Circle, the King’s. An assembly arena in Tanchico that was surrounded by Lords’ palaces and other impressive buildings. It was located on the Maseta, the middle of three hilly peninsulas on Tanchico Bay.
Circle, the Panarch’s. An assembly arena in Tanchico that was surrounded by the Panarch’s Palace and other buildings. It was located on the Verana, the easternmost hilly peninsula on Tanchico Bay.
Circle, the. See Knitting Circle
Circle, Women’s. The deliberating body of women elected by women in a village, responsible for matters considered women’s affairs.
Circuit of Heaven. A racecourse on the Great North Road just outside of Ebou Dar, beyond the Dal Eira Gate.
Cirri. A cat at The Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
Civil Guard. The group charged with keeping order in Ebou Dar. It was inefficient, seldom seen in the streets, and susceptible to bribes unless someone powerful was watching. Even then, they could be bought with enough gold, since they were cheaper than bribing a magistrate. At least, this was so before the Seanchan came and disbanded them.
Civil Watch. The group charged with keeping order in Tanchico; they answered to the Panarch.
Clara. A novice in the White Tower who assisted Egwene during the Seanchan attack.
Clare. A golden-haired woman Mat gambled with in The Dead Man’s Breath, an inn in Caemlyn.
Clarine Anhill. A dog trainer in Luca’s circus. She was the plump and brown-cheeked wife of Petra, the strongman. Clarine’s dogs drew the smallest crowd in the Samara show; they did backsprings and flips over each other’s backs.
Classen Bayor. A military leader from Mat’s memories; he lost his cavalry in the marsh at the Battle of Kolesar.
cleansing, the. The removal of the taint from saidin, performed by Rand at Shadar Logoth with the assistance of Nynaeve and the Choedan Kal sa’angreal. The taint on saidin was like oil on a pond—it did not permeate the pond, it was on the surface—but to enter it, one needed to go through the oil. For the cleansing, Rand used repulsion and attraction of opposites, saidin and the evil of Shadar Logoth. There could be no mixing of the two. Saidin was forced through the evil, as the opposites attracted each other, and they went around in circular fashion, negating one another—“Opposites cancel, but opposites far enough apart become alike, and like attracts like.” More simply, Rand formed a conduit between the taint on saidin and the evil at Shadar Logoth—being opposite polarities of evil, they were attracted to one another, like opposite poles of a magnet, but destroyed each other because of those differences.
Cliffs of Dawn. A great land shift dating from the Breaking, extending 250 leagues south from the Mountains of Dhoom along the border of the Aiel Waste and Shara. The cliffs ranged from one hundred to five hundred feet high. The Cliffs helped the Sharans limit foreign access to their country, and outside trade was limited, in part, to six specially designated trading towns scattered along the Cliffs of Dawn.
Clintock. A Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand. After the gholam attack in Caemlyn, he checked on Mat every half hour.
Cloud Dancing. The Talent of controlling the weather; not a common Talent among Aes Sedai. Sea Folk Windfinders developed this Talent to a greater extent; they called it the Weaving of Winds.
Cloud. The tall gray mare with a black mane that Rand rode when he left Two Rivers in Moiraine’s company.
cloudberry bush. A shrub with edible berries and leaves that were used in a tea.
Co’dansin. An alternate name for Shara.
Coalition, the. An alliance of nations formed during the Aiel War to fight the Aiel at the Battle of the Shining Walls. It was also known as the Grand Coalition, the Grand Alliance or the Third Compact.
Cobb, Jennet. See Jennet Cobb
Codarra Aiel. One of the Aiel clans. Its chief was Indirian, and its hold was Red Springs Hold.
Coedelin. An Aiel Wise One who disciplined Amys when she was learning to be a Wise One.
Coelan, House. A major noble House in Andor. Its High Seat was Lord Pelivar; its sign the Roses, sometimes called the Flowers. See also Pelivar Coelan
Coerid Nosar. A king of Almoren, one of the Ten Nations, and one of the signers of the Compact of the Ten Nations.
Coiam. The grandfather of Jalanda, an Ogier historian whom Loial quoted with information about Be’lal.
Coidevwin, Nirelle. See Nirelle Coidevwin
coin pepper. An edible pepper found in the Borderlands.
Coine din Jubai Wild Winds. The Atha’an Miere Sailmistress of the raker Wavedancer. She was sister of the blood to Jorin din Jubai White Wing, her Windfinder, and the wife of Toram din Alta Wild Winds, her Cargomaster. She had four small gold rings in each ear and one in the left side of her nose; the chain connecting them had a row of tiny medallions. She had black hair with some gray and large brown eyes. She received Elayne and Nynaeve aboard her ship in Tear and took them to Tanchico. From there she planned to go to Dantora, the Aile Jafar, and then on to Cantorin and the Aile Somera, spreading news of the Coramoor.
Coiren Saeldain. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 18(6). Born in 861 NE, she went to the White Tower in 877 NE. After nine years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 892 NE. She was 5'5½" tall, plump and pompous. She was a good negotiator, but she liked to have everything done just so, every foot placed exactly where it had been planned to go. She was the leader of the Tower embassy to Rand in Cairhien at first, though not the strongest in the Power among them, but when it became necessary to kidnap him, Galina Casban took over as Elaida ordered. Coiren was captured by Rand at Dumai’s Wells. Like all of the other captive sisters, Coiren, prompted by Verin’s Compulsion, found reason to swear oath to the Dragon Reborn before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding.
Coke. A Darkfriend thug with an Illianer accent who kidnapped Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne for Fades. He was lanky and missing an ear and two fingers. Coke was killed by Aiel who came to Elayne and the others’ rescue.
Col. A Tairen horse handler with Valan Luca’s show.
Coladara. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who was uncommitted to any contingent. She served as advisor to King Paitar of Arafel, and accompanied him to the meeting with the other Borderland rulers in the Black Hills. Seven Aes Sedai who were visiting her went as well. She was the only advisor to a Borderland ruler who stayed on when trouble started in the Tower.
Colar Najima. A Kandori girl whose mother was interviewed by Moiraine while she was searching for the infant Dragon Reborn. A young teen, Colar had long black hair and blue eyes that were level with Moiraine’s. Her father and brothers had been killed by the Black Ajah.
Colavaere Saighan. A Cairhienin noblewoman who was Head of House Saighan. She had dark eyes and dark hair with a touch of gray. She tried to tie strings to Rand by sending young women to him; he retaliated by asking her to dinner, and then forgot to meet her because of the report he received that Morgase was dead. Aviendha found Colavaere in Rand’s rooms and beat her. She briefly took the throne of Cairhien after swearing fealty to Rand. She had Meilan and Maringil assassinated; she was confronted by Rand and accused of treason and murder. He stripped her of her titles and all her properties except one small farm. He exiled her to that farm, and she hanged herself rather than face the shame of it.
Colchaine estates. Property belonging to Bertome Saighan in Cairhien.
Cold Peak. A sept of the Miagoma Aiel.
Cold Rocks Hold. The hold of the Taardad clan in the Aiel Waste. It was Rhuarc’s hold; Amys was its Wise One and Lian its roofmistress.
Cold Water. The leader of a wolfpack that Perrin asked for information when he was searching for his kidnapped wife.
Cole. A Two Rivers family. See Aedwin, Cilia and Lusonia Cole and Cole, Master
Cole, Master. A very old Emond’s Field man who napped during the shearing.
Cole Pass. The site of one of Mat’s battle memories where there was a rout and Artur Hawkwing
doggedly pursued the army commanded by the object of Mat’s memories.
Colford, Deni. See Deni Colford
Colinda. A Wise One of the Imran sept of the Shaarad Aiel and Hot Springs Hold with the ability to channel and a strength level of 13(1), almost as strong a presence as Sorilea. She was about 5'8" tall, and slender, with penetrating gray eyes. Colinda looked short of her middle years, but was around ninety years old. She told Gaul that he thought too much for a Stone Dog. She threatened to send to him to Rhuidean when Jheran died, whether he wanted to go or not. With Aeron and Edarra, she was sent to the Royal Library in Cairhien because Nesune Bihara was poking around, looking for information on the seals, which the Wise Ones wanted as well. She also went to Dumai’s Wells.
Coline. The cook at The Queen’s Blessing in Caemlyn. She was frequently called Cook and was a woman of some influence at the inn. Many people assumed her to be Basel Gill’s wife because she got away with so much and pushed him around so.
Collam Daan. A great research college in V’saine during the Age of Legends, noted for its blue and silver domes. It was the foremost center for research and development. A research facility, a great white sphere named the Sharom, floated above the college. Mierin Eronaile was a researcher there when her team bored a hole in the Dark One’s prison.
Collapse, the. The hundred-year period that followed the drilling of the Bore, when the Dark One’s influence began to unravel the fabric of society during the Age of Legends, leading to the War of the Shadow.
Collaris. Beonin Sedai’s grandmother, who was a distinguished advocate in Tanchico.
Colline. A young Jenn Aiel from the period right after the Breaking. Her liberators from bandits who had kidnapped her were ostracized from the Jenn Aiel for using violence.
Colly Garren. A young Two Rivers man who joined Perrin to fight the Trollocs. Colly was killed in a Trolloc ambush.
Colona, Mayam. See Mayam Colona
colors. A phenomenon experienced by Rand, Mat and Perrin when each of them thought of one of the other two ta’veren. For the colors to appear in the mind of Mat or Perrin when thinking of Rand, they had to think of Rand the person, not “the Dragon Reborn.”
Colrada Hold. One of the holds in the Aiel Waste; the dreamwalker Mora was once its Wise One.
Colvine, Serancha. See Serancha Colvine
Com. A young urchin in Tear who, along with his friend Doni, talked to Rand about the steamwagon. Rand gave each of them a gold coin. Min looked after them with a miserable expression indicating that she had seen something sad in their future.
Comadrin, Madoc. See Madoc Comadrin
Comaelle. The High Queen of Jaramide, one of the Ten Nations during the period following the Breaking.
Comaidin riots. Unrest quelled single-handedly in the period following the Breaking by the legendary Green Aes Sedai Caraighan Maconar.
Comanli, Shahal. See Shahal Comanli
Comar. An Andoran nobleman and Darkfriend. He was tall, with wide shoulders, a deep chest, dark blue eyes and a close-cut black beard with a white streak over his chin. Gaebril sent him to Tear to kill Elayne; Mat overheard those orders and followed him. Mat found him cheating at dice at The Golden Cup; Mat gambled with him, won, and warned him to go back to Caemlyn. Comar started to draw his sword, and Mat killed him.
Comarda Hold. A Shaido hold in the Aiel Waste. Sevanna was roofmistress while married to the clan chief Suladric.
Comarra Zepava. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 244 to 276 NE. Comarra was a moderately strong Amyrlin, at least compared to Elise Stang. While not so firmly in control as Kiyosa or Catala, she still managed very well.
Comelle. A great coastal city that was the third largest in the Age of Legends.
Comeris, Akarrin. See Akarrin Comeris
Comfrey. A small village north of Baerlon in Andor. When Mat delivered a message from Elayne to Morgase in Caemlyn, he used a pseudonym, being wary of Gaebril, and mentioned Comfrey as his home, although he had never been there.
Commentaries on the Karaethon Cycle. A text written by Sereine dar Shamelle Motara, Counsel-Sister to Comaelle, High Queen of Jaramide, circa 325 AB, the Third Age.
Commentaries on the Prophecies of the Dragon. Written by Jurith Dorine, Right Hand to the Queen of Almoren, 742 AB, the Third Age.
Commentary on the Dragon. A work by Sajius that contained the line “He shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one.”
Common Chant. See Bards, Forms of Recitation of
Comolads. An exquisite wine from the Age of Legends recalled longingly by Graendal.
Compact of the Ten Nations. Also known as the Second Compact. The first league of nations, created approximately two hundred years after the Breaking, as a defense against the forces of the Dark One. It lasted eight hundred years, until the Trolloc Wars began. The Compact was largely the work of the legendary Queen Mabriam en Shereed of Aramaelle, who was also an Aes Sedai.
Compact, the Second. See Compact of the Ten Nations
Compact, the Third. See Coalition, the
Companions, the. See Illian
Companions, the Hundred. See Hundred Companions, the
Comprehensive Discussion of Pre-Breaking Relics, A. A history text of which little was known.
Compulsion. A weave of the One Power that compelled the subject to do one’s will. It was not an ethical use of the One Power. Graendal, Moghedien and others used this weave to attain nefarious ends. Compulsion, though called a Talent by some, was not one; it could be learned by any channeler, taking into account the limits of strength and skill. Compulsion could be detected, because of the behavior of the person and effects on the person, according to Moghedien. But she was not the real expert; what she could do certainly could be detected. Graendal was the most subtle user of Compulsion and its variations, with the implication at least that when she chose she could use it either undetectably or at a level where it would take a great deal of effort to detect. While Compulsion per se was supposed to be one of the lost Talents, recorded only in the histories, and was the sort of thing that Aes Sedai were supposed to abjure (as they were supposed to eschew all of the “tainted” or “corrupted” uses to which the Power was put), the simple fact was that the two most common tricks by girls having their first experience with the Power were some form of eavesdropping and some form of making people do one thing or another that they wanted (i.e., some form of Compulsion).
Comran. A Jenn Aiel ancestor of Rand who lived during the period of the Breaking. He had found Ogier stedding in the Dragonwall and had begun trade with them.
con. Small Cairhienin banners on short staffs, usually strapped to the backs of officers or lords’ personal retainers, so that they could be picked out in battle.
Con Aybara. Perrin’s father, who was killed by Padan Fain when he laughed in Fain’s face for naming Perrin a Darkfriend.
Conail Northan. High Seat of House Northan in Andor. His sigil was three black eagles. He was about six feet tall, and lean. He had an engaging smile, merry brown eyes and a nose like an eagle’s beak. Born circa 984 NE, he was one of four young nobles Dyelin brought to help Elayne win the throne. The others were Branlet Gilyard, Catalyn Haevin and Perival Mantear. The four together brought over three thousand armsmen, mainly crossbowmen and halberdmen. Conail seemed very easygoing, laughing and grinning a great deal; he thought Aviendha being introduced as Aiel was a joke, and thought nearly getting her knife in his brisket for it was a joke, too. He said they couldn’t let a ninny like Arymilla take the throne. He wanted to fight a duel with Arymilla’s champion, as he believed Artur Hawkwing would have done. Birgitte considered him the most childish of the four, in many ways. He was eager to fight when Elayne was kidnapped; Dyelin took him to the action at the Far Madding Gate, but made sure that he was nowhere near the front.
Condaris. An Ogier-built city in Aelgar, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.
Conel, Paitr. See Paitr Conel
Congar clan. An Emond’s Field family. See Bili, Daise, Eward, Jori, Len and Wit Congar
conje. A type of needle from the Age of Legends that had to be carefully placed. Sammael thought to himself that Graendal prattled like a fool, but she was no fool; she planted ideas in her babbling as carefully as conje needles had to be planted, designed to influence the listener for reasons that could somehow benefit her.
Conly, Althyn. See Althyn Conly
Connel. A member of Ituralde’s personal guard in Saldaea. He and Barettal were the only two of Ituralde’s guards still alive when they were allowed to retreat into Maradon, being pursued by the Shadowspawn army.
Connl. One of the Band of the Red Hand under Mandevwin’s command. He participated in the attack on the Seanchan.
Connoral. Sisters in the White Tower. See Viria and Raechin Connoral
Conquest, the. Luthair’s conquest of Seanchan natives, which took several hundred years to complete. It was also known as the Consolidation.
consensus, greater. See greater consensus
consensus, lesser. See lesser consensus
Consolidation, the. See Conquest, the
Consolidation, Wars of Consolidation. See Wars of Consolidation
constellations. Plowman, Haywain, Archer, Five Sisters, Three Geese (pointing the way north), Snake (Aiel called it the Dragon), Shield (or Hawkwing’s Shield), Stag, Ram, Cup, Traveler, Blacksmith.
Conwy, Nethan. One of Merise’s Warders, an Andoran. Nethan was 6'1" tall, with a lean, muscular build and piercing blue eyes. His dark hair had wings of white at the temples.
Copan, Myriam. See Myriam Copan
Coplin clan. A farming family of the Two Rivers. There were many troublemakers among them. See Benly, Calle, Dag, Darl, Ewal, Hari and Jac Coplin
Cor Darei. Old Tongue for “Night Spears,” an Aiel warrior society.
Coram. Hulking and wide-shouldered, he was one of the Aiel who helped Aviendha and Rhuarc rescue Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene from brigands and Myrddraal. He was one of the two guards for Verin on the day she questioned the Aes Sedai prisoners after Dumai’s Wells about the Tower’s plans for Rand. Verin thought that in rising, he “uncoiled like a serpent despite his size.” He and Mendan played cat’s cradle.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 25