Werewulf Journals: Fortrayn's Forbidden Fling

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Werewulf Journals: Fortrayn's Forbidden Fling Page 3

by Camille Anthony

  “The man and the dog ... they’re wolves ‑‑ you’d call them werewolves ‑‑ and they’ve marked you as prey.”

  Rosa started to grin. Doubling over, she grabbed her stomach and howled with laughter, breaking down into the girlish giggles she hated. Eyes tearing with the force of her mirth, she looked up at him. The exasperated expression on his face sent her off again, and she sank to the edge of the desk, rocking her body back and forth.

  “Ooh, my sides hurt!” She tried to compose her face into stern lines but couldn’t hold it. Every time Fortrayn growled, the giggles attacked again. Her eyes overflowed, tears falling down her cheeks as she gave way to renewed mirth. Finally she wound down.

  “If you are quite finished ...?” Fortrayn did not sound amused.

  She had to work hard at not breaking into laughter a third time. “Eh, hijo, you had me going good! Halloween is over and April Fool’s is not yet, but you tell a good joke on me. Wait till I share this with Andrea ...”

  “I’m not your son, and I’m not kidding.”

  “Eiyee!” Rosa jumped. Somehow, when she wasn’t looking, he’d snuck up on her.

  His hands closed around her arms, dragging her close to his chest as he began to speak, his voice hurried and driven. “Rosa, I know this is hard to believe, but just shut up and listen. Last month, when we did all that teasing, I figured you were finally ready to act on the mutual attraction between us. I spread my scent over you, fully planning to come back for you later that night. The two rogues who accosted you smelled my mark on you and figured I wasn’t alpha enough to hold on to you. As an insult to me, they removed my scent and marked you with theirs.”

  Rosa twisted her shoulders in a failed attempt to escape his grip. For some reason, though his words were frightening in the extreme, she felt no trepidation, no sense of danger from him. She simply didn’t believe Fortrayn would hurt her. “Fortrayn, supposing what you say is true, why would they care one way or the other?” Eyes searching his, trying to see past his agitated exterior, she gazed up at his face.

  The fierce expression in his eyes faded to something that made her heart stutter in her chest. “I asked you to call me Fort. Is that so difficult to do?”

  “Very well, Fort. Now answer my question. Why would they care?”

  He cleared his throat, seemed reluctant to verbalize the bad news she could read in his troubled expression. “They don’t. That’s the problem. I care for you ... deeply. They don’t care at all ‑‑ not one small bit.”

  He clutched her hands in his larger ones. They were cold and clammy. She pulled back, unease roiling through her as his fear impacted her. “Fort, you sound ... afraid.”

  “I’m terrified,” he admitted. Gripping her hands tighter, he drew her back to his side. “So scared you won’t believe me or that I’ll frighten you so much you won’t allow me to help you. Most of all, I’m afraid I won’t be strong enough to fight off those two wulves when they ‑‑” He shook his head “I don’t want you to die, Rosa.” His jaw firmed. “I won’t let that happen, no matter what!”

  His arms tightened around her, and she hugged his back, wanting to give him comfort and reassurance. She didn’t believe what he was saying ‑‑ how could she? ‑‑ but he believed it, and she wouldn’t mock him. She had to get him help.

  “Fort, why don’t we call your uncle Hunter?”

  Fortrayn stiffened in her arms. “Why do you want to call him? Don’t you think I’m alpha enough to handle this on my own? Besides, he’s really my cousin. I know you’ve heard me call him ‘uncle,’ but it’s just a courtesy title my family uses. I’ll explain that later.”

  Isn’t that just like a man? At least he didn’t jump to the real conclusion. She hastened to placate him. “He might know the man. Maybe he could talk to him, ask him to leave me alone.”

  The snarl that rumbled under her chest didn’t sound like it originated in the body of the slim man before her. “You haven’t believed a word I said. First of all, neither one of them is a man. Second, there is only one sure way to get them off your trail, and my cousin can’t and won’t do it for you. He’s already bonded.”

  Exasperation rose up, blotting out her common sense. Slapping both hands on his chest, she straightened up her arms and pushed him away. He let her go. “Just what is it you think these creatures will do to me, hmm?”

  Eyes bleak, Fort met her gaze. Jaw firm, mouth tight, lips thinned, he spoke through his teeth, carefully enunciating each word. “They will find you. They will fuck you ‑‑ together and singly ‑‑ both as man and beast. And because it is unlawful to declare ourselves to humans, they will eat you.”

  “How do you know what they are? And if they are what you say they are, how can you possibly hope to protect me from them?”

  A deprecating half-smile curved his full lips. “I am one of them. I am a wulf.”

  Chapter Four

  “Yeah ... right!”


  “That’s what you were thinking, in just those sarcastic tones. I could read it on your face.”

  “If it is against the law to let humans know about your kind, why did you just tell me?”

  Fort sighed. Isn’t that just like a female of any species? She ignores the important information and focuses on the most trivial. “I don’t want you to die. Period. To that end, I am willing to accept pack banishment.”

  Rosa shook her head, and he wanted to shake some sense in to her. “You have to know I’m finding all this really hard to believe.”

  “Want proof?” At her nod, he shrugged, releasing her. “Remember, you asked for it.”

  Putting his hands in the waistband of his shorts, Fortrayn tugged them down his long legs, exposing a nest of dark gold pubic hair surrounding his long, thick cock. He’d been half-hard, but hearing Rosa’s outraged gasp, practically feeling her astounded gaze on his cock, he rose to full attention.

  “Madre de Dios! Mother of God, what are you doing?”

  He stepped out of the shorts and kicked them away. “I can’t very well shift while wearing those, can I? Watch and learn ...”

  Fort dropped to all fours, flung back his head, and howled. His eyes taking on the glow of change, he abandoned skin-form and summoned the beast, groaning in ecstasy as his body began morphing. Joints rearranged themselves, torso lengthened, arms grew, muscles bulked up until he lifted his inhuman face and stared at her from out of the face of an ancient nightmare.

  He roared and leapt to his feet.

  She screamed and ran for the door.

  He caught her before she’d gone two steps, his reflexes lightning fast in this predatory form. He forced words past his inadequate vocal cords, his throat not designed for human speech. “Don’t run ... brings out beast ... in me.” Her fear poured over him in a heady stream.

  “Dios, Dios, Dios, help me!” She jackknifed in his grasp, kicked out, and flailed, trying to escape. He held her down with frightful ease.

  “Rosa. Stop!” Her struggles aroused his ardor. His penis jutted long and thick, almost eleven inches in length and wider than her wrist where the mushroomed head swayed in lusty demand.

  She stilled, and he carefully set her down. As soon as he released her, he had to snatch her back. Her knees had given way, and she would have fallen. Slumped against him, she hyperventilated, panting raggedly, pulse speeding like a runaway train.

  He shifted back to skin-form.

  She fainted.

  Chapter Five

  “It’s all right. I’ve got you.”

  Rosa came to with her head against Fort’s shoulder. The hair-roughened expanse was warm and comforting until she recalled how he’d changed into a monster and rushed at her. Scrambling out of his arms and to her feet, she retreated to what she hoped was a safe distance and eyed him askance. She had to try three times to get words out of her constricted throat. “What are you?”

  “A wulf ‑‑ spelled with a ‘U’. I won’t hurt you.”

  She shook her head
in wonder. “For some reason, I believe you. I mean, if you wanted to, you’ve had plenty of chances to do it.” She sobered. “But those other two ... they will hurt me, won’t they?”

  “No, they won’t! I won’t let them.”

  “I ...” She swallowed thickly, fighting the urge to scream with fear. “If they ... had sex with me ... would they do it in the ... would they look like you did?”

  “It’s called mid-form. It’s the shape we take for fighting and, yes, for fucking. It is the shape that bridges our other two: the wulf or fur-shape, and the human or skin-shape.”

  “You’re not human.”

  His face hardened. “No, I’m not. My race is from another planet. We crash-landed here millennia ago. We gave your ancestors fire.”

  “Madre de Dios!” She crossed herself. “I believe you.” She lifted drenched eyes to his, blinked as tears obscured her vision before spilling over onto her cheeks.

  “I don’t want to die.”

  “You won’t. I promise.”

  She glanced away, sure her next words would hurt him, hurt his feelings. “I think I know what you have to do to save my life, and I’m not sure I can bear for you to do that if you have to change into that ... that shape you had a minute ago.” She chanced a glimpse down at his erection. It hadn’t diminished a whit, though she was glad to see that in this form it was much smaller. It only looked like an eight-inch two-by-four rather than a huge baseball bat.

  Fort sighed, brushed his fingers through his hair, and met her teary gaze. She recognized the habit as a sign of his agitation. His green-brown eyes were clear and straightforward as he laid out the facts. “I can’t fuck you in mid-form ‑‑ I’d be too big for you. Neither will I ever take you without your consent. But I’m damned if I’ll let you pretend this is going to be easy. Yes, I’m going to fuck you. Unlike the others, I’ll make damn sure you enjoy it ‑‑ you’ll come twice or more before I penetrate you. While you’re climaxing, I’ll bite you, exchanging DNA with you.”

  “Bite me?”

  “I have to. It’s part of the claiming. With my bond, no wulf will bother you. You’ll disappear as prey. The alternative is having two wulves brutally fuck you.”

  Rosa licked her dry lips and thought about the fangs the monstrous shape had sported. “Yes, but ... bite me?”

  “Think about it. It will be them or me. They’ll force you to accept their cocks in your pussy and ass, possibly at the same time. They’ll take you in all three forms, whether you want it or not. It will be rape, pure and simple, and when they get around to biting you, it will end in your death. Me or them ... life or death, you need to choose, and you need to choose now.”

  Chapter Six

  “If those are my choices, then I choose you.” Her lips curved in a half smile. “Honestly, I had already chosen you.”

  Fortrayn’s knees weakened with relief, and he had to lean against the desk to remain upright. “Thank God!”

  Rosa came toward him, her eyes meeting his fearlessly before dropping down to ogle his cock. It twitched under her perusal, coming to life and preening for her. She reached out a tentative hand and stroked him from crown to base. “This doesn’t look so scary.”

  Fort placed one hand over hers, pressing her palm against his hot flesh. “This has been dying to get inside you for the last three years. You don’t have to worry. I know my mid-form is too big for your human body to handle. I’ll never fuck you that way. I only changed to show you the proof you needed to know this is all too real.”

  “I can’t say I expected you to actually ... change like that, but if I’d thought about it, I would have been looking for you to turn into a wolf.”

  He planted a series of soft kisses on the top of her head. It was all he could reach without disturbing her hold on him. He didn’t want to do that. She rubbed her face in the fur of his chest, her hand languidly gliding up and down his shaft. He cupped the back of her head, rocking her against him. “I didn’t want to change into my fur-form. A wulf attacked you. I didn’t want you associating me with him.”

  “I would never do that. He was vicious and mean. You’ve never been that a day in your life.” He thought about that night last month, when he’d helped kill over a dozen men. She wouldn’t think him so peaceable if she’d seen him in action.

  Rosa squatted down and brushed the head of his cock with her closed lips, just let it slide across her mouth. He hissed, sucking in his breath as she touched a particularly sweet spot under the ridge of his cock. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to have to drastically cut the preliminaries.”

  She chuckled against his flesh, sending delicious vibrations down his cock, which grew in diameter under her teasing. His balls churned with seed and his breath hitched. “Careful, woman, I’m not joking.”

  “You’re not serious, either.” She pouted, glancing up at him from under her lashes. “I’ve been waiting for you to fuck me for three years. It took some jerks messing with me to get you off your ass, pendejo!”

  “Hey!” Fort leaned way over and whumped her bottom. “Watch the language, wench. I was trying to court you gently.”

  “Humph! More like you realized I had doubts, so you backed off. A real man would have overpowered my fears and made me like it.” She nudged his legs farther apart and got comfortable, dropping all the way down to her knees. Running her mouth along the big vein that coursed the length of his shaft, she bit the topside of the tip of his cock.

  Shuddering, his hips flexed, sending the sensitive head thudding against her chin. Fort choked. “I’ll keep that in mind for later. While you’re down there ...” He fisted his cock and tapped it against her closed lips, circling. “... would you mind?”

  Her mouth opened and engulfed him before the words could clear his throat. Her heated cavern soaked the head of his cock in liquid warmth. His eyes tried to curl up in his head. Every brain cell and muscle migrated south while her tongue and teeth worked his burgeoning flesh.

  With a groan of lush need, he cradled her head and drove his hips toward her face, fucking her lips with slow, shallow digs. Ejaculating in her mouth was a perfect way to get some of his DNA into her, and he didn’t want her choking before he could deliver the payload.

  Chapter Seven

  Rosa licked her lips to gather up the last bit of Fort’s come. Por Dios, he tasted divine ‑‑ thick, salty, and slightly sweet, the perfect protein cocktail. Gazing up at him, she smiled when he opened his eyes and reached down for her, more than ready to move to the next course.

  “That was ‑‑” Fort gave his head a shake as if trying to clear it. “‑‑ you did that with such enthusiasm, babe. Thank you. Now, if you would allow me to return the favor?”

  A thrill shot straight to her pussy. A gush of cream slathered her panties, and she shifted against the uncomfortable wetness, her voice turned husky when she answered him. “I can’t wait.”

  Fort looked around the cluttered office. There wasn’t a clear space in sight. “Not here. I know just the place.” He held out his hand, palm up. Smiling into his eyes, Rosa accepted his hand, accepted him. “Lead on, McMutt.”

  “Hey,” he laughed, “no doggie jokes this early in the game. You don’t know me that well.”

  She chuckled at his wit and patted his swaying cock, surprised to see it had recovered so quickly. “Oh, I’m beginning to know you pretty well, mi hombre grande.”

  “I’m dying to become as intimately acquainted with you. Ah, here we go.”

  He’d led her to the sculpture gallery. The small, bright room glowed with light from the afternoon sun shining through the large rose-tinted skylight. Low, wide tables sat along the sides of the room; taller pedestals stood free of work; three round cable spools, garnered from construction worksites around the neighborhood, sat on their sides, draped in knobby natural-fiber cloth, awaiting the positioning of someone’s work of art.

  Fortrayn released her hand. A smile on his beautiful lips, he gestured toward one of the round tables.
She backed up, eyes on him, until her knees bumped the edge.

  “No! Wait a moment.” He rushed over to her, stopping her from sitting down. “Before you sit, I want you to take off you clothes ‑‑ slowly and ... provocatively.”

  With a zing of anticipation, she nodded her understanding and stood still, waiting for him to sit down on one of the low tables. He was so tall, in order to sit comfortably he had to spread his legs, which gave her a bird’s eye view of his dangling cock. Even half-mast, the thing was a work of beauty.

  Looping his hands across the top of his knees, he leaned forward, hungry gaze intent on her. “Begin.”

  She’d never done a striptease before. The ex always complained about wasting time on what he called “unnecessary preliminaries.” He’d set the pace to fast-forward, even on their wedding night.

  Her memories of that night were fraught with horror. She’d been a virgin, and he’d promised her softness and low lights. What he gave her, instead, was the harsh reality of life as it truly was. He’d thrown her on the bed, thrown her dress up, and thrown himself on her.

  Later, thinking back on that time with her present knowledge, she’d cursed herself for not realizing he’d been punishing her and himself for going against his true sexual orientation. Thankfully, their marriage had ended a few months later when he’d decided to stop knuckling under to his rich aristo family and moved back in with his long-time male lover. He hadn’t contested the divorce ‑‑ hell, he’d paid for it ‑‑ and had gladly signed the papers giving her full custody of their daughter. But he’d left her woefully ignorant of such needful things as enticing a lover, seducing him with her charms.

  Working on instinct, she began swaying from side to side, humming a broken little tune that suffered every time she looked up and caught his intent gaze upon her.

  His eyes had bled to pure green, the brown leeched out by lust. He swept them over her, intently targeting her hands as she slowly pushed the cable-knit sweater down and off her arms, revealing her knee-length, button-down jersey. Molten gaze trained on her slow striptease, he moaned. Harsh breathing sounded in the room: hers and his.


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