Gifted Connections: Book 4

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Gifted Connections: Book 4 Page 14

by SM Olivier

  “I think I’m going to go take a nap,” Noah commented. “I wish you could stay,” he murmured in my ear.

  “Stay here,” I told him as I stroked his wavy hair back off his face.

  “Really?” he asked. “I like that idea. This pillow smells like you,” he mumbled into my pillow.

  I laughed, trying not to let him hear my worry. He never napped. He wasn’t like Jaxson, who liked the occasional nap. I got up and walked over to Drake. I kissed his cheek after I reached out for his arms.

  “We’re going fix this,” I promised him.

  “You are,” he encircled me in a tight hug. Lifting me gently so he could kiss me more soundly.

  “No pressure,” I joked uneasily.

  “He’s going to be as enamored with you as we are,” Drake reassured me before turning to grab Jace’s outstretched arm.

  I bit my lip. I wasn’t going to remind him that I had struggled with my connections the first time around. If time hadn’t been taken away from us, who knows how long it would have been for me to make my relationships with Noah and Troy. Noah needed that one-on-one time that the time shift had given us, and I had inadvertently chased Troy’s demons away when I had contacted Judge Myers about his foster brother. We didn’t have that much time this time around.

  I didn’t want to have any level of intimacy with Lincoln, but I had no other choice. I needed to get our gifts back. Time was against us once more. Noah and Drake were physically feeling the effects, and who knew if—or when—the other guys were going to start suffering.

  Jace gave me a kiss on the cheek and squeezed of my hand before he left. I sighed, feeling like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I wandered over to the numerous boxes and bags of clothes piled up near my closet. I didn’t even know where to start. I hadn’t even gone through it all, but I didn’t think the clothes I had bought was going to suffice.

  “Well, Jax, we should let Noah get his sleep. Want to go downstairs and see what restaurants are available?” Remy stood with a stretch.

  “I want to get changed, too, but yeah, definitely. Did you have a sandwich at the party?” Jaxson asked as he walked over to me and started to sift through the clothing as well.

  Remy snorted. “No, but I saw she went all out and got us bologna, tuna fish, and peanut butter and jelly.”

  “You’re kidding me,” I stated in shock. I hadn’t eaten there. I hadn’t even gone into the kitchens to see what Jen had for us. “I saw the servers coming back in with a lot of untouched food; crab cakes, salads, filet mignons, and so much more. What did they do with all the waste?”

  “Dumped it,” Noah mumbled from the bed with his eyes closed. “I heard her tell the staff that they better not filch any of it and to dump any leftovers or untouched food.”

  “What a piece of work,” I seethed, feeling my blood boil once more. “I’m sure there are plenty of shelters that would have loved to take it from them or at least feed the staff that she treated like dogs.”

  Jaxson snorted. “Exactly.”

  He handed me a pair of blush-pink shorts and a cute long-sleeve sheer blouse with matching lining. It looked more conservative than some of the pieces I had already run across, so I smiled at him and took it. It was pink, not one of my favorite colors to wear, but it was appropriate for a possible meeting with Lincoln.

  Remy stepped in front of me and started to carefully remove my blazer. His eyes were guarded, and I knew he was still struggling, but his need to protect his brothers were stronger. “When’s the last time you checked your dressing? Did you take your antibiotic?”

  “I took my antibiotic this morning,” I told him. “I don’t have to take another one for a little while yet, but the dressing should be changed.”

  I knew Remy needed to fuss over me, so I wasn’t going to admonish him for it. If caring for me helped alleviate his own anxiety and worry, I wasn’t going to stop him.

  He walked into my bathroom and came back with the bag the hospital had given me. “Take a seat,” he instructed me after he helped me remove my top.

  I sat down as he told me. Then my phone went off.

  “It’s Tink?” Jaxson said in both a question and statement.

  I laughed. “If she insists on calling me Silvermist, then I’ll continue calling her Tink. I didn’t even get to tell you that Anna tattooed Tinkerbell and Silvermist on herself today. She said it was to honor me.”

  Jaxson started to laugh. “You’re kidding me!”

  “I kid you not,” I smirked. “Can you read her text to me? She sent me the picture earlier, so you can see for yourself.”

  “Twenty-three messages?” Jax asked with a raised brow.

  “The girl’s nuts.” Remy snorted as he began to spread an ointment on my wound.

  I tried not to wince or hiss out my pain, but it really hurt. It felt worse than a burn, times ten. “She’s Jemmy, intensified,” I laughed. “But super nice and sweet. I like her.”

  “She wants to know what you are up to tonight and asked if you remembered to tell Leo about her request,” Jaxson stated as he sat down next to me.

  “Tell her I think I’m going to lay down and tell her I did,” I said. She really didn’t need to know I was going to spy on one of her friends and hopefully get to talk to him.

  “What did you have to tell Leo?” Jaxson asked mystified.

  “Apparently, Leo is great in bed, and she wanted a repeat performance,” I explained bluntly.

  Remy and Jaxson both gave a startled laugh. “Wow, just wow,” Jaxson commented as he shook his head.

  Remy started to rewrap my dressing and gave me a gentle kiss on my brow. “Did you need another pain pill?”

  I bit the bottom of my lip. I hated taking medication in general. I had this belief that, if I took something as common as ibuprofen too much, I would build a tolerance against it, so I generally abstained altogether. The stuff they had given me was intense. Stronger than anything I had ever taken. “I better,” I sighed in disgust at myself.

  “Better to be safe than sorry. Do you still have that milk in your fridge?” Remy inquired as he started heading towards my minifridge.

  “You guys ran down and got me six bottles this morning, so yes,” I teased him.

  My phone went off once more.

  “She says to text her when you get up and wants to know if you have any other jobs soon, and if not, can you meet her ‘for lunch or coffee sometime?’” Jaxson read as he started to shift through more of my clothing.

  “Can you text her back and tell her I’ll text her, and that I’ll let her know about the other?” I asked, taking my pain medication with my milk.

  “Stand up,” Remy commanded me gently as he began to undo my pants.

  I was glad I had decided to wear a cute white, lacy set of underwear and bra today. I knew the guys could care less what I wore, but I wanted to feel cute for them.

  He began to redress me in the outfit Jaxson had picked out for me right as someone knocked on the door.

  Jaxson went to go open it, and Troy came strolling into the room. He was dressed in a pair of khaki pants and a black polo. He stopped short when he looked at me. “You look beautiful,” he said quietly.

  “Thanks,” I said as I nervously tugged on the bottom of my shorts. They were slightly shorter than I preferred. I grabbed my white sandals and went over to the couch to slip them on. Once again, Remy kneeled and helped me strap them on.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, gladly accepting the kiss he bestowed on my lips. It was sweet and full of yearning. I wish I had the right words to reassure him.

  “I placed an order for some sushi, it’s on the way. We’ll stop and get some more snacks and drinks as well,” Troy commented as he linked his fingers through mine, tugging me to the door.

  I stopped to give Jaxson a hug and kiss on the cheek, then let Troy lead me out of the room.

  “The vehicle Leo’s bringing has a camera attached to it, so we can stay in the back,” Troy explained.
“It has a television, DVD players, and DVDs in there too, but we can go get some more if you want. It’s been a while since I’ve had a female on the team, so the movies might be more geared to us guys.”

  “What are you trying to say?” I teased. “Are you saying that I only like chick flicks?”

  He chuckled. “No, I know you like a good action flick as much as I do, but I want to allow you to have some options.”

  “Okay,” I shrugged. “We can find the nearest Redbox and see what they have.”

  When Troy said they had a surveillance van, I had envisioned the surveillance vans in movies, not this recreation vehicle with a couch and three televisions mounted on the side walls. One was for entertainment, the other two for surveillance purposes. It was more of a glorified recreational vehicle than a surveillance van.

  It had a small kitchen, bathroom, microwave, fridge, kitchenette (that converted to a bed), and more. Everything was comfortable and luxurious.

  We were currently curled up on the couch with our sushi spread out in front of us on a coffee table.

  “I was thinking we were going to have to eat it in a cramped space,” I marveled as I tried a piece of sushi I never had. “Mmm, this is amazing. This has to be some of the best sushi I’ve ever had.” I moaned.

  “You better knock that out. We're supposed to be watching the cameras. Keep making noises like that, and I’ll put this couch to use,” Troy teased.

  “Who says that wasn’t my intention?” I teased back as I stood to put our movie in. I picked out a comedy film. I needed a little laughter in my life.

  “We’ve got movement,” Troy stated as he sat forward.

  I turned and looked, and sure enough, someone was pulling up in a compact sports car. “Kind of small for him,” I commented dryly.

  We had chosen a perfect vantage point to see the front of the house. Somehow, his home wasn’t what I suspected; it was a lot smaller. If it weren’t for the brick walls and wrought iron gate, I would think any middle-class citizen lived here.

  “That’s a chick car.” Troy smirked. “I think he has a visitor of the feminine variety.”

  “Pietro Ricci, I never pegged you for a chauvinist. First, you assume I would like a chick flick. Now you’re assuming only a woman would drive a car like that,” I teased him as I avidly watched the screen.

  The previews were on the other screen, and I reached over to turn it down, like hearing the television could affect my vision. I remembered driving in a car with my father as I child, and whenever he was looking for a specific street or highway, he would turn the music down. I never understood why, until now.

  “Told ya,” Troy grinned smugly as a small petite blonde exited the sports car.

  I gasped. “That’s Tink, I mean Anna.”

  “It would make sense,” Troy stated. “Her house is still a crime scene, and I’m sure she wouldn’t want to stay there by herself if she didn’t have to. Not yet. You did say they were friends.”

  I nodded. “I don’t blame her, either. Did we even find out why or how long she was being stalked? She and Lincoln seemed pretty close at the party. She introduced me as her bodyguard, instead of as a friend like she did with everyone else.”

  “It was some guy who saw her at one of her shows and fixated on her,” Troy explained. “My friend on the force told me it’s been going on for over a year now, but recently he had started to become increasingly aggressive.” He paused in though. “Could she and Lincoln be more than friends?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure, but the way she was talking, he has her in the friend zone.”

  “Well, she has some overnight bags. Maybe you can tell her you want to hang out,” Troy said slowly. “Maybe she’ll invite you over there.”

  “But then we run into the problem of Anna being around. I really don’t want anyone to be around when we have that discussion.” I sighed rubbing my eyes.

  We watched as Lincoln helped Anna with her bags. His usual scowl was absent, and he looked more approachable, attractive even, as he led Anna into his home.

  “Totally understandable.” Troy nodded. “Come on, let’s eat and watch our movie.”

  I laughed. “Why did I think this would be easier than it is?” I grumbled as I turned our movie back up and sat back down next to him. “After we get done eating, want to do the horizontal tango?”

  He barked out a laugh, nearly spitting out his sushi. “Do you even have to ask?”

  “I thought it would be nice to ask and not just demand it.” I smiled at him before I stuffed another roll into my mouth.

  Remy came to relieve Troy around ten o’clock that night. I was tired by then, and my arm was throbbing in pain. He climbed in the RV with my bag from the hospital and some pajamas.

  “You’re a mind reader,” I nearly squealed as he came in with my stuff.

  Remy smirked, “Time to change your dressings, baby girl, and you need to take your antibiotics and pain pills. I also brought more snacks and some subs from a shop Jaxson and I found. They had those turkey, stuffing, and cranberry subs you liked so much. Jaxson also packed you some more clothes.” At my skeptical look, he quickly added. “Don’t worry, I approved them before he packed them.”

  I smiled at his thoughtfulness. I wasn’t that hungry yet, but I would make room for one of those subs. “Okay. Yay! I missed those subs. Hopefully, they’re as good as the ones at the college.” I eagerly grabbed the pajamas he brought me before he went back out to the other vehicle to retrieve the rest of our stuff.

  “Here,” Troy motioned me forward with a smirk on his lips. I could see that he was remembering our time earlier. “It was more fun taking it off,” he murmured as he helped me remove my top.

  I tried to stifle my laugh and then winced as the fabric of my shirt brushed against my wound. “Mother father!” I muttered.

  “Sorry about that.” Troy frowned remorsefully. “I wish we had seen him sooner. This would have never happened.”

  I knew he was thinking of Anna’s stalker. He still believed he had failed me because I was injured. The guys had told me Troy and Remy had spotted the stalker first but wasn’t able to get to him fast enough. Remy had tackled him as Troy had taken aim on the perpetrator. The gunman was currently in the hospital recovering from a gunshot wound to his shoulder, awaiting trial.

  Anna had provided enough evidence against him. The police were also able to go to his apartment and find a lot of damning evidence. He’d be behind bars for a long time.

  “How were you supposed to know that he was coming in with the caterers?” I stated reassuringly.

  “We should have run a more extensive background check,” Troy grumbled as he slid my flannel pajama bottoms on.

  “That wasn’t your job,” I stressed.

  He still didn’t look comforted. I kissed him as he straightened back up.

  Remy came back into the RV, and I took my seat back on the couch, pulling the throw blanket back up over my lap. He placed my sub in front of me along with a Dr. Pepper and jalapeno kettle chips. Then he sat down and began to remove my dressing.

  “It doesn’t look good,” Remy muttered in concern.

  “It’s just healing,” I said resolutely as I looked at it with a grimace. “The doctors told us what to look for and it doesn’t look like it’s infected or anything.”

  He spread the ointment on, and I had to close my eyes and take deep breaths. It hurt worse now than it did when I got it. I knew the adrenaline, wine, and shock had helped, but still.

  “You need to rest more,” Troy stated before kissing my cheek. “Make sure she goes to sleep after she eats,” he told Remy.

  “That was the plan,” Remy stated.

  Troy nodded. “I’ll set the bed up, before I leave.”

  “We can just pull this out,” Remy informed him. “I can sit on the bed and watch or turn the passenger seat if need be.”

  “That’ll work.” Troy shrugged. He reached up into one of the overhead compartments and pulle
d out some sheets, blankets, and pillows.

  I dutifully popped an antibiotic and painkiller in my mouth before I started in on my sub. “Californians know how to make food,” I said around a mouthful of food.

  Troy chuckled. “Have a great night, Misty. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon. I have a meeting with Leo in the morning.”

  I nodded in understanding. “See you tomorrow. Text me when you get back to the hotel.”

  “Will do.” He smiled before climbing down the steps.

  “How’s Noah and Drake?” I asked as Remy settled in beside me after Troy left.

  “Noah woke up for a little while.” Remy frowned after a few moments of contemplation. I know he didn’t want to worry me, but I needed to know. “Ate, then went right back to sleep. Drake has another appointment in the morning for an MRI. His vision came back for his test and his prescription’s just fine.”

  I frowned. “Have you ever heard of this happening before?” I asked quietly.

  He shook his head. “Never. We called Pops to let him know, and he hasn’t heard about this happening either.”

  I withdrew within myself, worried about the guys as I nibbled on my sandwich. I couldn’t eat it all. I was already feeling tired and emotionally drained.

  “I’m not sure Lincoln will be too receptive to what I have to tell him,” I admitted quietly.

  “We can only hope that whoever his gifted parent is told him about connections so that he’s more opened to the idea,” Remy stated as he stroked my hair.

  “Even if his parents told him about connections, I’m sure he wouldn’t have expected to be connected with someone that had six other connections,” I said ironically.

  He chuckled with no actual humor. “True.”

  I mocked hit him. “Gee thanks, pal, way to reassure me.”

  He gave me a pointed look with a smile of his own. “Baby girl, you know I’ll never placate you with niceties. If you want someone to tell you what you want to hear and not the truth, go see Jaxson and Noah. Hell, sometimes Troy.”

  I laughed at his bluntness. “You know I’m glad for your honesty.”

  “Get up so I can make the bed,” Remy commanded me gently, changing the subject. “You need your rest.”


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