The Terms: Part One (The Terms Duet)

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The Terms: Part One (The Terms Duet) Page 2

by Ruby Rowe

“For that reason, I’ll allow this situation to disrupt my world. Besides, it will be good to have another male to carry on the family name.”

  “Please, leave us be. Let me raise Liam. I promise I’m a good mother. I struggle financially, but he’s always cared for and loved.”

  Desperation tips the scale, and my lukewarm tears tumble to my cool cheeks. Looking away, Ellis clears his throat and releases my chin.

  “Money, right… I recommend you change the password to your bank account to something more challenging. It was quite easy to empty that miniscule nest egg of yours.”

  From my dry throat, a sob emerges. He’s going to take Liam away and leave me homeless. I have no choice but to play by his rules, so I cough from my cry and suck in short breaths, attempting to collect my dignity. Sniffling, I pull a tissue from my purse and wipe my eyes.

  “OK, I’ll do whatever you want. Please, please, don’t take my child from me.”

  Snaking his fingers through my hair, his thumb skims along my cheekbone, wiping away the tears. He moves closer, his sultry breath inches from mine, and his eyes roam my face as if he’s admiring a gallery painting.

  “There’s no need to cry. If you’re open to this, your life will be easier–better even. Do exactly as I say, and you won’t lose Liam.”

  I should shove him away. Spit in his face. Anything other than what I’m doing, which is leaning into his hand at my cheek to savor his touch.

  I’m emotionally fucked in the head, always finding myself attracted to the villain instead of someone nice, like my friend Christopher, for instance.

  As if Ellis feels something, too, he withdraws his hand.

  “First, you’re going to quit your job.”

  “What? That’s crazy. I have to work.”

  “Liam is a Burke. His mother is not going to be employed at a strip club. Instead, you can finish earning that worthless degree you’ve been working toward for years.”

  “There’s nothing worthless about public service.”

  An eye roll confirms his smugness.

  “Then, in two weeks, you’ll move into my home. It’s over 15,000 square feet, so there’s plenty of room. You’ll like it. It’s much nicer than that dwelling you’re in now.”

  “I can’t live with you. I don’t even know you, Liam will be scared, and I can’t give up my place. My sister has nowhere else to go.”

  “Do as I say, and I’ll return your money. You can use it to keep your apartment.”

  “If I’m not working, I’ll burn through that money in no time.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. I’m also hiring a nanny to help with Liam’s care. He’ll have a tutor, as well.”

  “A tutor? He’s three, Ellis, and I have an amazing sitter. Liam adores her.” My chin is grasped once more but gently this time. His thumb grazes across my bottom lip as he eyes it intently.

  “Although it’s pointless for you to challenge me, I’m surprised by how much I like your attempts. I also enjoy hearing my name from these pouty red lips.”

  I swallow, my throat further parched from the burning gaze I feel on me. “There are more terms you must agree to, an intimate one in particular, but we’ll save that conversation for a later date.”

  What the hell? Does he think I’m going to be some kind of sex slave?

  “Don’t touch me.” Jerking free, I huff and fling my head back against the seat. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “You caused this. My brother had many less-than-desirable traits, but regardless, he deserved to be a part of his child’s life. Maybe he’d be alive today had he known of Liam’s existence.”

  I cross my arms and glare at him.

  “Tony hated you.”

  “Your words can’t hurt me. I don’t feel things the way other people do.”

  “That’s evident.”

  “Get out of my car. A moving company will be arriving in two weeks to pack up your things. In the meantime, I advise that you separate what you’d like to keep with you, seeing as how the rest is going into storage.”

  Shoving the door open, I step out. “Oh, and, Ms. Rose, since we both know you’re a runner, it’s important I state that you better stay put. If not, I will find you and remove Liam from your custody. With the luxury of a laptop, I can give you any identity I choose. You’ve been warned.”

  “For the record, I hate you, too!” Slamming the door, I stand in the cold air and cry. The car drives away, and my head hangs in defeat. There is no way out for my sweet child and me. I’ll never forgive myself for getting involved with Tony Burke.



  Through my nose, I suck in a breath to stop it from running. Tears are still falling to my coat, and I’m trembling as I approach my ground-floor apartment.

  The rock music playing inside can be heard at the door, so I assume Sasha is still up. I step inside and oh, hell no. A guy I’ve never seen before is in my recliner, and a jerk Sasha used to date is cozy next to her on the couch. The place reeks of weed, too.

  “Out! Out of my apartment now.” The unfamiliar male stands and looks to me, but Rusty and Sasha don’t seem to have a care in the world.

  She shrugs. “Her house, her rules.” She can hardly hold her eyelids open, and I picture myself throwing a glass of water in her face. I’m furious.

  Rusty gives her a disgusting, sloppy kiss, and as he and the strange guy approach me, he grimaces.

  “We’re back together, so you better get used to me being around.”

  “Says the loser who’s standing in the apartment I pay for. Don’t show your face here again.”

  “Sis!” Sasha yells.

  “You better watch it, lady. You do not want to piss me off,” he threatens before going out the door. Once I’ve slammed it shut, I remove my coat and boots and turn off the old stereo sitting on my small entertainment center.

  “Did you hear him? Are you trying to get us hurt?”

  Her hand waves toward me. “He doesn’t mean it.”

  “I was adamant that you were to have no one in this apartment. I also made it crystal clear that you were never to bring drugs here or get back with Rusty.”

  Scowling, she tucks her caramel-colored hair behind her ear.

  “It’s only pot, and you can’t stop me from dating someone.”

  “Your behavior could cause me to lose Liam. You can’t begin to comprehend the weight of stress on me to keep us safe and afloat.” The next thing I know, I’m sobbing again. Plopping down on my couch, I bury my face in my hands.

  “Damn, sis. What happened to you?” I feel the cushions sink in as she moves closer. She rubs my back, and I wish that after all the support I’ve shown her over the years, she could save me from this nightmare, but I know better. Falling back, I stare up at the ceiling.

  “You know how I told you Liam’s father died?”


  “I did a stupid, stupid thing. I went to the funeral home to put a photo of Liam in his casket. His brother saw me and did his research. He knows who I really am–who you are, and he’s blackmailing me.”

  “Oh, shit. What does he want?”

  “He’s demanding that Liam be raised in his home, and he wants me to live there, too. I don’t know all the details, but he’s forcing me to quit my job and move in with him.”

  “Where the hell will I go?”

  Turning my head, I glare at her.

  “That would be your first thought.”

  “I’m sorry,” she utters. Her gaze shifts to the carpet, and she bites her lip.

  “I’m going to use my savings to pay for the apartment. You can stay here, but not for long, Sasha. Three months tops, and I mean it this time.

  “You have to get it together, work and find a place of your own. You’re twenty-five and don’t have a damn thing to show for it.”

  “OK, OK. I get what a disappointment I am. I’ll figure something out.” Like always, Sasha jumps to her feet to
put an end to our conversation.

  If she had a room of her own, she’d march there to escape, but since this apartment is small, she has to crash on the couch.

  Instead, she stomps to the kitchenette right off the living room and opens the fridge. As I examine her, I shake my head.

  It’s early February, yet for some reason, she’s in a snug white tank top. Once she leans over to grab a soda, the ladybug tattoo above her ass is visible.

  She’s too skinny, yet her jeans are way too tight, and her shoulder-length hair is tangled and dirty. My sister looks trashy, and I hate it.

  I wanted so much more for her. Hell, I fought and risked everything so she could have more, but I’m finding the damage is irreversible. I fear her emotional scarring will never heal. Turning to face me, she hugs her hip.

  “Are you going to bed soon? I’m really tired.”

  “Sure, Sasha. I’ll get out of your way,” I reply sarcastically.

  “God, I’m sorry, OK? I’m just tired.”

  “So am I, and unlike you, I only get to sleep for a few hours before I have to get up again.”

  “What are you going to do about that guy, Liam’s uncle?” Her eyes widen. “Wait, does he know about what happened to him?”

  “No, and you’re never to speak of it. If he shows up here, you know nothing.” Hopping up, I march to her and grip her shoulders.

  “Promise me, Sasha. Promise me, because if Ellis Burke finds out what his brother made me do to him, he’ll take Liam for good. He might even hurt us.”

  “I promise I won’t say anything. I’d never put you or Liam in danger.”

  “Good, and Christopher can’t hear of the truth, either.” Feeling a headache coming on, I rub my forehead. “I dread breaking the news to him about Ellis. What excuse could I possibly give him?”

  I exhale, but not an ounce of weight is lifted from my chest. I’ve come unglued tonight, and it has to stop here, or I’ll lose Liam. I’m putting back on my armor. I’ll do what Ellis commands and be whoever he desires if it keeps me with my son.


  “Come in,” I say after the tap on my office door.

  “Here’s your cup of coffee, Mr. Burke,” Irene says in her Italian accent. Her head is down as she scurries to my desk. “I hope it’s just the way you like it.”

  She’s out as fast as she came in, and it’s probably because I was a dick to her this morning before the first cup. As I pick up the mug, I wave my hand toward Christopher, my new assistant.

  “Do something for her. Maybe give her a half day off Friday with pay, and be prepared to do more groveling gestures on my behalf. I tend to take my frustrations out on my staff.”

  “Yes, sir.” He smirks, and now he’s the dick. “Rough night?” he adds.

  “I had some personal business to handle, but due to the nature of it, I have to fill you in on some of the details.” Getting comfortable in the wingback chair to the right of my desk, he takes a drink from his travel mug. “A woman and her child are moving in with me.”

  Aaaand, he spits out the drink from his travel mug. His eyebrows are raised high as he grabs tissues from a box on my desk and begins cleaning the iPad in his lap. I think coffee even landed in his black hair.

  “Sorry, sir, but can you repeat that? I’m sure I heard you wrong.” He pats at his now stained dress shirt.

  I roll my eyes. “OK, you got your sirs in. Now, stop being an ass. You know what I said.”

  “You really are irritable this morning.”

  “Just because you’re working for me now, instead of Tony, doesn’t mean you need to call me sir.”

  “I was only joking, but in all seriousness, what’s this about a woman and child?”

  “You know that non-disclosure agreement you signed?”

  “Of course.”

  “Remember again that you signed it. This information doesn’t leave your lips, or I’ll sue your ass.” Leaning back, I thread my fingers behind my head. “Tony has a three-year-old son, and that child and his mother are moving in here. I will be supporting them.”

  Coughing repeatedly, he smacks his chest.

  “I know it’s surprising. Are you OK?”

  “Yeah, uh, wow. Tony had a kid?”

  “Yes, and he didn’t know it. Wait, you were the closest person to him. He had no clue, right?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Her name is Camilla Rose. Do you recall ever meeting her or hearing Tony mention her name?”

  His eyes flit to the door as he thinks.

  “No, I can’t recall the name. So, did you approach her, or did she contact you?”

  I give him a pointed look.

  “I’m a private person, Christopher. Maybe you were used to asking Tony questions about his business, but I don’t operate that way. I’ll only be sharing details about my life if they’re relevant to the matters you’re handling.”

  Nodding, he glances to his iPad.

  “I understand.”

  “Good. You couldn’t have come on board at a better time, so get ready to take notes. We have a lot to accomplish before they arrive.”



  “Cammy, get up. Christopher’s here and needs to talk to you,” Sasha says from the other side of my bedroom door.

  I sit up, and it startles Liam, so he wakes from his nap, too. Of course, this is the only time I can ever get any sleep. Why didn’t Chris just text me?

  Climbing out of bed, I mess with my hair, straightening it the best I can. I’m only in sweats and an oversized t-shirt. “Camilla,” Sasha says after cracking open my door.

  “I heard you. Give me a minute.”

  “Momma,” Liam says in his whiny voice as he holds his arms up for me to take him. I scoop him up, and before I head out to the living room, I dig for a mint in my purse and pop it in my mouth.

  “Chris is here to see us,” I say in an excited tone. Grinning, my kiddo rubs sleep from his eye with his fist. We stroll into the family room, and I spot Christopher in the recliner. While tapping his foot, he stares out my window.

  “Hi, is everything all right? I wasn’t expecting you.”

  He turns to me, and in an instant I suspect something’s wrong. He’s pale, and a look of anguish is owning his face.

  “Chris,” Liam says, reaching for our friend.

  “Hey, buddy,” he replies with only a faint smile. Straightening my hair some more, I study him. Even though he appears to have not slept, he’s still dressed nice in slacks and an expensive button-up shirt.

  “I’ll be in your room if you need me,” Sasha says. I nod before I direct my attention back to Chris.

  “Come on, say something already.”

  Getting up, he strides over and wraps his arms around me, squishing Liam between us. He’s hugged me in the past, but this is a different embrace. There’s a desperation to it. Liam fusses, so Chris releases us.

  Taking a seat on the couch, I slide my fingers through my little one’s silky hair to calm him. He’s clingy now, like he senses our friend isn’t himself.

  “I have to confess something to you, and I don’t know what will happen after, so I want to tell you first how much you and Liam mean to me.

  “You’ve become my world the last few years. I was by your side after he was born, and I’ve watched him grow. I feel like I’ve been a good friend to you.”

  My head shakes in confusion. “You have been. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”

  Pacing in front of me, he drags his hands down his face.

  “I want more with you, Camilla. Have you ever thought about us being a couple? I could be a dad to Liam and take care of you. We could have a great life together.” Dropping to his knees in front of me, he cups my face. “I want to be with you.”

  Am I still asleep and having a bad dream?

  Pulling away, I stand and shove around him to walk to the kitchen. Without a word, I remove a sippy cup from the cabinet and fill it wit
h milk before I take Liam to my bedroom where Sasha has already made herself at home.

  “Sis, I need you to entertain Liam while I talk to Christopher. He probably needs to go to the bathroom, too.” Without giving her a choice, I sit him on the bed next to her.

  Ugh, I feel a pain in my lower back as I rise. He’s getting too big for me to tote around. Returning to the living room, I blow out a breath.

  “Have you lost your mind?” I ask. Christopher sits again in the recliner and rubs his forehead. “I don’t know what happened to cause this desperation, but we’re getting to the bottom of it. I have enough shit going on in my life, so this can’t be another dark cloud hanging over my head.”

  “Just answer me, Cammy. Have you ever thought about me in that way?”

  “No. We’re only friends.”

  “Friends often turn into lovers.”

  “God, don’t say that word. See, it’s just–no.” Shaking my head, I sit back down. “You’re amazing, Chris, and attractive, but I don’t have romantic feelings for you, and why in the world are you telling me this now?”

  Releasing a yell of frustration, he grabs his hair, and I about come off of my couch from the shock of it. “What’s happening? You’re not yourself, and it’s scaring me. Maybe you should go.”

  Looking to the window again, he exhales a long breath.

  “I see there’s no way around this conversation. If you wanted me like I’ve wanted you, we could move away from here, and I wouldn’t have to confess this.” Bringing his gaze back to me, he stares hard with his green eyes. “Tell me how you came in contact with Ellis Burke.”

  “What? How did you find out about that?”

  “I know him.”


  “I work for him.”

  “Once again, I don’t understand. Explain.”

  Looking to the ceiling, his mouth moves, and is he for real saying a prayer right now? I’m about to kick his ass. “Tell me, Christopher, before I find a peanut and shove that allergen in your damn mouth.”

  “Damn, that’s harsh. You’d kill me over this?”

  “Seriously, if you’re any kind of friend to me, you will tell me what the fuck’s going on.”


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