Mastered By The Mavericks

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Mastered By The Mavericks Page 34

by Angel Payne

  Rebel slid closer. Gazed up at her with eyes that glowed like sapphires in the sun. “We agreed that you needed space. We’ve tried like hell to let you have it. But Brynna…pieces of us both are missing without you.”

  Rhett sent a nod at the man full of approval and adoration. Rebel returned the look, seeming to validate an unspoken message between them.

  Words Rhett uttered the next moment, in that entrancing blend of New York and London, making her instantly glad she was still sitting down.

  “We’re in love with you.”

  Brynna blinked. Then nothing else. She wished one of them would pinch her—or something even better—to confirm she wasn’t dreaming.

  “Both of us.” Rebel let go of her hand to slide his touch up her arm, clenching his jaw as he stopped at her elbow. In his eyes, she saw the desire to go farther. “Nighttime in the jungle means you get a lot of time to talk.”

  “About a lot of things.” Rhett wrapped his free hand around her knee, just above her boot. Her whole leg erupted in shivers from his knowing contact. “Like about how amazing it is that we’ve finally opened our hearts to each other—only to realize that all this extra space is empty.”

  “Not empty,” Rebel asserted. “Simply missing the element that belongs there.” He copied Rhett’s grip, curling his long fingers around her other knee. “The missing magic.”

  “The love of our lives.”

  Rebel nodded as if his partner had sung the final note of a beautiful song. His eyes closed for a long moment. Rhett openly adored the expression before tilting his head back toward her. Brynna simply stared back. She struggled for words but they never came. They couldn’t make it past the glorious, miraculous disbelief flooding her heart.

  “Look, we know it sounds crazy, but—”

  “No.” His declaration finally unlocked her own. “No.” The tethers on her tongue finally fell away…as the wings of her heart spread, daring to hope, to believe. She grabbed them both by the nape, letting them see her joyful tears. “I’ve been trying to talk myself out of crazy, too. For four damn months…”

  Rebel raised his hand to the back of her head. “Meaning…?”

  “Meaning I’m in love with you, too.” She shook her head. “I kept telling myself I was insane, that four days couldn’t have possibly been enough time to change my heart, much less my life…but I couldn’t shove any of it out of the way.” Their gazes, so pure and blue, the oceans that her soul sailed on, encouraged her to continue. “I couldn’t forget how much courage you two pulled from yourselves…the shit you confronted for the sake of finally being together. Your bravery inspired the same thing in me. Only once I realized how I felt, I didn’t know what to do with all of it. I figured I’d just been the naughty little fling that turned into the wakeup call for you two.”

  Rhett chuffed. “You woke us up, all right.”

  Rebel smirked. “In some damn good ways.”

  “In some better than good ways.” Rhett halted as if craving to say more. His nostrils flared, then again—until a look of pure fuck-it-all crossed his face.

  He lunged, taking her mouth again. There wasn’t a damn meaning left out this time. He was out to dominate, and Brynna was so ready to let him. She moaned from his raw, relentless conquest, giving in to every blaze he brought to her body, every fire he ignited in her heart.

  Nearly the instant he released her, she was jerked the other direction. The dark command of Rebel’s face consumed her lust-clouded vision, and her lips parted, preparing for his kiss—

  Which didn’t come.

  “Have you registered for the new school semester yet?”

  She blinked, wondering how he could disguise such an ice bucket of a question beneath that hot, sexy stare. “I—what?”

  “Answer the question,” he growled. “Have you registered—”

  “I heard the question.” She snapped it despite his delicious pull on her scalp. Perhaps because of it. “And no. Registration isn’t for two more weeks. How does that—”



  He flicked a quick look to Rhett. Seemed to like what he saw there, so nodded and impaled her with his beautiful stare again. “We want you think about finishing your coursework in Washington.”

  Her eyes popped wider. “In—what?”

  “There are at least a dozen outstanding colleges and universities between Kirkland, Seattle, and Tacoma,” Rhett added. “They all have extensive graduate and post-graduate psychology programs.”

  “Meaning there are also some exceptional group homes.” Rebel’s lips tipped in a soft smile. “If you decide that Enya needs to be moved closer, as well.”

  “Moved?” Her brain latched onto the word, then let her heart pound all over it. “Wait. What? You—you want me to—”

  “Move.” Rebel pressed the word into her lips. “Yes. To Seattle.”

  “With us.” Rhett turned the kiss into a three-way thing, caressing half his mouth over Reb’s, half over hers. “Jungle down time also means a lot of real estate dreams.”

  Rebel’s smile took on more meaning. “It means a lot of dreams, period.”

  “We figured if we looked at a bigger place in the suburbs, we could have a yard. A few spare bedrooms. One of them could be your office…”

  “And one of them our bonus room.”

  Brynn couldn’t help but giggle. “But of course. Boys have to have their…bonus stuff.”

  Rebel nodded solemnly. “Soundproofed. Halo and Call of Duty were made for cranking to level ten.”

  Rhett dipped his head, teething at one of her breasts through her clothes. “I’m more interested in the other toys that cause level tens.”

  Brynna let a gasp escape, as much from joy as arousal. She let it spread into a smile while Rebel growled his support of Rhett’s assertion. He joined his friend in pushing her all the way back on the bed. As he coaxed her farther up on the mattress, Rhett busied himself with pulling down—on her clothes. More gasps tumbled out as he stripped off the romper in a few deft moves. Rebel nudged his nose beneath her bra, teasing at both her nipples while Rhett made short work of her panties.

  “You two certainly know how to make a case for your cause.” She punctuated that on a shiver, as Rhett climbed back up her body by way of sliding his fingers through her pussy. Within seconds, she dripped even wetter than before, soaking his fingers enough to leave a trail up her abdomen, toward her navel.

  “Oh minette.” Rebel pushed back the lace cups of her bra, scraping his thumb over her nipples. “We’re just getting started.”

  She arched into his touch. “Does that mean I shouldn’t tell you that I’ll be packed and ready to go in a few hours?”

  “Who says you’re going anywhere past this bed for the next few hours?”

  As he issued that, Rhett demonstrated the extent of their point. From seemingly nowhere, he pulled out a padded leather cuff and secured it around her right wrist. As he did the same to her left, she instantly felt a tug on the first cuff. They’d brought in some kind of under-the-mattress bondage system before going downstairs to get her. Oh God, she was a lucky girl.

  As soon as he was done, Rhett slid over to gently kiss her on the lips. “Be good and we’ll let your legs stay free.”

  Brynn lifted her head, instantly missing his spicy taste. “And if I’m bad?”

  Rebel bit the curve of her shoulder. “Oh, please be bad.” A light tap of his fingers on her mound, and she was instantly inspired to rename herself after every bad girl she could think of. Maleficent…Mata Hari…Bettie Page…

  “He’s tempting you to the dark side, peach.” Rhett ran a graceful, powerful hand through her hair then Reb’s. He lingered, alternately caressing and pulling, letting her share his captivated stare as Rebel responded with groans lust and heat.

  She traded one moment’s worth of a glance with Rhett, knowing his thoughts tracked with hers. To think of how close they’d come to losing Rebel…to being without the free, wi
ld wind upon which both of them could ride to the fulfillment of their fantasies…

  She didn’t want to think about what life would be like now. But nor could she bear to contemplate it without Rhett: the mountain who gave her his hardness, his strength, his unfaltering foundation so she could lift herself up, arms and heart open, into the wind…

  They were everything she needed.

  Everything she ever would want.

  “Brynna?” The whisper came from Rebel, as he hovered his face above her own.

  “Yes?” She deliberately tugged at her cuffs, making sure the movement brushed her erect nipples right under his own.

  “Come to the dark side.”

  She gasped, sharing breaths with him.

  Cleopatra…Madonna…Joan Jett…

  “Do it.” Rhett’s voice, now above them, was thick with lust. His fingers dropped to her jaw, compressing in, forcing her mouth open. “Let him take you, little girl.”

  Brynna welcomed Rebel’s tongue. Let him stab deeper, into the recesses of her throat.

  Mystique…Poison Ivy…Bellatrix…

  “Now spread your legs for him.”

  She obeyed without question, her body surrendering, her heart racing, her mind rejoicing. Oh God, this was so much better than she remembered. Far, far better than she’d fantasized. Especially now, as Rhett shifted to the space between her legs, shoving on both her ankles so her knees bent up. The whole time, Rebel continued kissing her, alternating between deep probes and gentle strokes, his breaths getting heavier and faster—

  Until Rhett reached between their bodies, and yanked down the zipper on Rebel’s fly.

  “Fuck.” It tore from the depths of Reb’s throat. His stare sliced into Brynn’s, intense as blue glass, as Rhett pushed his pants to his knees, freeing the stiff, full length of his beautiful, swollen cock.

  “That’s definitely the right idea.”

  Rhett’s voice was edged with wicked sadism. It clenched at Brynn’s womb, making her shake with need. She watched, enraptured, as Rhett wrapped an elegant grip around Reb’s cock, and pulled hard. He did it again then again, growling low as French profanities spilled off Rebel’s lips—which were then presented with Rhett’s palm, now shining with the moisture Rhett had squeezed off his head.

  “You know what to do,” Rhett dictated.

  Ink-thick lashes closing, Rebel licked the length of Rhett’s palm. After a few strokes of that, Rhett curled his fingers in, forcing two and then three of them into Rebel’s mouth.

  Brynna was damn certain she would climax just from looking at the sight.

  Her pussy was so wet. Her nipples were so tight. And God knew how her mouth watered—

  A damn good thing, since Rebel paid the favor forward.

  She moaned as his fingers slid against her tongue. Sighed as he joined a fourth to them, now fucking her mouth with everything except his thumb. That he used for leverage, ensuring that he impaled her as deep and hard as he could.

  After just a few minutes, Rebel yanked his hand away. “Christ. I need to fuck her now, Rhett!”

  The Viking rumbled low with agreement, though a needy grunt broke into it. When Brynna darted a curious glance as to why, she was treated to the sight of Rhett’s own dropped trousers, his erection free, jutting at damn near a right angle to his body. Her admiration made his cock jump. He rewarded her with an appreciative smile. Brynn’s heart did a girlish flip. The lips on that man could tempt a damn nun…

  “Seems everyone’s in the mood to fuck,” he murmured.

  “Thank God,” Brynna countered.

  “Yeah, yeah. Voulez-vous coucher,” Rhett grumbled. “Let’s go. Goddamn, I need this.”

  Brynna let out a husky laugh as he positioned himself between her thighs. “And I need you.”

  “Because you’re on the dark, dirty side now.” He angled up by just a little, using the space he created to give her pussy a harder smack. Then another. “And dirty girls get hurt. Then fucked.”

  “So do dirty boys.”

  She wouldn’t have thought it possible, but her sex clenched tighter, squeezing out more of her creamy arousal, as Rhett knelt directly behind Rebel, a bottle of lube and a pair of condoms in one hand. They groaned in tandem as Rhett flipped the cap, then feverishly rolled the rubbers over both their magnificent lengths.

  “Hang on tight, Moon.”

  “Hang on tight, minette.”

  And then, they were one.

  Cocks embedded. Hearts pressed. Breaths mingled. Arousals built.



  Surging. Retreating. Fucking.


  Nobody closed their eyes or even threw back their head. Brynna gazed up at her two lovers, knowing their thoughts as clearly as her own. All three of them had been alone for so long, wandering paths through life’s forest lined by different trees of pain, hardship, and solitary trials. They’d stumbled, feeling lost. Fallen, feeling defeated. But always, always, gotten back up and kept going, praying that the other half of their soul was on a similar path, fighting along until their crossroads was reached…

  Now, here she was.

  And the crossroads was beautiful.

  Not two paths converging. Three.

  That was the way life rolled when a girl fell in love with a pair of rule breakers.

  But the most important view now was the road ahead. The road. Wide enough to be traversed by three.

  She wasn’t delusional. There’d be twists, turns, valleys, and haunted forests, but now, she’d be sharing the journey—with the two people who’d given her the courage to break her own rules. Who’d had the guts to break theirs. Who’d believed so strongly in what the three of them could have together, they’d invited her to share their life, to walk with them in love.

  “Yes.” She rasped it at the peak of her passion.

  “Yes.” She gave it from the depths of her soul.

  “Yes.” She promised it to the mavericks who had earned her trust, dominated her body, and mastered her heart…forever.


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  COMING ON MARCH 8, 2016:

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  Angel Payne

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  What if…you had only one night to make your fantasies come true, and one place to do it in?

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  BOOK 3: INTO HER FANTASIES – Coming Spring 2016

  BOOK 4: INTO HIS KISS – Coming 2017

  About the Author

  USA Today bestselling romance author Angel Payne has been reading and writing her entire life, though her love for romances began in junior high, when writing with friends on “swap stories” they’d trade between classes. Needless to say, those stories involved lots of angst, groping, drama, and French kissing.

  She began getting a paycheck for her writing in her twenties, writing record reviews for a Beverly Hills-based dance music magazine. Some years, various entertainment industry gigs, and a number of years in the hospitality industry later, Angel returned to the thing she loves the most: creating character-based romantic fiction. Along the way, she also graduated with two degrees from Chapman University in Southern California, taking departmental honors for English, before writing five historical romances for Kensington and Bantam/Doubleday/Dell.


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