Concealed Carry

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Concealed Carry Page 6

by Hildie McQueen

  "No Matthew I do not. I'm having a lovely time getting to know Max's girl."

  Max swallowed.

  Lisa beamed.

  His father slumped into the seat, half his butt hanging off the edge since his mother refused to move over.

  "Lisa," his mother started. "Tell me; is Max usually on time when you go out on dates?"

  "Yes he is," Lisa replied her hand tapping his thigh under the table. He wasn't sure if she wanted him to slide out so she could leave or if she needed help with his mother. He took her hand and held it. No way was he letting her leave him alone with his parents.

  The waitress came and everyone ordered wine, except Max who ordered a beer. After promising freshly baked bread, the young woman left.

  "I remember those days when I wasn't ignored. My date would show up on time," his mother said, lifting her cell phone and looking at it.

  "Enough Natalie," his father gritted out and copied her movement looking at his own phone.

  Max stared straight ahead.

  "Really?" His mother turned to the man beside her. "Enough? Now that's a perfect word."

  "Mom, Dad why don't you two just break up."

  "Max!" Lisa gave him an astounded look. "How could you suggest they break up? They're your parents."

  "It's okay honey." His mother told her, patting her hand. "He's too much like his father, he can't help it."

  "Augh," Max rubbed a hand over his face and waved the waitress over. "Let's order dinner."

  When dinner arrived, Lisa kept a constant dialog with his mother. While they spoke about inconsequential things, Max couldn't help but notice how well she managed to calm his mother. Usually by this time she would have caused a scene. Instead his mother chuckled at something Lisa said.

  "Dad?" Max started, "did you decide what you're going to do?"

  His father nodded, the movement barely visible. "Yep, I'm going to stay where I am." Although spoken without inflection, Max could sense resignation. Who would have thought his dad a two timing Romeo? He would high five him if one of the women wasn't his mom.

  Matthew pushed his plate away and stood. Everyone looked up to him as he took some bills out of his wallet and placed them on the table in front of Max. His mother did not say a word instead sat frozen with her eyes on the food in front of her.

  "What happened?" Lisa asked Max as his dad departed.

  Max looked to his mother. "Dad decided to follow my advice."

  After a few beats, Natalie Collins slid to the edge of the booth and stood as well. "It was nice meeting you Lisa," she said with a soft smile that left when meeting Max's gaze. "I'm going to go now and kick your father in the kneecaps."

  She stomped to the doorway. Lisa turned to Max. "Aren't you going to do something?"

  "Like what."

  "Go tell them how devastated you and your siblings will be if they get divorced."

  "They're already divorced. Twice actually."

  "Oh…" she said and picked up her wine glass to take a sip from it. "Well you should go and make sure they are alright."

  "Nope. I’m not getting involved."

  He took a minute to collect his thoughts. "I have a confession to make."

  "Umm. Okay." Her rounded eyes took him in.

  "You don't owe me any money."

  If possible her eyes grew wider. "What do you mean? I never did anything to pay you back the money. I have to pay you back. With money."

  Her honesty was appealing. Hell everything about her was appealing. Max scrambled to come up with a way to keep seeing her. "How about paying me back by pretending to be my girlfriend for a couple more weeks."

  Her brows lowered and she pressed her lips together before answering. "You already introduced me as your girlfriend. What's up with that?"

  "I didn't want Mom to come take care of me at the house. I'd rather keep her away from my personal life. Mom is really nosy."

  "Most parents would frown on the ménage a trois and romps with hospital staff on chairs, in the patients room."

  He loved her dry sense of humor. Max chuckled and winked at her. "Exactly. So what do you say?"

  "I could do it, but I doubt it's worth a thousand dollars." She took a breath. He could almost see the wheels turning. "How long do you plan on keeping up this pretense?"

  The funny part was he was totally honest. He did need a false girlfriend. He didn't want to hurt his mom's feelings so soon after his father broke up with her. "I’m not sure, let's say three or four weeks. By the end of the month, you'll dump me and break my heart."

  "Three weeks and you dump me. I don't like being the bad person."

  He gave in. "All right."

  The waitress rushed up. "Sir the couple that had dinner with you two are outside arguing," she told them, pointing out the window. "The manager is going to call the police if they don't leave. Can you please talk to them?"

  Why couldn’t they have one normal date?

  Chapter Ten

  "I can't believe you let that restaurant manager call the police on your parents," Lisa repeated for the third time at a stoic Max, who kept his eyes straight ahead, hands gripping on the steering wheel. "You should have interfered and talked them into counseling or something."

  "They always end things this way. I have to admit though. I don't think the police have been involved before. My mother is an attorney. Dad a retired detective. They'll be okay. Thank you for agreeing to have a drink with me."

  Although a slight move, she caught his sideways glance. "Would you like to come to my place? We can drink some wine and relax, since dinner was ruined."

  He did look as if he needed to relax. "Okay."

  The restaurant was close to his place. When they arrived at his house he went to the other side of the Jeep to open the door for her. Lisa eyed the front door. "Is Candy here?"

  Max looked to the door and frowned. "I hope not." He took her arm and led her inside. Thankfully the house was silent and most of the lights were off.

  Once inside the living room she sat on the couch.

  "How about a movie, you choose," he said. He pressed a button on the remote and switched the channel to a list of movies.

  The choices were endless and she was into her third list when he placed a wine glass in her hand and settled next to her. "What are we watching?"

  "Pride and Prejudice," she smirked at his groan. "It's so romantic, come on tell me you've seen it and loved it."

  "I have never seen it and I hope it's not as bad as I expect it to be."

  The movie started and Max shook his head and laughed at the familiar action flick. "This one I have seen and I love it."

  When a shirtless Matt Damon filled the screen, Lisa took a long sip. "I love this movie too."

  "It's a turn on that you like action flicks." Max nuzzled her neck, his words muffled by her hair. "I can think of some action we'd both enjoy too."

  Her eyes took in the hallway, not knowing where his bedroom was. She didn't trust doing anything in a house where naked strange women strutted in, or maybe even her cousin. His wicked tongue began to trace circles behind her ear and she slid down a few inches. Damn him and his sexiness.

  With herculean effort, Lisa leaned away from his delicious mouth and placed her wine glass on the coffee table. Her breathing came in huffs and she turned to Max placing her hands on his chest to keep him from getting close again.

  "I don't know how comfortable I am out here. Are you expecting anyone?"

  His eyes were darkened, lips parted and his oh so warm and hard chest moved under her palms with every breath he took. She wanted to lean her forehead against it and thank the "Good Body Gods" for gifting her with him.

  Max covered her hands with his. "You seem to think I have some sort of crazy lifestyle. I assure you, my life is..." A loud bang on the door made Lisa yelp. "What the hell?"

  The door practically vibrated from the next set of bangs. "Open the door you bastard! I know she's in there with you!" A woman's screech came through
loud and clear.

  When Max went to stand Lisa yanked him back to the couch. "Don't open the door. I am not a fair fighter. If who ever that is attacks me, I'm going to scratch and bite too. "

  "I have no idea who that is. I'll open the door and clear things up."

  With a sigh, Lisa picked up her wine, sat back waiting for the dumb man to allow the crazy woman in. He really believed that woman would listen to reason? No sooner did he open the door than was he shoved aside and a woman stormed in to stand in the middle of the living room. Fists on hips she glared at Lisa who lifted an eyebrow in response.

  "You know he's a man-whore right?"

  "What?" Max exclaimed and took a step toward the woman who stuck out her hand at him like one of the Supremes.

  She looked at Lisa and huffed. "Dean Collins is Satan."

  "He is?" Lisa slid a look to Max who was now studying the ceiling.

  The woman turned to Max and covered her mouth with both hands. "Oh! I’m so sorry! You're not Dean are you?"

  Instead of a reply Max gave her a droll look. "My brother and I don't look that much alike. Do we?"

  "Yes you do," the screamer insisted. "Well, he’s a bit taller. Is his hair longer?"

  "Would you please leave?" Although his voice remained even, Lisa could see the jaw muscle bunching. He was mad.

  The screamer must have noticed it too because she started making her way to the door. "I am so sorry. It's just that Dean makes me so angry. Is he here?" She continued her shuffle and whine routine craning her neck around Max.

  "Nope. I suggest you move on, my brother is not the settling kind. He doesn't mean to hurt anyone and if I know him, he's never promised you anything."

  Lisa did not hear the woman's reply and she doubted the woman would listen anyway. She wondered if she should take Max's advice for herself. It’s not like she didn't know he was just like his brother. Max had never promised her anything eiher. If she allowed her heart to become involved, it would all be her fault when she ended up hurt or worse, banging on the door wearing a trench coat and no underwear.

  He slumped into the couch beside her and stared at the paused movie. "I guess you want me to take you home now."

  "Got any popcorn?" Lisa pushed at his shoulder. "How about we drink a beer, put our feet up and watch the movie. Let's relax. No kissing. No stress."

  "No sex either right?" He asked her with a slight downward curve to his lips. When she shook her head, he heaved a dramatic sigh. "Okay, you grab the brews, I'll pop the corn."

  The next morning Lisa pulled into her parking space and walked toward the building. Bernie stood next to the back door and waved her over. In his pink striped shirt and well-fitting trousers, he looked out of place standing by the office dumpster.

  Lisa looked around and went to him. "What are you doing standing out here?"

  Bernie's handsome face scrunched and she wondered if he was in pain, but waited for him to talk. "I need you…" He whispered and grabbed her arm. "He's here." Panic emanated from him when he jerked around at the sound of footsteps. "Please, you have to help me. I need a girlfriend right now."

  "Who's here?"

  "Justin Ruiz, the guy from Corporate."

  "Okay?" Lisa looked at her cell phone. "Bernie I'm going to be late and I don't understand why you need to have a girlfriend at the office."

  "He's the guy that propositioned me at the team-building event. I turned him down. Told him I was straight and had a girlfriend."

  "Why in the world would you do that?"

  "He is a VP. He can ruin my career."

  "Okay, fine. Let's go. I'm already late." Lisa started to turn when Bernie grabbed her and covered her mouth with his. His hand slid down to her ass and he grabbed it and yanked her to him.

  Finally she managed to move her face to the side. "You are overdoing it dumbass." She snapped and shoved his hands away. "Jeez Bernie, act like I'm a guy or something."

  "Hey that usually works with guys."

  "Really?" She asked him and slapped his shoulder. "You wrinkled my skirt."

  "Lover's spat?" Both jerked to a very angry looking Max. His eyes locked with hers. "I brought your sweater." He glared at Bernie who managed to look collected. "She left it at my place last night." Max threw it to her and left without allowing them to say anything.

  "Damn it Bernie!" Lisa shoved at Bernie only for him to grab her hand and smile. "Here comes Ruiz, please smile."

  Lisa covered her face and leaned into Bernie. "Why does it bother me that Max thinks I'm a slut when I know for a fact he's one?"

  Bernie took her face in his hands and placed a soft kiss on her nose. "I'll fix it so Max knows you and I are not dating. I'll tell him you're not as slutty as he thinks." Then like a perfect actor, he took her by shoulders and pushed her away and toward the door. He placed his hand on the small of her back as he led her through it just as Justin Ruiz reached them. "Good Morning Mister Ruiz."

  Lisa rolled her eyes. If Bernie really thought the man would believe their little act, he was dumber than Max.

  Chapter Eleven

  The personnel transporter bumped along the road, Angel pushing the pedal to the floor in an attempt to rush back to the office in time for their meeting with the VP. It was a hot day and Lisa blew her bangs away from her wet forehead and shifted her folders on her lap to ensure they didn't fall off. "Angel, do you think maybe you should slow down? Remember what happened last time we sped in this thing?"

  "I'm sweating and thirsty. I can't believe they have not refilled the soda mashine. I thought you said you called them last week?" He jerked the wheel to avoid a pothole and Lisa's fell against him. Her right leg shot out and her shoe flew off her foot.

  "Stop!" She pushed against Angel to get upright and a folder slipped to the floor of the cart. "Damn it Angel, I lost my shoe and now my inventory sheets are going to be all wrinkled."

  A car drove by just as Angel went to turn, so they had to wait. He maneuvered the cart around. They were in the perfect position to watch as the car ran over Lisa's shoe. Angel snorted attempting to hide his mirth as Lisa jumped from the cart and took off at a run toward her now flattened shoe.

  She stood in the middle of the road and looked down at the irreparably damaged pump, her breath coming in pants. Angel pulled up and peered at the shoe. "Damn. I don't think you can wear your chew now."

  "You think?" She glared at him. "What the hell am I supposed to do?"

  Angel finally lost it and began to laugh, he leaned over the steering wheel his arms across his stomach. He wiped at tears and attempted to somber up. "I'm sorry." Another chuckled escaped.

  "Take off your shoes." She eyed his patent leather expensive loafers.

  Her words caught his attention. "Huh? You are not getting my chews."

  "Well no shit Angel, they are way too big for me. I want your socks."

  "For what?"

  Lisa walked around the cart and smacked Angel on the head. "I have to wear something. Mr. Wells expects us for his weekly logistics meeting in fifteen minutes, I don't have time to go and get another pair of shoes."

  "Oh, okay." Angel motioned for her to get in the cart. "You can have my socks once we get in the office, I don't want them to get dirty in the parking lot."

  "Give me the damn socks now!" Lisa screamed as loud as she could. "Or I'm going to kill you."

  When they arrived at the office, Lisa trudged behind Angel, wearing his socks. Thankfully her pants were long, so hopefully people wouldn't notice her lack of shoes. Dean Collins worked by the back door, he stood with a clipboard and pen; his head tilted to the side and seemed to be studying the plantings along the side of the building. He motioned her over when she approached.

  "Don't go over there," Angel hissed, "too many rocks."

  "Oh shut up," Lisa told him and walked to Dean. "Hey Dean, what's up?"

  "Not much," Dean gave her a crooked grin and she could immediately understand how he turned women into lunatics. The Collins brothers were sex
on a stick.

  "Okay, well see you around." She turned only for him to take her arm and stop her.

  "I’m sorry about the ruckus at the house. Max told me about Jenny the other night. Oh… and… I’m sorry about Candy. She likes to pop in and surprise me even though I told her I'm living at Max's temporarily and I don't want company there." His chocolate brown eyes met hers, his lips pressed together. "I know my brother likes you and I don't want you to not give him a chance because of me." He shrugged.

  If he touched her with a feather he could have knocked her over. Great now she finds out Max is not a man-ho, right after he witnessed the unfortunate attempt of a gay man kissing her. "Thanks for letting me know," she replied, not sure what else to say.

  "Yeah, well he left early today, said you were seeing a coworker now."


  "I don't know the guy's name. How many men have you kissed this morning?" Dean gave her a puzzled look.

  She rolled her eyes. "Bernie is just a friend."

  "Max said you and the guy were ass-grabby this morning."

  "Yeah, well Bernie was attempting to make someone jealous. I agreed to it, but didn't expect the 'ass-grabby thing'."

  "I see," Dean replied, not looking like he did. "Well anyway, just wanted to apologize about the women. I will see to it they don't ever come around again."

  "After what Max saw this morning it probably doesn't matter. But thanks." Lisa smiled at Dean and turned away.

  "You do realize you don't have shoes on right?" Dean asked.

  Mr. Wells shot her a look of annoyance when she walked into the meeting exactly five minutes late. She slid into a seat next to Angel and placed her crumpled folder on the table. Across from her Justin Ruiz sat. On his left Bernie blasted her with an overly wide grin. "Hello Doll." Lisa kicked him under the table.

  "Ouch," Justin looked around. "Who the hell kicked me?"

  Mr. Wells' eyebrows rose and he looked around the table. "Did someone kick Mr. Ruiz?"

  Lisa held up her hand like a third grader with the right answer. "I'm sorry, I have leg cramps and sometimes the muscles tighten and boom."


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