Suana Dragand. A Shienaran Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 22(10). Born in 784 NE, she went to the White Tower in 798 NE. After spending sixteen years as a novice and twelve years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 826 NE. A beefy woman, with too much chin, blue eyes, a square face and wide square hands, Suana possessed a blunt manner. Despite the fact that she was not among the strongest sisters, she was considered in the first rank in the Talent of Healing. Her abilities were so great that no sister, not even those much stronger than she, could do better, with the possible exception of Samitsu. She was also politically well connected and very knowledgeable—a woman with a will who could get things done.
Suana served as Sitter for the Yellow from 919 to 952 NE; She was made First Weaver in 947 NE and was one of only two heads of Ajah to sit in the Hall. In 999 NE she became Sitter again to replace Magla Daronos, whom she had sent to join the rebels to control and defuse events. Being raised Sitter a second time was very unusual, but she took the position to make it easier to give way to Magla when the Tower was reunited. This was a precaution not taken by all of the Ajahs. Suana taught Egwene after Egwene’s capture by Elaida; she was so impressed that she practically offered her a place in the Yellow and later supported the choice of Egwene as Amyrlin.
Succession, The Fourth War of Cairhienin. See Reconciliation
Succession, the. The conflict so called in Andor, known as the Third War of Andoran Succession elsewhere, that brought Morgase to the throne.
Suffa. The name given to Elaida as a damane.
sugarberry. A tree that grew on riverbanks and produced bright red blossoms in the spring. Egwene saw some while sailing on the River Erinin.
Suilin Escanda. An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 355 to 396 NE. Suilin was an Amyrlin of moderate strength who involved the Tower in a number of foreign intrigues. One or another faction in the Hall was always trying to thwart her, but she successfully outmaneuvered them until 396 NE, when she was forced to resign as the Amyrlin Seat. It was put about as voluntary, as was her retirement to the country, but she spent the next twenty-six years in exile under constant guard until her death in 422 NE. She was returned to Tar Valon and buried with considerable pomp and honor, though.
Suki. Siuan’s alias as Moiraine’s maid in Chachin.
sul’dam. A woman who passed the tests to show that she could wear the bracelet of an a’dam and thus control a damane. The word was Old Tongue for “leash holder.” Young women in Seanchan were tested for this ability at the same time as the testing for damane and at the same age. It was a fairly honored position among the Seanchan. Many more sul’dam were found than damane. A sul’dam’s uniform was a blue dress that stopped short of the ankle, with red panels bearing forked silver lightning on the breast and sides of the skirt. For many centuries it was not known that sul’dam were actually women who could learn to channel, but that discovery was made after the Seanchan arrived in Falme.
Sulaan. A morat’to’raken who flew Mat and Olver to Thakan’dar in the Last Battle. She was knocked unconscious by an arrow, leaving Mat to land on his own. Mat thought Sulaan pretty but insane.
Suladric. The clan chief of the Shaido Aiel who died shortly before Rand went to the Waste. He fell for Sevanna when she was sixteen and married her. Muradin attempted to replace him, but did not make it out of the ter’angreal in Rhuidean.
Sulamein so Bhagad. The author of The Wheel of Time; Chief Historian at the Court of the Sun, the Fourth Age.
Sulara. A hold in the Waste where Niella was taken gai’shain.
Sulin. A woman of the Goshien Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. White-haired, blue-eyed, leathery-faced, wiry and about 5'7" tall, she had a pink scar across her sun-dark cheek from a nasty gash received in the fight against Rahvin in Caemlyn. She was chosen roofmistress of the Roof of the Maidens in Rhuidean, but gave it up to lead the Maidens who followed Rand across the Dragonwall.
In order to meet her toh to various gai’shain for reminding them that they were Maidens, Sulin became a servant in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, serving Rand, and followed him in that capacity to Cairhien. Sulin got a gold crown from Perrin as a tip while she was acting as a servant in Caemlyn; later he was stunned to find out she was a Maiden. She also received her wages as a maid, plus some tips; these coins she had made into a necklace or a belt, which she kept close at hand as a reminder of the price of pride and also to remind her of Reene Harfor, the First Maid, whom she thought of as a woman who had honor and who was also tough enough to be a Maiden.
When Sulin learned that Rand had been kidnapped, she decided her toh had been met and took up the spear again, but Nandera had taken over leading the Maidens and did not step aside. Sulin and Nandera fought with bare hands; Sulin won, but thereafter accepted Nandera as the leader of the Maidens, obeying her and acting as her right hand. She led the contingent of Maidens who accompanied Perrin and Faile to Ghealdan. She stayed with Perrin through the battle at Malden, and on to the Last Battle.
sulking rooms. Small sitting rooms found in Ebou Dari houses; one was in Mat’s suite of rooms in the Tarasin Palace.
Sulmara. The Queen of Masenashar, circa 450 AB, who was a renegade Aes Sedai. She was kidnapped by the White Tower and spent the rest of her life working in the White Tower stables.
Sulmein Gap. The site of a battle that Artur Hawkwing fought before he found his stride. Mat thought that the battle for Cairhien would be like Sulmein Gap.
Sulwin. An Aiel after the Breaking. A tall man who let his hair grow long, he led a group that decided to leave the Jenn Aiel and search for the song after a bandit attack. He and his people threw objects of the One Power out of some of the wagons and headed off; the group was the start of the Tuatha’an.
Sumeko Karistovan. A Kin and member of the Knitting Circle. Her strength level was 18(6), which made her strong enough to learn to Travel. Born in 598 NE, she went to the White Tower in 614 NE. After spending five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she broke down utterly during her test for the shawl; she wanted very badly to do well and pressed too hard, became too keyed up, and couldn’t maintain her composure. About 5'5" tall, and quite stout, with a round face, straight black hair and an unlined face, she had wanted to be Yellow Ajah; she had a fine feel for Healing and all its nuances. Despite the prohibition, she continued to try to learn about Healing and diagnosing and managed to teach herself Nynaeve’s trick of using all the Five Powers in Healing. When encountered by Elayne and Nynaeve, Sumeko was wearing the red belt of a Wise Woman; her belt was at least twice as long as anyone else’s. She went along on the expedition to get the Bowl of the Winds, but was not attacked by the gholam; she revealed her Healing skills to Nynaeve in the aftermath.
Sumeko was present at the meeting with the Windfinders in the Tarasin Palace, and was part of manipulating them, on orders from Elayne and Nynaeve. Her attitude toward Aes Sedai changed much, from that of subservience to that of equal, in part due to Nynaeve’s urging. Sumeko accompanied Elayne to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn and assisted Mat in trapping the gholam. When the refugees from the Trolloc attack on Caemlyn arrived on the Field of Merrilor, Sumeko took charge of seeing that Healing was given to those who needed it immediately. During the Last Battle, Sumeko shuttled soldiers around for Elayne through gateways.
Sumi, Great Aunt. A hypothetical person in Yukiri’s thoughts whose relatives fought over her pewter.
summer ham. A phrase used by Elayne to insult Teslyn; Lan was startled and amused by it.
Sun, Court of the. See Court of the Sun
Sun King. A character from myth who awakened Talia with a kiss.
Sun Lance. Bukama’s yellow roan gelding that he rode in the Aiel War and to Kandor afterward. His hoof was bruised before reaching Canluum; he was not healed when Bukama left for Chachin, so Bukama had to trade him for another horse, a black gelding that was inferior to Sun Lance.
Sun Palace of Cairhien. The royal palace in
Cairhien; also known as the Palace of the Rising Sun in Splendor.
Sun Throne of Cairhien. The seat of royal power in Cairhien. It was a large heavy-armed chair that glittered with gilt and golden silk, but somehow it seemed to be all plain vertical lines except for the wavy-rayed Rising Sun that would stand above the head of whoever sat on it. It was installed on a wide dais of dark-blue marble in the Grand Hall of the Sun.
Sunamon Haellin. A High Lord of Tear. Fat though not obese, with graying hair and a pointed beard, he was a smooth and unctuous character who dry-washed his plump hands. He tried ingratiating smiles on Rand, with whom he was usually diffident. He assured Rand that the Defenders had often put down peasant riots. He guaranteed the treaty with Mayene with his life. He was involved in gathering supplies all across Tear to support the action against Sammael in Illian, despite Weiramon’s grimaces of impatience with the whole notion, and Torean’s sweaty mutters about the expense.
Sunamon participated in the battles against the Seanchan; Rand left him in Illian with orders to remain, and was enraged when he learned that Sunamon and others were returning to Tear.
sunburst. A root used in an ointment to heal bruises. Found in the gardens of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn, the plant had bright, golden-yellow flowers. Cadsuane used an image of this flower on a piece of embroidery.
Sunday. A feastday and festival in midsummer on the longest day of the year, celebrated in many parts of the world. Sunday was unusual in that, for those who actually referred to calendars, it did not count as a day of Amadaine, the month in which it occurred.
sung wood. Ogier Treesingers could make plants respond in such a way as to assume any variety of forms without damage. Objects made in this manner were called “sung wood” and were highly prized. Sung wood was prevalent in the Age of Legends, but the Talent seemed to be dying out by the time of the Last Battle.
Sunhair, Ilyena. See Ilyena Therin Moerelle
Sunrise Gate. A portal leading east out of Caemlyn toward the Erinin.
Supreme Council. The ruling body of the Black Ajah, composed of thirteen sisters. It was also known as the Great Council of Thirteen.
Suraile. A woman of the Moshaine Shaido Aiel and Far Dareis Mai. She was the eldest daughter of Maeric, the sept chief, and his wife Dyrele. When Sammael’s so-called nar’baha gateway closed, she was left behind in Kinslayer’s Dagger with the Stone Dog for whom she was thinking of giving up the spear. Her brother Darin was a Stone Dog who also was left behind.
Surandha. An Aiel who was Sorilea’s Wise One apprentice. A handsome woman who was beautiful when she laughed and full of fun, she had dark golden hair and large blue eyes. She was about five years older than Egwene and was eagerly awaiting the call to a hold of her own. All in all, she was an odd apprentice for Sorilea. Surandha jumped when Sorilea even thought “jump,” of course. She could channel as strongly as many Aes Sedai. When Egwene was meeting her toh for lying, Surandha was merciless. Afterward, she beamed at Egwene as brightly as ever.
Surasa. An ancestor of Ethenielle, Queen of Kandor. She believed that being ruler made her so powerful she could command the weather. She commanded the rain to stop, and was drenched for her efforts.
Suravye ninto manshima taishite. Old Tongue for “Peace favor your sword.”
Surela. A Seanchan der’sul’dam to whom sul’dam could be sent for punishment; Alwhin told Taisa to go to her when Pura almost touched Suroth’s foot while Taisa was holding her leash.
Surial. A Maiden of the Spear who guarded Rand at Lord Tellaen’s manor in Arad Doman. She and Lerian discussed beating Rand for going alone to meet with Rodel Ituralde. Later the two guarded Min in Tear just before Rand returned from his epiphany on Dragonmount.
Surine. A Seanchan sul’dam who deserted at Falme. She looked a lot like Nynaeve, but was taller, somewhere between 5'8" and 5'11". Floran Gelb attempted to kidnap Nynaeve and pass her off as Surine to Egeanin.
Surlivan Sarat. An officer in the Ebou Dari Guards serving at the Tarasin Palace. Stocky and sun-dark, he carried the thin gilded rod of his office. Mat thought him a good fellow always ready with a quip and having a good eye for horses, until Surlivan mentioned that Tylin would be angry about Mat’s appearance; then he thought that Surlivan had a tongue like a rasp and did not really have a good eye for horses.
Suroth Sabelle Meldarath of Asinbayar and Barsabba. A Seanchan of the High Blood and a Darkfriend. Suroth’s sigil was three hands, each with the forefinger and little finger raised and the rest folded. About 5'5" tall, with black eyes and the sides of her head shaved to leave a wide crest of black hair that hung down her back, she was neither particularly fair nor dark. Her nails were an inch long and the first two on each hand were lacquered blue. Suroth owned a lopar named Almandaragal. Liandrin winkled Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne and Min out of the Tower and took them to Suroth; Nynaeve and Elayne were able to avoid being collared. After the battle at Falme, Suroth regathered nearly all the surviving Seanchan forces and remained to carry on rather than return and apologize to the Empress for failure. As the highest-ranking survivor of Falme, she would take the blame for the disaster there, and she needed victories to more than counterbalance that. She first took Tanchico, then, using soldiers from Tarabon, she took Amador and expanded control over Amadicia. She also took Ebou Dar.
With the arrival of the Return, Seanchan soldiers and settlers spread into Tarabon, Amadicia and Altara, and a military incursion into Illian was initiated.
Although she was a Darkfriend, she nonetheless thought as a Seanchan. She fully intended to complete the conquest—or reconquest, as she saw it—of the lands Hawkwing had ruled. She fully intended to have these lands, at a very minimum, as her share to rule after the Day of Return, and perhaps even Seanchan itself, but she wished to survive as a member of Seanchan culture. From her point of view, when the Dark One returned, he would certainly confirm her, as a Darkfriend, as ruler of whatever she held at that time. With Semirhage, she plotted Tuon’s downfall and aspired to be Empress. After her man Elbar was killed trying to eliminate Tuon and his head was returned to Ebou Dar, Tuon made Suroth da’covale and handed her over to the Deathwatch Guard until her hair grew long enough for her to be decent when sent to the block for sale.
sursa. Slender sticks used to eat food with by the Domani.
Surtovni, Keraille. See Keraille Surtovni
Surya. A sul’dam who accompanied Anath/Semirhage when she attempted to capture Rand. Surya held the leash of Tabi; both received head injuries in the conflict. They refused to be Healed by Nynaeve, but Malian put compresses on their heads.
Susa. The woman who tamed Jain Farstrider in a gleeman’s tale.
Susa al’Seen. A Two Rivers girl with channeling ability who became a novice with the rebels, having been recruited by Verin and Alanna. About sixteen years old, she was a slight, fluttery girl, always excitable. She talked over other people, insisting on getting out what she had to say.
Susa Wynn. The widow of Jac and mother of Cyril, one of the children Moiraine investigated while looking for the infant Dragon Reborn.
Susu. A young woman who entertained at The Good Night’s Ride in Lugard. Siuan went there to see an eyes-and-ears for the Blue Ajah, the innkeeper Duranda Tharne. Susu showed nearly the whole length of her bare legs, and Siuan wanted to wash out her mouth with soap.
Sutoma, Calwyn. An Ebou Dari bellfounder. Cadaverous, with long black hair, he had a commission from Suroth.
Swallow. Faile’s black mare. Faile bought her soon after she arrived at the Stone of Tear; she was killed when Faile was taken by the Shaido.
sweetberry. A bush or tree from which a tea was made. Its green berry was bitter. Sweetberry was found in the Green Man’s garden, and it was also seen growing in the Waterwood.
sweetbristle. A fruit from which juice was extracted and drunk by Graendal.
sweetroot. A plant the leaves or flowers of which were used in Aiel bridal wreaths to signify the bride’s sweet nature.
Swift. Ga
lina’s gray mare that she rode while with the Shaido.
Swift. The rivership owned by Captain Derne. Mat and Thom traveled aboard it south from Aringill to Tear.
Sword and Dragon. The pins, a silver Sword and a gold-and-red enamel Dragon, worn on the collar of an Asha’man’s black coat to indicate the rank of full Asha’man. The rank below, Dedicated, wore the silver Sword only on the collar.
sword moves. Apple Blossoms in the Wind; Arc of the Moon; Black Pebbles on the Snow; Blacklance’s Last Strike; Blacksmith Strikes the Blade; Boar Rushes Down the Mountain; Boar Rushes Downhill; Bundling Straw; Cat Crosses the Courtyard; Cat Dances on the Wall; Cat on Hot Sand; Cherry Petal Kisses the Pond; Courtier Taps His Fan, The; Creeper Embraces the Oak, The; Cutting the Clouds; Cutting the Wind; Dandelion in the Wind; Dove Takes Flight, The; Eel Among the Lily Pads; Falcon Stoops, The; Falling Leaf, The; Feathers in the Wind; Folding the Air; Folding the Fan; Grapevine Twines, The; Hare Finds Its Hole; Hawk Dives into the Brush; Hawk Spots the Hare; Heron in the Reeds; Heron on the Stump (a horseback form); Heron Spreads Its Wings, The; Heron Wading in the Rushes; Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose; Kingfisher Circles the Pond; Kingfisher Strikes in the Nettles; Kingfisher Takes a Silverback, The; Kissing the Adder; Leaf on the Breeze; Leopard in High Grass; Leopard in the Tree; Leopard’s Caress, The; Lightning of Three Prongs; Lion on the Hill; Lion Springs, The; Lizard in the Thornbush; Lotus Closes Its Blossom; Low Wind Rising; Moon on the Water; Moon Rises Over the Lakes; Moon Rises Over Water; Oak Shakes Its Branches; Parting the Silk; Plucking the Low-hanging Apple; Rain in High Wind; Rat Gnawing the Grain; Reaping the Barley; Red Hawk Takes a Dove, The; Reed in Wind; Ribbon in the Air; River of Light; River Undercuts the Bank; Rose Unfolds, The; Serpent’s Tongue Dance, The; Shake Dew from the Branch; Sheathing the Sword; Soft Rain at Sunset; Stones Fall in the Pond; Stones Falling Down the Mountain; Stones Falling from the Cliff; Stone Falls from the Mountain; Storm Shakes the Branch; Striking the Spark; Swallow Rides the Air, The; Swallow Takes Flight; Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind; Threading the Needle; Tower of Morning, The; Twisting the Wind; Two Hares Leaping; Unfolding the Fan; Water Flows Downhill; Watered Silk; Whirlwind on the Mountain; Wind and Rain; Wind Blows Over the Wall, The; Wood Grouse Dances, The; Woodsman Tops the Sapling
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