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The Skulls

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She’d lost count of the number of times he’d cooked for her, not just breakfast but dinner and dessert. They talked about everything, apart from the club. Angel understood talking about the club was off limits, and she didn’t mind. The less she knew about his dealings inside The Skulls, the happier she was.

  Her thoughts turned to their intimate time together. She couldn’t call it fucking or just sex. What they shared together was something more than sex and fucking. When they were together, exploring and making love, she felt connected to him. They were equals, and she gave pleasure as much as received it.

  He’d also started playing with her ass. She knew he wanted to take her there, but she couldn’t help but hold some reserves about it. Anal sex terrified her, even though she’d snuck on the internet to check out some of the links.

  Angel was sure Lash knew she’d checked out some sites because when he came out of his office the other day he’d smirked at her. He’d not said anything embarrassing, but he’d pulled her close and kissed her head. She didn’t know what it was about him kissing her temple, yet she found it to be one of the sweetest things he’d ever done.

  Rubbing her temple she listened to Tate moan over the phone. “I mean he’s got Steven here all the time. He’s got his own bloody room and everything. Eva and I have been banned from going out. Dad completely freaked out yesterday when Eva took out the trash. He yelled, she screamed at him, and it ended with him slamming the office door and Eva locking herself in her room. I swear I’m going to lock them in a room and make them get over their issues.”

  “Tiny’s protecting both of you. I don’t know what from, but I’m not allowed out without Blaine. He’s always here. Lash told me he’s the next best Prospect.” Angel rubbed her hands down her thighs.

  Blaine was in the kitchen making another coffee for them both. They were playing cards, and he’d given her some privacy to make her phone call.

  “Dad is going to drive Eva away. I know he is. I’ve seen her looking at other job vacancies. I can’t blame her. I love her like a Mom, but she’s only my nanny. I’m too old to have a nanny,” Tate said. “So, anyway, how are things going with the stud muffin? I’ve heard he can be a bit of an animal, which is totally gross because I see him as a brother, but I’m trying to be supportive.”

  Laughing, Angel smiled at Blaine as he brought their coffees through. “He’s perfect. I can’t fault him, and I’m not going to go into details, Tate. He’s like a brother to you, and I’m not keen on telling you everything.”


  She heard Tate sigh.

  “I can’t stand this. I want to see you. I know it has only been a couple of days since I’ve last seen you, but I need some more company. Eva would like to meet you as well.”

  Angel glanced at the clock on the far wall. “I’ll talk with Lash when he gets home. He should be back around seven.”

  “Tell him I’ll go bat-shit crazy if he says no,” Tate said.

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you sound like a spoiled biker princess?” Angel asked.

  “Do I look like the kind of woman who cares?”

  Angel said not, but she believed Tate cared a whole lot. There were times she detected the vulnerability inside the other woman. Tate had been hurt in the past, and she was putting on a bullshit exterior to keep people out.

  “I better go. Daddy’s back, and he sounds in a foul mood again. Take care, Angel.”

  “And you.”

  She rang off and stared at Blaine, who was looking at his cell phone. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, how’s Tate?” he asked, pocketing his cell.

  “She’s not doing good at all. Do you think Lash will let me visit with her?”

  He shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee. “I can’t say.”

  All the members were silent.

  “What about the other women? Are they confined at home or not?”

  Blaine looked uncomfortable.

  “What? What is it?” she asked.

  “The old ladies have gone away. The guys have sent them away, but the sweet-butts are camping out at the club. Then there’s you and Tate. I don’t know what’s going on.”

  His words sent pain throughout her whole body. The old ladies were gone, which could only mean she was not an old lady. Was she reading the wrong signals from Lash? Did he want to get rid of her?

  She wanted to grill Blaine more, but Lash walked through the front door. Closing her eyes she waited for him to come into the room. His hand went to her shoulder, and he kissed her temple once again.

  “Hey, baby, missed me?”

  Her body heated like it always did whenever he was close by. She couldn’t stop her natural reaction to him. More than anything she wished she could stop the yearning deep inside.

  “Yes, I missed you.” There was no point in lying. She did miss him. He was the one person she thought of all the time. From the moment she went to sleep ‘til when she woke up, her thoughts were consumed by him.

  “You’re free to go back to the club,” he said, talking to Blaine.

  “Sure thing. It was lovely playing, Angel.”

  Blaine made his way out of the house. Angel stayed sat on the sofa. She felt like she couldn’t move.

  “Do you want a stir-fry tonight?” Lash asked.

  “Sounds lovely.” She didn’t know what to do.

  Getting up from her seat she followed him into the kitchen.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, when she took a seat opposite him. She sipped at her coffee and watched him work.

  “I’m fine.”

  He frowned at her but started working. They didn’t speak, which was a first. Lash made dinner, and afterwards she washed the dishes. Her actions were slow. On her way upstairs, Lash pulled her into his arms. Her body fired up ready for him.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  Staring into his eyes, Angel couldn’t hold it back.

  “What am I to you?” The words left her without any other thought. She couldn’t pull them back into her mouth. Angel stood, waiting for him to speak.

  “What do you mean?” His gaze came through narrowed slits.

  “Well, I’m not a sweet-butt because I’m not fucking everything in sight, and yet I’m not an old lady because all of them have been sent on their merry way. What am I to you? Am I a fuck? Some entertainment? Or is this how my father is earning off the interest?” she asked, yelling. Hands on hips she glared at him and then was shocked as he raised his hand in the air.

  He looked ready to commit murder. “I’ve never hit a woman out of anger, but right now you’ve pushed me to the edge. Don’t you ever accuse me of fucking treating you like a whore.” Lash pressed her against the wall. His hands slammed against the wall on either side of her head.

  She tensed, shocked by his sudden rage.

  “If the club was going to take interest out on you, baby, you’d be on a table spread out all day without anything in the way. We’d take our interest out any way we wanted, and you wouldn’t ever rest.” He moved closer until he was only a breath away. “We’ve done it before when the woman wanted all of us. We’ve taken out the interest on her body. You’re not like that, and I would never let that happen, Angel. I called in the debt, and I was the one who claimed you.”

  Angel frowned. “What?”

  “I was the one who called the debt in. Your father was getting in too deep, and I knew it was only a matter of time before he brought you down with him. I couldn’t let that happen. You were always supposed to be mine.” Lash cupped her cheek, caressing the skin down to her collarbone. “That what makes you different, baby. You’re mine, and when people speak of you, you’ll be known as Lash’s woman.”

  His hands went down to her waist, pulling her close.

  In the next instant his lips were on her, and Angel was melting once again.

  “Never, ever, think of yourself as a whore or anything else. You’re my woman, Angel, and that is all I can te
ll you for now.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because that’s the way it’s going to be. This is how it’s going to be. There will be times when I have no choice but to keep stuff to myself. It has nothing to do with you. This is just the life I lead, and I can’t bring you into it.”

  “How can I support you if you can’t talk to me?” she asked. His words had soothed her concerns for the moment. She knew it was only a matter of time before insecurity reared its ugly head.

  “I can talk to you. Knowing I never have to come with you with business is good enough for me. You’re everything else I need, Angel. Please, support me by being you and not caring about the shit I do.” He kissed her several times before looking at her. “Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, I can.”

  “Thank you.” He tugged at her clothes, getting her naked and pushed her underneath him on the bed.

  She gasped as he slid deep inside her. His thick cock pulsed and slid deeper still.

  Was she weak for accepting whatever Lash would give her?


  Tomorrow morning Lash was going to have a word to Blaine about saying stuff to his woman. The threat of the Lions was the only reason he wasn’t making a deeper commitment. He wouldn’t make a life-long commitment only to put it at risk with what was going down between the two clubs. So far no lives had been lost, but he couldn’t always guarantee it.

  Pushing the club and all worries out of his mind, Lash basked in the heat of her pussy as she surrounded him. This was what he wanted to come home to, a woman who wanted him as much as he wanted her. Angel was the love of his life. There were no doubts in his mind. He was totally in love with her.

  “You’re mine, baby,” he said, pulling out of her tight warmth only to slam back inside.

  “Yes.” She reached up to caress his face. “And you’re mine.”

  He fucked her hard against the bed wanting more. Leaving her warmth, he turned her onto her knees and brought her ass up in the air. He eased into her hot cunt, watching her take all of him without any pain.

  She was always ready and waiting for him. He was addicted to her tight heat.

  “Lash, um, more,” she said.

  Staring down at the puckered entrance of her ass, Lash knew he was going to claim that. He’d been waiting patiently, and he was running out of patience. Leaning over the bed, he grabbed the tube of lube.

  Working plenty onto his fingers he pressed them to her ass. Sliding in two fingers, he fucked her pussy at the same time as working her ass to open to him.

  Angel moaned, pressing back on him.

  “That’s it, baby, ride my cock and hands. I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll be begging for more.”

  Stretching her tight ass open, Lash applied more lubrication to his shaft. He left her cunt and pressed the tip to where his fingers had just been. Lash watched himself disappear inside her ass an inch at a time.

  “Does it feel good?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She moaned again, and he chuckled.

  Gripping her hips, Lash sank to the hilt inside her ass. He stayed still giving her time to adjust to his cock in her ass. She was tighter than he’d imagined she would be.

  “Are you ready for me to move?”


  He eased out of her ass and slowly glided back inside her. His movements were slow, and he didn’t rush. Part of anal sex was taking the time to enjoy it. Lash was hit square in the face by the knowledge he was all of Angel’s firsts. He was the first guy to kiss her, to suck her pussy, and to fuck her. He’d claimed her mouth, ass, and cunt.

  Yep, Angel was now his woman. He didn’t find the revelation boring. In fact, he wanted to do everything with her over and over again.

  Sliding deep inside her Lash closed his eyes letting himself absorb every single sensation. Her ass tightened around him in a little flutter. Biting on his lip he waited for her to calm down before moving again.

  When he couldn’t stand it anymore he changed positions.

  “I want to kiss you,” he said, taking her to the side with her back to him. His cock remained deep in her ass as he settled behind her. Gripping her cunt with one hand and her breast with another, Lash slammed his lips down on hers. He rode her body while holding onto her.

  She was perfect for him. He was never afraid of hurting her. Angel took everything he gave her without complaint.

  “Tell me you want it,” he said, breaking the kiss and staring into her eyes.


  “Tell me you want me to come in your ass.”

  Her cheeks got even deeper in colour with his words.

  “Say it, baby. I want to hear you say it.”

  She nibbled her lip. He pinched the bud of her clit and watched her squirm with pleasure.

  “Say it.”

  “Come in my ass, Lash. Claim me.”

  He held her tight against him, took her lips, and brought her to orgasm in his arms. Only when she’d come did he allow himself the release of an orgasm.

  Lash spilled his release inside her. His head thumped from the pounding of his blood. He tightened his grip around her holding her close. Kissing her head, neck, and lips, Lash knew he was never going to let her go.

  “You’re my woman, Angel. You’ll never leave my side or my bed. You’re mine.”

  She nodded but didn’t say anything. They lay on the bed. The only sound to be heard was their uneven breathing.

  “You’ve just fucked my ass,” she said.

  “And I’ll be taking it again. You better get used to it, baby. I’m not giving you up,” he kissed her lips staring down into her green eyes. “What?” he asked, seeing her need to speak.

  “Will you be giving up the other women? The ones at the club who are easy and want you?”

  He saw the jealousy in her eyes. Lash wasn’t annoyed. He was fucking happy to see the jealousy shining in her eyes.

  “Baby, I’ve not had any of those women in over a year. You’re my one and only woman.”


  “It’s a lifetime guarantee.”

  Lash kissed her once more and then untangled himself from her body. He picked her up in his arms. She protested, and he ignored her. He carried her through to the bathroom. Turning on the shower he waited for the water to get warm before tugging her inside with him.

  “You’re always so bossy,” she said.

  “It’s a biker trait.”

  She rolled her eyes, letting him wash her body. “I feel like a doll.”

  “You know there are women out there who’d love a man to do shit like this. I made a mess, and I’m washing you. Stop moaning.” He slapped her ass loving the sound of her squeal.

  “You’re always bad,” she said.

  “Better believe it.”

  She stayed silent as he soaped her body. He got her to lean against the wall as he washed away his leaking seed from her ass. Lash used cleaning her as an excuse to touch her. He couldn’t take his hands off her. Her soft body called to him.

  “Can I ask you a question?” she asked.


  “Tate is sounding a little pissed with being confined to her home. She wants me to ask if I can go and visit her.”

  He chuckled. Tate wouldn’t be the type of woman to ask, and he said so.

  “She may have threatened to go bat-shit crazy on your ass, but I thought asking nicely would help first.”

  Lash spun her around to face him. He pressed his lips against hers. “Do you like Tate?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, she’s wonderful. She seems sad though.”

  “What do you mean?” He started to soap her hair as she spoke.

  “The attitude seems a barrier to keep people out as if she’s been hurt before. I find it sad.”

  He stared at her. She was an observant one. “Tate has been hurt in the past. She was close to one of the members, and he left her and the club. It was a horrid betrayal.”


  “Yeah, his real name is Dillon James. She fell for him hard. He was the Prospect who saw her to high-school and was her date for the prom. I think Tiny only kept him a Prospect for so long because Tate liked him. Once you’re a member you don’t do babysitting duties unless you have to,” Lash said. “They grew close, and there was a time after he left when Tate went a little crazy.”

  “Crazy, how?”

  “She wouldn’t eat and tried to push everyone away. I prefer the attitude to the tears and pain. She’s fighting now whereas before she was letting go.”

  “Poor Tate. I knew something had gone on between her and Murphy from our time at the mall, but I didn’t think it was that.”

  Lash shrugged. “Tiny does what he can, but he can’t fix her broken heart.”

  They finished off their shower, and Lash took her back to bed.

  “So can I go and see her?” Angel asked.

  “I’ll talk to Blaine and arrange it.”

  “Thank you.” Angel kissed him and then settled down. Within seconds she was asleep, and Lash took the time to watch her sleep.

  He knew it was only a matter of time before the Lions made their move, and he hoped to God that Tiny knew what he was doing.

  Chapter Twelve

  After seeing Lash off to the club Angel had finished her breakfast while Blaine made some calls on his cell phone. She was going to see Tate today, and she was waiting for Blaine to be ready to take her.

  Sipping her hot coffee she watched the other man talk in the cell phone. He looked relaxed and was smiling. When he was finished he turned back to her, smiling.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked.

  “Yeah, who were you speaking to?” She cringed at the invasion of privacy. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “No, it’s okay. I was talking to my daughter,” he said, smiling. He pulled a wallet out of his back pocket and handed her a photo.

  “You’re a father?” she asked, taking the photo and seeing a smiling blonde looking back at him. The little blonde was in the arms of a raven-haired woman.


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