OMEGA Brutal

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OMEGA Brutal Page 1

by Stephen Arseneault



  By: Stephen Arseneault

  "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."

  Dwight D. Eisenhower

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright 2015 Stephen Arseneault. All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents

  OMEGA 6 Brutal

  Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

  Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

  Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9

  Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

  Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15

  Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

  Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21

  Chapter 22 Chapter 23 What's Next

  Chapter 1

  * * *

  Housing construction for the Odentas was complete. The clean area on the planet's surface now stretched out eighty-six square kilometers with another four being added every day. The number of AIs and their autobots was doubling every three days. With the additional Talisan forces with us, our surface area requirements had grown substantially.

  Jack said, "The food rationing is going smoothly, but we need to get some farming online here soon. We have about eight weeks of rations left, and that's stretching it."

  I replied, "Construction of the greenhouses and breeding pens begins today. I wish there was an alternative. How are you supposed to feed almost fifty-five million people?"

  Jack nodded. "It'll be tough. I was wondering if there might be an opportunity for us back at Doomlight."

  I turned with a suspicious stare. "Doomlight? Why would we go back there?"

  Jack held up a hand. "Just hear me out. What if we took a force back there for a raid? If there are transports or supply ships, we steal them and bring them back here. They can always send more food through the portal."

  I frowned. "While I like the sound of that on the surface, I would have to believe that Harden Salton now has at least five or ten thousand warships guarding that planet. And I doubt we would be able to get away with that comm stunt again. We got lucky the rest of those captains didn't think of switching to direct comms."

  Jack nodded. "What about other star systems around here. There might be a populated planet we could trade with. Or if it's not populated, but habitable, we might be able to land the Talisans there while we build this place up."

  I shook my head. "I think we would have the same issue there with having to build farms and livestock, only we would be that many weeks further behind."

  Jack crossed his arms. "I just hate sitting here when there is so much to be done."

  "I have a job for you," I said. "Have the bots on board build enough of those passive probes to lay out a network around this star system. Kind of an early warning system should other ships come this way. You might have to deploy thousands of them, but that could give us extra hours of warning if someone was coming. After that you can work with the Odentas on a fast evac plan should we need to load everyone back on the ships."

  Jack sat forward. "If we have to do that, we will be in a world of hurt soon after. We won't have the supplies to sustain us on those ships for quite some time."

  I half smiled. "Well, you wanted something to do and that should keep you busy. Once those things are in place and we get our food resources straightened out, it will at least give us options."

  Jack stood. "Now that... we can agree on."

  I looked at Jack as he began to stare at me. "What are you doing?"

  He laughed. "I'm waiting for your big gray ass to get off my ship so I can get started! Come on, I'll walk you to the ramp."

  As we walked, I said, "Go seems to be doing well. Tires quickly, but gets right back at it when he's rested."

  Jack nodded. "He's neck deep in projects he's loving. He thinks the AIs might have an artificial arm almost ready to run a few tests on in the next day or two."

  As we passed the lab I had to stop and look. Go was standing over a table. From his torso down to his ankles he was wrapped in an exoskeleton.

  I stepped into the lab and said, "What's with the mechanicals?"

  Go turned. "Oh, I got tired of the bots picking me up to carry me around so I had them build this. It just gives me the bit of assistance I need. The muscles down my right side are still in decline. I really miss that suit. It had me in the best shape I had ever been in."

  Jack chuckled. "Looks like we have the makings of our first cyborg."

  Go replied, "Hey, it helps. Until I get myself back online, I need these mechanicals to give me mobility. You can't imagine what it's like to have all these things to do, and you can't get them done without major hassle. It just drives me nuts."

  Jack nodded. "I get yah. Was just pulling your chain. We all have things we want to get done that take us too long. You just have to keep plugging away at them. And by the way, you've been at that almost every waking minute. You might take a rest and just find something to do that's relaxing. We all need a little recharge sometimes."

  Go looked up. "This is my recharge."

  I patted Jack on the back as we turned toward the ramp. "Keep an eye on him. We don't want him burning himself out. And if you get bored, poke your head in and nose around in his business. He might get annoyed with the distraction, but it might be the break in his pattern that you say he needs."

  Jack stopped at the top of the ramp as I walked down. "I probably won't be back for a few days."

  I waved over my shoulder. "We'll be here. Just keep an eye on the sensors for other ships. Any warning is good warning."

  As I walked toward a newly-constructed building, the ramp of the Garmon closed and she lifted off. I stopped and watched as our majestic light cruiser headed toward the heavens. She had been a good ship, and a ship that was worthy of her namesake. I had to take a moment to wonder about Layda and Jallis. Had Harden's people taken control of Effica? Had our efforts in Omega really saved anyone?

  My attention to my current efforts returned as an Odenta citizen stopped in front of me. "Mr. Beutcher, I'm sure you've heard this before, but we really do appreciate all you have done for us. We're alive, we're home, and we have a light in the heavens that says we will come through this. Just this morning my neighbor gave birth to twins. They are named Knogek and Knogral. I just thought you might want to know."

  I bowed my head. "I appreciate the gesture and I thank you for your kind words. I'm just out here trying to survive and to save my family like everyone else."

  The Odenta returned the bow and smiled before walking away.

  Garrett came up behind me. "Did I hear that right? The Odentas are now naming their babies after you too?"

  I shook my head. "In a few years time they will all be living in a very confused world. I am honored at the thought, but not worthy of the deed."

  Garrett laughed. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."
/>   Garrett followed as I continued walking toward the first farms and pens that were under construction.

  Garrett said, "I sure hope this works out. These people are badly in need of a break. Almost everything they've ever known has been destroyed, the mass of their population killed... we need at least a year or two of peace to really get this place in shape. They expect to have the first gravity beam cannon set up by the end of this week. It'll mirror the one they defended themselves with on Doomlight. They plan on covering the surface of this planet with them."

  I placed my hand on Garrett's shoulder as we walked. "Speaking of needing a break, I am glad to see that you and Joni have finally had some time together. How is that coming along?"

  Garrett shook his head. "Well, I know I'm in love because nobody has been able to push my buttons like that before. You say something completely innocent, they twist it around and then you feel horrible about what you innocently said. It's like they have this hidden switch they can flip whenever they want you to feel sorry. If I could just figure out how to get over that ... well, the rest is fantastic. Couldn't be happier."

  I smiled. "Such is the plight of the male in almost every species. We will fight and die for them. We'll work our fingers to the bone for them, and we can spend our entire lives trying to make their lives better, but we somehow lack a simple understanding of what drives them. We somehow lack the conversation gene they require. I speak in generalities of course. There are always those who will give us all a bad name."

  Garrett shook his head. "You know, up until now I had to laugh at every guy story I heard where they were complaining about a woman. That's all changed. I can now relate to that lack of understanding you’re talking about. Sometimes I just don't have a clue, and they don't like that."

  Garrett looked around suspiciously with a smirk on his face. "OK, we probably should best end this conversation. They either have spies everywhere or they can tell when we've been talking about them. And I don't need any more trouble."

  We turned the corner of a building to see the first foundations of the massive grow houses the bots were constructing.

  I said, "Each structure covers a square kilometer. When completed in the next few weeks, we should have nearly a thousand of these stretching off into the distance. This building is supposed to be the first to come online. Within six weeks we expect it to produce enough to feed five thousand."

  Garrett pulled back his head. "Five thousand? That seems like an awful lot coming from that small space."

  I nodded. "We are counting on these being highly efficient farms when run by the bots."

  Garrett did the math in his head. "That's only food for five million if that's the case. How are we going to manage ten times that amount? If it's taking six weeks to construct and bring these online, the Talisan supplies won't last that long."

  I agreed. "Things will be tight for a while and rations my have to be stretched, but the construction of farms should grow exponentially. After that initial six week period, we believe we should have enough additional production after two additional months to keep us from starving. In the meantime, you’d best prepare to be hungry."

  Garrett slapped me on the back. "Well, at least I require a lot less food than you. Finally something physical that works in my favor."

  Joni joined us from behind. "Are you two talking about me?"

  Garrett leaned in. "See what I mean?"

  Garrett took Joni's hand as she came up beside him. "We're discussing the farms. Food is going to get scarce around here until these are all up and running."

  Joni asked, "What about the galligs?"

  I pointed off in the distance. "Breeding pens are being constructed just on the other side of that ridge. The Odentas only have five hundred sows for their starter herd. Even with the fast breeding techniques, and the constant care the bots can provide, we don't expect the galligs to be providing substantial meat quantities for nearly a year."

  Garrett winced. "A year? I'll be eating salads for a year?"

  I nodded. "It's the best we can possibly do."

  I rubbed my chin in thought. "Jack mentioned exploring for other planets in this section of the galaxy. There are two on the star charts that are within a four week journey. They would be impossible to explore and to find enough food to bring back of any significance. But it might not hurt us to scout them out anyway. Would be good to know what surrounds us."

  Garrett looked at Joni. "Any interest in an exploratory mission?"

  Joni laughed. "Are you sure you want to be cooped up with just me for a couple months?"

  Garrett smiled. "I guess there's only one way to find out."

  I said, "OK, why don't the two of you stop being so coy and just get on with it."

  Joni rolled her eyes as she dragged Garrett by the arm. "Come on."

  I looked over my shoulder as they walked. "Take an AI and a couple bots with you just in case you need repairs!"

  Garrett held up his hand. "Got it!"

  In the following days I made the rounds on our small but growing patch of detoxified land. The Odentas continued to settle in and to plan for their future. Using the bots, they planned to build a bigger and better world. A world where their children could once again grow up in a safe and secure environment.

  As I made my morning rounds, looking over the first dozen grow houses, Jack settled in with the Garmon on the landing field. The ramp was lowered as I approached.

  Jack stood at the top when I arrived. "I tried to raise you on the comm."

  I nodded. "I saw it. You didn't have it set as urgent so I thought I'd get a status from you directly."

  I followed Jack to the bridge. "We deployed almost four thousand probes in a matrix. If anything comes near this system we should have a good four hours of warning before anything would show on a standard sensor. The next block of probes would add another hour to that time, but we'll need another four thousand to cover that area. They're all online and functioning."

  I sat in a bridge chair. "Thanks for taking care of that. I don't think we'll be able to run anytime soon if anyone shows."

  Jack pulled up the nav display. "I noticed the Jess pulling out a couple days ago. Where were they off to?"

  I replied, "I took your suggestion and sent them off to explore the two closest star systems to this one. I don't expect to learn much, but it gave them something to do. And they get to do it together."

  Jack smiled. "They needed that. I know at least from Garrett's standpoint, he has been wrapped up in her for a while."

  I nodded. "It's mutual. Garrett was already talking to me about the universality of males not understanding females."

  Jack laughed. "Already gotten himself in trouble, huh?"

  "More than once, apparently," I said. "I think they're just feeling out this relationship. Neither has had the opportunity to have a serious one before this. Joni is a Salton and Garrett joined the organization fresh out of high school at sixteen. If they come back happy, it's for the long term."

  Jack shook his head. "Out here, keeping that long term might be their only choice. I don't see my chances of reconnecting with someone getting any better. But I had it all, and I don't know if I want to risk losing that again. I'm glad to see someone has the potential for being happy, though."

  I said, "Can I guess that Go is in the lab?"

  Jack laughed. "Where else? Come on. I'll walk down there with you."

  When we turned the corner into the lab, Go was opening and closing a mechanical hand. "That is so cool. Hey! Come check this out!"

  I stood next to the bench, looking down on the mechanical appendage.

  Go said, "This is the spine. These are the hydraulics. It has good mobility, almost as much as a real hand. And it has about twice the strength."

  Go gestured toward his shoulder. "This is the nerve pickup. It's only one way right now, so all I can do is try to move my arm with my mind like I used to. The pickup translates those signals into movement. It's kind of freaky rig
ht now because I don't get any touch feedback. I can see it move, which feels right. I can hear it if I bump something. But there's a big hole otherwise."

  Jack leaned in and looked over the arm. "Wow, they managed to fit all that in a slightly smaller size. What comes next?"

  Go pulled up a holo-display. "If we get the kinks worked out of this arm, the next step is an interface for my shoulder. I gave Anterra access to our human anatomy database. She's working on its design as a background task."

  Jack chuckled. "She?"

  Go replied, "Well yeah. We call the Garmon a she even though it's named after a guy. Isn't that tradition?"

  Jack thought, then nodded. "I guess it is. It just struck me as funny I guess because it's an intelligence and not just an object."

  "Do you have a timeframe in mind for the interface operation?"

  Go nodded. "I'm hoping by the end of this week. The operation would be lengthy. Might take as long as two days. Nerve endings have to be attached. The bone structure of the shoulder has to be reinforced and mounts for the interface added. And the whole thing has to be sealed over with skin grafts that attach to a mesh. The HMI is complex."

  Jack asked, "HMI?"

  Go pulled up a holo-diagram of it. "The Human Machine Interface. That's what I'm calling it. I wasted an hour trying to come up with a cool acronym before just calling it what it is."

  Jack again chuckled. "At least tell us what the runner-up was."

  Go sighed. "OK. I had two. The first was the MAC, the Man Android Configuration. And the second was the MOG, the Machine on Go. I wasn't impressed with either so HMI was it."

  Jack replied, "How about the GAP? Go's Android Prosthesis? You know, like bridge the gap between you and your arm."

  Go stared.

  The hand raised up with the index finger in the air, waving slowly back and forth. "It's the HMI."

  Jack stepped back with a phony grimace. "Oh, OK. Didn't mean to disparage the hand."

  Lieutenant Jefferson came over the comm. "Sir, we have a hit on the probe matrix. There's a ship sitting just on the far reach of the array. We don't have enough for visual, but it's there."


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