The Human Chronicles Saga : Boxset #2 (The Human Chronicles Saga Boxsets)

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The Human Chronicles Saga : Boxset #2 (The Human Chronicles Saga Boxsets) Page 21

by T. R. Harris

  Then Arieel’s eyes grew wide. “And still we live!”

  “That’s the conclusion I came to as well,” he said.

  And then Arieel grasped his head by her arms and kissed him passionately. He didn’t know what it was – either the fullness of her lips or that thing she could do with static electricity – but Adam truly felt sparks fly as she pressed her lips against his. They held the kiss for what seemed like an eternity until finally they broke and came up for air.

  “So what happened – or more appropriately – what didn’t happen?”

  “I’ll answer that!”

  Adam and Arieel were both so exhausted and overwhelmed with the entire event that neither one was startled as the other person in the room spoke. It was the High Celebrant Convor Ton’al Ona, Arieel’s father, standing near the throne, his arm resting on one of its ornate sides.

  Adam rose to his feet and helped Arieel stand. Her legs were stronger now, the effects of the tranquilizer now nearly completely gone. She did her best to run to Convor, but instead approached at a brisk, yet drunken-like walk. Convor moved to meet her.

  Father and daughter embraced at the front of the throne, tears flowing down both their cheeks. Adam held back a respectful distance until Convor took notice of him and motioned for him to come near.

  He shook Adam’s hand emphatically. “Thank you so very much, Mr. Cain for returning my daughter – our Speaker – to us. It has been a truly amazing feat which you have accomplished.”

  “Thank you, Celebrant,” Adam said, a frown now plastered on his face. “But what happened? Why didn’t she explode? Was just being in the Throne Room enough to deactivate the bomb?”

  “Oh no, Mr. Cain, it was not – is not,” Convor said. “In truth, we should get you up here Arieel so as to perform the ritual.”

  Convor helped Arieel’s still uncertain legs climb the three steps to the throne. She sat down, looking confused at her father.

  “Is there a bomb or not?” she asked, anger beginning to grow in her tone.

  “Yes, there is, my Speaker. That part is true. What has varied is the time at which the bomb is set to explode.”

  Adam stepped closer to Convor, his own anger growing by the second. “What do you mean? When was the bomb scheduled to explode?”

  “All official Order records of the device indicate it is to explode at exactly the moment of the Rites Ceremony. Yet only the very highest of the Order know that there is in reality a six hour delay built into the program.”

  “You mean we had another six hours to get here?” Adam was livid. He pulled back to strike Convor but then hesitated. He knew that in the past he had been able to drive his fist completely through the skulls of various aliens. Killing the High Celebrant – and Arieel’s father – would certainly not go over very well, especially not right in the middle of their most-sacred Temple.

  “That is correct, Mr. Cain. There is an additional six hours attached to the deadline.”

  “Why?” Arieel asked.

  “So what just happened can be allowed to happen,” Convor said, with a sparkle in his eye.

  “You’re losing me, Convor. Stop playing games and just spit it out.”

  Convor and Arieel both frowned at him as the translator fought to find the right context for his words. Finally, Convor nodded. “If everyone believes the device will explode at a certain time, then all who know of this will clear the area prior to the detonation, leaving Arieel, and all the prior Speakers, alone … and with an opportunity to escape. Even the dead body of the Speaker would still explode at the given time, so killing her to prevent the detonation would not work. And, of course, the device is tamper-proof. No, the only way to prevent a detonation is to place the Speaker upon the Throne at the time of the Rites Ceremony – or in this case – within six hours of the ceremony. Then the device resets. Because those who meant you harm, my daughter, believed the device would go off at the known time, they left you and Mr. Cain alone, allowing you both to escape. I would say the creators of the device, over two thousand years before, have planned well for this very event.”

  “Yet it is another thing you did not tell me, father!”

  “Again, my Speaker, it was for your own good.”

  Convor then took Arieel by the hand and helped her off the throne. “We must now prepare you for an announcement. We must let the galaxy know that you still live, and that the time of the reward has passed without collection.”

  “What of this Ryfor guy?” Adam asked. “He helped McCarthy with everything.”

  “We have apprehended the young Ryfor, along with his accomplices. There have been vids cameras placed throughout the Temple. We have evidence of him perpetrating the crime against the Speaker.”

  “You had him on camera, yet you didn’t come to get us?”

  “The cameras are not in the rectory rooms. Those are private. But we do have them in the corridors and other public chambers.”

  “Come Arieel. Besides a change of clothes, it also appears we must also find you a wig to wear. Even though you are as fetching as ever, your public will be expecting the look of the old Speaker. Please remain, Mr. Cain. I and the Order owe you an incredible debt of gratitude. We wish to discuss the honors we will bestow on you.”

  Adam watched silently as Convor led Arieel out of the Throne Room and through yet another set of side doors. Just before Arieel disappeared, she turned to look back at him, a look of sorrow in her eyes. Adam nodded back with a small smile.

  So much for that, he thought. And then his jaw grew tight. And now Convor is about to learn what I really want in return for all my efforts!


  It wasn’t until a full seven hours later that Convor had the time to meet with Adam again. Over that time, Arieel had gone before the cameras to announce her survival and a brief description of her ordeal. She went on to chastise many of the Coalition who joined in the hunt for her and Adam, calling it a betrayal of Mislin and Sufor. She conjured up a few static balls and manipulated a few lights … as a warning. Then she disappeared again, to be hidden from the public behind an even thicker wall of security and separation from the universe at large.

  Adam was brought into the private office of the High Celebrant, who rose from his chair and came around the desk to greet him warmly. “Here is our hero,” he said to the other Formilian in the room, his senior Second, Trimen Ona For. “I am sorry it has taken us so long to meet again, but you can imagine all the tasks to be achieved after such a harrowing twenty-eight days.”

  “I sure do. Remember, I was there for most of it.”

  “Of course you were, Mr. Cain. As I have said many times before, you have exceeded your charter. Now we wish to speak of honoring you, of celebrating your achievements so all can share in our awe and wonder. On a personal note, what do you wish from us? You seemed very impressed with the amount of the reward we paid for Arieel’s return. That same amount will be yours, or even more, if you so desire.”

  Adam took a chair in front of Convor’s desk and sat down, crossing his legs and smiling back at Convor, and then over at Trimen as well, who sat in a large padded chair to the left of the desk. “First of all, let me start by saying you have a remarkable daughter there, Convor. She really stepped up when needed.”

  “My thanks, Mr. Cain,” Convor said proudly.

  “Now I’d like to ask the two of you a question: Do either of you know what a data packet is?”

  Convor frowned and then looked over at Trimen. As a scientist, Trimen nodded. “It is a bundle of information that is stored within a device and designed to be uploaded at a future date. It is used for advanced planning and coordination, so an operator does not have to be present when an automated event takes place.”

  Adam smiled. “Exactly! I would like the two of you to know that while returning to Formil, I placed a data packet into the Library, scheduled to be uploaded thirty days from now, unless I enter the code to stop it.”

  Convor looked confused. “I don’t
see what this has to do with your honor and reward. What information does this date pack contain?”

  Adam paused for effect before continuing. “It contains a complete history of the events that have just taken place – including the fact that Arieel Bol carries within her body an artificial device which allows her to manipulate electronic devices, not by supernatural means, but by simple remote control of these devices. It goes on to detail the fraud you and the Order have perpetrated on the people of Formil, as well as the entire Coalition, in making the Speakers out to be demi-gods, when in fact they are mere mortals using technology to create lightshows designed to deceive.”

  Adam was surprised he could actually remember the speech he’d been practicing for days now, but he was doing a fairly accurate job. He now sat, waiting for the reaction from the two Formilian religious leaders.

  It was Trimen who spoke first. “Why would you do such a thing? You have just risked your life to save the very icon you say is a fraud against her people. But I assure you, Mr. Cain, she is no fraud.”

  “You may not consider her one, but those outside your Order surely will. You have placed this mystic worship quality on a basic force of nature, and then made Arieel, and the other Speakers, out to be conduits to this magical power. As a scientist, you must know how wrong you are.”

  “We are not wrong!” Convor shouted. “The knowledge to build the devices we build is a gift from our gods.”

  “And yet other races on thousands of worlds can also create and build similar devices, without this so-called guidance from the gods.”

  “How do you know they are not guided, even if they are not aware?”

  “I’m not going to play these metaphysical mind games with the two of you. I have come to tell you that your secret will be revealed in thirty days.”

  “But who would believe you without evidence?”

  “They won’t need evidence. Just making the accusation will be enough to start the ball rolling – to raise suspicion. And remember, I’m a god-damn hero. Why wouldn’t they believe me now that I’ve been let into your inner circle?”

  “Yet even if what you say is false and others believe you, it will destroy our very social and cultural foundation. The Coalition will fall apart without belief in the Speaker. And the Omphly, they will then have no fear and will attack immediately—”

  “And without a Coalition to help defend you, Formil will fall and your race will become extinct,” Adam added.

  Convor and Trimen stared at Adam for a long moment, stunned into disbelief and at a loss as to what more they could say.

  Adam stepped into the silence. “As I said, the data packet will be uploaded into the Library in thirty days, an event that will spread this information throughout the galaxy … unless.”

  Both Formilians leaned forward and jumped on Adam’s last word. “Unless what?” said asked in unison.

  Adam smiled, thinking that their two voices actually harmonized quite nicely. If ever this Celebrant-gig didn’t work out, they could make it is a singing duo.

  “Unless … you also fit me with one of these super-duper mind-reading devices just like Arieel’s.”

  The look of shock on the faces of the two aliens was priceless. Their already dark skin turned several shades darker and Adam honestly thought Convor was going to have a heart attack.

  “That’s impossible!” Trimen stated. “Only Speakers have the Gift. And only females. And only Formilians. There are so many reasons why this is impossible.”

  “However, you will implant one of these devices in me within thirty days or the data packet will be released. It’s as simple as that. Those are my terms: Either comply … or your entire civilization will collapse with the truth. It seems like a rather easy decision to me.”

  “I thought you were a hero, one of the savior-class? Now you threaten to reveal our secret unless you are given access to our gods, to our greatest Gift? What sort of creature are you?” Convor asked venom thick in his voice.

  “Me! What about you and your kind? You have perpetrated a gigantic fraud on your people for over two thousand years.”

  “It is no fraud! The knowledge we have is of divine origin. The devices we give to the Speaker are simply the worldly means by which she communicates with our deities. Her powers are those of the gods. Through her, we are allowed to literally touch them, to experience their reality!”

  “Bullshit; it’s all fake! How she does what she does is fully explainable through science, not mysticism. The most-devout and gullible among you may be convinced, but not the masses beyond your society. Once I let them know how she does it, all your power will be lost, and there will be a mad rush to duplicate this kind of technology. In no time there will be billions of little Speakers running around the galaxy. You know this is possible – that’s why you place explosive devices within the bodies of your Speakers, just so the secret would not get out. So what I ask is not that unreasonable. It’s just me who needs to be fitted. If you do this, I’ll play along with your charade. It’s in my best interest to be only one of two creatures in the galaxy with ‘the power.’ It’s a pretty good deal.”

  “I must consult….”

  “The fewer people who know of this the better.”

  “I have been researching your race, Adam Cain,” Trimen said, “ever since I learned of your word kidnapping. I needed to know more about a people who would treat each other as such. I also ran across another word, one much more appropriate to this situation: blackmail. We have no such word in our language, because we do not think along these lines. I hope you are proud of yourself.”

  “Let’s not get all melodramatic. You obviously have a word for deception, because that is what you’ve been doing all this time. But, please, this is simply a negotiation, and in this case I have the stronger hand. Convor, what’s the harm? I’m not going to prance around proclaiming myself to be a god – not like your Speaker. I have a job to do, and although we Humans already have certain set of physical advantages, this will be just one more tool I can use against the bad guys.”

  “I am beginning to see that this particular negotiation has already been decided in advance; I have little choice but to acquiesce to your demands – if my society is to survive.”

  “You could say that. But look on the bright side – now there will be two of us, one public and one hidden.” Adam leaned in a little closer to the High Celebrant. “I don’t want to destroy your way of life, Convor. You may not realize it now, but I’m one of the good guys.” He chose not to tell them about McCarthy and his quest for a mind-reading device of his own. If Nigel is able to build one, then it will be Adam’s job to stop him from spreading havoc throughout the galaxy.

  “Indeed, it is hard for me to see. I once considered you a friend, but now you have contaminated our most sacred institution with your greed and lust for power.”

  “That may be true, but if this knowledge gets out to the rest of the galaxy, you’d soon learn that I’m the rule, rather than the exception. The power to control electric fields and devices with just your mind is too great a temptation. Just do what I ask and it will end here. Are we in agreement?”

  “As I said, what choice do I have?”

  “None and one last thing: There will be no self-destruct in my device. And also, if anything unforeseen should happen to me during the implant operation … well you know how quickly thirty days will pass. Now let’s get this started before my people start wondering what’s happened to me.”

  “It’s not that simple, Adam Cain. Each device has to tuned to the brainwaves of the particular Speaker – or person – who will be using it. You must be tested and scanned, and then the device must be constructed.”

  “How long will that take?”

  “That will depend on the testing.”

  Adam leaned in closer to the Formilian. “Don’t play games with me, Convor.”

  “I assure you I am not. The testing is pretty straight forward. But then there is an aspect I don’t be
lieve you’ve considered.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “The training. Each Speaker goes through ten years of training on how to control the Gift – the device. She begins at an early age and her thought process is honed to maximum efficiency. Without the proper training, the Gift can be just as dangerous as it can be beneficial.”

  “I’ll deal with that when the time comes. Right now, I just want to get past the implantation.”

  “I will arrange for the testing equipment to be brought to my quarters. There will be much suspicion if others within the Order become aware that a person other than a prospective Speaker is being tested.”


  “Once tested, I will have the various assembly teams begin work.”

  “Won’t they become suspicious, too?”

  “With the current situation involving the Speaker, they will assume I am doing this as a precaution. Besides, to safeguard the knowledge of the Gift, all devices are assembled in pieces by many divergent groups. Only I and my top three aides know the procedures for final assembly. It is as it has been prescribed by the gods.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”


  Four hours later Adam was summoned to Convor’s spacious private chambers. It was obvious that rank had its privileges, and even though he was simply a lowly male and could never become the supreme ruler of the Coalition, Formilian society dictated that the High Celebrant should want for nothing. The quarters he occupied were a sprawling complex of rooms all lined with shiny marble walls and eight-sided columns that supported ceilings towering fifty feet high. The chambers reminded Adam of what the Caesars of Rome would have enjoyed, if they were so lucky.

  A small, gray Jakrean led Adam to a smaller, more secluded room within the complex, where he found a dozen more of the tiny creatures scurrying around an array of electronic equipment mounted on wheeled carts. Convor was in the room, along with Trimen, now dressed in a ceremonial orange blouse.


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