New City. The area outside the Inner City of Caemlyn; it was not Ogier-built.
New Plow, The. An inn in Andor that Elayne and her party stayed at on their way from Ebou Dar to Caemlyn.
Neysa Ayellin. A horse-faced woman of Emond’s Field. When Nynaeve was sixteen, she threw a pitcher of water at Neysa, and Neysa manhandled her for it. At ten, Perrin stole one of Neysa’s gooseberry pies, and she paddled his bottom for it. She helped care for the Tinkers who came to Emond’s Field seeking shelter from the Trollocs, was part of Perrin and Faile’s wedding, and helped organize the children so that they might have a chance to escape from Shadowspawn. When a Trolloc grabbed Bode Cauthon by her hair, Neysa stabbed it with a butcher knife.
ni Bashere t’Aybara, Faile. See Faile ni Bashere t’Aybara
Niach Okatomo. The commander of Rena Tower in Kandor. He was Malenarin Rai’s distant cousin and good friend.
Niagen. A Brotherless taken by Sulin as gai’shain after Malden. Lacile told him that Jhoradin and Rolan had been helpful in Malden, and wound up in his bed. He helped Alliandre make bandages after the battle between Perrin and the Whitecloaks and the Trollocs.
Niall, Pedron. See Pedron Niall
Niamh Passes. The northernmost passes through the Spine of the World, east of Fal Moran in Shienar.
Niande Moorwyn. An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah, uncommitted to any contingent, with a strength level of 27(15). Born in 851 NE, she went to the White Tower in 867 NE. After spending thirteen years as a novice and twelve years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 892 NE. Plump, with a sharp nose, inquisitive gray eyes and pale hair, she had one Warder.
Niande served as advisor to King Galldrian of Cairhien. She kept a low profile and was known to have visited the country estates of Lady Arilyn more than once. As far as anyone in Cairhien knew, she apparently vanished after Galldrian was killed. She puzzled out who killed Galldrian, and although she knew basically why, she was not pleased with Thom Merrilin. Too much suffering came out of that death.
She turned up in the rebel camp outside Cairhien with Cadsuane—she was coopted by Cadsuane rather than being one of her followers—when Rand visited, just before the fog incident. After Rand was injured, Niande helped empty a wagon so that they could get him back to the city; when Min told of three sisters being stilled at Dumai’s Wells, Niande vomited over the side of the wagon. She was disconcerted when Asha’man walked into her presence, and dropped her book. Niande was left behind in Cairhien when Cadsuane went to Far Madding.
Nianh. An Aes Sedai who acted as the advisor to Ethenielle of Kandor. She vanished from Chachin soon after the troubles in the White Tower became known. She left no message, nor any clue to where she was going.
Nichil. An algai’d’siswai Aiel who worked with Birgitte to kill Trollocs in Braem Wood in the Last Battle; Birgitte thought that he was very good at moving quickly and silently.
Nico. A stableboy with hay in his hair at Harilin’s Leap in Jarra, Ghealdan. When Moiraine, Lan, Loial and Perrin stayed at the inn, Nico and Patrim saw to their horses.
Nicola Treehill. A Ghealdanin novice with a potential strength level of 9(+4). Born in 975 NE, she was enrolled in the novice books in Salidar in 999 NE. Standing 5'4" tall, and slender, with dark hair and big black eyes, she was ambitious, a voracious learner and a woman of considerable daring who did not think the rules applied to her, or at least not in the same way they did to others. She was a weaver; she would do whatever she had to in order to get what she wanted.
Nicola met Nynaeve and Elayne on the Riverserpent on the way to Salidar; she only joined up with the rebel Aes Sedai because following Nynaeve took her to them. Nicola had meant to marry, but her intended was killed while following Masema. She was tested on arrival in Salidar and found able to learn to channel, though without the inborn spark. She was potentially strong enough that before Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne she would have caused a sensation; her potential, equal to Cadsuane, still occasioned some comment and she was considered quite a find. Once the rebels left Salidar, Nicola and Areina became friends. They speculated about the possibility of Areina becoming Nicola’s Warder, or one of them; in fact, she took her as Warder, a highly illegal move for a novice. Nicola wanted to be Green Ajah.
Nicola and Areina together showed quite a talent for digging out information. Together, they tried to blackmail Egwene, using their knowledge that Elayne and Nynaeve had pretended to be Aes Sedai before they were raised, that Egwene had gone from the Tower with them, and that there was therefore the strong possibility that Egwene also had pretended. What Nicola wanted out of this was to be allowed to go faster in her training. The blackmail attempt failed because Egwene simply faced them down. Nicola and Areina were more successful blackmailing Myrelle and Nisao. Nicola forced them to give her extra lessons to help her move faster, with the result that her teachers remarked on how quickly she learned and how she sometimes took to weaves as if she already knew them. Nicola also thought she might force Myrelle to pass Lan’s bond to her so that he would be one of her Warders along with Areina. Egwene also squelched this blackmail. Nicola had the minor Talent of seeing ta’veren and also began showing the first signs of Foretelling. Her prophecies were extremely veiled, though, and she did not realize—at first, anyway—that she had spoken and did not remember what she had said. Later she tried to garner attention with Foretelling. Nicola refused to believe that her potential was less than that of Egwene and Elayne. She thought that she could truly match—or even surpass—Nynaeve, given the chance, but that the rules were holding her back.
She ran away from the rebels to the White Tower in hopes of being taught faster; she was forced to tell everything she knew about the rebels, which was how Egwene and Leane were ambushed and captured. Nicola apologized to Egwene for that later, and helped spread tales among the novices in the White Tower portraying Egwene as a hero. She was part of a circle with Egwene in fighting the Seanchan and was raised Accepted afterward.
She disobeyed orders and joined in the fight against the Black Ajah in Tel’aran’rhiod; she was killed there.
Nidao. A Darkfriend Shienaran soldier. He was one of the guards of Fain’s dungeon prison in Fal Dara and vanished when Fain escaped. Those pursuing the Horn of Valere found his body skinned and hanging from a tree.
Nieda Sidoro. An Illianer who was the innkeeper at Easing the Badger in Illian; even she didn’t know what the name of her inn meant. A large, round woman with her hair in a thick roll at the back of her neck and a smell of strong soap about her, she was one of Moiraine’s eyes-and-ears for twelve years. Her nephew Bili was her bouncer. She did not believe in Trollocs or snow. Bayle Domon visited her inn; Nieda was surprised when he paid her with a Tar Valon mark. Six Gray Men attacked Perrin and were killed; it was the first time there had been a killing at the inn. Nieda didn’t believe the attackers were Gray Men; she thought that they were thieves and ordered Bili to throw them in the canal. Moiraine ordered her to flee Illian after she learned that Sammael was ruling Illian.
Niella. A woman of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. Aviendha’s first-sister, she looked like Aviendha, but a little older and plumper. A married weaver who was taken gai’shain by the Chareen Aiel when they raided Sulara Hold, her home, she always wanted Aviendha to give up the spear and marry and had tried to talk her out of becoming a Maiden. She brought food to Rand’s room while Rand and Aviendha had gone to Seanchan through a gateway, and Asmodean told her the two did not want to be disturbed. She took this as proof they were in bed together and spread word among the Maidens. Aviendha treated her especially hard over this, blistering her bottom immediately after learning what had happened. She put off the white when her time came and went back to her husband.
Niere. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who welcomed Nynaeve into the Yellow Ajah when she returned to the Tower after it reunited.
Night Watch. A group that conducted helmeted night patrols with halberds and crossbows in Canluum.
�s Shade. A weave that allowed one more speed and concealed one from others; it could be produced by the ter’angreal that Bloodknives wore.
nightflower. A type of firework produced by the Illuminators.
Nightlily. A dark mare that belonging to Nemaris, the wife of a horse handler in Bryne’s camp. Siuan borrowed her to ride to the Aes Sedai camp with the news that Egwene and Leane were alive and being held in the White Tower.
Nightrider. The Da’shain Aiel name for Myrddraal.
Nightrunner. An Aiel name for Myrddraal.
nightwood. A tree, not described. Siuan, as Amyrlin, kept her papers in a carved nightwood box.
Nikiol Dianatkhah. A former king of Saldaea who had a drinking problem. Faile used him as an example to Perrin when she was arguing that no leader was perfect.
Niko Tokama. A female member of the Academy of Cairhien, whose undescribed project Idrien thought was silly.
Nildra. A servant to the rebel Aes Sedai, in charge of washing pots. Moghedien, posing as Marigan, had to work for her. She was a wiry woman with a white apron and a harried expression, stick-like and gray-haired. Egwene met her the night she came to Salidar, and Nildra complained brusquely that everyone came to her instead of helping themselves and how put-upon she was. Chesa thought that she and Kaylin were terrible gossips and would say mean things when someone’s back was turned. Nildra asked Egwene at the meeting on the ice if the novice book was open.
Nils. A lieutenant in Ituralde’s army. When the Shadow started catapulting Trolloc bodies on his camp at Maradon, Ituralde ordered him to gather damage assessments, to prepare the archers for an attack on the siege engines, to bring two of the Asha’man who were on duty and to tell Captain Creedin to watch out for a Trolloc assault across the ford.
Nimri. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. Petite and drowsy-eyed, she opened a gateway for Gawyn to go to Caemlyn from the White Tower.
Nindar, Kamarile Maradim. Graendal’s name before she turned to the Shadow.
Nine Bees, the. The symbol of Illian.
Nine Gulls, Taval din Chanai. See Taval din Chanai Nine Gulls
Nine Horse Hitch, The. An inn in Lugard, Murandy. Its sign had an improbably voluptuous woman wearing only her hair, arranged to hide as little as possible, astride a barebacked horse. Duranda Tharne, its innkeeper, was an agent for the Blue Ajah; Siuan visited her to try to find out where the rebel Aes Sedai had gathered.
Nine Moons, Daughter of the. See Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag
Nine Rings, The. An inn in Tremonsien, Cairhien, near the male Choedan Kal. Its innkeeper was Maglin Madwen. Rand, Loial, Hurin and Selene stayed there after recovering the Horn of Valere from Fain. They met up with Captain Caldevwin, who arranged an escort for them the next morning to Cairhien. At the time of the cleansing of saidin, Barmellin, a brandy merchant on the way to the inn, passed the Choedan Kal and saw its glowing sphere. Realizing that the glow was the One Power, he fled home to drink his brandy.
Nine Rods of Dominion. Nine individuals in the Age of Legends who served as regional governors of the world at the time. Ishamael said that Lews Therin had summoned them, which was an indication of Lews Therin having had ultimate authority.
Nine, the Council of. The advisory council of lords that jointly ruled with the King in Illian.
Nine Valleys. A sept of the Taardad Aiel.
Ninte calichniye no domashita. Old Tongue for “Your welcome warms me.”
Ninth Depository. A section of the Tower Library, one of twelve sections publicly known. The Ninth Depository was the smallest, although it was still a large chamber; it was the home of texts on various forms of arithmetic.
Niolle din Lembar. A Sea Folk Wavemistress who was one of the First Twelve of the Atha’an Miere. At the meeting of the First Twelve in Illian, Niolle scowled at Harine when she arrived.
Nip. Seanchan Captain Bakuun’s favorite wolfhound. Bakuun talked to him sometimes, but he didn’t expect Nip to carry on a conversation, unlike what went on between sul’dam and damane.
Nirelle Coidevwin. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 396 to 419 NE. Nirelle was a strong Amyrlin, forceful and dynamic. Chosen in the belief that she would extricate the Tower from her predecessor’s foreign intrigues, she instead continued them, involving the Tower in a number of wars. She personally led Tower contingents in battle. Had it not been for the wars, she might have been removed, but the White Tower reaction to external threats was always to gather in and do nothing that might even hint at any crack in the supposedly unbreakable facade. In 419 NE, Nirelle died on campaign.
Nisa. A carthorse belonging to a Cairhienin brandy merchant, Barmellin, who saw the sphere near Tremonsien glow during the cleansing of the taint.
Nisain a’Cowel. A Murandian Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah and of the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 37(25). Born in 873 NE, Nisain was gangly with dark reddish hair, startlingly blue eyes, a strong chin and a lilting voice. She had some small repute in matters of law and treaties. Very good at reading residues, she was sent to Shadar Logoth to try to determine what had happened there. Of the six that were sent, she was the best, and reported to the Hall when she returned. She said that she could not tell what had been done, but that more saidin had been used than saidar.
Nisao Dachen. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 821 NE in a village south of Kandor on the road to Tar Valon, she went to the White Tower in 837 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 855 NE. Her Warder was Sarin Hoigan. Nisao was very short, under five feet, and had an average build for her height. Neither plain nor beautiful, she had dark hair and large dark brown eyes that were her best feature. She refused to speak to Nynaeve until Nynaeve gave up the foolish notion of Healing Siuan and Leane. Nisao aided Myrelle in dealing with Lan because she had an interest in diseases of the mind. Caught out at this by Egwene and Siuan, she swore fealty to Egwene rather than have her transgressions revealed, with the certain resulting penances and the possible loss of her Warder. She was acerbic toward Myrelle for involving her in the situation. Nisao investigated the murders of Anaiya and Kairen, but was ordered to stop by Lelaine. Nisao was part of the embassy to the Black Tower to bond Asha’man Warders.
Nishur, Jaalam. See Jaalam Nishur
Nissa. An Accepted in the White Tower. Nissa and Nicola reported to Silviana and Egwene that the Hall was meeting without them. Egwene sent the two to Caemlyn to fetch dream ter’angreal that Elayne had made and told them that she would teach them to use them.
Nisura. A round-faced Shienaran noblewoman who was an attendant to Lady Amalisa in Fal Dara. Nisura picked two other noblewomen to lead Rand and Lan through the women’s apartments to visit Siuan. She was scandalized that he wore a sword in the women’s apartments. When Rand asked to see Egwene, Nisura told Egwene that he was trying to get into the women’s quarters, and asked if Rand and Egwene were going to marry.
no’ri. The ancient name for the game later called stones.
Noal Charin. See Jain Farstrider
Noallin, Mistress Kamile. See Kamile Noallin
Noam. A wolfbrother in Jarra, Ghealdan, who lost his humanity; his brother was Simion. Moiraine could not Heal him, and Perrin convinced his brother to set him free. He frequented the wolf dream and helped Perrin accept his dual nature by revealing that he preferred the wolf dream to real life and had chosen it. See also Boundless
Noane Masadim. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 950 to 973 NE. Noane was a weak Amyrlin, although not as weak as her predecessor. Like Kirin, she managed to pave the way for a stronger Amyrlin to follow her.
Noichin, Marli. See Marli Noichin
Nol Caimaine. A place from Lews Therin’s memories where Sammael had done great evil and escaped justice.
Nolaisen. A noble Cairhienin family. See Barmanes and Camaille Nolaisen
Nomesta, Uno. See Uno Nomesta
on, Aisling. See Aisling Noon
Nor Chasen. A village east of Ebou Dar on the coast of Altara. The two men who attacked Mat and were killed at The Wandering Woman in Ebou Dar had told the innkeeper that they would next be traveling on to Nor Chasen.
Noram. The chief cook with the Band of the Red Hand. When he left to get provisions, meals did not get made with the usual speed.
Noramaga, Kaisel. See Kaisel Noramaga
Noregovna, Edarna. See Edarna Noregovna
Noreladim. A Domani functionary. Stumpy and large-bellied, he talked with Rand about finding the members of the Council of Merchants.
Noreman, Ceiline. The wife of a trader killed in Canluum, Kandor. The trader had been guarded by Ryne Venamar.
Noren. A Cairhienin horse handler with Perrin’s group. He led Galina’s horse away after she was captured by Neald and Gaul outside of Malden.
Noren M’shar. Seanchan’s third-largest city, mentioned when Tuon was thinking about how omens were the same no matter the location.
Norham, Ester. See Ester Norham
Norie. A damane with Banner-General Khirgan’s party. She was at the first meeting between Perrin and Tylee.
Norill, Turanna. See Turanna Norill
Norine Dovarna. An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Lovely, with large liquid eyes, she was almost as dreamy as Danelle. She shared other qualities with Danelle, being nearly as friendless and perhaps as much so. She, too, was a solitary woman, preferring her own company to that of anyone else. Norine resented Alviarin, thinking that if the White was to supply the Keeper, it should have been herself, but she almost curtsied to Alviarin anyway; she felt a patron in high places might not be such a bad thing, even if it was Alviarin.
She was one of the sisters who guarded Leane after her capture.
Norla. A near-toothless wilder who lived at a farm in the heart of the Black Hills. She taught Cadsuane important lessons; Cadsuane thought that without her it would have been unlikely that she would be in anything approaching her present circumstances. She definitely wouldn’t have had her hair ornaments; she earned those from Norla.
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