Tropical Storm

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Tropical Storm Page 12

by Stefanie Graham

  Laughing, Cairo snatched a dumpling up and waved it under her nose. “Go on, eat it. You deserve it. It’s not anything special. I brought this here because I knew we would be hungry that’s all. Go ahead, take a bite.”

  He didn’t have to ask her twice. She took a hearty bite and closed her eyes. “Mmm,” she moaned as the buttery fried dough practically melted on her tongue.

  “Is it as good as it looks, mommy?” Shane asked as he sandwiched a chicken patty between the cocoa bread.

  “Better.” Storm answered. “It tastes better than it looks.”

  Shane put a piece of dumpling in his sandwich and opened his mouth as far as it would go and took a bite. “Yum.” He said his mouth full. “Yup, you’re right. It does taste better than it looks.”

  Cairo watched them in amazement. “I’ve never seen two people who love to eat so much. You two are definitely related.” He joked as he started making a plate of food for himself. He might as well have been talking to himself because Storm and Shane were busy with the food in front of them. Grinning, he reached for the corkscrew and opened the bottle of Dom Perignon. The sound of the cork flying into the air distracted the two from their meal long enough for them to focus on him.

  “Ah, I’m glad you remembered that I’m here.” He joked pouring Storm a glass of the sparkling liquid. He poured himself a glass and handed Shane a soda just as the boy reached for the bottle. Cairo snatched the champagne away from him laughing. “None for you, you little terror. Learn to love what you have before you move on to the big boy stuff. You’ll get to drink this in time.”

  Shane shrugged and resumed eating. A mere ten minutes passed before Cairo noticed that two pairs of green eyes were watching him expectantly.

  He raised a questioning brow. “What is it?”

  Storm flushed guiltily and had the grace to look away. Shane wasn’t as modest.

  “We were just wondering when we could have the cake.” He asked shamelessly.

  Cairo burst out laughing. The laughter was freeing and infectious. Soon his two companions, buoyed by his amusement, started to chuckle along with him. It wasn’t long before they were all rolling around happily on the tiled floor in the center of a deserted house in the middle of nowhere. When they finally contained themselves, they smiled happily at each other; there was no need for words. For the first time they felt like a family.

  “C’mon guys, dig in.” Cairo said ceremoniously passing them each a slice of cake. They all groaned this time when they tasted the moist and flavorful carrot cake.

  “I can see why the two of you were so impatient. This is so good, it’s actually sinful.” He declared closing his eyes in bliss. Storm and Shane were too engrossed to agree. Instead, all three of them finished the first slice and then went back for another. The process repeated itself until the cake was finished.

  Shane dropped his fork and rolled onto his back groaning. “I think I ate too much.” He complained his legs spread wide and his hands thrown across his stomach.

  Storm rolled on her back beside him. “Me too,” she agreed patting her own stomach. “But it was all worth it.” She sighed contentedly.

  After a brief hesitation, Cairo also lay on his back and rested his head in the crook of Storm’s arm. She stiffened at first then she relaxed and gently stroked his head with her other hand.

  “Next time we will stop after the first helping of dessert.” He suggested. “You two are bad influences on me.” Sitting up he started to clear the food and the remnants of their meal. Come on; let’s not waste the day away. I have more of the island to show you. Go and wash up in the bathrooms and let’s go.”

  Amidst much groaning and pleading, he got them out of the house and they were on the road again leaving behind what would someday be their new home.

  “Get some rest now sleepy head, you’ve had a big day.” Storm leaned over and gave Shane a kiss on the cheek. He didn’t protest; he was tired from too much food and too much travel. He simply murmured softly and snuggled deeper into the cool cotton sheets. To complete the day, Cairo had brought them to the Bath Fountain Hotel & Spa and tucked them comfortably into a mountainside bungalow suite. He’d thought of everything, even down to hiring a nanny for the night. At midnight Cairo and Storm were still enjoying the day. As Storm walked out of her bedroom suite the nanny walked in.

  “Where are we going now?” She asked Cairo drinking in the sight of him in an unbuttoned white cotton shirt and loose fitting shorts that stopped above his knees.

  “It’s a surprise, but don’t worry, what you have on is just fine.” He nodded appreciatively at the emerald green sarong Storm wore over her white two-piece bathing suit complimented by emerald green sandals. Taking her hand he smiled and said, “Come with me.”

  Without hesitation Storm slipped her hands into his. He led her out of the bungalow to a path just at the foot of a hill that led up to a hot springs legendary for the soothing mineral baths that bubbled up from the volcanic rock. The steamy spring then cascaded into a relaxing pool. The foliage around the Bath Fountain was different from other parts of Jamaica that they’d visited. It was greener and wilder, with fragrant flowering shrubs and shady trees. Here the rich smell of the earth was almost overpowering. The low-key, eco-friendly Bath Fountain Hotel was the exact opposite of Cairo’s posh hotel. It was smaller, more intimate and less refined than The Victory, but it had its own charms. The path to the baths was lit with many hanging lights that twinkled and dispelled the darkness of the rocky terrain. Storm followed Cairo up the hill until they came across a little stream that gurgled and grew into a flowing pond. Here the hands of nature had carved beds of rock out of the landscape. These rock beds used for massages accommodated tourists and locals alike who visited the springs to enjoy the healing properties of the mineral water.

  “Here we are.” Cairo announced bringing her over to the spring that splashed against a bamboo shower in a stream of hot sprays.

  Storm slipped out of her sandals and sarong and gingerly stepped forward. The clear cold water reached to her knees. She could barely see despite the torches set up around the perimeter of the spring. She relied on Cairo to keep her safe.

  “The Bath Fountain is usually open to the public all day but I reserved it tonight just for us. I wanted it to be special.”

  “The entire day has been special, Cairo.” She said closing her hand around his. “Shane and I have never had more fun in our lives. You’re spoiling us.”

  “This is just the beginning.” Cairo promised. “Come with me.”

  He led her deep into the fountains steamy center and stripped off his shirt. He leaned back into the heated water and let its healing minerals wash over him. When he saw Storm still standing where he had left her, he motioned her forward.

  The first drop of the water on her skin made Storm scream. “It’s hot!” She exclaimed.

  Laughing, Cairo showed her how to move her body in an out of the spray so it touched but didn’t scorch her skin. After a while, the heat of the spring seemed more soothing than scalding. Storm ran her hands through her hair, rubbed the water in circles over her skin and tasted the salty minerals on her tongue. The outdoor bath made her feel close to nature and almost decadent. She turned to find Cairo watching her with hungry eyes.

  “I don’t know how to thank you for today and for bringing me here. It’s a memory I will always treasure.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He shrugged off her thanks. “I just wanted to show you all the things I love about Jamaica, I want to share them with you and I hope you’ll let me.” He said his meaning clear.

  Storm looked deeply into his eyes. “I really appreciate how well you took the news that you have a son.” She started hesitantly. “You could have chosen never to speak to me again, but I’m glad that you understood that there were circumstances that kept us all apart. That said, I wan
t you to understand that my position on my son is non-negotiable. As much as I love Jamaica and you, I won’t just give Shane to you. I will share my heart, my body and everything else that I have but my son and I are inseparable. I hope you understand.”

  Cairo was silent for several moments before he answered, “I only want what is best for all of us. Let’s not ruin our night with talk of separation. I want to be where you are, and where you are, Shane will be there as well. Let’s not worry about anything else.”

  Cairo then turned to the rocks that formed a table and from underneath he removed a silver bucket and a bottle of champagne. He poured two glasses of the sparkling liquid handed one to Storm and then raised his glass in a toast. “To us and to what the future holds.” Cairo said, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  “To us,” Storm repeated after a slight hesitation. “There is an us isn’t there, Cairo?”

  “There’s definitely an us.” He reassured her. “Tonight, tomorrow, next year, I’m not letting you out of my sight. You’re mine.”

  I’m yours.” Storm repeated breathlessly.

  “Don’t worry, Jessica.” Cairo said a few minutes later, taking her glass then putting them back behind him. “Put all your fears to rest. This time we will get it right. We have all the reason in the world to make things work between us.”

  Momentarily reassured, Storm walked into his arms and let the spray beat against their bodies and wash away her fears.

  They spent the night under the stars. It was very late when Cairo lifted her sleepy form into his arms and strolled back with her to the bungalow suite. He placed her in the middle of the bed shielded by a canopy of mosquito netting. Storm peered sleepily at Cairo.

  “Bring me to your room; let me stay with you for the rest of the night.” She whispered, gazing languidly at him from under half closed lids.

  “Don’t tempt me.” Cairo warned.

  “Why not, I want you and you want me. Give in, Cairo. You know you want to.” She urged.

  “Of course, I want to.” He admitted his own gaze languorous and direct. “I would be a fool not to want you. But I want to have a legal right to sleep in your arms every night. I want to be able to wake up with you every morning and know that you belong to me. Until that time comes, I will wait patiently. Marry me soon, Jessica. Don’t make us both wait longer than necessary.” He then cupped her chin and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

  Storm’s body warmed at his touch, she wanted desperately to reach out to him, to pull him to her, but she remained still. She wanted to make love to Cairo but if she played by his rules she would never know why they were together. She would never know if he was marrying her because he loved her or because he loved their son. It was a risk she couldn’t afford to take. She needed his love and would accept nothing less. Knowing that nothing would happen between them tonight, she let him tuck her under the sheets. She then silently watched him leave the room. The tears of frustration that gathered in her eyes were the only indication of how much she really wanted him to stay.

  After checking on Shane and the nanny in the adjoining room, Cairo cursed himself for a fool as he walked into his suite. Tearing off his clothes, he threw the offending garments across the room in the only sign of frustration that he allowed himself to display. He was losing control fast. Storm wanted him and just being in the room with her heated his blood and his body. He was holding himself in check by a very thin thread but it was unraveling fast. He didn’t want Storm to know how much she affected him, how much power she had over him. Knowledge was power to Storm and he knew she would have no reservations about using any advantage to get her way. He couldn’t trust himself around her; she was too tempting. So he resolved within himself to keep his physical distance. He wanted Storm to be his wife and he couldn’t convince her of the urgency of getting a divorce if he found himself constantly and repeatedly in her bed. If he made her want him like he wanted her, maybe she would be that much more anxious to end her marriage quickly. Until that time, resisting her was going to be hard. Cairo looked down at himself and grimaced ruefully, damn hard. Thoroughly disgusted with himself, he stepped out of his underwear and headed for the shower.

  He slid open the glass enclosure and stepped into the marble bath. He turned the water to full blast and let the spray beat down on his head and body. For five minutes he stood under the water. Nothing was working. The feel of Storm in his arms, the way she begged hungrily for him was making him hungry for her. He wanted her so badly that his mind was thinking of ways to compromise his principles just enough so that he could make love to her and still feel good about himself in the morning. In frustration, Cairo turned the cold water tap up to full blast. The icy water sent a mind-numbing chill down his spine and goose bumps shooting up on his skin, but it did not significantly cool his ardor. He wanted her and he wanted her bad. Cairo closed his eyes and tried to think of something besides making passionate love to Jessica Storm.

  The minute she stepped through the door, good sense and good manners dictated that she turn around and leave. Instead, Storm crept stealthily into the room. Following the sound of the running water, she boldly pushed open the bathroom door. The sight in front of her stopped her dead in her tracks.

  She wasn’t prepared to see the naked form of the man she loved; she hadn’t realized the full effect he had over her. He was magnificent. The perfect embodiment of what a man should look like. In him, she saw everything she wanted, everything she needed and everything she craved. Perfectly sculpted muscles with sinewy strength wrapped in a smooth golden package as perfect as polished amber. Storm could almost taste him in her mouth and on her tongue. Watching him made her remember how she felt wrapped in his arms. As she watched him he shivered in the stall before proceeding to run large hands down his wet torso. Storm made a quick decision. She shrugged off the thin cotton nightshirt she wore and let it pool at her feet. Stepping over it she walked silently to the stall. She then placed her palms on the glass and watched him, enjoying the voyeuristic aspect of it. Her actions were indecent, lewd and licentious but she’d never felt such abandon. When she saw Cairo lean against the marble wall and close his eyes, she slid open the door, turned up the hot water and stepped inside just as Cairo noticed the temper change. He opened his eyes.

  He stood perfectly still as he watched her. He didn’t twitch, didn’t blink. He seemed carved from stone. He stared at her nakedness, at the water running in rivulets down her breasts to the valley between her thighs. He stood watching her without saying a word. Storm grew nervous under his assessment and self-consciously lowered her hands to cover her body.

  The hand that shot out to catch her wrist moved as fast as lightning. “No, no,” he said shaking his head. “Don’t do that.” He said finally, the sound of his voice harsh and rough to her ears, his chest heaving as though he’d just run a race. “Don’t cover anything. Now that you’re here after I warned you to stay away, you have to suffer the cost.” The words were said pleasantly although his expression belied his calm.

  Feeling suddenly out of her depth, Storm started to back away from him. “Maybe this was a bad idea.” She said nervously, her hand fumbling to open the shower door.

  Cairo trapped her hand beneath his. “It’s too late now. Where’s your courage?” He mocked closing the short distance that separated them. “It took courage to come in here uninvited. Now that you’re here, don’t disappoint me and lose your nerve.” He gripped her fingers tighter and pressed his wet naked chest against her exposed back fitting his body around her curves. Storm shivered as he placed his lips near her ear. His words were whisper soft.

  “There are consequences for troubling things that are better left undisturbed.” He taunted. “Now that you have disturbed the lion in his den, what should the lion do with you?”

  “Eat me?” Storm suggested seductively while savoring the sensuous feel of his body pressed against
hers. Forcing her body to stop shaking, she turned in his grasp and pressed the full length of her voluptuous body against him. Looking up at Cairo from under wet spiky lashes, she lifted her chin in challenge. “You can do anything you want to me, absolutely anything.” She said slipping her arms around his neck.

  “That’s my girl.” Cairo said with a mix of admiration and menace. “I love it when you think you’re in charge. I want you to know; however, that you made a mistake coming in here tonight. You can’t seduce me unless I want to be seduced. But since you’re here I might as well teach you a lesson about pushing men beyond their limits.” He held up a finger. “Lesson one.”

  He tangled her hands in his, imprisoned them high over her head and pressed her back against the shower door. Storm’s naked body created a lush imprint on the steam-covered glass. Clasping both of her hands in his, he used his free hand to run his fingers through her hair. Gripping the riotous tangle of curls, he gave her hair a slight tug that forced her head back and her lips up to his. He stopped tugging only when her mouth was an inch away from his. He smiled harshly before he ground his mouth down on hers. He kissed her deeply, hungrily, ravenously until she thought she’d pass out from lack of air. He then pressed her body hard against his until she again gasped for air, but still, he kissed her like a man starved. He released her hair and slipped his hands behind her to grab her bottom and squeeze it. He then lifted her until she fit perfectly against him.

  Still unsatisfied, he rubbed and squeezed every part of her until she moaned and begged for relief. Cairo was deaf to her pleas. Releasing her, he dropped down to his knees and placed his tongue in her navel and then he roughly parted her legs and slid his hungry tongue between her thighs licking her until she moaned and shook with pleasure. Throwing her head back in rapture, Storm gasped and opened her eyes wide as Cairo took her to the brink of ecstasy.

  Storm’s body was throbbing, the pleasure building between her thighs making her head spin and her knees weak. If Cairo hadn’t been holding her she’d surely have fallen. Then in a fluid motion, Cairo rose to his feet, wrapped his arms around her, lifted her high and used his body to keep her pressed against the bathroom wall. Storm wrapped her legs around him for balance and waited for the feel of him inside her. Eyes tightly closed, she waited, and waited and waited. Slowly, reluctantly, she opened her eyes to find Cairo staring at her seemingly unaffected except for the rapid rise and fall of his chest.


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