After freeing Moiraine, Mat returned to Ebou Dar, where he saved Tuon from a Gray Man, and they consummated their marriage. Rand went to Ebou Dar and met with Tuon and convinced her to sign the Dragon’s Peace and join his effort against the Shadow.
Tuon was nearly killed in the command center in the Last Battle, but Min saved her. Mat and Tuon faked a fight, and she led the Seanchan away from the Last Battle; when the time was right, he sent for her and she returned, helping to seal the victory of the forces of the Light at Merrilor. After the Last Battle, Tuon revealed that she was pregnant.
Turak Aladon. A Seanchan member of the High Blood and commander of the Hailene. He stood twelfth in line of succession for the Crystal Throne. His head was shaved, all of his fingernails were at least an inch long and all were lacquered blue. He was killed by Rand in a sword duel at Falme.
Turan. A Seanchan Lieutenant-General in Tarabon who was sent to chase Ituralde. A blademaster, he was stout and short, with a peaked nose and close-cropped black hair shaved two finger-widths up each side of his head. He fell into Ituralde’s trap, attacking the apparently defenseless Darluna while Ituralde’s troops came at him from two sides. Turan was injured, and Ituralde granted his request for a quick death by taking off his head.
Turane. A Sea Folk Sailmistress. Stocky and gimlet-eyed, she had a sour twist to her mouth because her ship was sunk in Ebou Dar. Her Windfinder was Serile. The Seanchan ship that they had captured was the meeting place for the First Twelve of the Atha’an Miere in Illian.
Turanine Merdagon. An Aes Sedai whose ghost Beonin saw on the way to the White Tower. She wore a dress of old-fashioned cut; straight white hair that fell to her waist was held back by a pearl-studded cap of silver wire. Turanine had a strong face, with dark, tilted eyes and a hooked nose. She had died when Beonin was Accepted, forty years before.
Turanna Norill. An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 26(14). Turanna was a member of the party sent to kidnap Rand. She was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Compulsion from Verin, she found a reason to swear oath to Rand, and like all of the other captive sisters, had done so before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding.
Turese. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. New enough to the shawl that she lacked the ageless look, she checked on Egwene just after Verin died; Egwene was able to convince her that Verin was sleeping.
Turn. To compel a person to follow the Dark One in a process using thirteen channelers and thirteen Myrddraal.
Turn Bow. A wolf that Perrin met in the wolf dream while searching for Slayer. She was an aging pack leader and told him that Moonhunter (Lanfear) was looking for him.
Turne. A Ghealdanin mercenary. He was a lanky fellow with curly red hair and a beard he tied off with leather cords. Turne and a dozen others joined Perrin shortly after the battle at Malden. In the Last Battle he was with Arganda.
Turol. An Aiel who was the leader of the Shae’en M’taal warrior society. He went to Caemlyn with Rand to take out Rahvin.
Tuva. A female cousin of King Alsalam of Arad Doman. Graendal had Nazran tell Ituralde that Tuva was killed by a Gray Man while delivering orders from Alsalam to Ituralde.
Tuval, Mistress. The tutor to Diryk, son of Queen Ethenielle of Kandor.
Tween Forest. A location mentioned in one of Mat’s fictional stories; it was possibly in Murandy.
Twelve Salt Wells, The. An inn in Jurador next to the stable where Mat acquired the Domani razor.
Twilight. The leader of a wolfpack that Perrin spoke to when seeking information about Faile after she was abducted by the Shaido.
Twinhorn’s Peak. A tall mountain near Emond’s Field.
Twisted Ones. Wolfspeak for Trollocs.
Two Apples, The. An inn in Caemlyn. Its innkeeper was Bromas, a stately woman. Thom performed there until Mat fetched him and told him the gholam was in Caemlyn.
Two Deer. A wolf that Perrin spoke to when he and Ingtar were searching for Fain and the Trollocs.
Two Moons, Nesta din Reas. See Nesta din Reas Two Moons
Two Moons. An old male wolf and pack leader who had a mostly white muzzle. His real name suggested a night-shrouded pool, smooth as ice in the instant before the breeze stirred, with a tang of autumn in the air, and one moon hanging full in the sky and another reflected so perfectly on the water that it was difficult to tell which was real. He was among the wolves that Perrin asked for information after he and others set out to find the kidnapped Rand. When the wolves were communicating the location of the Aes Sedai who held Rand, Two Moons maintained a dignified silence, since he was close enough that Perrin could know exactly where he was.
Two Rivers. A region in western Andor. It was the heartland of Manetheren, a nation which was destroyed during the Trolloc Wars. Four villages were found there: Emond’s Field, Deven Ride, Watch Hill and Taren Ferry. Though technically a part of Andor, the area had not seen a tax collector in six generations (approximately 150 years), nor the Guards in seven generations, at the time that the Dragon Reborn declared himself. Most villagers had no idea that they were part of Andor. The villages each had a Mayor and a Village Council, and a Wisdom and a Women’s Circle, to govern themselves. The people of the Two Rivers were reputed to be stubborn; it was said that they could give mules lessons and teach stones.
In 998 NE on Winternight, Trollocs attacked Emond’s Field; only the presence of an Aes Sedai and her Warder saved it. In 999 NE, Whitecloaks entered the Two Rivers to root out Darkfriends, and Trollocs started appearing as well. Perrin returned to his home, gathered an army and organized the villagers to fight the Trollocs; with help from Watch Hill, they defeated them, and the Whitecloaks left as well. The people of the Two Rivers began regarding Perrin and his wife Faile as their Lord and Lady.
Patrols hunting down lingering Trollocs soon began discovering refugees in the mountains. Well over a thousand, and maybe two thousand or more, poured in so quickly that it was hard to keep tabs. Over half of the refugees were from Almoth Plain; most of the rest were from Arad Doman and Tarabon. There were more women and children than men. Some settled on farms where no one had survived and some brought in new skills and set up shop. Before the influx of refugees, the main products of the Two Rivers had been tabac and wool; the refugees brought new skills, such as rugmaking and tilemaking.
Shortly before the Last Battle, Elayne ceded the Two Rivers to the Dragon Reborn with Perrin as his Steward.
Two Spires. A sept of the Reyn Aiel.
two-step. A small poisonous brown snake in the Aiel Waste; death from its bite came quickly, usually in about two steps.
Two Winds, Harine din Togara. See Harine din Togara Two Winds
Tylee Khirgan. A Seanchan Banner-General who helped Perrin retrieve Faile and the others from the Shaido. Tylee was raised to lieutenant-general and to the Blood for taking so many damane at Malden. She was 5'8" to 5'9" tall, and broad-shouldered for a woman, though lean otherwise, and not young. Gray marked the temples of her close-cut, tightly curled black hair. As dark as good topsoil, she displayed only two scars, one slanting across her left cheek. The other, on her forehead, had taken part of her right eyebrow. After Malden, she led her army back to Ebou Dar; on the way they were attacked by Trollocs.
During the Last Battle, she was ordered to take her First Legion to help Bryne’s troops fend off the Sharans on the Kandor-Arafel border. Under Compulsion, Bryne kept her out of the battle. Mat arrived in time to remand Bryne’s order, and, with Tylee’s troops, saved the battle. Supporting Mat’s suggestion, Tylee also advised Tuon to throw the Seanchan army into the fight against the Dark One, contrary to what Yulan, under Compulsion, was arguing.
Tylin Quintara Mitsobar. By the Grace of the Light, Queen of Altara, Mistress of the Four Winds, Guardian of the Sea of Storms, High Seat of House Mitsobar. She had one son, Beslan. About 5'3" tall, she had glossy black hair with some gray, large dark eyes and two faint scars on her cheeks. While she
had considered herself too busy for some years to take up the Altaran custom of having “a pretty,” she found herself fascinated by Mat. He was young and good-looking and a rogue. More than that, he traveled with Aes Sedai and they seemed to be somewhat afraid of him—or uneasy, at least. That was concentrated catnip to Tylin. She pushed her attentions on him; when he tried to stay in his rooms, she ordered the kitchens to stop feeding him. When it came down to the point, she peeled him out of his clothes at knifepoint and had her way with him on more than one occasion. Once the Seanchan arrived, she accommodated them in an effort to make sure that Beslan would take the throne after her. When Mat decided to leave, she didn’t try to stop him, although he bound her to avert suspicion from her. She was discovered bound hand and foot and gagged, with her head torn from her body, in the early-morning hours of the night that Mat kidnapped Tuon and fled to Valan Luca’s show. Her death was kept secret for fear of disturbances in the streets; it was announced on the same day that Beslan was crowned as her successor.
Tymoth. An Asha’man with Ituralde during the battle at Maradon. He destroyed catapults used by the invading Trollocs.
Tyr. A place in Saldaea where Bashere had estates. One of his titles was Lord of Bashere, Tyr and Sidona.
Tyrim, Zeranda. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who served as Amyrlin from 797 to 817 NE. Zeranda was an Amyrlin of only average strength.
Tyrn. An alleged grandson of Artur Hawkwing from whom Mayeners claimed descent. His pedigree was never confirmed, although any kin of Hawkwing’s might well have been hidden for safety.
Tzigan Sokorin. A woman who was a member of Elayne’s Queen’s Guard. Apple-cheeked and cold-eyed, she claimed to be the daughter of a minor noble in Ghealdan; Elayne thought that she might have been Ghealdanin, at least. She had been a Hunter of the Horn and wore the golden knot of an under-lieutenant on her shoulder. She helped rescue Elayne from the Black Ajah and fetched her a horse afterward.
Tzora. The second-greatest city in the Age of Legends. Jaric Mondoran, a male Aes Sedai during the Breaking, went mad and threatened Tzora. Ten thousand Da’shain Aiel linked arms and sang, trying to remind him of who they were and who he had been, trying to turn him with their bodies and a song. Jaric stared at them as though at a puzzle, killing them, and they kept closing their lines and singing. He listened to the last Aiel for almost an hour before destroying him. Then Tzora burned, one huge flame consuming stone and metal and flesh, leaving only a sheet of glass.
Uncrowned, the. One of the titles that Borderlanders used for Lan.
Underhill, Master. The name used by Karldin Manfor when traveling with Loial.
Uno Nomesta. A Shienaran soldier. His head was shaven except for a grizzled topknot, and he had slightly bowed legs and a long scar down the left side of his face. Uno had lost his left eye and covered the socket with an eyepatch painted with a permanently frowning fierce red eye. After Samara he acquired a near-matching scar on his right cheek. Hard-featured even for a Shienaran, he would stare anyone in the eye, and use his file-like tongue as well. Uno nearly strangled when he couldn’t curse. He was a born sergeant-major who did not think the Tinkers were cowards, but thought that most women were unreasonable and stubborn.
Uno was one of those following Ingtar when he and Perrin pursued the Horn of Valere to Falme. He wintered in the Mountains of Mist with Perrin and Rand; after Rand left and the Shienarans were abandoned to make their own way, he stayed with Masema in Ghealdan for a time, then accompanied Nynaeve and Elayne to Salidar. There he started working with the army under Gareth Bryne and was made an officer. He and the Shienarans with him trained heavy cavalry. He agreed to this arrangement, mostly as a ploy to stay close to Elayne and Nynaeve, to whom he felt he owed a debt of gratitude—among other things, Nynaeve Healed him of a serious wound he sustained in Samara. Uno didn’t think much of the rebel Aes Sedai chances against the White Tower and the sitting Amyrlin, although he knew of Bryne’s reputation; he thought the nations would fall in with the Tower no matter what tales Logain told, as most people tended to believe the stronger side told the truth. But he had no intention of running out on them.
Uno was promoted to captain during the Last Battle, having shown gallantry in the field and after Bryne was found to be under Compulsion. He was wounded in the arm by the Trollocs, but he was Healed and survived.
Unseen World. See Tel’aran’rhiod
Upriver Run, The. An inn located in Tar Valon. Narenwin Barda went there to get messages sent via carrier pigeon from Mistress Macura and Luci, who were spying for the Yellow Ajah in Amadicia, and were told to inform Barda if they saw Elayne, by order of the Amyrlin.
Uren din Jubai Soaring Gull. An ancient scholar of the Atha’an Miere who devised the Farede calendar, which he named after the Panarch Farede of Tarabon, his patron. The calendar remained in use from the end of the War of the Hundred Years at least until the end of the Third Age.
Urien. A man of the Two Spires sept of the Reyn Aiel and the Aethan Dor who was siswai’aman. Tall, with blue eyes and red hair cut short except for a tail in the back that hung to his shoulders, he met Ingtar and Verin while searching for He Who Comes With the Dawn. He went to Cairhien and Caemlyn with Rand, and to Shadar Logoth. At Dumai’s Wells, he led the five thousand siswai’aman. Urien bet a skin of oosquai that Mat’s forces would win the Last Battle.
Uso. A hired hand at Alysa’s apple orchard in Andor. Even though Bunt told him that there were apples on the trees, he had to go look for himself.
V’saine. The city in which the Collam Daan was located during the Age of Legends.
vacuole. A bubble in the Pattern where time flowed differently. Research was conducted in vacuoles during the Age of Legends, but they were unstable and sometimes disappeared, with everything inside lost forever. Moghedien was imprisoned for a couple of days in a vacuole when she was first mindtrapped.
Vadere, Mikio. See Mikio Vadere
Vadere, Mistress. The innkeeper of The Golden Barge in So Habor, where Perrin and his group went to buy grain. Long-nosed and dirty, she served wine to Perrin and his companions while they negotiated.
Valan Luca. A circus owner and manager. Six feet tall, with broad shoulders, well-turned calves, dark hair and dark eyes, he liked sporting bright colors and was given to elaborate bows, flowery language and wild exaggerations. His show’s name was Valan Luca’s Grand Traveling Show and Magnificent Display of Marvels and Wonders. Nynaeve, Elayne, Thom, Juilin and Birgitte traveled with and performed in the show; Luca was very taken with Nynaeve, but he later married Latelle. Because he offered shelter to Cerandin and her s’redit, Luca received an exemption from the horse lottery the Seanchan carried out in Ebou Dar. Mat and his group escaped Ebou Dar and the Seanchan by traveling with Luca’s show.
Valda, Eamon. See Eamon Valda
Valene Sural. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a potential strength level of 21(9). Born in 972 NE, she went to the White Tower in 988 NE. After spending five years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 999 NE. Since Valene had not yet acquired the ageless look, she was part of the expedition to kidnap Rand. She escaped Dumai’s Wells with Covarla Baldene and was sent to Dorlan.
Valera Gorovni. An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah with a strength level of 14(2). Born in 748 NE, she went to the White Tower in 765 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 779 NE. Short, plump and always wearing a smile, she seemed to be bustling even while standing still. Valera was one of the sisters called in by Tamra Ospenya to carry out the secret search for the newborn Dragon Reborn. She was murdered by the Black Ajah in 979 NE.
Valinde Nathenos. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 33(21). She was stout and had no Warder. Valinde was a member of the rebel embassy to Rand in Caemlyn, and was one of the four sent on to Salidar with the Two Rivers girls. She tended t
o favor Romanda’s positions.
Vandalra lace. A cream-colored lace found on Elayne’s Ebou Dari dress.
Vandene Namelle. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 22(10). Born in 737 NE, she went to the White Tower with her sister Adeleas in 752 NE. After spending five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 762 NE. She progressed in near lockstep with her sister; they were raised within a month of each other in both instances. About 5'5" tall, and slender and graceful with a straight back—a mirror image of her sister—she wore her nearly white hair gathered at the back of her neck and had dark eyes. Vandene had a potential strength level of 20(8) but never achieved it because her older sister was weaker; some women who were close did not diverge greatly in strength even if their potentials did. Her lifespan was unaffected by this, being governed by her higher potential. She bonded Jaem as her Warder in 949 NE and retired in 970 NE to Tifan’s Well in Arafel with her sister Adeleas to write a history of the world since the Breaking, but events surrounding the Dragon Reborn caused them to become active again. They went to Salidar and then accompanied Elayne and Nynaeve to Ebou Dar. After the use of the Bowl of the Winds and the arrival of the Seanchan, they started to Caemlyn with Elayne. On the way, Adeleas was murdered and Vandene became grief-stricken. Vandene was forced to take two Kinswomen, Kirstian and Zarya, under her wing; they had run away from the Tower as novices, and were put back in novice white. She was obsessed with finding Adeleas’ murderer; she began wearing her sister’s perfume, wearing her sister’s clothes and using her sister’s silver-mounted Ebou Dari–style saddle. She went with Elayne to Full Moon Street to capture the Black Ajah members there, and she stabbed the treacherous Black Ajah sister, Careane, who had murdered Adeleas. Chesmal then killed Vandene; Jaem died while avenging her.
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