Great Tree, The. An upper-class, tall stone cube of an inn in Cairhien where Rand, Verin, Hurin and Loial stayed after The Defender of the Dragonwall inn was burned and the Horn of Valere stolen. Here they devised a plan to retrieve the Horn from Lord Barthanes’ manor. The Great Tree’s innkeeper was Mistress Tiedra.
Great Trees. Huge beautiful trees that were tended by Ogier and grew in stedding and Ogier groves. They were mammoth hardwoods that towered hundreds of feet into the air with trunks as much as one hundred paces across. The Ogier never cut them down unless they died, and when tended they almost never did. Some of largest were seedlings during the Age of Legends.
greater consensus. A unanimous vote of the Hall of the Tower. Generally this demanded that every Sitter present had to stand, and that a minimum of eleven Sitters needed to be present; the presence of at least one Sitter from each Ajah also was required. If the removal of the Amyrlin or Keeper was at stake, the Ajah from which she was raised was not informed of the vote until after it had been taken.
greatfather. See Aiel kinship
Green Ajah. The main thrust of the Green Ajah was to hold itself ready for Tarmon Gai’don. It became known as the Battle Ajah during the Trolloc Wars. The hierarchy in the Ajah was rather military. The authority of the Captain-General, the head of the Ajah, was quite thorough and far-reaching. She was assisted by her seconds, the First Strategist and the First Tactician. Green Ajah members were permitted to bond multiple Warders. Aes Sedai of the Blue and the Green Ajahs were considered the most passionate of Aes Sedai in their beliefs, the most likely to be swayed by emotion. Among Greens, being kept in Tar Valon or in the Tower was considered a punishment, or at least drudgery. At the time of the Last Battle there were approximately 180 members in the Green Ajah, making it the second largest.
Green Man. Also called Someshta, he was the last of the Nym who guarded the Eye of the World before it and he were destroyed.
Green Salts. A sept of the Shaido Aiel.
greenwood. A towering evergreen tree found in the Mountains of Mist, the wood of which was used to make boxes.
greenwort. A medicinal herb that was good for sleep and for stomach cramps.
Greeting Hall, The. An inn in Caemlyn where Duhara Basaheen stayed.
Gregana. A sul’dam who participated in the Seanchan attack on the White Tower and collared Adelorna. Egwene freed Adelorna before killing Gregana with a blast of fire.
Gregorin Panar den Lushenos. An Illianer nobleman who was a member and sometime leader of the Council of Nine. He was tall, with a round face and a square-cut beard that left his upper lip bare. He offered Rand the Laurel Crown. Rand later named him Steward of Illian for the Dragon Reborn. At first he was reluctant to sign the Dragon’s Peace, but eventually acquiesced.
Grinwell, Else. See Else Grinwell
Grinwell, Master. A kind Andoran farmer and father of Else and eight others. He was a sturdy man. Mat and Rand did work for his family while making their way to Caemlyn, and entertained them at the end of the day.
Grinwell, Mistress. A kind Andoran farmwife and mother of Else and eight others. She had yellow hair. Mat and Rand did work for her family while making their way to Caemlyn, and entertained them at the end of the day. Realizing that Else had her eye on Rand, she had Else sleep with her and put Mat and Rand in Else’s room.
Grinwell, Thom. The name Mat used in Caemlyn when talking to Rahvin and Morgase.
grolm. An exotic Seanchan animal brought from a parallel world. A grolm had a wedge-shaped head with three eyes; the mouth was toothless but had sharp ridges. It waddled in walking, but ran by leaping and moved very swiftly in long bounds. The weight of an adult ranged from three hundred to five hundred pounds. They had multiple births in litters of up to six, but rarely did more than one or two survive. They were primarily used as guard animals. Extremely territorial, they rapidly learned who was allowed in a given area and would fix on anyone who was nervous or afraid, using their very good sense of smell to detect this. Grolm also had extremely good vision, and were used sometimes in battle, though only against lightly armored opponents, to break holes in an enemy line which would be quickly exploited by human soldiers. They could also be deployed against cavalry, as horses often panicked in their presence unless trained to tolerate them. They were very hard to kill; arrows often failed to penetrate their thick hides, as frequently did blows from swords, axes or spears. Nonfatal wounds seldom incapacitated them; it took ferocious wounds to slow them significantly, and they healed rapidly. The grolm was apparently a pack animal in its natural environment, though they could turn on one another if not properly controlled; they would often rip apart and eat one of their own kind which had been injured, and they would consume their own dead.
Grolm were controlled by spoken commands, hand signals and the use of a small, piercing whistle-like flute. Among morat’grolm it was a matter of pride to use only the hand signals and the flute, perhaps in imitation of the way the Blood usually communicated in public with Voices of the Blood.
groundwasp. A nasty insect that stung animals that disturbed its nest.
groves. Special areas planted outside cities by the Ogier in days past, to comfort them and ease the Longing, while they worked on building; many groves disappeared over the years.
Growing, Songs of. A Talent used by Ogier in past Ages to aid and enhance growing things.
Growing, Talisman of. A ter’angreal triggered by Ogier Treesinging that allowed the Ogier to expand the Ways that the Aes Sedai had built.
Grubb, Mother. A healer in Caemlyn. Basel Gill suggested that she might have a look at Mat.
grunter. A food fish that squealed when it spawned.
Guaire Amalasan. A false Dragon who started the War of the Second Dragon in FY 939–943. He conquered much of the world before being captured by Artur Hawkwing and gentled by the White Tower. Remnants of Amalasan’s army unsuccessfully attempted his rescue from the Tower after his capture.
guardians, the. The ter’angreal that prohibited channeling in Far Madding. See also Far Madding
Guardians of the Gate. See Amadicia
Guards, Winged. See Winged Guards
Guarding, the Rite of the. A ceremony traditionally conducted four times annually by the Lords of Tear, in which they affirmed that they guarded the world against the Dragon by holding Callandor.
Guenna, Mother Ailhuin. See Ailhuin Guenna, Mother
guestright. According to Lan, an honor given by any lord in the Borderlands to anyone displaying the ring of Malkieri kings.
Gueyam. A High Lord of Tear. As bald as an egg and wide as a blacksmith, with fists like small hams, he wore an oiled beard that emphasized his baldness. One of the most active plotters against Rand in the Stone, he was sent to Cairhien under Meilan. Gueyam worried that Rand would punish him for his previous association with Hearne and Simaan. He was in Illian with Rand, and Min saw a vision of him dying violently in battle; he died in the Last Battle.
Gueye Arabah. A young Seanchan officer under Tylee who told Perrin of additional Shaido approaching Malden.
Gufrin. A sergeant of a squad of the Band of the Red Hand. He was not bright, but he was keen-eyed.
Guides. On Sea Folk Islands, Amayar chosen to protect the Sea Folk from themselves, if possible.
guiding. See leading
Guidings. Stone guideposts directing travelers in the Ways.
Guild of Illuminators. The name for guild members who manufactured fireworks. Tarabon was the homeland of the Guild of Illuminators, and Tanchico was the location of the Guild’s one and only true chapter house until one was built in Cairhien. The Guild was composed almost entirely of Taraboners. There was no way to enter the Guild except by birth or marriage, and people of other nations who married in were never allowed to know any of the innermost guild secrets, chief of which was the method of manufacturing fireworks, including the key secret: a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal, known in the Age of Legends as gunpowder. The money made within the
Guild could not be bettered outside.
There were sometimes renegade Illuminators, who either kept making and/or selling fireworks after being kicked out or who tried to reveal guild secrets, but these were rare, since the Guild would hunt down and kill such people. The Illuminators discouraged anyone from cutting open any of the fireworks to see what was inside by claiming that the contents could sometimes erupt violently when exposed to air as well as to fire.
The Illuminators fell on hard times; the chapter house in Cairhien was damaged when Rand, Selene and Loial sought shelter there from Trollocs. Rand aimed a firework at the Trollocs and lit it; the Trollocs were destroyed and the chapter house caught fire. The fire was put out, as was Aludra, the Mistress of the chapter house. When the Shaido attacked Cairhien, they burned the chapter house completely. With the turmoil in Tarabon, the chapter house in Tanchico was in dire straits even before the Seanchan invasion. Some Taraboner refugees petitioned Pedron Niall to open a chapter house in Amador, but he refused. The Seanchan had no notion of man-made fireworks because they used damane to produce the same effects, which meant no market among the new conquerors. It was not that the Seanchan would not watch a display when nothing better was available, but rather that trained damane could make shows outshining anything the Illuminators could do.
Reports on the exact events varied, but apparently some Seanchan attempted to enter the Tanchico chapter house, the Illuminators tried to resist and the Seanchan fought their way inside. No one knew what happened next—perhaps some soldier took a lantern into the wrong place—but a huge explosion destroyed most of the building, killing a great many Seanchan and some Illuminators as well. The Seanchan gathered up every Illuminator at the chapter house, and some who had fled to Amador, and everyone who even looked like an Illuminator, and made them all da’covale. The Guild as such vanished, but individual Illuminators existed outside of Seanchan rule and worked to make sure that the Guild would be remembered.
Guirale, Liandrin. See Liandrin Guirale
Guisin. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 35(23). About 5'8" tall, with silvery golden hair and blue eyes, she was sent from Salidar to Tarabon to discover what was happening there and to determine whether the Aes Sedai could do anything to bring peace to that land. They were also trying to learn if there was a way to get a handle on Rand through the reported Dragonsworn there. Guisin was captured by the Seanchan in Tarabon along with Afara and Edesina; all three were collared as damane. Edesina was rescued by Mat in Ebou Dar, Afara remained in Tanchico and Guisin had been broken. It was Teslyn’s assessment that Guisin would betray them if they attempted to rescue her in Ebou Dar.
Guitama, Elfraed. See Elfraed Guitama
Gull’s Feast. An area of Bandar Eban close to where fishermen dumped waste from their hauls. It was also known as the Gull District.
Gurat. A Seanchan commander under Gamel Loune. While fighting Mat he lost four banners of horse and five of foot almost to the last man; not all were dead, but most of the wounded were the next thing to it.
Guybon, Charlz. See Charlz Guybon
Gwil. 1) Areina’s younger brother who went to Illian to become a Hunter of the Horn. 2) A Two Rivers man who became a servant to Perrin and Faile.
Gyldan. A dark-eyed Aes Sedai of the Red and Black Ajahs who appeared in Egwene’s test for Accepted, where Egwene found herself as the Amyrlin Seat. In the test, Gyldan was Elaida’s closest confidante and was going to participate in Turning Egwene to the Shadow.
Gyldin. Moghedien’s alias while posing as a servant in Tanchico.
Haak, House. A fictional Murandian House of nobility created by Mat in the story he prepared for the gate guard at Ebou Dar when he returned to visit Tuon, who had become Empress, before the Last Battle.
Habiger, General. One of the men Beslan plotted with in the basement of The Three Stars in Ebou Dar to overthrow the Seanchan.
Hachami, Avar. See Avar Hachami
Hachari, Lord. One of the Saldaeans who, along with his wife and another couple, met with Taim under the parley flag and tried to kill him with daggers. He and his wife were rendered unsuited for anything other than serving others after the encounter.
Hackly, Eldrin. A big wagon man who once almost killed Deni Colford. Not normally a rough man, he was very drunk when he tried to break her neck.
Had. 1) A young Two Rivers man who joined Perrin’s band. He was killed in an ambush by Trollocs. 2) A boy from Two Rivers; when Perrin called Jaim Aybara “cousin,” Jaim ran off to tell his friend Had of the honor.
Had al’Lora. A Two Rivers man with Perrin’s army. He entered Malden through the aqueduct prior to the attack on the Shaido.
Haddon Mirk. A forest north of Tear, between the River Erinin and the Spine of the World. A group of rebel nobles, including Darlin, went there after Rand had taken Tear.
Hadnan Kadere. A peddler from Saldaea. He became a Darkfriend when he was young; when his beloved older sister found out, he killed her. He was a heavy man, well-muscled and swarthy, with dark, tilted eyes, a beak of a nose and a predatory look. He often spoke and acted as if nervous or afraid, but his eyes never showed it. Rand and the Aiel encountered his party in the Waste; he claimed to be heading to Cold Rocks Hold, but was way off course. Among others, Isendre, Keille Shiogi and the gleeman Jasin Natael were in his party. He had over a dozen supply wagons and three water wagons, plus his own. Mat bought his wide-brimmed hat; Kadere was resentful because he was unable to replace it. Kadere often acted suspicious of Keille and Natael. He sometimes talked mysteriously, and he knew about Callandor. After Isendre failed to make her way into Rand’s bed and was broken by the Maidens, Kadere strangled her, but not until after she told him that Aviendha was sharing Rand’s bed. Kadere shared that information with Lanfear; enraged, Lanfear skinned him alive.
Hadora. A Guardswoman in Caemlyn. After Elayne was taken by the Black Ajah on Full Moon Street, Birgitte sent Hadora to tell the Windfinders to meet her in the Map Room.
hadori. The braided leather cord that a Malkieri man tied around his temples to hold his hair back. Until after Malkier fell to the Blight, every adult Malkieri male wore his hair to the shoulders and tied back with a hadori. Like the presentation of his sword, being allowed to wear the hadori marked the move from childhood to adulthood for Malkieri males. The hadori symbolized the duties and obligations that bound him as an adult, and also his connection to Malkier. See also ki’sain
Haellin. A noble House of Tear. See Sunamon and Kera Haellin
Haerm, General. Commander of the Illianer Companions in the Last Battle, replacing Demetre Marcolin, who was killed during the massive Sharan assault on the plains of Kandor.
Haesel. A maid in the Tarasin Palace. She was a slim young woman in a white dress, gathered up on the left to show green petticoats and embroidered on the left breast with a green Anchor and Sword. She had short black hair framing a sweetly pretty face, big black eyes and silken olive skin. Her livery had the deep narrow neckline common to all women, except nobles, in Ebou Dar. On Mat’s visit to the Tarasin Palace by the front door, she was the first servant he encountered, as well as the youngest, having been summoned by the Sword-Lieutenant at the front door. She appeared again in Olver’s room when they were moving into the palace. Olver said she had the most beautiful eyes.
Haesel Lusara. A Murandian Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 878 NE, she went to the White Tower in 891 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 905 NE. When she first went to the White Tower, she lied about her age by two years, but by the time she was caught out, she had been training for a year. She received a very stiff punishment, but the Aes Sedai could not turn her away by that time, though she always believed that the reason she had been so long a novice was that they simply would not let her test because of her subterfuge.
Haesel was not particularly pret
ty, average in face and figure, but had a vivacity that made most people see her as pretty. About 5'4" tall, she was neither slim nor stout; her black hair was worn in an elaborate braid that hung halfway down her back, with the braiding running onto the top of her head. Her black eyes could twinkle gaily or glitter with anger even when the rest of her face was composed.
She was part of the rebel fifth column sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower (aka ferrets). Like all of the sisters chosen for the fifth column, Haesel was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broken, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she had simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons. Haesel was coopted by Seaine and Pevara to aid in their search for the Black Ajah.
Haesel Palan. A Murandian rug merchant with whom a young Moiraine shared a room at The Gates of Heaven in Canluum. She was plump, had cold feet and sharp elbows and snored.
Haevin. An Andoran noble House. See Catalyn and Arendor Haevin
Haevin, River. A river on the northern edge of the Caralain Grass above Andor, flowing west and south from the Black Hills to the River Arinelle.
Hafden, Rina. See Rina Hafden
Hafeen Bakuvun. A Domani mercenary working for Elayne in the defense of Caemlyn. He was a large, stout man with solid muscle beneath the fat, a gold hoop in his left ear and a begemmed ring on every finger. He demanded more money because of losses his company suffered, but he helped hold the Far Madding Gate against the attack of three mercenary companies intent on betrayal. He petitioned for a reward for that, which was refused because Elayne saw it as doing what he was being paid to do.
Hahn. Almen Bunt’s fifteen-year-old nephew, who made his uncle a set of wooden teeth.
The Wheel of Time Companion Page 45