Latelle. A woman who trained bears in Valan Luca’s circus. She was stern-faced and dark-eyed, with short black hair and the permanent beginnings of a sneer on her lips. She had two black bears with white faces. Latelle gave no welcome to Elayne and Nynaeve; she was jealous of other women’s interest in Luca, and Luca’s interest in them. When Nynaeve had the Chavanas over for dinner and they started flirting with Nynaeve, Latelle attacked her with a stick; when Nynaeve and Cerandin were fighting, Latelle handed Cerandin a stick. She was a terrible cook and later married Valan Luca.
Lathin. A Whitecloak soldier who was killed by Hopper in the stedding that featured Hawkwing’s statue.
Latian Basar. A young Cairhienin nobleman who was a member of Cha Faile. Short and pale, he had a pointed nose and shoulder-long hair tied off in a tail at the nape of his neck, in weak imitation of the Aiel cut. His coat was marked with four slashes of red and blue across the chest. He was one of the seven who first met Rand and Perrin after Dumai’s Wells. Latian went off with Balwer and Medore in So Habor and stayed after Perrin and the rest of his party left; four days later they returned with Tallanvor. He did not play well at being a spy; when he tried to be surreptitious about giving Perrin a message from Balwer, everyone knew exactly what he was doing.
Latra Posae Decume. An Aes Sedai at the time of the War of Power. She opposed Lews Therin’s plan of sealing the Bore because she thought that it was too dangerous, and favored the use of the Choedan Kal. A speaker of considerable force and persuasion, she gathered a great deal of support, but what assured her victory was an agreement she arranged with every female Aes Sedai of significant strength on the side of the Light; all pledged not to assist Lews Therin in his risky plan. This agreement came to be known as the Fateful Concord. When the ter’angreal to control the Choedan Kal were lost, the female Aes Sedai held to their pledge and hoped to regain the access keys. Thus Lews Therin and his companions were unable to use a circle to seal the Bore, although they did complete the task, with the dire result of the taint on saidin. Latra Posae rose to preeminence, earning the name Shadar Nor, best translated as “Cutter of the Shadow” or perhaps “Slicer of the Shadow,” for her valiant fight against the Shadowsworn. She died sometime during the Breaking.
Laud. An Ogier who was the father of Lacel and the grandfather of Juin, the last being the Ogier who stopped the incipient fight between Maidens and Shienarans in Stedding Tsofu and took Verin, Rand and the rest of their party to the Elders.
Laurain. A noblewoman attending Morgase in Amadicia. Slender with dark eyes set slightly too close together, she wore a permanent simper. She was made da’covale by the Seanchan.
Laurel Crown of Illian. The crown of the ruler of Illian. After Rand was given the crown by the Council of the Nine, it became known as the Crown of Swords. It was a heavy gold circlet, two inches wide, of golden laurel leaves; almost buried among the laurel leaves of the crown were the sharp points of swords, half point up, half down. No head could wear that crown easily.
Law of Unintended Consequences, the. Spoken of by Siuan, it stated “whether or not what you do has the effect you want, it will have three at least you never expected, and one of those usually unpleasant.”
Law of War. A Tower law stating that a question of war cannot be shelved; it must be answered before any question called after it.
Lawdrin Mendair. A Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand who accompanied Mat to Ebou Dar. On the way there, Elayne somehow discovered that he had five flasks of brandy in his saddlebags; Mat poured them out on the ground. When they went to retrieve the Bowl of the Winds at a deserted building in the Rahad, Mat sent Lawdrin, Harnan and four others around to the back of the building; all but Harnan were killed by the gholam.
Lawtin. A Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand. He accompanied Mat to Ebou Dar. He and Belvyn were sent with Nynaeve on a visit to the Sea Folk; both Redarms were killed when Moghedien balefired their boat.
Layden, Barel. See Barel Layden
Layden, House. A minor noble House of Andor. Its High Seat was Lord Barel.
leading. Controlling the link of a circle made by channelers; also known as focusing or guiding.
Leafblighter. The Aiel name for the Dark One.
Leafblighter’s get. An Aiel name for Trollocs.
Leafhunter. A wolf who was the leader of her pack. She had a feel of quiet certainty; her mate was Feather. Perrin spoke with Leafhunter’s pack after encountering a scent in the wolf dream that made his hackles rise (Darkhounds). When he asked the pack about it, they all shut him out one by one; Leafhunter was the last, saying simply, “The Last Hunt is coming.”
Leane Sharif. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah originally, but later of the Green. She was the first sister ever to have changed her Ajah so far as any records showed. A member of the rebel contingent, she had a strength level of 14(2) before she was stilled and Healed; it was reduced to 36(24) afterward. Born in 952 NE to a merchant family, she went to the White Tower in 967 NE. After spending five years as a novice and four years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 976 NE. About 5'10" to 5'11" tall, she was willowy, graceful and coppery-skinned, with a brisk, clipped way of speaking, except when talking to men, or sometimes about them. She was Keeper of the Chronicles for Siuan until they were deposed and stilled. After being stilled, she looked young, about twenty-two or twenty-three years old, and no longer like an Aes Sedai. With Min’s help she and Siuan escaped Tar Valon and made their way to Salidar with Logain in tow. On the way, they accidentally burned down a barn in Kore Springs; Logain escaped but the women were tried by Gareth Bryne, who sentenced them to work for him until they had earned enough to pay for the barn and the cows in it. They swore an oath to do so, but Siuan noted that they had not said when, and all fled with Logain when he rescued them.
Although Leane had fairly small ability with Healing, she seemed to have the greatest ability with metals after Egwene, and she had an extensive network of eyes-and-ears; both made her a valuable asset to Egwene. Leane’s connection with Egwene remained a secret for a long time while they were in Salidar, as was the fact that she was no longer bound by the Three Oaths.
After Bryne arrived in Salidar, Leane, Siuan and Min were made to serve him as they had sworn to do.
Once Nynaeve Healed Leane, she chose to be a member of the Green Ajah instead of the Blue. She was quite cosseted by most of the other sisters for how well she had adjusted to her reduction in strength.
As part of the rebel Aes Sedai siege of the White Tower, Leane was to convert the harbor chain at Southharbor into heartstone; she had it half done when she was captured, and it still managed to block all but the shallowest draft ships from entering. When she was taken back to the Tower, no one believed that she was who she said she was. She was imprisoned; Egwene visited her frequently, as did many Aes Sedai wanting to learn to Travel. A bubble of evil caused her cell to melt like wax, but quick action by Egwene saved her. She was freed when Egwene was raised Amyrlin for the united Tower. Leane attended Egwene’s meeting with Wise Ones and Sea Folk in Tel’aran’rhiod; when the Black Ajah attacked, she stayed and fought, and though she was injured, she was Healed. Demandred captured her when he and the Sharans joined the Last Battle; he sent her with a message to Rand that if Rand did not face him, he would destroy all that Rand cared about. In the Last Battle, Leane was nearby when Egwene died.
Leanna ti Arathdar Mandragoran. Lan’s mother, the last Queen of Malkier. She was also known as el’Leanna. When Malkier was overrun with Trollocs, Leanna and her husband Akir had Lan brought to them in his cradle and gave him a sword and a locket and consecrated him as the next King of Malkier. They then sent him with twenty soldiers to Fal Moran. Al’Akir and el’Leanna were killed at Herot’s Crossing, and Malkier was lost.
Leashed Ones. See damane
leatherleaf. A tall, rough-trunked evergreen tree with tough broad leaves and thick branches. It grew in copses and could become a towering tree, although in the tall mountains it tended
to be scrubby and wind-twisted. Leatherleaf’s natural range was extensive.
Ledar. The Ogier author of A Study of Men, Women and the One Power Among Humans, a book Loial considered one of the best about Aes Sedai dealing with men who could channel. Ledar was the son of Shandin son of Koimal. Loial also used the name Ledar to disguise his identity.
Ledron. A citizen of Hinderstap who spoke with Mayor Barlden about the papers with Mat’s likeness promising money for information about Mat’s whereabouts. Mayor Barlden told him that he was not in the business of selling out guests.
Leeh. A Maiden of the Spear sent after Weiramon and Anaiyella when Rand outed them as Darkfriends.
Leems. An Asha’man who was Taim’s crony and was fond of wine. When Pevara and Androl were capturing Dobser, Leems and Welyn came in; Pevara fought them with the One Power, enabling Androl to knock them out with a cudgel. Emarin stated his intention to dose them with something that would make them sleep until Bel Tine.
Left Hand. In Seanchan, a term referring to a primary assistant; for example, Tuon’s former Truthspeaker, Neferi, had a Left Hand who was trained and ready to replace her, until Anath was selected by the Empress.
Legion of the Dragon. A large military formation, all infantry, giving allegiance to the Dragon Reborn, trained by Davram Bashere along lines worked out by himself and Mat Cauthon, lines which departed sharply from the usual employment of foot. While many men simply walked in to volunteer, large numbers of the Legion were scooped up by recruiting parties from the Black Tower, who first gathered all of the men in an area who were willing to follow the Dragon Reborn. Only after taking them through gateways to a spot near Caemlyn were those who could be taught to channel identified; the remainder, by far the greater number, were sent to Bashere’s training camps. The Legion numbered about 15,000 well-trained troops when they joined in the Illian campaign, but their total number with recruits numbered 47,500. At the beginning of the Last Battle, the Legion fought on Elayne’s front.
Legion of the Wall. See Ghealdan
Lehynen. A member of Ituralde’s forces who died defending his flank from Trollocs outside Maradon; Ituralde thought that he was one of the best.
Leich, Mother. The local healer in Remen, Altara. She stitched up Lords Orban and Gann after their encounter with Gaul and Sarien.
Leilwin, Lady. A Taraboner noblewoman who was shipped out to the Seanchan forces after Floran Gelb’s misinformation led to Egeanin kidnapping her. Young and pretty, she was a refugee from estates burned out by the war. Leilwin resembled one of the women Egeanin sought, although Gelb should have known it was the wrong person by her Taraboner accent. Leilwin, bound and gagged, was deposited on one of the courier boats in the dead of night. She was made da’covale to an unknown Seanchan owner.
Leilwin Shipless. See Egeanin Sarna
Leiran. A man of the Cosaida sept of the Chareen Aiel and the Sha’mad Conde society. An agile man who could kick higher than Rand’s head, he was siswai’aman. Leiran was handsome except for the puckered white scar that ran up under the strip of black cloth that covered a missing eye. He guarded Rand’s Traveling tent in Tear. Enaila thought he had a good sense of humor, but the other Maidens thought that it was his strong hands which attracted her. Enaila decided to lay a bridal wreath for him at the time of the Last Battle, but she was killed by Trollocs before she could do so.
Leish. The wife of the Asha’man Canler. Round and white-haired, she was bonded by Canler.
Leitha. A Tairen Lady of the Land. She made the mistake of looking disdainfully at Moiraine while the nobles were waiting for Rand in the Heart of the Stone.
Leitiang, Stedding. A stedding located in the forests north of the River Ivo.
Lelaine Akashi. A Kandori Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 13(1). Born in 827 NE, she went to the White Tower in 844 NE. After spending five years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 855 NE. She was first chosen as a Sitter for the Blue Ajah in 962 NE and after the split in the White Tower was named First Selector, the head of the Blue Ajah, in 999 NE. Her Warder was Burin Shaeren.
About 5'4" tall, she was a slender woman, quite pretty, with a dignified air that could break into a warm smile and a light laugh. Her penetrating brown eyes were a little lighter in color than Romanda’s, but not light. Although her hair had no gray showing, she stood just ahead of Romanda in the ceremony when Egwene was raised Amyrlin. Lelaine controlled her faction tightly; she could cut one of them off with a gesture. She was a friend to Siuan before Siuan took the stole. She was fond of Logain, as a fierce dog she had tamed. She had had her own candidate for Keeper, who was not Sheriam. Lelaine and her faction used Tel’aran’rhiod to try spying on Rand. Resuming her friendship with Siuan after Nynaeve Healed Siuan, she made sure that Siuan knew that she expected Siuan to be as loyal to her as she was to Egwene, should Egwene fail to survive, and help her rather than Romanda get the stole and staff. Lelaine unmasked Faolain as Egwene’s mole and pressed her hard, forcing her to give up information about Egwene, Siuan and Leane. In the Last Battle, Lelaine fought as part of Egwene’s army.
Lem al’Dai. A horse-faced Two Rivers man in Perrin’s army. He had a gap in his teeth through which he sometimes spat; he got the gap fighting a merchant’s guard. He liked to fight with his fists, and was known to pick fights. He traveled with Perrin to Cairhien, Dumai’s Wells and Ghealdan.
Lem Thane. A boy from Emond’s Field who was the son of Jon and Saera Thane. He was eight months younger than Rand, Mat and Perrin. Lem saw the cowled horseman before Winternight, too. His father was the local miller and a member of the Village Council.
Lemai Ambani. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 15(3). After spending six years as a novice and eight as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl. Part of the expedition to take the Black Tower, Lemai was captured and bonded by Morly Hardlin, an Asha’man Dedicated. She was one of the two strongest Aes Sedai captured by the Asha’man, and, as such, was second to Desandre in leadership of the Aes Sedai group, as much as the Asha’man allowed.
Lemore Genhal. A Taraboner noblewoman taken by the Seanchan in Tanchico and made damane. She was just nineteen when being held in Caemlyn, one of the damane captured by Rand’s troops in Altara and turned over to Elayne in Caemlyn. Lemore was a pampered young noblewoman born with the spark, though she didn’t know it until it manifested itself days before the Seanchan took the city. Found while trying to escape, she was collared on the very day the city fell. Lemore said that she hated the Seanchan and wanted to make them pay for what they did to Tanchico, but she answered to Larie, her damane name, as readily as to Lemore, and she smiled at the sul’dam and let them pet her. She knew she should hate the sul’dam and didn’t understand why she did not. Not wanting to harm any of them, she would have been paralyzed if confronted by a sul’dam, and might well have let herself be collared again without making more than token resistance.
Len Congar. A Two Rivers man who, along with Jac Coplin, stole a cow from Master Thane. After being shown proof of the incident, Perrin meted out justice by having them strapped.
Lenn. A mythical character in gleeman tales who flew to the moon in the belly of an eagle made of fire; his daughter Salya walked among the stars.
Leof Torfinn. A Two Rivers man with deep-set eyes and a white streak in his hair where a scar ran through it; the scar was given to him by Trollocs. He carried Perrin’s Red Wolfhead banner when Wil al’Seen didn’t want to, and carried it again for Perrin’s first meeting with the Seanchan under Tylee Khirgan. At Malden, he was one of those who went through the aqueduct to rescue Faile.
Leonin. Meidani’s Arafellin Warder. He wore silver bells in his hair and two swords on his back. He knew nothing of current happenings except that his Aes Sedai wanted certain things of him. He made formal bows with fingertips pressed to his heart.
Leral. A serving girl at The Wandering Woman in Ebou Dar.
br /> Lerian. A Goshien Aiel woman of Far Dareis Mai. Lean, sandy-haired and about Faile’s age, she escorted Perrin and Faile to Rand in Caemlyn. She often guarded Rand or Min and went with other Aiel to help restore order in Bandar Eban.
Lerman, Master. The head mason working on Elaida’s palace at the White Tower. The blood drained from his face when Elaida told him that the palace must have a spire ten spans higher than the Tower itself, but a look at her face told him to say that it would be done as she wished.
lesser consensus. A vote that required a quorum of eleven Sitters, but only two-thirds of those present needed to stand for an item to pass. There was no requirement for all Ajahs to be represented in the lesser consensus except in the case of a declaration of war by the White Tower, one of several matters left to the lesser consensus which many might have thought would require the greater.
Letice Murow. A Murandian novice with the rebel Aes Sedai. Pale-eyed and close to her middle years with unblemished skin, she had a sister who was also a novice. Leane had Letice hold Egwene’s horse outside the cuendillar tent; when she gave her name, Letice sounded as if she wanted to add a title.
letter-of-rights. The only paper currency. Such letters were issued by bankers, guaranteeing to present a certain amount of gold or silver when the letters were presented. Because of the long distances between cities, the length of time needed to travel from one to another, and the difficulties of transactions at long distance, a letter-of-rights might have been accepted at full value in a city near the bank which issued it, but it might have been accepted only at a lower value in a city farther away. Generally, someone intending to be traveling for a long time would carry one or more letters-of-rights to exchange for coin when needed. Letters-of-rights were usually accepted only by bankers or merchants, and would never be used in shops.
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