Tel Janin Aellinsar. Sammael’s name in the Age of Legends.
Tel Norwin. One of the victorious battle sites of Rashima Kerenmosa, the Soldier Amyrlin.
Tel’aran’rhiod. In the Old Tongue, “the Unseen World,” or “the World of Dreams,” a world glimpsed in dreams which was believed by the ancients to permeate and surround all other possible worlds. What happened to living things in the World of Dreams was real; a wound taken there would still exist on awakening, and one who died there did not wake at all. Otherwise, though, nothing done there affected the waking world in any way. Many could touch Tel’aran’rhiod for a few moments in their dreams, but few ever had the ability to enter it at will; others could enter with the use of a special ter’angreal. Time flowed differently there: an hour in Tel’aran’rhiod could be minutes in the waking world, or the other way around. Space also worked differently: those who brought themselves into Tel’aran’rhiod could go where they wished at will, and, by using need, could be taken to a location where they could find something vital or required. Some, such as Rand, could enter the World of Dreams in the flesh, using a weave different from that used in Traveling or Skimming. Among the Aiel Wise Ones were dreamwalkers, who were skilled at entering and functioning in the Dream. It was said that the Shadow, in the last days of the Age of Legends, caused people to be forcibly brought into Tel’aran’rhiod. The World of Dreams was called the wolf dream by wolves and wolfbrothers.
Telabin, Lord. A nobleman of Bethal in Ghealdan. Telabin had a palace in Bethal, and Cha Faile reported that Alliandre walked in its gardens alone there every morning. Telabin thought that she was still there when she went to meet with Perrin.
Telaisien, Queen. A queen of Andor during the War of the Hundred Years. She reigned from FY 1085 to FY 1103. During her reign, Esmara Getares made a good stab at taking all of Hawkwing’s empire; she had considerable success until she tried to conquer Andor.
Telamon, Lews Therin. See Lews Therin Telamon
telarti. A Seanchan term for a woman with fire in her soul.
Tell Lewin. A man of the Two Rivers, the nephew of Flann and brother of Dannil. Like his brother, he was a skinny beanpole with a pickaxe for a nose, but he wore thin mustaches in the Domani style. He was not much older than Perrin. Tell was part of the original band that hunted Trollocs with Perrin. He followed Perrin to Caemlyn, Dumai’s Wells, Cairhien, Ghealdan, Amadicia, and on to the Last Battle.
Tellaen, Lord. A Domani nobleman who gave shelter to the Dragon Reborn in his log manor house in the east of Arad Doman. Heavy and having a thin mustache, Tellaen put himself at risk by accommodating Rand, Asha’man and Bashere’s army, but the chaos in Arad Doman at the time minimized the danger.
Tellindal Tirraso. A clerk who worked in Lews Therin’s headquarters in the War of Power. He was killed in an attack by Demandred.
Tema. The leather-faced head groom at the Lord’s Stable of Agelmar’s keep in Fal Dara.
Temaile Kinderode. A Cairhienin Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah publicly and of the Black Ajah in truth. She had a strength level of 17(5). Born in 943 NE, she went to the White Tower in 960 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 979 NE. About 5'2" tall, with big blue eyes, dark hair and a fox-shaped face, she appeared fragile, like a pretty child. Temaile had no Warder. Her proclivity for bullying was noted as a novice, which was part of the reason she was so long a novice, but it was thought she had been broken of this, though it was noted as Accepted that she was very strict with the novices. She was an out-and-out sadist who liked to hurt people, both emotionally and physically. Temaile was a good negotiator, with a reputation for making sure that all sides bore an equal weight of pain. She was one of the original thirteen members of the Black Ajah who fled from the White Tower. In Tanchico, she tormented Amathera; Elayne and Egeanin found her doing so and left her unconscious there after knocking her out. Temaile and others of the Black Ajah then went to Amador, where Temaile tortured Jorin Arene into submission. The group was coopted by Moghedien, who ordered Temaile to search for Nynaeve. When Liandrin failed in her attempt to use Compulsion on Moghedien, Temaile tortured her before handing her over to her Darkfriend captors. Moghedien ordered Temaile, Eldrith, Asne and Chesmal to follow her to Samara. Eldrith failed to keep her bond to her Warder Kennit masked, and he tracked her down in Ghealdan and tried to kill her. She and her companions fled to Caemlyn hoping to find Elayne and Nynaeve, both of whom they believed Moghedien very much wanted to get her hands on. Asne, Chesmal and Eldrith were all intimidated by Temaile, who took control over the group despite the fact that Eldrith stood higher in the Power. The three grew more afraid of her after her preparation of Liandrin for her fate.
Temaile was not at Lady Shiaine’s house when Elayne and her allies went to arrest the Black Ajah members, but she arrived soon after and helped take Elayne captive. She was captured when Birgitte and her forces rescued Elayne. When Elayne went to the prison disguised as a Forsaken to try to gain information, Jaq Lounalt tried to rescue Temaile and the others. Elayne prevailed, until Mellar appeared; before he got away with her copy of the foxhead medallion, Mellar, working under orders, killed Temaile.
Temalien, Cariandre. See Cariandre Temalien
Temanin. The King of Eharon at the signing of the Compact of the Ten Nations.
“Tempo of Infinity.” An artwork by Ceran Tol, a valuable piece seen in Sammael’s apartments in Illian. He told Graendal that he had found it in a stasis-box.
Ten Nations. The countries that formed the first league of nations approximately two hundred years after the Breaking, as a defense against the forces of the Dark One. Coremanda, Essenia, Manetheren, Eharon, Aelgar, Aramaelle, Almoren, Aridhol, Coremanda, Eharon, Essenia, Jaramide, Manetheren and Safer were members. See individual nations
Ten Nations, Covenant of. See Compact of the Ten Nations
Tenets, the. The body of principles that Whitecloaks lived by, compiled by the founder of the Children of the Light, Lothair Mantelar.
Tenjile, Alise. See Alise Tenjile
tenmi. Seanchan term for a paperlike substance used to create portable buildings.
Tenobia si Bashere Kazadi. The Queen of Saldaea, Her Illumined Majesty, Shield of the North and Sword of the Blightborder, High Seat of House Kazadi, First Lady of Shahayni, Asnelle, Kunwar and Ganai. Born in 975 NE, she took the throne in 991 NE. About 5'7" tall, with a large nose, a wide mouth and large tilted eyes of a dark deep blue that was almost purple, she had a narrow waist, a round bosom and a high voice. Tenobia was touchy about anything she perceived as a threat to her reign in Saldaea. She trusted the counsel of soldiers and no one else.
Tenobia had an Aes Sedai advisor, but in Elaida’s eyes, this woman became too much associated with Tenobia. This Aes Sedai advisor was one of the uncommitteds, supporting neither the rebels nor Elaida, and she vanished without a trace after the troubles began in the Tower. Elaida sent a Red sister, Memara, to rein in Tenobia; she believed Memara could control Tenobia without ever letting her see the leash. Tenobia was huffy about White Tower interference in Saldaea and indignant over Memara. Elaida ordered Tenobia kidnapped, but it never came off.
Tenobia had simple requirements for the man she would marry. He was required to be a poet, philosopher, scholar and warrior, all of the finest degree. He had to be able to cleave Trollocs in two while composing poetry, to be a hero out of legend while discoursing on philosophy. She wanted a man strong enough to master her—she despised weaklings—but she expected that he would give way whenever she wished; she was not a wimp herself, and had no intention of being submissive. In short, she carried the normal Saldaean woman’s view of a proper husband to the furthest extreme, with the result that no one believed she would ever find a husband to suit her. Tenobia began angling to marry her uncle Kalyan to Queen Ethenielle, and was successful.
In the Last Battle, Tenobia was killed after Agelmar, acting under Graendal’s Compulsion, sent her into danger.
Teodora. A Saldaean woman who was the older sister of Hadnan Kadere. She taught him his letters and numbers. When she found out that he was a Darkfriend, he killed her because he was sure that she would not keep silent. Kadere always thought of her when he killed a woman.
ter’angreal. A device that used the One Power to accomplish a specific function. The forms taken by the devices and the functions served were varied. Some devices required the use of the One Power to activate while others did not.
Terakuni, Berisha. See Berisha Terakuni
Teramina. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who was unaccounted for after the Seanchan raid on the White Tower. Egwene thought it possible that she was Mesaana, but Teramina was not very strong in the One Power and had been in the Tower for years, which made it unlikely.
Teran, Widow. A woman in Mardecin, Amadicia. Noy Torvald scraped out a living by doing odd jobs for her.
Terasian, Ishigari. See Ishigari Terasian
Teresia. A former queen of Ghealdan. After mishandling the Prophet, she was dragged from her bed in the middle of the night and forcibly married to a merchant, Beron Goraed, to disbar her from the throne. She was replaced by Alliandre.
Terhana Library. One of the great libraries, found in Bandar Eban, Arad Doman.
Termendal, Kyera. A poet of Shiota, and a translator of The Prophecies of the Dragon between FY 700 and 800.
Termool. The southernmost part of the Aiel Waste on the coastal area east of the Drowned Lands. It was a lifeless, waterless expanse of sand dunes that could rise three hundred feet high. Fierce windstorms could dramatically change the landscape, and conditions there were so harsh that it was avoided even by the Aiel. It was also called the Waterless Sands.
Termylle. A queen of Andor during the War of the Hundred Years. She reigned from FY 1046 to FY 1054.
Tervail Dura. Beonin’s Taraboner Warder. Dark-haired, with a bold nose, he had a deep white scar running along his lean jaw. The day Logain was Healed, Tervail was guarding him. Tervail was unaware that Beonin was with the rebels as a spy for Elaida. When they returned to Tar Valon, he thought that she was going to try to kill Elaida, and offered to do it for her.
Teryane. A Saldaean merchant’s daughter from Mehar who was Vilnar’s intended. Vilnar, a Saldaean soldier who patrolled Caemlyn after Rand had taken the city, worried that her father wanted a soldier for a son more than Teryane wanted one for a husband.
Teryl Wynter. A Warder of Seonid Traighan. A Murandian, with dark reddish hair, a curled mustache and eyes blue enough for an Aielman, Teryl was about 6'1" tall, lean and hard, and thirty years old at the time of Dumai’s Wells. He and Seonid and Furen, his fellow Warder, took part in the battle at Dumai’s Wells, and later accompanied Perrin to Ghealdan. He had contempt for Masema’s rabble.
Tesan. A Taraboner Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent. Tesan wore her hair in beaded braids. An arithmetist who applied numbers to logic, she argued with Astrelle over the rate of food spoilage in the White Tower. Tesan was also one of a group of Whites whom Egwene attempted to school on dealing with Rand.
Tesen, Mil. See Mil Tesen
Tesien Jorhald. A sister of the Red Ajah when Pevara was new to the shawl. Tesien insisted at that time that Pevara drop her friendship with Seaine, which she did. Reds discouraged friendships outside their Ajah.
Teslyn Baradon. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 17(5). Born in 870 NE, she went to the White Tower in 885 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and five as Accepted, Teslyn was raised to the shawl in 897 NE and raised Sitter for the Red in 985 NE at age 115, although she was young to be a Sitter, having worn the shawl for only 88 years; she replaced one of the three who were forced to resign and were exiled in the wake of the male channeler pogrom, which Teslyn disapproved of, although she kept silent out of Ajah loyalty. About 5'5" tall, she had dark brown eyes and brown hair, narrow shoulders, gaunt cheeks, a thin mouth, a narrow nose and bony fingers; physically she was quite strong. She ran Elaida a close second for severity; no one ever thought her beautiful. Before her capture by the Seanchan, she was a thin, almost scrawny woman, and some might leave out the almost. Mat thought she looked as if she ate briars.
In 999 NE Elaida forced her to resign her chair and go to Ebou Dar; although Teslyn had supported her, Elaida wished to demonstrate that she could strike anyone. Teslyn resented that enough to work against her. She gave Joline, who was also in Ebou Dar, forkroot to prevent her from interfering with Elayne and Nynaeve’s plans. She was captured by the Seanchan, made damane and given the name “Tessi.” She was rescued by Mat Cauthon. After less than two months as a damane, she was fleshed out and was no longer so scrawny in appearance.
She also changed in other ways; she was fearful of being retaken by the Seanchan, and sometimes responded to orders in Seanchan accents in spite of herself, a fact that she purely hated.
On returning to the White Tower, she found things uncomfortable, joined the Dragonsworn and took part in the Last Battle, Healing the wounded and making a gateway for Mat’s troops.
Tess. Melfane’s cousin, who did not take care of herself properly while pregnant.
Tessi. Teslyn’s damane name.
Tetsuan. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah who served as the Amyrlin Seat during the Trolloc Wars. Her jealousy of Queen Eldrene led her to betray Manetheren, with the result that that nation, alone, faced the assault of a huge army of Trollocs and Dreadlords and was destroyed. When her deed was discovered, she was stripped of stole and staff, deposed and stilled. After the usual manner of the White Tower, the actual reasons were kept secret insofar as non–Aes Sedai were concerned. After being stilled, she lived three years scrubbing floors in the White Tower.
Teva. A man Hurin knew who got so mad at a hornet buzzing round his ears that he kicked the nest.
Teven, Feast of. A festival celebrated in the month of Amadaine in Illian. In 998 NE, it coincided with the calling of the Hunt for the Horn.
Teven Aerwin. Author of The Dance of the Hawk and the Hummingbird, a book that purported to set forth the proper conduct of men toward women and women toward men.
Teven Marwin. A young Two Rivers man who joined Perrin’s band and was killed in an ambush by Trollocs in the Two Rivers.
Thad Haren. A brickmaker and tracker from Kore Springs, Andor. He had served under Bryne in the Queen’s Guards, and it was said that he could track the wind over stone by moonlight. He turned the brickyard he owned near Bryne’s estates over to his sons so that he could follow Bryne in his search for Siuan.
Thad Torfinn. A skinny Two Rivers farmer with nervous mannerisms, at least around Faile. Thad and Jon Ayellin went to Faile to settle the boundaries of their fields; since neither knew the true boundaries, she told them to split the difference. Even though Thad rarely left his farm except to go into Emond’s Field, he joined Perrin’s army at Malden.
Thakan’dar. The fog-enshrouded valley below the slopes of Shayol Ghul in the Blasted Lands, where Myrddraal swords were made. Thakan’dar was bitter cold and dry as a desert, incapable of sustaining any life whatsoever. It ran east to west, with Shayol Ghul situated at the western end and a mountain pass in the east. The valley was the site of considerable warfare during the Last Battle.
Thakanos, Morvrin. See Morvrin Thakanos
Tham Felmley. An Andoran brickmason sentenced to death by Morgase and executed for murdering his brother; she later discovered that he was innocent.
Thane clan. A Two Rivers family. See Berin, Jaim, Jon, Kari, Lem and Nela Thane
Thane, Master. An Emond’s Field man. Jac Coplin and Len Congar were accused of stealing his cow, but Perrin made Master Thane prove it before he allowed the Village Council to strap the thieves.
Thane, Mistress. A member of the Women’s Circle in Emond’s Field. When Rand visited the Royal Palace of Caemlyn disguised as Nuli, he told Nynaeve, so that he could speak with her and Lan alone, that Mistress Thane said Nynaeve wanted to see
him right away on Women’s Circle business about Cenn Buie.
Tharne, Duranda. See Duranda Tharne
Tharon. An area producing wine.
Theodohr. The commander of the Andoran cavalry during the Last Battle.
Theodrin Dabei. A Domani Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a potential strength level of 15(3). Born in 966 NE, she went to the White Tower in 981 NE. After spending eleven years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl by Egwene’s decree in 999 NE. Theodrin was apple-cheeked, with a mouth that turned up as if she liked to smile. Willowy, with a swanlike neck and copper skin, she dressed modestly. Theodrin was a wilder; her self-taught wilder trick was to be able to make a man want to kiss her or leave her alone. Her block was that she couldn’t channel without the presence of a man she felt strongly about. That block was broken with the use of twins: Charel, a handsome young groom, and Marel, his twin sister. Charel was allowed in the classrooms so that Theodrin could channel, and was later surreptitiously replaced by his sister. On being shown that Marel was indeed a girl, Theodrin was able to channel at will. She attempted to help Nynaeve overcome her block, but was unsuccessful.
While in Salidar, Theodrin reached the point where she should have been tested for Aes Sedai, but could not be, since the testing ter’angreal was in the White Tower. When Egwene was raised to the Amyrlin Seat, she decreed that Theodrin was to be raised to the shawl immediately. Theodrin chose the Brown Ajah, but was still treated as an Accepted by many Aes Sedai because of her unorthodox raising. She swore fealty to Egwene largely because she felt she had no choice but to hitch her wagon to Egwene’s star. Egwene assigned Theodrin to accept Romanda’s offer to assist her until she could be raised properly in Tar Valon; she was to gather information and pass it to Egwene. Theodrin was not wholeheartedly pleased by the prospect, knowing that it meant more of being treated not as Aes Sedai but more as an Accepted who had to be watched; the Browns even appointed a guardian to look over her shoulder and make sure she didn’t do anything wrong. On the other hand, it was a chance to get back at the sisters who treated her that way.
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