Dafid Norley. A Cairhienin Asha’man Dedicated. He was short and thick-waisted with an open, inviting smile. He was part of Logain’s faction, and was with Logain when Logain took Toveine. He bonded an unnamed Red.
Dag Coplin. 1) A Two Rivers boy whom Mat Cauthon tried to trick into believing that ghost dogs had been seen in Emond’s Field. 2) An elderly man in Emond’s Field, possibly the grandfather of Dag Coplin 1. He did not wash his hair often and tried to pass off second-rate wool as first-rate. He accompanied Luc to tell the Whitecloaks that they were not welcome in Emond’s Field.
Daganred. A Cairhienin noble House.
Daganred, Lord. A Cairhienin nobleman. He was about 5'7" tall, a quiet man with an air of sadness. Stripes ran down his coat to the waist. He wore the front of his head shaved and powdered after the fashion of Cairhienin soldiers; he fought in the Illian campaign. His son Meresin joined the Band of the Red Hand.
Daganred, Meresin See Meresin Daganred
Dagar, Masema. See Masema Dagar
Dagdara Finchey. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah publicly but of the Black Ajah in truth. She was part of the rebel contingent and had a strength level of 19(7). Born in 848 NE, she went to the White Tower in 863 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 875 NE. She was about six feet tall, and very wide, with graying hair. It was said that Dagdara knew more of Healing than any two other Yellow sisters, but that was before Nynaeve developed the new Healing weaves. She was in the same range with Samitsu. Romanda wanted her as a Sitter in Salidar, but Magla insisted on Salita instead. Dagdara’s name was on Verin’s list of the Black Ajah.
Dagendra. An Aiel Maiden of the Spear who had a blocky build. She was guarding Rand when he went to Culain’s Hound and was bonded by Alanna.
Daghain. A bridge town outside Tar Valon, on the bank of the Osendrelle Erinin, on the road to Shol Arbela and Fal Moran.
Dahan. A feast celebrated on the ninth day of the month of Saven, supposedly celebrating the final victory in the Trolloc Wars and freedom from the Shadow. Most historians believed the date was arbitrarily chosen.
Dai Shan. A Malkieri title meaning “Diademed Battle Lord.” See Lan
daien. A type of dancer from the Age of Legends, characterized by a lush, sleek body. Osan’gar reflected on the fact that Aran’gar looked like a daien dancer when the latter received his new female body from the Dark One.
Daigan. A town outside and southwest of Far Madding across the Ikane Bridge.
Daigian Moseneillin. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the White Ajah, uncommitted to any contingent, with a strength level of 45(33), the lowest level at which a woman traditionally was accepted for the Tower to become Aes Sedai, though at even lower levels they were accepted long enough to be trained to the point of safety, some managing to rise to Accepted. Born in 907 NE, she went to the White Tower in 921 NE. After spending twenty-seven years as a novice and twenty-one years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 969 NE. She spent longer as novice and as Accepted than anyone else in living memory. She was 5'2" tall, slightly plump and round-cheeked with pale skin. She had long black hair and always wore a silver chain in her hair, supporting a moonstone kesiera. A younger daughter of a minor Cairhien House entitled to wear four thin stripes of color on her bosom, she often wore Cairhienin clothes, except that she added slashes of white to the skirts for her Ajah. She was considered a fine logician. Daigian was extremely persistent and did not know the meaning of “quit.” With a quiet, even meek, personality, at least around other Aes Sedai, she accepted the logic of her position utterly and knew that she would be the low woman in any meeting of Aes Sedai. She automatically assumed that if there were no servants about, she would perform those functions, making and serving tea and fetching things. Perhaps as a result, she insisted fully on the rights, prerogative and courtesies due Aes Sedai from others. She was one of the sisters who went to Cairhien after Rand was kidnapped, following Cadsuane Melaidhrin, and accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and Shadar Logoth. Daigian bonded Eben Hopwil soon after the attack on Rand in Cairhien and was devastated by Eben’s death at Shadar Logoth. She was killed by Shaidar Haran when he freed Semirhage.
Dailin. 1) A Maiden of the Spear of the Nine Valleys Taardad Aiel, and a second-sister of Aviendha. She died in the fighting with the Myrddraal who were kidnapping Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene when they were on their way to Tear. 2) A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel who had the ability to channel and a strength level of 17(5). She was about 5'7" tall, stocky and muscular, with wide shoulders. Her arms looked as if they belonged on a blacksmith. She was one of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters. She took part in (or at least was present at) the murder of Desaine, and accompanied Sevanna to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten. Dailin went with Therava back to the Waste after the rout at Malden.
Dain Bornhald. A narrow-faced Taraboner Whitecloak officer who was the son of Geofram. He was in Baerlon when Moiraine and Rand and their party came there; Mat pulled a prank to splash him and his Whitecloak companions with mud. He and the other Whitecloaks tried to prevent the party from leaving Baerlon. He went with Valda to Tar Valon; there he learned from Byar of the death of his father. His primary goal became avenging his father, who Byar told him died because Perrin betrayed him. When Verin, Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene neared Tar Valon, he tried to stop them from proceeding. He volunteered to take a half legion to the Two Rivers to meet Ordeith, though when he met him, he did not like or trust Ordeith. He took Mat’s mother and sisters and the Luhhans prisoners to try to draw Rand or Perrin to the Two Rivers; Tam and Abell escaped. Dain was aware that Ordeith had killed the Aybara family, but allowed the deaths to be blamed on Trollocs, which had appeared in the Two Rivers.
Perrin arrived in Emond’s Field and convinced the people to gather and fight the Trollocs on their own instead of relying on the Whitecloaks; he also rescued the prisoners. In the final Trolloc attack on Emond’s Field, the Whitecloaks did not fight; Perrin ordered them out of the Two Rivers.
Dain returned to Amador and developed a drinking problem. He was appalled at Valda’s rape of Morgase, and supported Galad when he challenged Valda; he became a trusted aide to the new Lord Captain Commander. When they encountered Perrin, Dain wanted him punished for killing his father, but Perrin was cleared of that charge at trial. He still believed Perrin was a Darkfriend until Perrin and his army saved the Whitecloaks from a Trolloc attack. He killed Byar when Byar tried to kill Perrin. He later told Perrin that Ordeith had killed his family.
Dairaine Saighan. A high-ranking Cairhienin noblewoman taken gai’shain by the Shaido. She was slender with black hair that spilled to her waist in waves and a voice like crystal chimes. She curried favor with Sevanna by telling tales on her fellow gai’shain and was never chosen out as one of those who had failed to please. She shared a tent with Faile, and walked in when Faile, Alliandre and Maigdhin were about to escape and realized that something was up. She tried to get away to tell Sevanna, but was bound and left with Bain and Chiad.
Daise Congar. A woman of Emond’s Field. Twice as wide and a head taller than her husband, Wit, she was domineering and forceful, usually sounding as if she expected an argument and did not mean to put up with it. Daise had a mean streak. She became Wisdom of Emond’s Field after Nynaeve’s departure. When the Tinkers were attacked by Trollocs and came to Emond’s Field, Daise at first did not want to let them in, but was shamed by Perrin into welcoming them. She participated in the defense of Emond’s Field, and, with the rest of the Women’s Circle, performed the marriage of Faile and Perrin.
Daishar. An Old Tongue word for “glory” and the name of Egwene’s tall roan gelding.
Daiting, Stedding. A stedding located in the Spine of the World.
Dajenna, Sedore. See Sedore Dajenna
Dal Calain. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.
Dal Eira Gate. The north gate in Ebou Dar.
Dal. An Ogier who was the son of M
orel and the father of Haman.
Dalaine Ndaye. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 36 to 64 NE. Dalaine was a weak Amyrlin.
Dalar. An Ogier woman who spent ten years Outside the stedding with the Sea Folk. After her return to the stedding, she was an invalid.
Dalenshar. A region in Seanchan whose inhabitants were as black as coal. While Miraj was battling Rand’s army, Miraj thought about Dalenshar while considering the named, honored regiments from different parts of Seanchan that were represented among his troops, including Dalenshar.
Dalevien. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Stocky with gray streaking her short dark hair, she was holding the shield on Leane the first time Egwene visited Leane in her cell in the White Tower, but appeared most interested in comparing the text of two books.
Dalfor, Benji. See Benji Dalfor
Dali. A damane belonging to Tuon who was part of Karede’s group that searched for Tuon when she was missing. She had yellow hair and blue eyes, and was slightly plump, a little less so than her sister, Dani. She and her sister were the most experienced among Tuon’s damane, hardly needing a sul’dam’s direction. She participated in the White Tower raid.
Dalisar, Ilyena Moerelle. Ilyena Sunhair’s maiden name. See Ilyena Therin Moerelle
Dalresin Damodred. Moiraine’s father and Laman’s brother. He was 5'11" tall, with a gentle face and hair that was more gray than not, worn in a club at the back of his neck. He was a scholar, which earned the contempt of his brothers Moressin and Aldecain. When he took a scholar as his second wife instead of marrying to improve House Damodred’s situation, their contempt increased. Dalresin died after Moiraine left for the White Tower.
Dalsande. An Ogier-built city in the nation of Essenia, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.
Dalthanes Annallin. A Cairhienin nobleman who supported Colavaere. He was summoned to the Seanchan campaign by Rand, and rode off north with Gregorin, Sunamon and lesser Cairhienin nobles in the final battle. His son Daricain was with the Band of the Red Hand.
Dalyn. 1) An alias used by Logain. 2) A Cairhienin armsman of Bertome Saighan, gap-toothed with seamed scars on both cheeks. Bertome was not sure if his name was Dalyn or Doile.
damane. Old Tongue for “the Leashed Ones,” channeling women enslaved and controlled by Seanchan sul’dam with the use of a’dam. Damane were used in battle as well as for purposes of industry, such as building. Young women in Seanchan were tested annually for their ability to channel, and those found able immediately became damane and lost their rights as private citizens. When the Seanchan crossed the Aryth Ocean, captured Aes Sedai and wilders were forced into service as damane. However, because of the Three Oaths, Aes Sedai collared as damane could not use the One Power as a weapon.
Damara. A noble family of Tear. See Astoril Damara and Medore Damara
Damelien. A village in Andor which had three mills on a river that had gone almost dry. Elayne and her companions stayed there on their way to Caemlyn to claim the throne.
Damelle. An Ogier author who was daughter of Ala daughter of Soferra. Damelle wrote about the Ways, including the tale of a Waygate in the Blight that was destroyed by thirteen Aes Sedai using a sa’angreal five hundred years after the Breaking.
Damentanis, Jeorg. See Jeorg Damentanis
Damer Flinn. An Andoran Asha’man. Born in 942 NE, he was about 5'10" tall and of medium build, but very strong for his size. Grizzled and leathery with brown eyes, he had a limp, and retained only a thin fringe of white hair. Flinn was a soldier until he took a lance in his thigh; he couldn’t grip a saddle properly after that, or even walk far. That was the fifteenth wound he had taken in near forty years in the Queen’s Guards; fifteen that counted, anyway; in his book, it didn’t count if he could walk or ride afterward. He had seen a lot of friends die in those forty years, and it was Healing that drew him to try the Black Tower. Flinn had been Healed by an Aes Sedai once, about 970 NE, and he found that the Asha’man Healing hurt compared to that. He was chosen out by Rand after Dumai’s Wells and kept in Cairhien, where he accompanied Rand to see the Sea Folk. When Rand was wounded by Padan Fain, Flinn Healed him enough that he didn’t die. He accompanied Rand to Illian and was raised to Asha’man after the invasion, in part because of his Healing skills, which were considerable. He fought in Rand’s campaign against the Seanchan, and returned with him to Cairhien. After the attack on Rand there, he was uncertain of the safety of returning to the Black Tower and remained in Cairhien where he was persuaded to be bonded a Warder by Corele Hovian, one of Cadsuane’s Aes Sedai. He was listed by Taim as a deserter. He Healed the three Aes Sedai—Irgain, Ronaille and Sashelle—who had been stilled at the battle of Dumai’s Wells. He accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and helped to free Rand there. While Rand cleansed the taint, he linked with Corele and Sarene; they fought Demandred. He went to Algarin’s estate, and then to Bandar Eban. Flinn aided in saving Maradon. In the Last Battle he fought near Shayol Ghul; his left arm was burned away by Graendal. He could Heal neither Rand nor Moridin when they came out of Shayol Ghul.
Damodred, House. A noble House of Cairhien. Its sign was the Tree and Crown. See also Aldecain, Anvaere, Barthanes, Caraline, Carewin, Dalresin, Galad (Galadedrid), Innloine, Laman, Moiraine and Taringail Damodred
Damona Mountains. A mountain range between Altara and Murandy that was formed in the Breaking of the World.
Danabar. A mountainous region in Andor where Elayne had estates that contained alum deposits, enabling her to raise money to defend against others claiming the throne.
Dance of the Hawk and the Hummingbird, The. A text by Teven Aerwin that purported to set forth the proper conduct of men toward women and women toward men.
Dancers, The. Three identical hills in Altara that had this name when Londaren Cor had been the capital city of Eharon.
Dancing Bear, The. An inn in Lugard, Murandy. Siuan passed by this establishment while on the way to another inn.
Dancing Cartman, The. A gaudily painted inn that had fallen on hard times in Four Kings, Andor. Saml Hake was its perfidious innkeeper. Mat and Rand stayed and performed there on their way to Caemlyn. The Darkfriend Howal Gode tried to entice Rand to go over to the side of the Dark One there, and he and Mat were saved when a lightning bolt opened up the wall of the storeroom in which they were trapped, allowing their escape and killing many of Gode’s men.
Dancing Goose, The. A raucous inn in Samara, Ghealdan. Nynaeve noted the inn while passing through Samara.
Daneen, Ludice. See Ludice Daneen
Danelle. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 899 NE, she went to the White Tower in 914 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 930 NE. Standing 5'5" tall, and slight of build, she had big blue eyes and often seemed distracted. Her instructors, as novice and as Accepted, said she could have learned faster except that she was always going off into a dream, so to speak. Her introspection meant that she never had close friends; she spent her time buried in books or thought or the task at hand. She could drift off in thought, into that dreaminess, in the middle of a conversation. She set off from the Tower immediately after gaining the shawl and had little contact with other sisters. Even as novice and Accepted she had been very much a loner, and never acquired a Warder. She spent long periods away, often out of contact completely for several years at a stretch, and was seldom in the Tower for more than a few months a time at widely spaced intervals. When Danelle returned to the Tower after years of absence early in 999 NE, she was actually Mesaana. The real Danelle had been squeezed for what was needed to impersonate her, and then killed. She did bear a close enough physical resemblance to Mesaana that, given Danelle’s long absence and lack of friends, there was no need for much in the way of Illusion. See also Mesaana
Dani. A damane belonging to Tuon. She had yellow hair and blue eyes, and was slightly plump, a little more so than her sister, Dali
. She and her sister were the most experienced among Tuon’s damane, hardly needing a sul’dam’s direction. She was part of Karede’s group that searched for Tuon when she was missing.
Danil. An infant boy born in the Murandian camp outside Tar Valon near the end of the Aiel War. His mother tried to con Moiraine out of coin to pay a Wise Woman, but Moiraine offered to Heal him, saying Aes Sedai Healing could be dangerous for an infant, and the mother acknowledged that she could pay.
Danine Candraed. An Andoran woman who was High Seat of an important House. She was known to be indecisive; when Morgase was trying to win the Lion Throne, she did not declare for anyone. She behaved the same way when Elayne was vying for the throne.
Dannil Lewin. A man of Two Rivers. He was Tell’s brother, Ban al’Seen’s cousin and Flann’s nephew, and was a leader of the Two Rivers men under Perrin. He wore thick mustaches in the Taraboner style; otherwise, he looked much like his brother, a skinny beanpole with a pickaxe of a nose. He was older than Perrin, but not by much. Dannil was part of the original band that hunted Trollocs with Perrin. He followed Perrin to Caemlyn, Dumai’s Wells, Cairhien, Ghealdan, Amadicia, Altara and Malden, trying to acquire polish along the way. In the Caemlyn portion of the Last Battle, he was second-in-command to Tam.
Danshu. A feast celebrated on the last day of the month of Nesan.
Dantora. A Sea Folk port in the Aile Jafar. Sailmistress Coine told Nynaeve that this was one of her destinations.
Danu. The last month of the year.
daori. The hair cut by one’s carneira and woven into a cord. A Malkieri boy’s hair was allowed to grow to the waist, but it was not cut at the shoulder when he was given the right to tie it back with the hadori. The older woman who took him as a lover, his first lover, would cut it at his shoulders, whether she took him before or after he attained the hadori. He would then weave it into a cord which he presented to her as a token of his obligations and ties to her. Thereafter, no Malkieri man would cut his hair shorter than his shoulders or let it grow much longer.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 28