The Horror Squad: Mini Series

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The Horror Squad: Mini Series Page 7

by TJ Weeks

  She then tied the bag and placed it on top of her beer and went back for more. She began filling bags with Gatorades and other drinks and then with jerky and the few granola bars that were nearby.

  “I think we are good son, let’s figure out the gas pumps. You used to work in that store, how in the hell do these things work?” Lisa questioned.

  “It is usually just a simple button, the power seems to be on or at least on a generator, so let’s try it out.” He stated.

  Ty went behind the counter and tapped on the touch screen a few times.

  “There we go, should be all good.” He told her.

  Lisa peered out the door and looked for anything that may notice them trying to sneak out or that they may draw attention to by unlocking the door.

  “Damn, your girlfriend is gone.” Lisa laughed.

  Ty glared up from his squatting position as he gathered the bags.

  Lisa held open the door and followed him out holding only two of her thirty packs since she had to be able to shoot. Both of them placed the goods in the back of the truck. Ty moved around to begin pumping gas and Lisa went back for the rest of what was gathered by the door.

  She made her way out with everything else and put it in the truck and walked around to her son.

  “There isn’t much gas here, it may only be a few gallons.” Ty told her.

  “We will take what we can.” Lisa rang out.

  Ty pumped the remaining drops into the gas tank and walked around the truck. He began rummaging through the bags to find something that he wanted while Lisa popped the top on another beer. When she lowered her can, the woman that was at the door of the store stood behind Ty.

  “Ty duck!” Lisa screamed.

  Ty didn’t understand until he turned to see the long haired woman standing behind him and dropped to the ground. As he dropped and Lisa fumbled get a gun and aim it, the woman dropped with him. Lisa ran around the truck, gun ready to fire. It was too late, she had already bit into the side of Ty’s face and was going in for another bite. Lisa put the barrel of the gun to her head and pushed her away and fired. Her brain splattered across the pavement and her body fell where it was knelt as it ate part of her son.

  Ty laid on the cement staring at his mother moaning with the pain from the zombie woman they had just joked about.

  “Son, no!” Lisa hollered.

  “Mom, go.” Ty mumbled.

  “I can’t leave my son here to die like this.” Lisa stated.

  Ty’s eyes closed as the blood poured from his face. Lisa knelt down next to him and picked his head up and held it against her chest.

  “I love you Ty, you are my everything, I can’t do this alone.” She cried.

  “Please hurry, just go.” Ty mumbled again.

  Lisa laid Ty’s head on the ground and kicked the body of the bitch that had taken her son from her.

  She rounded the tailgate and got into the truck. She turned the key and slowly drove away. She watched her son in the rearview mirror as his lifeless body laid rolling back and forth in the parking lot and then faded out of sight.

  Her tears filled her eyes making her unable to see. She wiped them away as she drove and tried to compose herself to where she would at least be able to drive. She sat up straight and pulled a cigarette out of one of the stashed packs she had and opened it. She took a drag off of the first cigarette she had had in hours and blew the smoke out of the window. The tears began to well back up and she rolled the window down further to let the wind in to dry her eyes. She had to move on, she had to get somewhere. She wasn’t sure why since her son was now gone, there wasn’t much point, but she pushed on.

  The sun was going down faster than usual it seemed and she pressed the gas further to the floor. She was able to drive on the highway now and made it up to eighty miles per hour before topping a hill and being able to see the school that she was hoping still stood and was not inundated with zombies. The smoke stacks appeared from the power plant that was far off from the school and she was confused of how it was still creating smoke.

  Lisa figured her beer was still somewhat cold, maybe the smoke just had not gotten all the way out of the stacks yet or maybe they had generators like the store.

  She stepped on the gas even more, she was doubtful that she was going to get stopped for speeding. Her truck hit the bottom of the hill and began to sputter.

  “No you stupid ass!” She spat at the truck. “Shit!”

  The truck died and she let it roll as far as it would go, which was nowhere near where she wanted to be. She could see another hill and assumed there were a few more after that since the school had looked like a small speck when she as at the top of the last hill. She pulled to the side of the road and began to remember all of the cars that were in the middle of the road earlier in her trip and figured at least she had made it further than they had.

  She sat for a moment and looked over to the passenger seat where Ty should be.

  “I can’t believe I let him die.” She stated to herself.

  She closed her eyes and remembered all of the goods she had in the back of her truck. With no sign of zombies in her area, she opened the door and began to unload the bags from the back of the truck and put them in the front. Not knowing what was going to happen, she wanted to make sure that it was all safe. Once the food was in, she decided that the beer would be able to fit as well and loaded it in the front floorboard. She got back in and closed the door. She pushed the button to lock all of the doors and wondered if maybe the fumes would let her start her truck. She turned the key and the truck started up. She quickly put it in gear and easily stepped on the gas. She made it to the bottom of the next hill and the truck slowly began to climb the asphalt. Making it halfway up the hill, the truck began to sputter, she moved her body to shake the whole truck hoping that it would slosh the gas enough to make it to the top and allow her to roll down. She made it to the top and realized that it was flat road from there, she stomped on the gas and the truck lurched forward and died. She allowed it to roll and was able to again see the school. At least it was a little bit closer. She pulled to the side and sat in the truck and lit another cigarette, knowing that it was not safe to have her window down, she rolled it up and only left a small crack to let out the smoke. She peered at the food next to her and realized she had not had anything to eat in hours. She grabbed a few things and opened them and began to eat. She knew that she would need the energy in the morning at first light, because she would not be going anywhere in the dark.

  She laid her seat back as far as it would go after flicking her cigarette out of the window. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  She woke the next morning with the rain tapping on her window. She jumped at the noise and sat up straight. She turned in all directions looking for zombies, trying to remember if it had all been a dream or reality. She scanned the woods next to her and then remembered the long haired woman taking a bite of the only thing she loved in this world and having to leave him behind.

  She wiped her face with her hands and grabbed the bottle of water she had opened the night before. She took a swig and placed the capped bottle on the dashboard and searched for her cigarettes. She lit one and tried her luck on the truck starting. She tried twice with no luck and decided that walking was going to be her only option. She grabbed for her back pack and took out the clothes inside of it. She pulled out Ty’s clothes and pulled them to her face, she could smell him and missed him terribly. She began to fill her bag with a few items of food and some water and Gatorade bottles. Maybe she could find a vehicle that did work and come back for the rest of her belongings.

  She wiggled the bag onto her back and scanned her surrounding area again. Feeling a bit safe with no sight of zombies, she opened her door, looking around again after the click of her door opening. Still no sight of any, she stepped out and grabbed two of her guns and her knife and closed the door softly.

  Lisa began pounding the pavement and headed towards her destination.

  On her way she had only seen one asshole that she easily stabbed in the head. She was starting to get tired from the sun beating down on her, when she heard the rumble of an engine. She squatted behind a car that had been left and saw a truck come into view. She stood hoping the dead didn’t learn to drive yet. She waved and the truck stopped.

  “So where ya headed?” The smart ass question came from the driver.

  “Anywhere safe.” She stated.

  “Jump in back, we are headed the same place.” He offered.

  “I have some things in my truck a few miles back, you think we could go back and get them?” She hoped.

  “Too risky.” A voice called out from the truck.

  “I have beer and I will share.” Lisa expressed.

  “Beer! Hell why didn’t you say so. A beer is what we all need!” A man sat forward showing himself. “Bingo fucking bango!” He yelled.

  “Shut the fuck up with that bull shit.” Another voice sounded out.

  “Damn how many of you assholes are in there?” Lisa took a step to peer inside.

  “Jump in, we will go back, but you are killing these fucks if any come up.” The driver stated.



  “Paris was great honey. I had so much fun.” She stated to her husband Dan.

  Dan’s job took him and Karen all over the world. He was a highly requested lawyer for almost ten years now. Anywhere that he went, Karen went with him. She did all of his secretarial work and kept up with all of his books and scheduling. Even though she had so many different skills that she had learned over the years. They were soul mates and both loved being together as much as they could. Their life was lavish and they liked it that way.

  This most recent trip was to Paris to defend a man that had been accused of murder, Dan had gotten acquitted. Which made him a large amount of money.

  Karen had been well taken care of by Dan since the day they were married twelve years before. She never had to work except for Dan, and always took care of everything for him. All he had to do was take care of her and she always returned the favor tenfold.

  “I am glad that I can take you with me, I am not sure what I would do without you.” Dan told her.

  “Speaking of, dinner is ready.” She told him across the large dining room.

  Their house was a five bedroom three bath. They were the ones on the block that had the extravagant holiday parties and Karen was the perfect hostess. She always decorated in the perfect ways and had the perfect food.

  Karen was a very small framed woman, she was dirty strawberry blonde with the cutest body anyone could ask for. If you were allowed to see her without make up and high heeled shoes, you were of the privileged sorts. Karen was the perfect looking woman that every woman was jealous of. She always wore jeans and cute shirts and heels to match. She never looked a bit out of sorts since she represented her husband everywhere that she went. Everyone knew who she was.

  Karen had always been obsessed with reading horror and that was what took up her time when she wasn’t working for her husband, she never passed up a good horror novel, no matter what country they were in.

  Karen was the absolute woman of perfection and everyone knew it; however, she was also a stubborn headed kind of woman. She rarely took no for an answer when she wanted something and did not put up with any bullshit from anyone including her own husband that learned that very early on in their relationship.

  Karen and Dan ate their dinner of T-bone steak, asparagus and baked potatoes with rolls for dinner. Karen had picked out the two hundred dollar bottle of wine to bring out the flavors just perfect.

  Both were jet lagged from their trip the day before and decided that bed was the best choice for their Saturday night.

  They climbed the white carpet covered spiral staircase and headed to their master bedroom. Karen sat on the oversized couch that covered the back wall while Dan sat with his feet up on the ottoman in the fluffy chair in the corner. Both relaxed for a moment before finally undressing and crawling into their California king sized bed. The huge comforter covered them both and hung down the sides. Their Egyptian cotton bed sheets kept them comfortable and able to sleep off their fatigue.

  The next morning, both were well rested and Karen made breakfast while Dan was able to actually sit and do nothing but watch her.

  “You know you are very beautiful.” He told her from their breakfast nook.

  “You must still be tired.” She laughed.

  “Nope, I am wide awake. I am so glad you married me.” Dan stated.

  Karen smiled at her husband and walked over to set his plate in front of him. She sat across from him and grasped the pineapple chunk that had fallen off of her plate to the glass table.

  Dan reached over and fed her a piece of kiwi and then took a drink of his orange juice.

  “So, my next case is in Texas. Are you going to that one?” He asked his wife.

  “Of course, why wouldn’t I?” she asked.

  “I didn’t figure you would want to go down to Texas, it’s just a few states away and I will only be gone a few days.” He explained.

  “I would love to go. There are some awesome things in Texas.” She stated. “When do we leave?”

  “Two days and we will be staying until Friday night.” He explained to his wife.

  “Sounds great.” Karen smiled.

  The two finished their breakfast and decided that today would be their lazy day of the week. They sat for the day and watched movies they had missed over the last few weeks while in Paris.

  They ordered take out and ate on the couch, which they only did on their lazy day weekends that they were home. It was one of Karen’s favorite times with her husband. Dan would turn off his phone and they would spend the day together.

  The next day was Monday and they readied themselves by packing for Texas. Dan had his one bag and two suits hung next to the door. Karen had her three bags of clothes, a make-up bag, her almighty shoe bag and a bag with two extra outfits for those just in case purposes.

  “So, do you have enough?” Dan laughed as he saw the stack of bags.

  “I really don’t think I do, but I will make it work.” Karen put her finger on her chin trying to decide if she needed to take another bag with her.

  Dan nodded his head and widened his eyes at his wife’s stack of bags.

  “Okay, well we leave out tomorrow morning. I have to get this case in order beforehand. I will be in my office.” He kissed his wife on the cheek before heading down the hallway.

  “I will be right here on the couch. I am going to read for a while.” She let him know.

  The two went their separate ways and Karen woke to her husband carrying her up the stairs.

  “Dan, I have told you to just wake me up if I fall asleep.” Karen smiled.

  “But you are just so damn cute.

  He flirted.

  Waking the next morning, Karen popped out of bed and hollered at the top of her lungs.


  Dan raised his head and looked at his loud wife and dropped his head back to his pillow.

  “Come on babe, let’s go let’s go let’s go!” She bounced around the room.

  Dan loved his wife, just not in the mornings.

  Finally out of bed, Dan was ready.

  “Well, let’s move out.” He stated grabbing some of her bags to load up.

  He placed all of the bags in the trunk of the black Cadillac and the two headed to the small airport where the private jets of the well-off were kept. A valet worker loaded their bags onto a gold rolling cart and took the keys from Dan. Both were well known at the airport, the man knew their exact routine and did the same as he had all the other times before. Another man took the cart and headed to the gate of the private jet they would be loading onto while Dan tipped the man that took his keys a twenty dollar bill.

  “We will only be gone a few days this time.” Dan told him.

  The ma
n nodded and walked to the driver’s side of the Cadillac and drove it into the parking garage.

  Dan took Karen’s hand as they walked through the airport. Dan shook the hands of men he had met throughout the years and even some colleagues that were just getting back from a trip. The man had already loaded all of their bags and they walked through the small tunnel to the jet that awaited them.

  Dan handed him a ten dollar bill. “Thank you Mr. Dziegiel, have a nice trip.” He bowed his head to him with thanks.

  “What town are we landing in?” Karen asked.

  “A place called Terrell, it was the closest one that had a private airport.” Dan told his wife as he sat on the tan leather love seat. “But the town we have to go to is fairly small from what I understand, but well off in the money area. I am defending a cop that screwed up and is being sued for all kinds of different things, so we will see how it goes.”

  Karen walked to the fully stocked bar and made them both a drink. She poured her usual beer into a frosty mug and made Dan a double shot of scotch on the rocks.

  She removed her heels and sat Indian style next to her husband.

  “I am ready to get to Texas and enjoy some sun, I loved it when we visited before.” Karen stated.

  “We will get there a lot quicker than we did to Paris, thank goodness. That was a horrid trip.” Dan stated.

  “Guess I don’t mind the trips. It’s fun to have to find things to do.” Karen laughed.

  “Yep, dancing and singing at the top of your lungs definitely keeps the whole jet entertained.” Dan joked, blowing her a kiss.

  “Hey, it makes time go by. Shut the hell up. I can’t help it if you aren’t any fun anymore Mr. hot shot lawyer.” She told him.

  Almost within minutes of take-off, they landed. Karen watched out of the window at the sun shining bright and almost blinding her reflecting off of the white cement runway.


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