Nadere. A Wise One of the Goshien Aiel with the ability to channel and with a strength level of 19(7). She was 5'11" tall and as close to stout as any Aiel came, with green eyes, a large bosom and pale hair. She took part in the adoption ceremony in which Aviendha and Elayne became first-sisters, and was the person who fetched Elayne for the ceremony. She dismissed the Asha’man who had called on Elayne, ignored them as unimportant to what she was about.
Nadoc. A Seanchan officer and commander under Karede. A big man with a deceptively mild face, he was more intelligent than Jadranka, the most senior of Karede’s three captains. He was appalled at Jadranka’s telling the scouts to press on and what to look for. When Rand’s forces attacked, he helped Karede rally the forces and retreat; for those actions, he was raised to the low Blood.
Nadric. A drunken Shaido man in Malden who accosted Faile and tried to carry her off. When Rolan objected, he said that Faile was not pretty enough to fight over.
Nae’blis. The title of the Great Lord’s Regent on Earth. The Forsaken jockeyed for this position.
Naean Arawn. A slim Andoran woman who was High Seat of House Arawn. The sign of House Arawn was the silver Triple Keys. About 5'6" tall, she was palely beautiful with big blue eyes and waves of gleaming black hair, but a near-permanent sneer marred her beauty. She opposed Morgase during the Succession. Daved Hanlon was a mercenary in her service at that time, years before he gained his own company. When Rand took Caemlyn she pretended to be content as High Seat of an ancient House. She and the other cronies of Gaebril fled after Rand reached an accommodation with Dyelin; Rand made no moves against them, but Dyelin was not so restrained. Naean attempted to claim the Lion Throne after word came that Colavaere had been crowned in Cairhien, and that Rand had gone to bend knee to the Amyrlin Seat. While two prominent and too insistent supporters of Dyelin were hanged by Dyelin, and twenty more flogged, Naean was imprisoned by Dyelin, as was Elenia. Naean and Elenia were reported rescued while being brought to Caemlyn, but were in fact captured by men loyal to Lady Arymilla. Arymilla forced the captive Naean to sign papers supporting Arymilla for the Lion Throne. She was captured later by Elayne at the Far Madding Gate when Elayne won Caemlyn. Elayne stripped her of her titles and lands and offered them to Cairhienin nobles; she intended to give other property to Naean.
Naeff. An Andoran man who was a member of the Queen’s Guards in Andor. He resigned in disgust when Gaebril was in charge, and made his way to the Black Tower. He was strong in Air, and advanced to full Asha’man. He was bonded to Nelavaire Demasiellin. His madness from the taint caused him to see Myrddraal lurking around him. Rand sent Naeff to the Seanchan to negotiate a meeting with the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Naeff accompanied Rand to Bandar Eban, and to the meeting with Hurin, representing the Borderlanders. When a bubble of evil struck the All Summers neighborhood of Tear, Naeff went with Nynaeve to investigate; after they had cleaned up the area, she Healed his madness. He went with Rand to Maradon to save Ituralde and his men. Rand sent him to the Black Tower to find out what was happening; he arrived after Androl and the others had prevailed. During the Last Battle, Mat sent Naeff with a letter to Tuon with instructions on rejoining the battle.
Naeise. An Aiel Maiden of the Moshaine Shaido. After they had gone through Sammael’s gateway, she reported to Maeric that there were seven or eight thousand spears approaching from the east. She thought they were enemy Reyn Aiel.
Naerodan, Samalin. See Samalin Naerodan
Nagashi, Kerene. See Kerene Nagashi
Nagora. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Short and lean, she wore her hair in a tight roll on the nape of her neck and sat and stood up straight as if to make up for her lack of height. She had a Warder. Nagora was guarding Leane’s cell once when Egwene visited; she also taught Egwene logic; the lesson turned to how to deal with an aging Warder.
Nagoyin, Amico. See Amico Nagoyin
Nailine Samfara. An Ogier-built city in Coremanda, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.
Naime din Malzar. A Sea Folk Windfinder of relatively high rank with a strength level of 16(4). A dignified woman, with a quiet air of command, she took part in the circle using the Bowl of the Winds, as she was one of the strongest available among the remaining Windfinders in Ebou Dar. She traveled with Elayne to Caemlyn.
Naiselle. A cool-eyed banker from Ebou Dar who was at the Kin’s farm outside Ebou Dar when the Seanchan attacked. She traveled with Elayne’s party from the farm to Caemlyn. Since she was one of the last ten ready to leave the farm, Alise made her wash dishes.
Najaf, Aeldra. See Aeldra Najaf
Najima clan. A Kandori family. See Colar, Eselle, Jerid, Josef and Jurine Najima
Najirah, Mikhel. See Mikhel Najirah
Nakai. One of the Aiel clans; its chief was Bruan of the Salt Flat sept.
Nakomi. A mysterious Aiel woman whom Aviendha met in the Waste. Bair told Aviendha that she knew no one named Nakomi, but that it was an ancient name.
Nalaam, Arlen. See Arlen Nalaam
Nalaene Forrell. A Ghealdanin Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. A member of the loyalist contingent, Nalaene was part of the expedition to kidnap Rand. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel until, under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she did before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding. She was identified in Verin’s book as Black Ajah.
Nalasia Merhan. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who was unaccounted for after the Seanchan raid on the Tower. Egwene thought it possible that she was Mesaana, but Nalasia was not very strong in the One Power and had been in the Tower for years, which made this unlikely.
Naldwinn, Aranvor. See Aranvor Naldwinn
Nalesean Aldiaya. A young Tairen nobleman. Square-faced and blocky with an oiled beard, he was eager and slightly jovial. His personal servant was Lopin. At the battle against the Shaido for Cairhien, Nalesean was the second to lead the Tairens after Melanril. After the battle, he and Talmanes went to Mat and agreed that Mat was their general and that he needed a banner. He joined the Band of the Red Hand and commanded half its cavalry. Mat would have preferred to have Edorion over Nalesean, but House Aldiaya outranked House Selorna. Nalesean accompanied Mat to Ebou Dar; when they went to fetch the Bowl of the Winds, the gholam ripped out his throat.
Nalhera, Mistress. The innkeeper of the Crown of Maredo in Far Madding. Slim with gray hair, she told Min that Rand wouldn’t be so sulky if she switched him every morning.
Nalla. A Da’shain Aiel woman from M’jinn in service to Zorelle Sedai. Nalla proposed to Charn in the Age of Legends. He put her off for a year, but was planning to accept on his twenty-fifth naming day, which coincided with the day his Aes Sedai, Mierin, opened the Bore.
Nalmat, Haster. A Saldaean officer who guarded Milisair’s manor in Bandar Eban.
Nalsad, Bennae. See Bennae Nalsad
nameday. The day a person received his or her name, usually on the day of birth. A Borderlander man considered the day he was given his sword to be his nameday. It was sometimes referred to as a “naming day.”
Namelle. Sisters in the White Tower. See Adeleas and Vandene Namelle
Namene. A Domani novice in the White Tower when Egwene was there under duress. Tall, slim and giggly, she was no more than fifteen or sixteen. She talked with Nicola about something that was troubling her; Nicola told her to ask Egwene, but Namene said that she didn’t want to bother her.
Namine Tasil. The daughter of Quillin Tasil, and an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.
naming day. Another term for nameday.
Nan Belman. A Darkfriend in Caemlyn. A handsome woman, she was the mother of Perwyn. Nan thought her oaths were just dabbling in wickedness until Fain showed up on her doorstep with a Myrddraal looking for a place to stay; she believed him to be a high-ranking Darkfriend. When Perwyn brought news of an assassination attempt on Rand, Fain grew angry; to channel it he touched
Perwyn and made him gibber, and to calm his own mind he decided to take Nan. She struggled, and Fain thought that he was going to have to hurt her.
Nana. 1) The name that Nynaeve used after escaping Ronde Macura and while with Luca’s show. 2) One of Berelain’s serving women. Plump and plain-faced, she looked like the other serving woman, Rosene. Although not pretty, the two made Berelain’s usually taciturn thief-catchers animated. One of the two women spread the word that Perrin had spent the night in Berelain’s tent. When Perrin was trying to locate Masema and his men, Nana told him, amid much smirking and tittering, that she thought they were off to the southwest.
Nandera. An Aiel woman who was Far Dareis Mai. Tall and sinewy with green eyes and hair that was more gray than yellow, she was a tough-appearing woman, though Sulin made her seem almost soft by comparison. It was she who pointed out Sulin’s toh for speaking to gai’shain as to Maidens, and when Sulin became a servant, Nandera took over leading the Maidens. After Sulin decided her toh was discharged, they fought while going to rescue Rand; Sulin won, but Nandera remained head of the Maidens, with Sulin as a sort of assistant. Nandera and Jalani acknowledged toh to Rand over the Gray Man incident in Caemlyn. Nandera was one of three Maidens, along with Somara and Nesair, who beat Rand when he returned to Cairhien after fighting the Seanchan because he had dishonored the Maidens by leaving them behind. When Rand went to Algarin’s manor, Nandera led the fifty Maidens who accompanied him; she led twenty Maidens when Rand went to his meeting with the Daughter of the Nine Moons.
Nangu. A Shienaran soldier who traveled with Perrin and Ingtar when searching for the Horn of Valere. At Moiraine’s direction he followed Uno to Jehannah and was with Masema in Samara. He thought that Nynaeve’s tongue could skin and butcher a bull at fifty paces.
Naorisa Cambral. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and the rebel contingent. She was chosen to replace Delana in the rebel Hall of the Tower.
Naorman Mashinta. A third-generation cobbler in Tar Valon. Egwene met with Siuan in his shop in Tel’aran’rhiod.
nar’baha. The name Sammael called the traveling boxes he gave to the Shaido. In the Old Tongue, the term actually meant “fool box.” He told Sevanna that they were ter’angreal, powered by saidin, allowing users to Travel; in fact, there were no known ter’angreal to use for Traveling or Skimming. Sammael made the gateways; the Wise Ones detected nothing and thought the box was working. The nar’baha were gray stone cubes, fairly small and plain except for a bright red disc set in one side. Supposedly, pressing the disc opened a gateway, but if a woman touched it, it would not work for days afterward. The gateway would remain open for a fixed time and after use, the box supposedly had to recover for three days before it could be used again. Sammael used this pretense to create more chaos by sending the Shaido into many countries across the world.
Narasim Bhuran. A leader during the War of the Hundred Years. Ten years before that war ended, Bhuran tried to reestablish Hawkwing’s empire in Andor; he failed dismally and wound up with his head on a pike.
Narencelona, Anaiyella. See Anaiyella Narencelona
Narendhra. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel. One of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters, she took part in or was present at the murder of Desaine. Narendhra was with Therava at Dumai’s Wells.
Narenwin Barda. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 18(6) or 19(7). Born in 913 NE, she went to the White Tower in 928 NE. After spending twelve years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 948 NE. Square-faced, short and thin, she was so quiet people could forget she was there; she was mousy around other sisters. Narenwin had no Warder. As an assistant to the head of the Yellow eyes-and-ears, she recruited Ronde Macura and punished her severely when she inquired about the Black Ajah. She later became the head of the Yellow eyes-and-ears and rose high in the Yellow hierarchy. Once a week she would allow children to bring their pets to the Tower so that she could Heal them. Elaida sent Narenwin to Dorlan to take charge of the Aes Sedai who managed to return from Dumai’s Wells.
Narettin, Spiron. See Spiron Narettin den Sovar
Narg. A smart Trolloc who could speak the human tongue. It had a wolf’s muzzle, goat hooves, ears that twitched incessantly and all-too-human eyes. Narg was one of those who attacked Tam’s farm; after Rand and Tam got away from the first attack, Narg played dead and waited until Rand returned. He told Rand that he would not hurt him, and that a Myrddraal was coming. Rand pretended to go along; when Narg lunged for him, Rand brought up Tam’s sword and impaled Narg.
Nariene. A long-dead queen of Altara. A fountained statue of her stood in Mol Hara Square in Ebou Dar; the statue had one breast bared and one hand uplifted. Nariene was noted for her honesty, but not enough to have been depicted completely bare-chested. Some said her uplifted hand pointed to the ocean’s bounty that had enriched Ebou Dar, and some that it pointed in warning of dangers.
Naris Pelden. A young Andoran woman. She and her sister Sephanie sought work at the Royal Palace; Essande chose them to train as Elayne’s maids because they were unlikely to be spies. Naris was very happy to be a lady’s maid rather than cleaning the halls. Square-faced and shy, she was as much in awe of Essande as of Elayne. Naris tried to help Aviendha in dressing and undressing, but Aviendha didn’t always cooperate. When the palace started rearranging itself, Naris was reluctant to leave Elayne’s rooms to fetch food, but she did it anyway. The Aiel Wise Ones who came to claim Aviendha awed her.
Narishma, Jahar. See Jahar Narishma
Narisse. A Jenn Aiel woman during the building of Rhuidean. She, Dermon and Mordaine met with the Aiel clan chiefs and told them that they must come to Rhuidean if they wanted to lead. A graying woman with deep-set green eyes, she looked as if she could have been Mordaine’s sister.
Narof, Azille. An Aes Sedai who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.
Naron, Berylla. See Berylla Naron
narshcat. A ferocious animal found in the Waste.
Narvais Maslin. A Counsel of Far Madding. Gray-haired, slim and 5'5" tall, with Cumere she escorted Cadsuane, Shalon and Harine to the palace while the other Counsels remained with Aleis to question Verin.
Narvin. A high-ranking servant in the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar. He was stout and gray-haired. Mat was sure that Narvin was responsible for the first attempt to remove Pips from the stable to keep Mat from leaving. Narvin was nearby when Thom told Mat that the gholam had killed again; Mat smiled at him and he stalked off frowning.
Nashebar. An Ogier-built city in Jaramide, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.
Nashia. A Kinswoman who accompanied Elayne to her Cairhienin coronation. Prim with a youthful face, she wore a baggy dress.
Nashif. A man Mat fought at Bloodwash Falls in one of his memories from the Eelfinn.
Nashun. An area of southern Saldaea famous for producing very large horses.
Nasin Caeren. An Andoran nobleman who was High Seat of House Caeren; the sign of the House was the Star and Sword. About 5'9" to 5'10" tall, he was bony and goat-faced, with thin white hair and a scrawny neck. His wife’s name was Miedelle; she died circa 970 NE. He opposed Morgase during the Succession, and became one of Gaebril’s sycophants. He fled after Rand reached an accommodation with Dyelin. Half his wits were gone, if not more, and he would tumble any woman he could corner. His pale blue lapels were incongruously worked with flowers, moondrops and loversknots, and he sometimes wore a flower in his thinning hair like a country youth going courting. Even so, his House was too powerful for even Jarid or Naean to try pushing him around. He was demonstrably gaga in some ways—he believed that he and Elenia were betrothed and that Jarid was an interloper of whom Elenia was afraid—but in others, he was shrewd. He seemed well aware that his granddaughter and heir Sylvase was more prisoner of Arymilla than guest, and also aware that if she had not been, he might have been displaced as High Seat. He died of a seizure shortly before Elayne won Caemlyn.
nbsp; Nassad. A place where the Whitecloak army joined with the Seanchan, across the border from Amadicia in Tarabon, around the time Galad challenged Valda.
Nat Torfinn. An old Two Rivers man Perrin knew in boyhood. Wrinkled, white-haired and blind, he could disassemble any blacksmith’s puzzle by touch.
Nata. A middle-aged woman who acted as Mat’s personal tailor when he returned to Ebou Dar to see Tuon. Nata ordered that his hat be burned; in response, Mat threatened to see if she could fly from four stories up.
Natael, Jasin. See Asmodean and Jasin Natael
Natasia. A Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Slim, with dark tilted eyes, high cheekbones and full lips, she was a lenient teacher. Natasia gave Moiraine and Siuan directions to Eadyth’s rooms and taught them the method for ignoring heat or cold. In her own rooms, almost every flat surface was covered with figurines and small carvings and painted miniatures.
Nathenos, Valinde. See Valinde Nathenos
Nathin Sarmain Vendare. The Lord of Maderin, a town in Altara through which Luca’s circus passed. According to a guard at the gate of Maderin, Lord Nathin listened close when the Seanchan talked.
Natley Lewin. A heavyset Two Rivers man. The son of Flann and Adine Lewin, he married Laila Dearn. Perrin thought it odd that Laila married Natley because he couldn’t dance, and Laila loved to dance. Natley and Laila had a baby; when Perrin was trying to convince everyone to move to Emond’s Field for more safety from the Trollocs, Perrin said that property could be rebuilt, then pointed at the baby and asked if anyone could rebuild that.
Natomo, Kiyosa. See Kiyosa Natomo
Natrin’s Barrow. A fortress in Arad Doman built long ago to watch the Mountains of Mist and guard against incursion through the passes by Manetheren. It was unused for military purposes after the Trolloc Wars; it was later occupied by a minor noble family from Toman Head that was trying to set up a new kingdom. About two hundred years before the Last Battle, a king of Arad Doman reclaimed Natrin’s Barrow and used the fortress as a palace. After a hundred fifty years, it was granted to a distant relation of the King; that family disappeared. Graendal moved into it; Aran’gar and Delana visited her. Rand learned of her location from Kerb, and balefired the fortress and everyone in it, except Graendal, who escaped.
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