Merlon, Renala. See Renala Merlon
Merrilin, Thom. See Thom Merrilin
Merrilor, Field of. See Field of Merrilor
Mervin Poel. An inventor and a member of Rand’s Academy of Cairhien. Bearded and balding, after many trials he managed to make steamwagons that could travel a hundred miles in a day pulling wagons.
Merya. A Saldaean woman with whom Elyas lived for a year. She shouted his ears off, and threw dishes at his head. Every time Elyas thought of leaving, she’d want to make up, and he would stay. She finally left him, though, saying he was too restrained. While telling Perrin about her, Elyas rubbed at a knife scar on his face.
Merym. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent who was a member of the party that caught Egwene as she changed the harbor chains in Tar Valon to cuendillar. She and Jala galloped off for the Tower as soon as they saw who had been captured.
Mesaana. One of the Forsaken; her name before turning to the Shadow was Saine Tarasind. She was about four hundred years old and had a strength level of 2(+11), a step below Lanfear, but equal to Cyndane. Her goal in life was to do research at the Collam Daan, and it was fairly certain that her failure to achieve that was the key factor in her eventual decision to go over to the Shadow. She held several field commands for the Shadow, but she shone as a governor of conquered territories. She engaged in all the usual atrocities, and she used her skill as a teacher to set up schools that corrupted children. These children were taught to destroy, and they did it very well. Mesaana was hardheaded, practical and intelligent, except insofar as her own motivations and weaknesses were concerned, anyway. She had an analytical mind, and never cared about looks or appearances. She seemed dreamy, but only because she was often absorbed in her own thoughts and plans. She was really very observant. Her interest was real power; however, she knew that this came through the Dark One, and had no interest in trying to set up an earthly power base. She certainly had no objections to seeing other Forsaken go down or be diminished, since she would strive as hard as any for the Dark One’s favor.
She had a close and rather peculiar relationship with Demandred and Semirhage. They were not exactly allies, or they were allies only to the degree needed to keep the others off their backs, but they frequently acted in concert, and none of the three had ever betrayed the other two in any way, which was not to say that any one of them would not work for personal advantage with respect to the other two as well as the others.
When she awoke in the Third Age, she went to the White Tower. She vaguely resembled Danelle, the peripatetic Brown sister whose identity she assumed after squeezing relevant information out of her and killing her. This she did herself; while she did not have the skill of Semirhage at torture or of Graendal in penetrating another’s mind, she was quite able to make Danelle tell her sufficient about herself for Mesaana to carry off her impersonation, though it did require her to mask her prodigious ability to channel. She needed little Illusion to pass as Danelle because of their strong physical resemblance and Danelle’s lack of friends and long absences from the White Tower.
Slight and 5'5" tall, with big blue eyes, Mesaana was pretty rather than beautiful, and appeared to be just short of her middle years. As Danelle, she was part of the group that arrested Siuan, and later part of the council advising Elaida. Mesaana ran the Black Ajah in the Tower through Alviarin, to whom she appeared as a woman of silver and shadow. Even her voice was disguised, like crystal chimes speaking. While she communicated most of her orders through Alviarin, and led Alviarin to believe all went through her, she made contact with the twelve other sisters on the Supreme Council, and she learned all of the members’ names. Despite taking control of the Black, she did not know all the ins and outs of it, the things they knew or the rituals. She assumed a great deal more knowledge than she actually had, though she did know what went on between Elaida and Alviarin even before Alviarin reported it, and she seemed to know it word-perfectly. In addition to being in the one spot where more information was gathered on world events than anywhere else, Mesaana caused Elaida to increase the number of the Tower Guards and take other moves that made a peaceful solution with the rebels more difficult even if she were willing. She also was responsible for the proclamation that 1) recognized Rand as the Dragon Reborn while at the same time not-so-subtly condemning him, and 2) condemned everyone who had aided or would aid him. That made sure the wedge between Rand and the Tower was firmly in place while at the same time 1) weakening Rand to some extent because of those who would abandon him or fail to come to him, and 2) weakening the Tower by taking away its flexibility while at the same time giving many people who had gone over to Rand no choice, except to oppose the Tower. And of course, Mesaana was responsible for the loyalist Tower finding itself divided internally far more deeply than it had been since the decades after its founding and possibly more than then.
Mesaana was summoned and failed to appear at Shadar Logoth when Rand was cleansing the taint on saidin; Shaidar Haran went to the White Tower and punished her severely. She and the Black Ajah battled Egwene and Aes Sedai in Tel’aran’rhiod. Mesaana put an a’dam on Egwene while in the dream world, but Egwene was able to resist through sheer willpower; Mesaana’s mind was destroyed during this mental battle.
Meseau, Sevlana. See Sevlana Meseau
Mesianos, Doraise. See Doraise Mesianos
Mestra. A member of the Black Ajah who had fled the Tower. Part of the group that attacked Egwene in Tel’aran’rhiod at the White Tower, she died when Egwene hit her with a ball of fire.
Metalan. An Aiel man in the distant future seen in Aviendha’s visions in Rhuidean. His wife was Norlesh; they had five children; three had died earlier. He tried to trade gems for food with outlanders, but the Raven Empress had forbidden trade with Aiel. A fourth child died soon after his failure to trade.
Metarra din Junalle. A Sea Folk Windfinder apprentice, too young to have earned a salt name. Her strength level was 9(4), roughly equal to Elayne and Egwene. Slightly plump but physically strong, she had very big, dark eyes, so black they seemed purple. She had no nose chain, and only a single earring in the left ear to balance three in the right. She was part of the circle that used the Bowl of the Winds and afterward went to Caemlyn with Elayne’s group; when Zaida left Caemlyn, Metarra went with her.
Methin, Eldrid. A cook in the Sun Palace in Cairhien. When Loial and Karldin visited, Eldrid talked of how dangerous and deadly Rand was.
Metwyn. A Cairhienin Redarm in the Band of the Red Hand. He looked boyish, though he was about thirty years old when he joined the Band. About 5'8" tall with a medium build, he had a pale complexion, black hair and dark eyes. Metwyn was very quick with his hands, a very good soldier and swordsman—the best of the lot, though Gorderan was close behind—but he had a temper that could lead him into tavern brawls. Along with Harnan, Fergin and Gorderan, he survived the recovery of the Bowl of the Winds in the Rahad.
Mezar Kurin. A Domani Dedicated Asha’man associated with Logain. He bonded Adrielle of the Gray Ajah. A copper-skinned man in his middle years, he had a plain face, touches of gray at the temples of his black hair and a garnet in his left ear. His dark eyes had a sad look to them. He grinned openly, though, and stroked his thin mustache when Gabrelle came out of Logain’s house in the morning. Mezar was part of the meeting with Logain that Toveine witnessed. She thought he might have been a minor nobleman. He accompanied Rand to the meeting with the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Taim Turned him to the Shadow and promoted him to full Asha’man. Mezar and Welyn took Evin to be Turned.
Mia ayende, Aes Sedai! Caballein misain ye! Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye! Mia ayende! Old Tongue for “I am a free man, Aes Sedai. I am no Aes Sedai meat.”
Mia dovienya nesodhin soende. Old Tongue for “Luck carry me through.”
Mia’cova. Old Tongue for “One Who Owns Me,” or “My Owner.”
Miagoma. An Aiel clan. Its clan chief was Timolan.
Micara. A Wise One of
the Shaido Aiel with the ability to channel and a strength level of 27(15), the weakest among the eighty Wise Ones with Therava. About 5'7" tall, and young and pretty, she had red hair, a delicate mouth and large, intent blue eyes. Micara shielded Galina when Therava brought her to Sevanna’s camp after Dumai’s Wells.
Midean’s Ford. An old song of Manetheren. It told of a battle. Aedomon led the Saferi against Manetheren, pillaging and burning, driving all before them until King Buiryn gathered Manetheren’s strength. The men of Manetheren met the Saferi at Midean’s Ford, holding, though heavily outnumbered, through three days of unrelenting battle, while the river ran red and vultures blackened the sky. On the third day, with their numbers dwindling, Buiryn and his men fought their way across the ford, driving deep into Aedomon’s army, seeking to turn the enemy back by killing Aedomon himself. The Saferi forces were too great, however, and they swept around Buiryn’s men, trapping them. Surrounding their king and the Red Eagle banner, they fought on, refusing to surrender even when it was clear that they would die. In the song, their courage touched Aedomon’s heart, and he allowed the remnant to go free, turning his army back to Safer in honor of them.
Mat’s memories told a different story: He remembered advising Buiryn not to accept Aedomon’s offer to let them go free; but Buiryn said that the smallest chance was better than none. Aedomon drew his spearmen back and waited until the Manetheren remnants were strung out and nearly to the ford; then his hidden archers rose and the cavalry charged in, killing everyone.
Miedelle Caeren. Nasin Caeren’s wife; she died circa 970 NE.
Miereallen. An Ogier-built city in Safer, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking; Falme later rose on the same site.
Mierin Eronaile. Lanfear’s original name.
Miesa. A serving woman to Delana Mosalaine.
Migel Sahera. Avene Sahera’s son. His name was on the list of possible Dragons Reborn, but he had been born a week before Gitara’s Foretelling, thirty miles from Dragonmount.
Mighty. Arganda’s horse, killed by a Trolloc in the Last Battle.
Miheres, Aldin. A mercenary commander working for Arymilla. He attacked Caemlyn and was killed by Birgitte with an arrow through the neck.
Mikel of the Pure Heart. A Hero of the Horn. He appeared at the battle against the Seanchan at Falme. When Rand saw him, he became aware of the myriad names Mikel had gone by in his many lives.
Mikhel Najirah. A Seanchan Banner-General under Captain-General Galgan. Lanky and graying, he escorted Suroth to the meeting with Galgan about attacks on Seanchan positions in Tarabon. He was also present when Beslan swore allegiance to Tuon.
Mikio Vadere. A Kandori Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 18(6). Born in 907 NE, she went to the White Tower in 923 NE. After spending twelve years as a novice and eleven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 946 NE. Mikio was 5'5" tall, and plump, with a round face, black hair worn short of her shoulders and dark brown eyes. Physically quite strong, she had a fairly ordinary appearance. Her eyes were the most striking thing about her; they were intent and inquisitive always; she had a way of noticing small things that escaped others’ notice. Mikio had two Warders, one in his mid-twenties and the other in his middle years. She was part of the rebel fifth column sent by Sheriam’s council in Salidar to infiltrate the White Tower (aka ferrets). Like all of the sisters chosen for the fifth column, Mikio was out of the White Tower when Siuan was deposed and the Tower broke, so there was no flight to arouse any suspicions toward her. Apparently, she simply returned in answer to Elaida’s summons.
Mil Tesen. A gossipy peddler with a floppy hat and a grizzled face. Gawyn encountered him in the Cairhienin countryside and asked for news of the world; Mil told him that Rand had taken Andor and killed Morgase, and possibly Elayne.
Milam Harnder. The Second Librarian in the Royal Palace, Caemlyn. A chubby man who blinked incessantly, Harnder was a Brown Ajah agent who reported to one of their eyes-and-ears at the Hoop and Arrow Inn, Mistress Fendry. Demira was on her way to meet Harnder when she was attacked by men dressed as Aiel. Harnder served Morgase, and before her, Mordrellen. Elayne knew that he was a Brown Ajah agent.
Mili. The subject of a gleeman’s tale, “Goodwife Mili and the Silk Merchant.”
Mili Skane. An Andoran woman originally from a village near Whitebridge who was a saddler’s daughter. She was born circa 977 NE. About 5'4" tall, she was pretty in a sharp-featured way, with brown eyes and brown hair that she brushed to glossiness. There was no warmth in her face; it seemed to lack feeling. She spoke with almost the accents of an Andoran noble. Mili went to the White Tower at fifteen but was told she could not learn to channel. Within the year she found a circle of Darkfriends, joined it and killed her first man—her first nonpersonal murder, anyway. Over the next seven years, she added nineteen more assassinations, and her kills for personal reasons would more than double the number. Among Darkfriends she was considered one of the best assassins available. It was generally believed that Mili could find anyone or anything. She had a circle which answered to her; they were mostly older than she and included several real nobles.
Included in her personal total of murders were the real Shiaine Avarhin and Shiaine’s father, Willim Avarhin, the last two members of a minor noble family with a lineage back to the founding of Andor, and their sole servant. Mili was nineteen when she killed them; the murders were for the sole purpose of providing a cover, to allow Mili to use Shiaine’s name, although the use of Willim’s seals enabled her to obtain his remaining money. Mili believed that only a few among the Darkfriends knew her secret, and that the reclusive lives of Avarhin and his daughter made it unlikely she could ever be found out.
Mili attempted to kill Mat and Rand with a hot-bladed dagger in a barn when they were on their way to Caemlyn. She managed to keep this encounter secret, since she preferred to have it thought she had failed to find and intercept them than that she had done so and failed.
Mat later spotted her in Ebou Dar, where she was working for Jaichim Carridin. She had a particular hatred for Carridin, who mistreated her when she was working for him in Ebou Dar. He also discovered her misappropriation of gold for her own use, especially her gambling habit. Shiaine liked gambling with something close to addiction.
Moridin sent her to Caemlyn, where she very much enjoyed killing Carridin, whom she drowned in brandy. Because of Darkfriend hierarchies, Shiaine would have groveled for Old Cully, the beggar in charge of Darkfriends in Ebou Dar, or others who held a high enough position, but then she had gained the protection of Moridin. Moridin also gave her Falion and Marillin to serve her. Mili worked to create chaos in Caemlyn, arranging much of the arson and setting conditions for crime, and was reasonably successful. When Elayne attempted to take her and Black Ajah sisters at Mili’s house on Full Moon Street prisoner, the tables were turned and Elayne was captured. Elayne was rescued, though, and Mili captured. Freed by Jaq Lounalt, she escaped.
Milisair Chadmar. A member of the Domani Council of Merchants. Barely into her thirties when Rand arrived in Bandar Eban, she had lots of curves and dark hair in tight curls that hung past her shoulders. Rand ordered her to bring him the last messenger who had come from King Alsalam; Milisair, who had put the messenger in a dungeon where he had died, tried to flee, but was caught. She told Rand that the messenger was dead, and Rand threw her in her own dungeon. Nynaeve found her, suffering from poison that had been given her by Kerb, who was under Graendal’s Compulsion, and Healed her. Rand had her returned to her home before he left Bandar Eban, but she fled the city within the hour.
Milis din Shalada Three Stars. The Sailmistress of the Whitecap, which took food to Bandar Eban. She had some gray in her straight black hair. When she arrived in Bandar Eban, Iralin would not let her unload her grain because he thought it was probably spoiled and he feared riots. Rand and Iralin visited her on the ship, and all the unopened grain was found to be fine.
Milking Tears. A l
ost Talent of unknown use; Egwene hoped that Moghedien could tell her about it, but she knew nothing.
Milla al’Azar. The young Wisdom of Taren Ferry who was chosen after the Trollocs wiped out the population of Taren Ferry. She simpered around Perrin. When the four Wisdoms visited Faile, Milla admitted that none of them knew the Wisdom technique of Listening to the Wind and that she was so frightened about the weather that she was not sleeping well at all. She was very uncertain around the older Wisdoms; Faile considered speaking to the Women’s Circle in Taren Ferry about having her replaced, as a Wisdom was supposed to be mature and in control of herself.
Milli Ayellin. A Two Rivers girl. She took the wolfhead banner to Leof Torfinn when Wil al’Seen didn’t want to carry it.
Millin, Mistress. A farmer in whose cow barn Gawyn and his Younglings stayed in Dorlan.
Millis Fendry. The innkeeper at The Hoop and Arrow in Caemlyn, and an eyes-and-ears for the Brown Ajah in the White Tower. She kept pigeons; every time Milam Harnder visited her, a pigeon flew north.
Milo, Soran. See Soran Milo
Milsa. The wife of Zeram, a bootmaker, who was known for controlling the purse strings. She rented out rooms above Zeram’s shop on Blue Carp Street in Far Madding to anyone who didn’t mind being locked in at night; she had stairs put in right up to the third floor for privacy, but she wouldn’t pay for having a new door cut as well, so the stairs came out in the shop, and she would not leave that unlocked at night. Torval and Gedwyn stayed there.
Min Farshaw. Her full name was Elmindreda Farshaw, and she was born outside Baerlon in 975 NE. Min was orphaned young. Her mother died in childbirth, her father in a mining accident later; they had gone up to the mines for a fresh start. Min was sent back to Baerlon to be raised by her three aunts, Miren, Rana and Jan, who lived together, making a living as seamstresses. Already something of a tomboy from her time at the mines, she was used to boys’ clothes. Her aunts tried to make her a proper lady, as defined in Baerlon, and disapproved strongly of her wearing breeches. Miren seemed to understand a little. Min gave up running with the urchins when she was about thirteen. Since she would never be a seamstress—she simply hated doing embroidery, for which she had no facility at all—she had to have some kind of trade, and what she chose for herself was to be a groom. Her aunts argued for over a year before she was allowed to, though she had been sneaking down to the stables on the sly when she could. She had equated horses with travel, with the places her aunts’ visitors told stories of, but quickly learned horses meant manure and mucking out. She stuck it out for a long time through stubbornness.
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