entered the room. Two well-built men with large muscles came toward them. Angel’s heart-rate picked up.

  “Do you think Lash and Tiny have any idea?” Angel asked.

  “Nope, and I’m going to enjoy this while I can.”

  During the whole of the massage Angel couldn’t get comfortable. She remained tense every time the guy touched her.

  “Anyway, what was I saying, to be part of the club you need to stick up for yourself. Lash is not going to be by your side forever, and the bitches will descend. The old ladies will look out for you, though. We’re all in a tight knit group, but they’ll not be around all the time.”

  Angel opened her eyes to see Tate staring at her.

  “I can’t get comfortable.” Angel mouthed the words at Tate and did her best not to look at the guy trying to massage her.

  “I’ve got it covered.” Tate leaned forward and started typing buttons into her cell.

  “What are you doing?” Angel asked.

  “Seeing how far Lash’s protective streak goes.” The cell phone was placed on the floor.

  Angel remained tense while the man tried to work her muscles.

  “You need to relax, and let me help you. You’re too tense,” the man said.


  “Fuck, you’ve got to be kidding me,” Lash said. The rest of the club looked at him as he slammed his cell phone down on the table.

  “Do we even want to know what has got your panties in a twist?” Nash asked. He had Kate sat in his lap, and Lash watched the two with disgust. Kate had been with most of the crew, and still his brother was tapping it.

  Tiny looked up from the paperwork he was working through. “Is there a problem?”

  “Yeah, there’s a fucking problem. Since when did the salon hire big, sexy men?” Lash asked, growling each word out.

  “Do you need to tell us something, brother? Have you gone to the other side without telling us?” Nash joked making some of the men laugh.

  Rolling his eyes he showed Nash the picture message Tate had sent him. He whistled, and in no time at all the cell phone got to Tiny.

  “Those bastards are touching my daughter. Lash, save your woman, and get Steven to take over. I’d rather have a guy I know I can control massaging my daughter than those bastards.”

  Nash was laughing at him.

  “Go and run after your chick,” Nash said.

  Going to his brother, Lash pulled him up by his arm.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “If Steven’s taking over from the big guy, then you’re taking over from Steven.”

  Lash got the last laugh, and together they left the club. Kate’s whining followed them out. He ignored her, straddled his bike, and broke every single speed limit getting to his woman.

  Once outside the salon he walked in, grabbed Steven around the arm then headed in the direction of his woman.

  “What’s the matter, Lash? I’ve done everything you asked.”

  “Yeah, I know. When you have a woman of your own you’ll understand.”

  Lash opened three doors and came up with nothing. On the last door he came to his woman. Her back was exposed and the towel lay across her bottom. If he hadn’t seen how tense she was he would have seen red.

  “Get your hands off my woman, and get the fuck out,” Lash said.

  “Lash!” Tate sounded pissed off.

  “Lash,” Angel said. His woman sounded relieved.

  “We were only trying to give them a massage,” the guy touching Tate said.

  “I don’t give a fuck. Get out now.” He showed them the patch on his jacket, and the two men left the room.

  Steven had a hand over his eyes as Tate sat up and covered her breasts with one arm while the towel hid her privates.

  Lash wasn’t affected by her. Tate was like a sister to him. However, Angel’s naked body was something else. He’d gotten instantly hard at the sight of her.

  “I knew you’d charge in here the moment you saw her. I knew it,” Tate said, giggling.

  “Yeah, your Dad knows, and Steven now has to be the one to give you a massage,” Lash said, removing his jacket. He wore a plain black tee underneath. Moving toward his woman he saw her gaze on him as he got closer.

  “What?” Tate asked, looking at the Prospect.

  Steven’s hand left his face as he looked horrified. “No, please, let me go out and watch. I don’t want that job.”

  “You’ve already got one afraid of you, Tate.”

  Tate sent Steven a withering stare. “You better be good. I don’t want my trip spoiled because of greasy, disgusting hands. You better wash your hands after you’ve used the bathroom.”

  “I did, and I do.” Steven glanced over at him, pleading with his eyes. “I can do anything else but not this, please.”

  “Just get it over with,” Tate said, settling back on her stomach.

  Lash grabbed the oil from the stand by Angel’s bed. He squirted some of the liquid onto her back before placing it on the stand. Rubbing his hands together to warm them up he coated his palms and started stroking across her skin.

  Angel instantly relaxed against his touch. “That feels nice.”

  “It’s a good job you didn’t look comfortable with his hands on your body. I’d have killed him and spanked your ass,” Lash said.

  Tate snorted.

  “I didn’t want him touching me. I thought it was going to be a woman. I hoped it was a woman.”

  He dropped a kiss to her shoulder and started rubbing the oil into her flesh. Steven was doing the same. Lash saw the look of concentration on his face.

  Seconds later the door opened, and Nash was leaning against the doorframe. He was eating an apple as he looked between the two women. Nash looked grossed out at the sight of Tate, but interest shone in his gaze when they landed on Angel.

  “I didn’t have a clue she was hiding such a great body. I would have made a play before you got the chance,” Nash said.

  It was a gut reaction. Lash grabbed the bottle of oil and threw it at his brother. Nash caught it in his grip, laughing.

  “Stop picking on your brother, Edward,” Angel said.

  Nash stopped laughing and looked between the two. “You told her our names?”

  Lash nodded. Tate’s laughter filled the room.

  “This is so fucking awesome. I love this girl,” Tate said.

  Leaning down, Lash brushed his lips across her nape. “That was awesome.”

  His brother stormed out of the room leaving them all alone. He finished the massage, and when the woman came to the room to inform the women the waxes were ready, Lash stopped what he was doing. Angel tensed up and stared at her retreating back.

  “I don’t want to do this,” she said.

  “It’s easier the second time. The first time is always the hardest to deal with,” Tate said.

  Lash pulled a face. “I don’t need to know what you do to your bits, Tate. Keep it t
o yourself.”

  “Whatever, asshole.” Tate grabbed Angel’s hand leading her out of the room. Lash dried his hands and followed Steven out to the main foyer. Nash was sat in a chair looking bored. He took a seat opposite his brother so he could watch him. Steven sat several seats away giving them extra room. He liked the Prospect. Steven was proving to be the best of all three Prospects.

  “I can’t believe you told her our real names,” Nash said.

  “She’s going to be my old lady, Nash. I had to tell her my name.” Lash rested one foot on his knee. He stared at the door wondering how Angel was getting on. His mind was at ease knowing Tate would be with her.

  “Yeah, what are you going to do when she finds out about her Dad and the shit he’s into?”

  “I’ll deal with it. You knew this was happening. I’m not into the Kates of this world.”

  “The Kates of this world put out without baggage. You’re young. Why are you saddling yourself with a woman?” Nash asked.

  Closing his eyes, Lash counted to ten to calm down.

  “You don’t get it. Angel is the one woman for me.”

  Nash shook his head but didn’t say anything more. An hour later Angel and Tate came out of the changing rooms dressed. Angel wore his jacket, and pride filled him at seeing his mark on her even if it was in jacket form.

  Angel kept her face down as he approached. He heard Tate organising a new appointment.

  “It’s okay, Angel. You’ll be fine,” Tate said.

  Lash frowned looking between the two women.

  Tate shook her head. He waited for the appointment date, and they headed out to the bikes. Steven was waiting beside his truck.

  “I’m just going to say bye to Tate, okay?” he asked Angel.

  “Sure, take all the time you need.” Her voice was hoarse, and he frowned some more.

  Walking toward the truck he saw Tate getting ready to climb inside.

  “Tate?” She stopped to look at him. “What’s wrong with Angel?”

  She looked past his shoulder. “The wax thing didn’t go well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They have sound-proofed walls, and I’m surprised you didn’t hear Angel scream. She was in a lot of pain. She hated it, and she was crying and the woman was panicking. In the end they cleared away everything and made sure there’s plenty of lotion. They’ve given Angel some ointment to help. Make sure she uses it. I’m going to book us in for weekly appointments, Lash, until she gets used to the wax.”

  Guilt swamped Lash as Tate’s words sank in. “She was in a lot of pain.”

  “I’ve never heard a woman scream like that. She’s not good with pain I guess.”

  Lash looked behind him to see Angel stood perfectly still. If she couldn’t stand pain, how was he supposed to claim her virginity?

  “I’ll leave her to you. I’ll talk to her in the morning.” Tate gave him a hug and left. Nash was already on his way back to the club. Going toward his woman, he enfolded her in his arms. Tears were glistening in her eyes.

  “It really hurt, Lash. I didn’t think it would hurt so bad.”

  He held her tight against him. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “I hope you like it.”

  “I know I will, baby, and I’ll show you.” Lash kissed the top of her head and then made to straddle his bike. “Come on, let’s go home.” He handed her a helmet and fired up his bike. “Climb on the back, and wrap your arms around me.”

  He moaned as her legs wrapped around him. Her hands settled around his stomach. Lash took a moment to gain control of his senses before he pulled away and started for home. He looked forward to seeing what the salon did to her pussy. He knew she would look far better than what he imagined.

  The ride went without event, and when he pulled into his driveway, Lash was desperate to see her. He waited for her to climb off, and then he climbed off after her. When he’d removed their helmets, he grabbed her hand leading her to the front door.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. He unlocked the door, slammed his way inside, and kicked the door behind him.

  “I asked you to get it done, and now I’m going to look at what I wanted.” He didn’t want to go upstairs to their room.

  He went to the sitting room, kicked the wooden coffee table out of the way, and tugged her to his side.

  Lash pushed her chestnut hair off her face and then slammed his lips down on hers. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, Lash let out a moan, consuming her with his lips. She relented to him, giving him her mouth for a kiss. He wasn’t just falling for her. Lash had fallen for her and fallen hard.

  Breaking from the kiss he rested his head against hers. “Wow,” she said. “It was totally worth it just from the kiss.”

  He chuckled. Fingering the button of her jeans Lash opened her button and slid her jeans down to the floor. She must have taken a spare pair of clothing with her. The small dress she wore wouldn’t have been good to wear on the back of his bike.

  They didn’t have time to do anything more. The party would be starting soon, and Lash wanted to take Angel before the real shit happened. He pressed her down to the sofa and settled between her thighs. Gripping her knees he tugged her to the edge of the sofa, opening her thighs wide.

  All the time he kept his gaze on hers. Green eyes glistened back at him waiting.

  “Why aren’t you looking?” she asked, nibbling her lip.

  “I’ll look at my pussy in all good time.” He kept his gaze on hers before sliding his attention down to rest on her pretty bare pussy. She looked a little sore, but the ointment the woman gave her had stopped it from hurting. In a few hours she’d be completely fine.

  Running his fingers over the lips of her pussy Lash smiled. “You look so fucking beautiful. I’ll give you a few days to keep with the ointment, but then I’m eating you up.”

  He saw her pussy cream at his spoken words. His woman wanted to be fucked, licked, and made love to just as much as he wanted to.

  Caressing up and down her thighs Lash grew frustrated. All he wanted to do was fuck his woman, but he had a party to attend. “Come on, we need to get you ready for the party.” He dropped a kiss to her hip and then stood.

  Chapter Eight

  “Stop fucking fidgeting,” Lash said, growling the words. Angel glared at him. It was all right for him. He was wearing leather pants, a tee, and a jacket. What did she have to wear? A small skirt that came to mid-thigh, a crop top that only just covered her stomach. At his request she only wore a bra and a pair of six inch stiletto heels. She couldn’t walk in the heels, and she was taking some practice walks down his long hall way. Her hands were outstretched for balance, and Lash was watching her.

  She glanced over at him to see him smiling, which made his words less aggressive. Angel needed to get used to the way he talked. In her home when someone swore it was because they were annoyed.

  “Stop laughing at me. I told you I can’t walk in these.” She squealed, but Lash reached out to catch her as she started to fall.

  “Okay, I’ve got you, and the bitches can be hard at times. Right, we’ll go for smaller heels until you can work up to the tall heel.”

  He picked out a pair of two inch heels. “Here, put these on?” Lash handed her another pair of shoes.

  She used him as a stand to remove her shoes. Lash helped her to put the new pair of shoes on. He finished off her outfit with his leather jacket. “This is so everyone will know you’re my woman.”

  Angel didn’t mind wearing the jacket. She loved his smell and smiled as it surrounded her.

  “I love your smile.” He stroked her cheek. His compliment touched her. “I love the skirt, baby, but I’ve got to be responsible.” Lash pulled out a pair of jeans from the drawer. “Put these on.”

  Angel took them out of his hands and climbed into them. They were loose enough for her to do. When she was finished, Lash nodded. “It’s too fucking dangerous riding on a bike in a skirt. Take them off as soon as we get t
here, okay?”

  She nodded in agreement.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here before something happens at the party.”

  He took her hand leading her out to his bike.

  “We’re not going in your car?” she asked, approaching his bike.

  “Not tonight. It’s all about the bike.”

  She tugged on the skirt trying to pull it down and then remembered the jeans she wore. Angel shook her head, laughing.

  “If you keep pulling it down it’s going to end up around your knees. The jeans cover everything,” he said, warning her.

  Letting go of the skirt and rubbing her hands down the jeans, she waited for Lash to pass her a helmet. He straddled a bike then waited for her to climb on behind it. The jeans weren’t tight, and she was able to straddle him without fear.

  She loved riding on his bike. There was something freeing about letting everything out and speeding on the open road. She wished she could feel it without the helmet on, but for now she was happy to be safe on the back of his bike.

  Holding onto his waist, she rested her chin on his shoulder. With her arms wrapped around his waist Angel didn’t feel any nervousness about the upcoming party. Whenever she was with Lash all of her nerves left her as if they had no right being there.

  Closing her eyes she let the peace she felt swamp her. Lash may be the total opposite of what she wanted out of a man, but she wasn’t going to turn him away because of her old plans.

  She really was falling for Lash, or Nigel Myers, and she really believed she may even be in love with him. Letting out a sigh, Angel kept her eyes closed relishing the feel of being close to him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine.”

  One of his hands covered hers where they were wrapped around his waist. “I’ve got you, baby.”

  Angel really hoped that was true because with each minute she felt she was losing her heart to this man.

  He pulled into the forecourt of the bar, which was already crowded with bikers, women, and men. That was how she divided the groups. There were bikers, and then there were men. Lash was a biker while her father was just a man.


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