Knotai. Old Tongue for “devastation” or “ruin”; it was the name given to Mat by Tuon because he was to bring destruction to the Empire’s enemies, or maybe because he left a path of destruction wherever he went.
knotting a web. Expression from the Age of Legends that meant tying off a weave.
Ko’bal. A Trolloc tribe; its symbol was a blood-red trident.
ko’di. See flame and the void; Oneness; void, the
Kodam. A male Aes Sedai from the time of the Breaking. He was young and barely touched by the taint and helped to create the Eye of the World.
Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei. Old Tongue for “Here is always welcome for Aes Sedai.”
Koimal. An Ogier who was the father of Shandin father of Ledar, the last being the author of A Study of Men, Women and the One Power Among Humans.
Kolesar. The site of a battle in Mat’s memories; there Classen Bayor lost his cavalry in the marshes.
Kolom. Son of Radlin, father of Serden, the last being an Ogier author who theorized about the Ways.
Kolomon, Stedding. A stedding located in the Spine of the World.
Kore Springs. A village in Andor where Gareth Bryne had estates. It was a small, single-street village that was neat and orderly; the two-story inn was the largest building in town. Siuan, Leane, Min and Logain were there and burned down a barn; Logain escaped and Bryne presided over the women’s trial. Morgase went there after fleeing Gaebril, but Bryne had already left.
kori. A huge spotted cat from the Sen T’jore in Seanchan.
Koronko’s Spit. A gambling game from Shienar that was played with five dice.
Kosaan, Venr. See Venr Kosaan
Kostelle, Master. An Altaran merchant who played a version of Piri with Mat at The White Ring in Maderin, Altara.
Kragil. A soldier in Lan’s army who died fighting a Myrddraal; he did something crazy in that fight, according to Andere.
Kralle. A soldier at Heeth Tower whom Malenarin Rai sent to fetch the sword for the ceremony raising his son to manhood.
Kremer Road, the. A road crossing the Proska Flats in Saldaea.
Krisa. A Seanchan woman who brought in three assassins to kill Tuon. Selucia had caught two of them by the time Mat returned to Ebou Dar.
Kuan Murasaka. An acrobat with Valan Luca’s show. Dark-haired and dark-skinned, she was one of six purported sisters that Luca hired away from Sillia Cerano.
Kuehn. One of the group of Shienaran soldiers who joined Lan in eastern Kandor as he traveled toward Tarwin’s Gap. Andere told the protesting Lan that he had run into Kuehn and the other soldiers before meeting Lan, and had told them to wait along the southern roadway for Lan and his men to come along.
Kumiko. A stout graying Kinswoman who traveled with Elayne to Caemlyn. During one of Arymilla’s attacks on Caemlyn, Kumiko was one of the four Kinswomen who made the gateway to take Elayne to see it; when Aviendha mentioned Elayne’s reaction to pregnancy, Kumiko laughed really hard.
Kumira Dhoran. A Shienaran Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who was uncommitted to any contingent and had a strength level of 24(12). Born in 886 NE, she went to the White Tower in 902 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 918 NE. She was 5'5" tall, and handsome rather than pretty, with sharp blue eyes, graceful hands and short hair that was a dark rich brown. In Cadsuane’s opinion, Kumira was hardheaded and practical, a keen observer, and never let herself get so deeply lost in thought that she failed to see the world around her. She was interested in everything, and did not want to waste time.
Kumira came from a well-to-do farm family, though her father was a soldier retired because of his wounds; there were many soldiers in her family on both sides. She used the word “peace” as an oath. She was a strong-willed woman, though not as strong-willed as Cadsuane, of course. Sometimes she wore the ink stains common to her Ajah, but they did not escape her notice and she seldom let them stay long. Usually she had a care for others’ feelings, especially those who were below her in some way; for instance, she made sure Daigian was not offended by her comment about Daigian’s logic. Much more likely to wear good woolens than silk, she did wear a silk scarf now and then. She had no Warder. Kumira was one of the uncommitted Aes Sedai Rand found in Cairhien after Dumai’s Wells. She accompanied Cadsuane to the Sun Palace on the day Cadsuane made her agreement with Sorilea; Kumira would try to find some clue to how to work the sworn sisters despite their oaths to Rand. Kumira accompanied Cadsuane to Far Madding and then to Shadar Logoth, where she was killed fighting the Forsaken Graendal.
Kunwar. An area of Saldaea; Tenobia was styled as Lady of Shahayni, Asnelle, Kunwar and Ganai.
Kurenin, Nazar. See Nazar Kurenin
Kurin din Calis Red Sails. A Sea Folk Windfinder, formerly on a medium-sized raker, with a strength level of 18(6). She was Windfinder to a Sailmistress who was one of the First Twelve in Ebou Dar before the Seanchan arrived. Her face was like smooth black stone, her full lips seemed thin and her eyes were like black pebbles. She was contemptuous of and impatient with the shorebound. Kurin was one of the twenty Windfinders who accompanied Nynaeve and Lan to the Tarasin Palace; Renaile agreed that those twenty would go wherever needed to use the Bowl of the Winds. When the group was Traveling to the Kin’s farm, she didn’t pass on Aviendha’s message concerning a suspicious figure she saw (Moridin). She observed the use of the Bowl of the Winds, and then fled to Caemlyn with Elayne and her companions. Nynaeve taught Kurin and other Windfinders in the use of the One Power. When Zaida left Caemlyn to elect a new Mistress of the Ships, she left Kurin behind. Kurin and the other Windfinders still in Caemlyn linked and made a gateway so that Birgitte could rescue Elayne from the Black Ajah; they also called down lightning to defeat the Black sisters, and made another gateway so that Elayne’s forces could attack Arymilla.
Kurin, Mezar. See Mezar Kurin
Kwamesa Taramasu. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 950 NE, she went to the White Tower in 965 NE. After spending five years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 974 NE. Standing 5'3½" tall, she was dark and slender, with a sharp nose and a cold manner. She peered down her nose at everyone, and put great store in ceremony. Some Aes Sedai wanted to hold her longer both as novice and as Accepted because of her youth; she was considered overly precocious by many. Kwamesa was raised a Sitter for the Gray in Salidar in 999 NE; she was the youngest by a matter of months. She voted yes in the war vote and for the alliance with the Black Tower. In the Last Battle, Kwamesa was balefired by Demandred while she was helping to protect the dragons.
Kyera Termendal. A poet of Shiota, and a translator of The Prophecies of the Dragon between FY 700 and 800.
Kymer. A Wise One of the Tomanelle Aiel. Han was her sister-father. She had deep red hair and a long, tanned face. When Aviendha returned from her second visit to Rhuidean, she discussed her visions of the future with Kymer, Melaine, Sorilea, Bair and Amys.
Kyril Shianri. A nobleman and counselor to King Paitar of Arafel. He was 6'3" tall, lean and elegant-looking. He wore silver bells on his boot tops and gloves as well as fastened to his braids. His face bore a permanent expression of dissatisfaction and he peered coolly down his prominent nose at anyone but Paitar. He was a fool in many ways, but Arafellin kings seldom listened to their counselors, relying instead on their queens. Kyril accompanied Paitar to his meeting with the other Borderland rulers in the Black Hills.
L’Heye, Sea of. A body of water in Seanchan.
Laandon. A member of the Band of the Red Hand who accompanied Faile on supply runs in the Last Battle. When they were near the Blasted Lands and their band was attacked by beasts that looked like bears with too many arms, Mandevwin told Laandon and Verdin that they needed more spears to impale the beasts.
Lace of Ages. See Great Pattern
Lacel. An Ogier who was the son of Laud and the fat
her of Juin, the last being the Ogier who stopped the incipient fight between Maidens and Shienarans in Stedding Tsofu, and took Verin, Rand and the rest of their party to the Elders.
Lacile Aldorwin. A Cairhienin member of Cha Faile. About 5'3" tall, and slim, with a pale complexion, dark eyes and short dark hair, she was one of the feistiest of the bunch, very prickly about her honor and Faile’s. Despite wearing a man’s coat and breeches, she kept a few feminine touches, which some others did not, including a graceful walk. She was captured by the Shaido along with Faile; taken by Jhoradin, one of the Brotherless, she took up with him for protection. After Lacile and Arrela attempted escape and were recaptured, they were tied naked on a cart as punishment. Lacile was trapped in the collapsing building by Galina; after they were rescued, she and Arrela killed Jhoradin to stop him from attacking Perrin. She later became interested in Niagen, another Brotherless.
Lacine. A Sea Folk Wavemistress who was one of the First Twelve. She was so slender that her bosom seemed enormous. At the meeting with the others of the First Twelve in Illian, Lacine glared at Harine when her Bargain with Rand was mentioned.
Ladalin. A Wise One of the Taardad Aiel after the Last Battle, seen in Aviendha’s viewing of the future in Rhuidean. She was a descendant of Aviendha’s who wished that she were able to channel. In the vision, Ladalin met with Mora, Tamaav, Takei and Jorshem and decided that the Aiel must retreat to the Three-fold Land.
Ladoman. King of Coremanda who signed the Compact of the Ten Nations.
Ladwin. A soldier in Mat’s Band of the Red Hand. Short, stocky and seemingly mild, Ladwin was embarrassed to have been captured by Warders when approaching Salidar. When Trollocs attacked Caemlyn at the start of the Last Battle, Ladwin fought alongside Talmanes to save the dragons.
Lady of Pain. Another name for Semirhage.
Lady of the Shadows. A Seanchan euphemism for death.
Laefar. An Ogier man from Stedding Shangtai. Loial encountered him in Tear; he informed Loial that he had been declared a runaway and that his mother intended to marry him off.
Laerad. A man of the Moshaine sept of the Shaido Aiel and of the Duadhe Mahdi’in society. Grizzled and never one to waste words, he accompanied Maeric through one of Sammael’s gateways produced by nar’baha on the Plains of Maredo; he reported to Maeric that there were spears to the south.
Laerid Traehand. An Andoran nobleman and High Seat of his House. Stocky and taciturn and normally as stolid as stone, he was loyal to Elayne; he rode to her support with as many men as he could gather, and did not turn back on learning the odds. Laerid did not hesitate to lead his men against the Black Ajah when they held Elayne.
Laero lendhae an indemela. An Old Tongue saying of the Fallen Army of Kardia meaning “The enemy’s flag has fallen.” Mat recalled it from his old memories.
Lahpoint Hills. Where Birgitte in a past life as Jethari Moondancer led the Buchaner rebellion.
Laigin Arnault. A Taraboner Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She was part of the group that kidnapped Rand and died at Dumai’s Wells. Even though she had been part of his imprisonment, Rand thought of her as having died for him.
Laila Dearn Lewin. A young woman of the Two Rivers. Before she married Natley Lewin, she was slim and could dance three boys into the ground. At one time, Perrin wanted to marry her, and she him. When Perrin saw her at Jac al’Seen’s farm after her marriage, she had grown stout and had an infant.
Lain. A man in Bandar Eban for whom Votabek and Redborn were working. They figured that Lain was not going to pay them, so they agreed to join the army that Durnham started under Rand’s direction.
Lain Mandragoran. A Malkieri man who was the brother of al’Akir and Lan’s uncle. He and al’Akir were very close, and the people of Malkier loved him; he was one of the great heroes of the Borderlands. Out of envy, his wife Breyan dared him to lead his lances through the Blight to the Blasted Lands, perhaps to Shayol Ghul itself; Lain and most of the men with him were killed.
Lairain. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who was toadlike in appearance. She gave Egwene instructions on the ceremony to be raised Amyrlin after the Tower was reunited.
Laird. A member of the Children of the Light who believed that a dead channeler’s head should be cut off and buried separately from the body to prevent him or her returning to life.
Laiwynde. A daughter of Artur Hawkwing. She and her son died a tragic death; word of that arrived less than an hour after Hawkwing’s death.
Lake Somal. A location in Arad Doman that Ituralde thought of when reflecting on his past military victories.
Laman Damodred. A king of Cairhien who took the throne in 965 NE. Laman was the uncle of Moiraine Damodred, the older brother of her father Dalresin. Laman cut down Avendoraldera to make a throne, which started the Aiel War. He became known as Laman Treekiller. After three years of battle, the Aiel killed him and returned to the Aiel Waste.
Laman had two other younger brothers, Moressin and Aldecain. Unlike Moiraine’s father, the pair had dark reputations; Moressin and Aldecain were as bad as or worse than Laman. Their behaviors were marked by increasingly ugly deeds, until their deaths in the Aiel War.
Laman’s Pride or Laman’s Sin. A reference to King Laman of Cairhien’s cutting down Avendoraldera.
Laman’s sword. An ornate sword belonging to King Laman of Cairhien. The scabbard was so encrusted with rubies and moondrops that it was hard to see the gold except where a rising sun of many rays had been inset. The ivory hilt, long enough for two hands, had another inlaid rising sun in gold; the pommel was thick with rubies and moondrops, and still more made a solid mass along the quillons. The sword was taken as a trophy by some Aiel after Laman was killed during the fighting around Tar Valon, during the Aiel War. The fact that it was a sword meant that no Aiel really wanted to keep it, despite the gems, so when Aviendha thought to pay off her toh to Rand in “cash,” so to speak, she was able to acquire the whole thing to give him, scabbard and all. She carried it wrapped in a blanket because the Wise Ones told her that way she was not actually carrying it as a sword, so it didn’t break the prohibition. Rand refused to accept the jeweled scabbard, leaving it to Aviendha, and tried to give her the jeweled hilt as well, which angered her since he had tested the sword using that hilt and had thus already accepted it, in her eyes. Rand gave away the hilt, also, but where or to whom was unknown.
Lamelle. A woman of the Smoke Water sept of the Miagoma Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She was lean with dark red hair and a strong jaw. She was one of the three worst at mothering Rand; she made him soup, but was a terrible cook, so it tasted bad. Her throat was ripped out in the battle for Caemlyn against Rahvin, and Rand added her name to the list of women who had died for him.
Lamgwin Dorn. A bouncer at The Queen’s Blessing, Caemlyn. Born in 951 NE, he was a hulking fellow with scars on his face and his hands, and a voice that sounded like gravel in a pan. He was 6'2" to 6'3" tall, lazy-eyed and heavy-lidded, a thug, with broad shoulders and sunken knuckles. Lamgwin was more accustomed to using his fists or a cudgel than any other weapon. He was devoted to Queen Morgase and later also to Breane Taborwin, when they met and fell in love. All he knew for sure of Rand was his belief that he would be a good man in a fight, plus rumors that he was some kind of prince or lord. Lamgwin remembered Mat largely from his first visit, when sickly; at a second visit he knew that Mat got into some kind of trouble with Gaebril’s men at the palace, which was well with him. When Faile took Maighdin’s group into her service, Lamgwin became Perrin’s bodyservant.
Lamma Sor. A day of prayers for those who had fallen defending against the Blight, and for those who would fall in future. It was observed on the day after the first quarter moon (called a “knife moon”) in the month of Saban in the Borderlands. Nothing was eaten but bread and water, salt and oil. It was also called the Day of Remembrance.
Lamplighters. A group that patrolled the streets of Canluum all night to ensure that lamps remained lit, essential
in a Borderland city.
Lan Mandragoran. A man who was by right the King of Malkier, Lord of the Seven Towers, Lord of the Lakes, True Blade of Malkier. He was called “the Uncrowned” in the Borderlands, and Dai Shan, meaning a Diademed Battle Lord. The Aiel called him Aan’allein, meaning in Old Tongue “One Man,” or “the Man Who Is an Entire Nation.” He served as Warder to Moiraine Damodred, then to Myrelle Berengari, and finally to his wife, Nynaeve al’Meara.
Lan was born in 953 NE. He was 6'5½" tall, and heavy in the shoulders, though he had a narrow waist. He weighed about 245 pounds and had sharp blue eyes and dark hair streaked with gray that was long enough to touch his shoulders, but held back by a braided leather band. His face seemed to be made of planes and angles, carved from stone, and his hands were large and square. Women had considered him beautiful when he was a boy, but he lost that as he aged, so that Edeyn Arrel could tell him he was no longer beautiful in early 979 NE.
As Malkier was falling, Lan was named Dai Shan in his cradle and consecrated as the next King of Malkier. Twenty men were given charge of the infant Lan, to take him safely out of Malkier. Only five of those survived to reach Shienar; Bukama was the last one of them to die. Lan received his sword at age ten, which was very young, and he had begun training with it years earlier. The early training was not uncommon, especially in the Borderlands, but his was particularly intense.
Lan’s carneira was the Lady Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel, a widow of thirty-five to his fifteen with one surviving child, a daughter then seven, Iselle, whom Edeyn later wanted Lan to marry. He was given the hadori at sixteen and promptly began his war against the Shadow.
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