Werewulf Journals: Fortrayn's Forbidden Fling

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Werewulf Journals: Fortrayn's Forbidden Fling Page 1

by Camille Anthony

  Praise for the writing of Camille Anthony

  Werewulf Journals 1: Wild in the City

  This short novel was riveting ‑‑ I started it about 10 p.m. one night, thinking I would read a few pages before going to bed. I kept saying to myself, “Just a few more pages...” until I finished it and discovered it was midnight! Thank goodness this seems to be the first in a series. Keep writing, Camille!

  ‑‑ Jean, Fallen Angel Reviews

  This reviewer was very impressed. Werewulf Journals 1: Wild in the City is not a welcomed addition to my book collection, it is a MUST HAVE addition!!! I look forward to the next installment of this series.

  ‑‑ Faith Jacobs, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

  I found the characters in this story to be fantastic. The humor itself will have you in stitches. The love story opens doors to the imagination in most usual ways. The love scenes between Hunter and Melody gives true meaning to the title Wild in the City. Enjoy!

  ‑‑ Diane Tugman, The Romance Studio

  Ms. Anthony blows the “norm” out of the water with this story and I’m curious to see where she takes it. Kudos, Ms Anthony, for the unusual twist you give this story!

  ‑‑ Pam L., A Romance Review

  Ms. Anthony throws the predictable shifter story in the dust and gives the reader a unique, fascinating and satisfyingly erotic read. This is definitely a keeper.

  ‑‑ Jennifer Brooks, Coffee Time Romance

  Werewulf Journals 1: Wild in the City is now available from Loose Id.



  Camille Anthony



  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * * *

  This book is rated:

  For substantial explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable.

  Werewulf Journals: Fortrayn’s Forbidden Fling

  Camille Anthony

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Published by

  Loose Id LLC

  1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-29

  Carson City NV 89701-1215


  Copyright © April 2005 by Camille Anthony

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

  ISBN 1-59632-115-6

  Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

  Printed in the United States of America

  Editor: Maryam Salim

  Cover Artist: April Martinez


  Chapter One

  Trapped on the porch in the pouring rain, Fortrayn stood listening to his Uncle Hunter making love to his new bitch on the living room couch. Hunter was really his cousin, but among wulves, the terms “uncle” and “aunt” indicated respect toward a more alpha member of the family. If his elder cousin hadn’t impressed the need for respect into him with his teeth, Fortrayn damn sure wouldn’t be standing out here in the rain.

  Shit, he lived here, too, but lately he felt like an unwanted interloper. He didn’t really mind having Melody and her baby son, Blair, living with them, but this was getting a little ridiculous. He’d never liked the rain.

  Newly bonded, Hunter and Melody fucked every chance they got, and Fortrayn kept finding himself caught in the backlash. He didn’t appreciate Hunter snarling at him ‑‑ especially that particular snarl threatening imminent throat ripping and other less pleasant mayhem ‑‑ when he hadn’t done anything to warrant the threat.

  Just yesterday, he’d walked into the kitchen and caught Hunter getting all beastly with his lady-love. In his hulking mid-form, Hunter had hefted Melody up on the counter, buried his head between her thighs, and proceeded to enjoy a pre-lunch snack of hot, juicy pussy ‑‑ judging by all the slurping he’d done.

  Melody was one of the prettiest full-figured black women Fort had ever seen, so it was no wonder his cock had gone hard. He’d whined a bit, drool dripping from the side of his mouth. The sexy sight of her thick dark thighs wrapped about Hunter’s pale waist, that glimpse he’d caught of full, round cocoa-tinted breasts ... What’s a healthy male wulf to do? He’d hardened, then he’d howled.

  Hell, he hadn’t been issuing challenge ‑‑ merely applauding his cousin’s good luck. Unfortunately, Hunter hadn’t seen it that way ...

  The wind kicked up, tossing a swirl of sodden leaves in his face. Wet and getting wetter, Fortrayn snarled and swiped at the mess with one hand, absently rubbing the sore spots at his shoulder and neck with the other. As long as it didn’t start lightning, he wouldn’t dare step foot in that living room.

  Mouth tight, he recalled the sharp nips of his cousin’s teeth as he’d chased him from the kitchen and through the dining room. Still unused to wulf ways, Melody ‑‑ Hunter had said ‑‑ felt uncomfortable with Fortrayn watching them mate. He’d ordered him to stay out of any room they were fucking in and slammed the door in his face.

  Growing more soggy and cold by the minute, Fort whimpered, feeling put upon and rejected. Hunter’s decision wasn’t fair. Most of the time, he was grateful his cousin and Alpha had finally accepted his new adult status, but sometimes ‑‑ deep down ‑‑ he missed his cub status. He still needed the occasional reassurance of family bonding, missed the affirmation he received by watching his elders join as mated pairs.

  Unfortunately, as a maturing wulf coming into his full sexual prime, Fort found himself drawn to the breed, Melody. He liked his new “auntie’s” kick-ass attitude, and thoughts of fucking her excited him. Still, when he was able to think practically, she didn’t really impress him as a good candidate for bond-mate. He wanted to rule his den when he set one up, and she was too alpha for his tastes. Besides which, he hadn’t a hope in hell of winning a challenge against Hunter. Over the years, he’d grown accustomed to breathing.

  None of that mattered. As his instinctual lust for Melody grew, Fort became more and more uncomfortable. His cock stood perpetually at half-mast, and his balls hung heavy and full, aching and tight, loaded down with seed. He dared not act on his urges, could only hope Hunter would quickly formalize things and put him out of his misery.

  Normally, his Alpha was the most pragmatic of beings, so Fort had a problem understanding his current reasoning. Hunter had dangerously chosen to delay his formal pack mating until his newly bonded lover came to terms with her prejudice against fucking Hunter in fur-form.

  By putting off their formal joining before the pack’s Alpha Prime, Hunter left Melody up for grabs. Their bonding could be broken by any wulf strong enough to take her from Hunter. The winner would then force her into a mate-bond. Not even his exalted position as pack Prime-in-waiting could protect Hunter from a mating challenge; and for certain, when other wulves caught a whiff of Melody’s ripe, breed-rich scent, there would be plenty of challenges offered by
the pack’s mate-starved males.

  Fort raked his hands through sopping wet hair. Things would be a lot less tense around here if Hunter would rediscover his common sense. He needed to take control of his bitch and stop humoring her stupid human foibles. Once he presented her to the pack’s Alpha Prime, confirmed his right to mate her, and doggy-fucked her, it would be all over with. Melody’s pheromones would change, and she’d stop giving off those “come-fuck-me” vibes.

  Fort’s latest masturbation fantasies involved dark, rich skin, full, round curves, and sherry-colored eyes above ripe, thick lips. He greatly feared his growing obsession with Melody. Seeing his Alpha mark her on a constant basis, smelling his claim in her flesh, was what he needed to avoid making the monumental mistake of moving on Hunter’s claim.

  A sigh rumbled through Fort’s chest. Hunter seriously needed to piss or get off the pot. Blue balls were a bitch!

  A high-pitched warble sounded from inside, causing Fort to prick up his ears and cock his head. When he focused in on the two lovers, he could hear them through the door, over the sound of the pounding rain.

  Damn, they were going at it like rabid bunnies!

  His heart kicked into high speed. His cock strained against his jeans, the bulbous head prodding against the abrasive material. Suddenly, hearing wasn’t good enough. He wanted to see Melody mounted by Hunter, needed to smell his cousin’s spunk perfuming her skin, marking her.

  Say, wait! Fort perked up. Hunter had ordered him not to enter the room; he hadn’t ordered him not to watch. Mentally rubbing his hands together, Fort ran through ways he could circumvent his banishment.

  Smiling, he left the porch and forged his way through the dripping wet shrubbery to a window on the leeward side of the house, away from the main street. Made up of long, narrow glass, the window had a puffy dressing, no curtains, and gave him an unobstructed view into the front room. Hunkering down so as to be shielded by the bushes from the neighbors’ view, he leaned close, his breath fogging the pane.

  He was wrong. They weren’t on the couch. Hunter had cleared everything off the coffee table and spread Melody across it, belly up. Her full breasts sagged heavily to either side of her chest, the tight dark nipples so firm and aroused they jutted at sharp angles away from her lush body. Hunter held her thighs up near her waist, legs spread wide as his hips rolled and undulated, plowing her cunt with deep, smooth digs. Occasionally, he’d slow down, lean over, and latch onto a plump breast, worrying her stiff crests with his teeth. After suckling and nipping at her blackberry nipples until they stood stiff and erect, shining with the wet sheen of his saliva, he would bring his head up to eye his handiwork before commencing to thrust into her cocoa-tinted folds.

  Damn, but those little buggers of hers are thick and long! Fort licked his lips and pressed closer to the glass. A tingling started in his lower belly, and he squirmed, dropping a hand to his crotch to adjust his pants.

  He must have made some slight noise, for Hunter’s head reared up, eyes gone heated gold with the imminence of change. Fort held his breath as Hunter met his eyes for a long moment before returning his attention to the writhing, moaning woman beneath him.

  Fort let out a shaky, relieved sigh as Hunter increased his strokes. Hips jackknifing between Melody’s splayed legs, he licked his way up over her breasts, took a chocolate nipple between his teeth, and tugged on it.

  Breathing hard, Fort snapped the top button of his jeans. Easing his hand down into his pants, he grasped his cock. The head was already wet. He rubbed his palm over the top, slicking his slippery juice over the glans before fisting his hand about the thick barrel.

  His eyes riveted on Hunter and Melody, he paused long enough to release two more buttons and free his sex. His balls screamed between his thighs, swollen and hot. The tight jean material chafed the tender skin, and he shifted his legs, tugged the pants away from his sacs, and panted with the easing. He went back to staring at the action inside.

  Melody had risen up on her elbows to feed Hunter a plump breast. His head bobbed up and down as he mouth-fucked her tit, sucking hard enough to hollow his cheeks. She moaned long and low, humped her hips up at him while she grabbed his hair with one hand and forced his face harder against her nipple.

  Lips drawn back in a mating snarl, Hunter slipped a hand down her belly, eased two fingers past her swollen labia, and sank them into her dark red cunt along side his forging cock. Her intimate flesh looked stuffed, filled with the Alpha’s cock and those two busy digits. The elastic channel strained to accommodate them.

  This is how it should be, Fort decided, sliding his hand up and down on his cock ‑‑ his Alpha declaring his mate off-limits by taking her before witnesses. Growing wildly excited, Fortrayn tightened his fist over his leaking head, fingers flexing against his thick growth. Mouth open, chest rising and falling with his harsh breaths, he stroked his rampant length and fought against changing to mid-form himself.

  Hunter leaned up and took Melody’s mouth, mating his tongue with hers as his hand pistoned back and forth between her legs, gathering her cream. Pulling them out, he swirled those fingers over the puckered little hole below her vagina.

  Damn, but he made that look good.

  Fort turned his wrist and pumped his cock underhanded, smoothly increasing the rhythm. His other hand cupped his balls, compressing his sacs on each downstroke. Heat licked along the base of his penis, tightened the stones in his sacs.

  Damn, but Melody’s loving the reaming she’s getting. Fort saw how her body trembled, rose and fell at Hunter’s command; how her screams seemed to egg her lover on. On the tail of one long scream, her head fell back to expose her neck to her mate’s teeth.

  Oh, hell, if a woman ever offered me her throat, I just know I’d lose it!

  It seemed to affect Hunter the same way, for he bent to her neck, a cry between a growl and a groan rending the air. When he lifted his head, her blood stained his lips and his face had widened, coarsened. Hair sprouted and grew into a thick pelt as ‑‑ never stopping the powerful thrusting of his hips ‑‑ he morphed into the massive bulk of mid-form ‑‑ the wulf’s natural shape.

  Fort heard Melody’s whimper as the cock and fingers inside her grew and thickened along with the rest of Hunter’s body, stretching her already stretched flesh to capacity. With a muffled roar, Hunter eased his fingers from her, picked her up, and flipped her over on her belly.

  Her fingers gripped the edge of the table, bracing her large body as ham-fisted paws wrapped around her hips, jerking her bottom up in the air.

  Oh, cunts and cocks, was he going to ...?

  Fort swallowed hard, gripping his meat, pumping up and down with an almost frantic lust. Hell, yeah, he’s gonna take her ass while he’s in mid-form!

  Hunter’s muzzle leaned close to Melody’s ear, mouth moving. He must have told her what he planned, for her dark face blossomed with a frightened scowl before relaxing into an expression of acceptance and trust.

  Hunter lifted her hips higher, pressed his huge, slick member against the small of her back, one massive paw resting below her breasts. One razor-sharp claw swirled a lazy pattern around her bellybutton, carefully dipped in, and circled the deep indention.

  She turned her head and rubbed her cheek against the thick fur coating his shoulder, one arm holding his, the other dropping back so her hand could caress the cock shining with her juices. Just when she gripped him, he slipped a claw between her pussy lips and diddled her clit.

  Her hips slammed forward, forcing his hooked finger harder against the bundle of nerves. Her mouth formed an astounded O, and her eyes rolled back in her head. She jerked so hard, her breasts jiggled.

  Shit, he’d always loved Jell-O. Breath stalled in his chest, Fortrayn circled the base of his cock and squeezed down hard as he watched Melody writhe and jerk through her first release, frantic to halt his own orgasm. His mouth fell open as he gulped air, watching Hunter ease her torso over the table as he fit his cockhead to her tiny rectum.

  How the hell does he expect to fit that massive thing in Melody’s back door? he wondered, eyes wide as Hunter continued pressing in. An inch at a time, obviously.

  Fort held his breath as Hunter’s cock slowly edged forward, forcing Mel’s sphincter to give way before his relentless entry. Lucky for Melody, when the scientists manipulated the first wulves’ genes to make some of them compatible with humans, they engineered a secondary gland in the head of the penis. Upon erection, the gland activated, excreting a viscous lubricant designed to ease the wulf’s entry into the smaller sexual organs of a human.

  Stomach muscles clenching in sympathy, he watched Mel fling back her head, face contorted with pleasure/pain, mouth open in a long, drawn-out wail. Hunter barked the order for her to push out. She must have obeyed, for suddenly, his cock sank all the way up her tight channel. His balls slapping against her pussy lips elicited a sharp cry from her.

  He started pumping his cock in her ass, and it was no gentle taking. Hunter’s gaze locked with Fort’s as Hunter sent his hips slamming against Mel’s round, cushiony bottom, his cock digging hard into her stretched anus. Hunter’s furred hand wove through her bushy curls, parted her labia so two clawed fingers could pinch her clit between them.

  Fort had never heard anything sexier than Melody’s little huffing screams each time Hunter surged into her, the small, lusty whimpers as he slowly drew out, lengthening his strokes to give her the maximum pleasure.

  A possessive smirk on his face, Hunter rotated with Mel, positioning them so Fortrayn could see his cock tunneling in and out of her, her tiny opening forced wide around his mid-form size. Big hands gripped her cheeks, holding her open to both their gazes as he fucked her furiously, his rhythmic grunts matching the relentless back-and-forth movements of his hips.


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