Loise al’Vere. Egwene’s next-eldest sister. She was born in 976 NE. A tomboy as late as age fifteen, she was considered the adventurous one—she was the one who hung on to climbing trees long after other girls gave it up, who sneaked off hunting rabbits and went swimming in the Waterwood long after others slowed or stopped. She was not allowed to braid her hair until 997 NE. By the time Perrin left the Two Rivers for the second time, she was looking around at suitors. She also might have been able to learn to channel.
Lomas. A scout for Ethenielle of Kandor. A sly lean-faced fellow with a foxhead crest on his helmet, he signaled to Ethenielle that they were in sight of the place in the Black Hills where she was to meet the other Borderland rulers.
Londaren Cor. The capital city of Eharon, one of the Ten Nations to rise after the Breaking.
Londraed. A lean soldier in the Band of the Red Hand. When Mat was working to set a trap for the Seanchan, Londraed climbed a tree to watch for Aludra’s signal. In Caemlyn when the Trollocs attacked during the start of the Last Battle, Londraed fought to save the dragons.
Long Exile, the. The separation of Ogier from their stedding during the Breaking when the land and sea shifted so dramatically that the stedding were lost or swallowed entirely. The Ogier who survived the upheaval of land and sea found themselves homeless and adrift, and wandered in search of their lost stedding. The Long Exile sensitized the survivors and their descendants so that all Ogier became bound to the stedding; if an Ogier stayed Outside for too long, the Longing took him and he began to weaken and eventually die. It was also known as the Exile.
Long Eyes, Cemeille din Selaan. See Cemeille din Selaan Long Eyes
Long Feather, Dorile din Eiran. See Dorile din Eiran Long Feather
Long Man, The. A well-kept inn in Cairhien where Egwene and Gawyn met in the private dining room. Its innkeeper was a round woman.
Long Tooth. The name the wolves gave Elyas Machera.
Long Wandering, the. See Long Exile, the
Longing, the. A condition experienced by an Ogier who was away from a stedding for too long; it could result in death. It was a particular problem during the Breaking, when landforms were changing. The Longing was not experienced by Seanchan Ogier in the Breaking, because in the areas that later became the Seanchan Empire, there happened to be more stedding, and so they were not exiled for long periods of time.
loobies. A pejorative term meaning, roughly, “dunces.”
lopar. A hulking exotic fighting animal of the Seanchan that was brought from a parallel world. It weighed between fifteen hundred and two thousand pounds when full-grown and had a large, round head with no external ears and two eyes, large and dark, surrounded by horny ridges. Its massive shoulders appeared hunched, and were somewhat higher than its hindquarters when on all fours. Its legs were longer than those of a bear in proportion to size, but still appeared short, partly because they were very thick; they were somewhat bowed when the lopar was on all fours, adding to its hulking appearance. Its hide, leathery and hairless, in browns ranging from dark to a pale reddish color, was not as tough as that of a grolm, and when lopar were used in battle, they were normally fitted with a sort of leather coat or barding, covered with overlapping rectangular metal plates, which protected the spine, the central chest and the belly. It had six toes on both front and rear paws, all with large retractable claws. It used both forepaws for grasping or handling. Lopar would sometimes rear up on their hind legs when fighting, and were then easily tall enough (as much as ten feet) to snatch a man from horseback. Its intelligence was higher than that of a dog, probably equal to that of a torm; as with the torm, some people found their gaze disturbing, but there was not the cold malevolence in the gaze of a lopar that there was with a torm. The lopar was as fast as or faster than a horse over very short distances—up to one hundred paces/yards—but they were not distance runners by any means. Despite their lumbering appearance, they could move as quickly as any bear. Lopar births were always in pairs, and they suffered the same high mortality rate of the other exotics.
Despite its appearance, the lopar could be handled by anyone properly trained and was usually placid and even friendly unless roused to fight by command. The exception to this was mating, which resembled a battle and usually resulted in wounds to both male and female. Both males and females would sometimes engage in a sort of dominance display, each animal rearing to its tallest and roaring or howling loudly. The shorter of the two animals would lie down flat on its belly almost immediately. If the two animals were the same size, however, combat could result unless they were properly controlled by morat.
The lopar was used primarily as a guard animal, and used only very occasionally in battle, usually for guarding a particular person. Because of the combination of a usually placid nature combined with fierce fighting ability, it was not unusual for the Blood to use lopar to protect and guard their children. Lopar used to bodyguard people, whether adults or children, often became attached and fiercely protective. Animals which formed this attachment were usually reluctant to leave the one they were attached to and frequently refused to eat for some time afterward. The lopar was controlled by voice commands and by signals from a horn a little larger than a man’s hand with a piercing sound.
Lopar, Cavan. The rotund innkeeper of The White Crescent in Tear. He suggested that Mat take Thom to Mother Guenna for his cough.
Lopiang, Kiam. An Aes Sedai who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.
Lopin. Nalesean’s Tairen serving man. A middle-aged man, he was about 5'10" tall, round-bellied and balding, with a blocky, square face and an oiled beard almost long enough to reach his chest. What hair he had left was dark. He was competitive with Nerim, Talmanes’ serving man. Lopin traveled with Nalesean to Ebou Dar, and after Nalesean’s death he became Mat’s manservant. Normally jolly, he was somber and sad after Nalesean died. Lopin was killed by the gholam in the camp outside of Cairhien.
lopinginny. A bird found in the Waste with a bold call, though it was not a bold bird.
Loral. The dosun, or head housekeeper, of Milisair Chadmar’s palace in Bandar Eban. Elderly and gray-haired, she had served the Chadmar family through three generations. She told Nynaeve that the last messenger from Alsalam had been taken and imprisoned, and led Nynaeve to the prison.
Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. The commanding officer of the Whitecloaks, who presided over the Council of the Anointed, which was made up of approximately a dozen of the highest-ranking and most favored Lords Captain and the High Inquisitor. At the time of the Last Battle, Galad Damodred was Lord Captain Commander.
Lord of the Dawn. See Dragon, the
Lord of the Grave. See Dark One
Lord of the Lakes. One of Lan’s royal Malkieri titles.
Lord of the Land. A title for Tairen nobles, and the rank from which a High Lord was raised.
Lord of the Morning. One of Lews Therin’s titles, given to Rand by Weiramon, Bashere and Gregorin, and taken up more generally during the Illian campaign. See Dragon, the
Lord of the Seven Towers. One of Lan’s royal Malkieri titles.
Lord of the Twilight. See Dark One
Lorn, Evanellein. See Evanellein Lorn
Lorstrum Aesnan. A Cairhienin nobleman who rose to power after Rand left Cairhien. He was quiet and lanky and looked down his nose. He neither opposed Rand nor supported him; that middle ground helped him to gain support; it was thought that he was considering claiming the throne. Elayne demonstrated the dragons for him and other nobles, and offered him estates in Andor that she had stripped from Arymilla, Naean or Elenia. When Birgitte found a poisoned needle in the Sun Throne’s cushions, Lorstrum vowed to find who had put it there; he also opined that it must have been put there to kill Rand, since no one would want to kill Elayne.
Los caba’drin! Old Tongue for “Horsemen forward!”
Los Valdar Cuebiyari. Old Tongue for “The Heart Guard will advance.”
Losaine. An
Aiel Wise One with the ability to channel and a strength level of 22(15). She had gray eyes and dark hair with glints of red. She had to link with Daviena to shield Turanna after Verin finished questioning her.
Lost Ones. The Aiel name for the Tuatha’an.
Lost, the. The name given to Tuatha’an who could no longer hold to the Way of the Leaf.
Lothair Mantelar. The author of The Way of the Light. In FY 1021, during the War of the Hundred Years, he founded the Children of the Light to proselytize against an increase in Darkfriends.
Lounalt, Jaq. See Jaq Lounalt
Lounault. See Amathera Aelfdene Casmir Lounault
Loune, Gamel. See Gamel Loune
loveapple. A plant with plump fruit; Aviendha compared Elayne’s lips to loveapples when talking to Rand.
loversknot. 1) A vine having strong crimson flowers. It was embroidered on Nasin Caeren’s lapels. 2) Capitalized, the stout brown mare that Nynaeve rode from Ebou Dar to the Kin’s farm and on toward Caemlyn; she also rode her when she took Lan to World’s End.
Low Chasaline. A day of fasting that fell on the eighteenth day of Maigdhal.
Loya. A maid at the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar. She was slender with bee-stung lips; she gave the towel she had just put on Olver’s washstand a pat, and then flung herself onto the bed to tickle his ribs till he fell over laughing helplessly.
Luagde. A bridge town outside Tar Valon on the bank of the Osendrelle Erinin, on the road to Chachin and Shol Arbela.
Luaine. A young Aiel woman of Far Dareis Mai. Yellow-haired, she was one of the Aiel who helped Aviendha and Rhuarc rescue Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene from brigands and Myrddraal. After discovering that Rand had been kidnapped, Sulin sent Luaine to fetch Nandera and Rhuarc.
Luan Norwelyn. An Andoran nobleman who was High Seat of House Norwelyn. His sigil was a leaping silver salmon on a field of vertical blue and green stripes. Luan supported Morgase in her drive for the throne. Graying and hard-faced, he met with Rand in Caemlyn, when Rand told him and other nobles (Dyelin, Ellorien and Pendar) that he wanted Elayne on the Andoran throne. He said that Rand’s wine was excellent, but the “my Lord Dragon” sounded as if it had been pulled out of Luan with a rope. When Rand indicated that the wine was cooled with the One Power, he deliberately drained his cup and held it out for more. He acted with Dyelin and Pelivar against initial claimants to the throne; they hanged two nobles for declaring for Dyelin for the throne, had twenty others flogged, and imprisoned Lady Naean Arawn and Lady Elenia Sarand, who had declared for themselves. After Elayne took Caemlyn, he stood for Trakand.
Luan, River. A river with headwaters in the Black Hills flowing southeast to the River Erinin below Tar Valon.
Luc. A lord of the fictitious Murandian House Chiendelna; it was the name Slayer used in the Two Rivers. See Slayer
Luc Mantear. An Andoran nobleman born in 954 NE; his sign was a golden acorn. The son of Mordrellen, and Tigraine’s brother, he disappeared in the Blight in 971 NE after Gitara Moroso had a Foretelling that the outcome of the Last Battle depended on his going to the Blight. In the Blight, the Dark One made him into a sort of hybrid with Isam Mandragoran; the resulting being was known as Slayer.
Slayer could change from Luc to Isam in the waking world and in Tel’aran’rhiod. As Luc he was a tall broad-shouldered man in his middle years with a hard angular face, blue eyes and dark reddish hair with white wings at the temples. After the death of Shaiel, Rand’s mother, his father Janduin went into the Blight; there he came across a man who looked like Shaiel, and would not raise a weapon against him. That man, Luc, killed him.
Calling himself Luc Chiendelna of Murandy, he went to the Two Rivers at the same time as the Whitecloaks; he claimed to be a Hunter of the Horn and hinted at having a claim to a Borderland throne. He made a great show of getting the people there organized against the Trollocs, but many of the farms that were burned were farms that he had recently visited. He also tried to get the Two Rivers people to confront the Whitecloaks, and finally led a group to tell the Whitecloaks that the Two Rivers was closed to them.
In the wolf dream, Perrin put an arrow in Slayer’s chest; shortly after in the waking world, Luc rode away, hunched over and clutching his chest; after that, Luc really hated Perrin. Luc spied on Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene in Tel’aran’rhiod; they thought he looked like Rand’s uncle, which of course he was. Taim ordered Slayer to kill Rand and Min in Far Madding; Luc went to the room in the inn where Rand and Min had been staying; since they had left, the man and a woman he killed were strangers. See also Slayer
Luca. A young Jenn Aiel male from the time after the Breaking. His shoulders were half again as wide as anyone else’s and he liked to play tricks. He went with Charlin and Lewin to save their sisters from bandits; they used weapons and killed some bandits, and although they saved their sisters were cast out by their families.
Luca, Valan. See Valan Luca
Lucain. A brown-haired novice in the White Tower who assisted Egwene during the Seanchan attack; Egwene sent her with a message to others helping her.
Lucanvalle, Catala. See Catala Lucanvalle
Lucellin. A Child of the Light. With Dain Bornhald in the Two Rivers, he made sure that no one sneaked off from Taren Ferry while Bornhald was moving his troops into the area.
Luci. The assistant in Ronde Macura’s dress shop in Mardecin, Amadicia. Dark-haired, young and thin, she constantly tried to wipe her nose surreptitiously with the back of her hand. Luci’s long curls reached her shoulders. At Ronde’s behest, she dosed Nynaeve and Elayne with forkroot tea. She was terrified and shrill and quickly caved when Thom and Juilin arrived.
Lucilde. A lanky Andoran novice brought to Salidar from the White Tower; she had a potential strength level of 29(17). Born in 978 NE, she went to the White Tower in 993 NE. Lucilde escorted Halima to Delana. If Lucilde had remained in the Tower, she would have been raised Accepted.
Ludice Daneen. A Taraboner Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. She was bony, with a long, grim face framed by brightly beaded Taraboner braids that hung to her waist. She had a reputation for strict adherence to the law. Ludice was one of the sisters called in by Tamra Ospenya to carry out the secret search for the newborn Dragon Reborn. She was murdered by the Black Ajah early in 979 NE.
Ludin. An algai’d’siswai who worked with Birgitte to kill Trollocs in Braem Wood in the Last Battle; she thought that he was very good at moving quickly and silently.
Lugard. The capital of Murandy. Lying on the River Storn where it met the River Reisendrelle, it was ruled by King Roedran, although his authority did not extend far into the country, as local lords held sway. A rough city, decaying through neglect, Lugard was highly commercial, being on major trade routes; people from all different nations could be found in its streets. Lugarders had a reputation for thievery and licentiousness. Large areas of bare earth were set aside within the city to accommodate trade. Tall gray walls that encircled the city were neglected, their fallen stones making them low in places. Busy broad streets were unpaved, and the city was dirty. Gray stone buildings with bright colored tile roofs were dusty, and crumbling stone walls, remnants of past nobles’ territorial claims, crisscrossed the city. Stables, horse lots and inns nearly outnumbered houses and shops. The inns were noted for risqué names and risqué singers. The Shilene Gate stood on the eastern side of the city.
Lugard Road. A thoroughfare connecting Caemlyn and Lugard.
Lugarders. People from Lugard, Murandy.
Lugay, Therin. See Therin Lugay
Luhhan. A Two Rivers family. See Alsbet Luhhan and Haral Luhhan
Luin, Igaine. See Igaine Luin
lumma. A tree native to Maram Kashor that was straight and very tall, with fronds sprouting from the top.
Lunal Galgan. A Seanchan Captain-General who commanded the soldiers of the Return. He was tall with blue eyes and snow-white hair worn in a crest with the tail braided and hanging down his back. His ancestors were among the first to throw their support to
Luthair Paendrag. He had a high reputation as a soldier and a general. Galgan went with Tuon to her first meeting with Rand. After the meeting, she ordered him to go ahead with the attack on the White Tower. Galgan met with assassins to find out how much it would cost to have Tuon killed, and then killed those assassins. He later did hire assassins to kill her, but only poor ones that he felt had no chance of success. Tuon planned to raise him to the Imperial family. At first Galgan was skeptical of Mat’s martial abilities, and resented Mat being named Rodholder, but he later came to respect Mat and argued for rejoining him on the battlefield in the Last Battle.
Lurk. A Tairen name for Myrddraal. See Myrddraal
Lurts. A Saldaean soldier who accompanied Nynaeve to Milisair Chadmar’s prison in the Gull’s Feast in Ebou Dar. A massive wall of a man, he wore a cavalryman’s uniform.
Lusara. A Domani woman taken gai’shain by the Shaido. Graceful, buxom, copper-skinned and stunningly beautiful, she was well into her middle years, with a few white hairs among the black falling below her shoulders. A risk-taker, she had gained and lost several fortunes as a merchant. Because of her beauty, Sevanna chose her to be one of her personal servants. She swore fealty to Faile and Faile thought she might be trustworthy, but she treated Faile’s escape plans like a child’s game, with no sense of consequence if they should fail.
Lushenos, Lord Gregorin Panar den. See Gregorin Panar den Lushenos
Lusonia Cole. An Andoran Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Part of the expedition to kidnap Rand, she escaped from the debacle at Dumai’s Wells and returned to Tar Valon with Covarla Baldene. The entire party was sent to Dorlan to keep events secret.
Lussin. A Redarm tasked with looking after Olver and Setalle Anan in Caemlyn.
Luthair Paendrag Mondwin. The son of Artur Paendrag Tanreall and Tamika. His banner was a spread-winged hawk clutching lightning bolts. He was born in FY 967, and in FY 992 led a large force of ships of all sizes carrying over 300,000 soldiers and settlers across the Aryth Ocean from the western ports to Seanchan. He found a shifting quilt of nations of various sizes; most of them were ruled by Aes Sedai. No nation trusted the other, and intrigue and scheming abounded; because there was no constancy, Luthair and his descendants were able to conquer the natives of Seanchan. Luthair, whom the Seanchan called the Hammer, was also helped by Deain’s invention of the a’dam, which allowed Aes Sedai to be collared and controlled.
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