The Alpha's Onyx & Fire

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by Jess Buffett

  The Alpha's Onyx Fire

  New Hope Valley [2]

  Jess Buffett

  JK Publishing, Inc. (2014)

  * * *

  Tags: Erotic, Menage, Paranormal, Romance

  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Ménage – MMF.

  In book two of New Hope Valley: Tessa Cardwell’s life changed overnight when she was left to raise her five siblings. When a friend suggested moving to the small town of New Hope, she packed up her family and set out with not a clue of what waited for them there. Used to doing everything on her own, she finds herself in the middle of a life changing experience—that is if she can let go of her inhibition and hold onto the two men fate placed in front of her.

  Leontis Harper searched for the woman who turned his life upside down a few months earlier. Determined to find her lands him in New Hope Valley and places him in a situation he has come quite used to—rejection. He had dealt with it his whole life, but he finds rejection hurts more when it comes from the two who were supposed to accept him without question.

  Sage Ashcroft is the last White Tiger Alpha. What the Alpha wants he gets, well until now. He finds himself in a situation which could enhance his life or destroy it, if he doesn't learn to compromise. The wrong choice, and he could be the one on the outside looking in on a life that was destined for him.

  With the prophesy hanging over their heads, secrets being revealed, and enemies banding together, the New Hope Valley Pride faces many changes. Join in as the Pride gains strength it never knew was possible until the Alpha, the onyx, and the fire combine.

  The Alpha's Onyx & Fire

  New Hope Valley

  Book Two

  by Jess Buffett

  © Copyright April 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


  All cover art and logo © Copyright April 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by ML Hill

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  To everyone who helped me celebrate one year of being successfully published! It’s been such an awesome ride. Here is to another year!


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Books by Jess Buffett

  Excerpt from Claiming Her Mate

  JK Publishing, Inc.

  Chapter One

  Her teeth chattered, and the youngest was whining in the back, but Tessa Cardwell couldn’t stop. Her fingers fumbled on the nobs of the heater in a desperate attempt to bring more warmth to the car. As her five-year-old brother, Ryder, complained about being hungry, her other siblings fought over who got to pick the next movie. Having five children ranging between the ages of seventeen and five bickering, while trying to drive through the heavy snowfall they had encountered, was taking its toll on Tessa.

  “Guys, come on, I need you to stop fighting,” she pleaded. “Oliver, can you give Ryder something out of the snack bag?”

  “On it,” Oliver said, as Tessa heard the rustling of a paper bag.

  Within seconds Ryder stopped, his mouth probably full of whatever his brother had given him, and Tessa sighed in relief.

  She couldn’t believe how bad her luck was lately. There weren’t many places that it snowed in Australia, and even fewer where it fell this hard. Yet, somehow she had managed to pick the one area that did both.

  “We’re sorry, Tessa,” her sister, April, whispered. “We’ll try not to be so noisy.”

  April and her twin brother, Bailey, were thirteen years old, and it had only been a few years ago the two of them had been a force of nature, unstoppable. Tessa’s heart broke at the hesitant tone her sister now spoke in. She hadn’t known just how bad things had gotten after she had left. Granted, they hadn’t been anywhere near perfect before she had left for school, but to go so low that her own siblings cringed at loud voices made anger churn in her gut.

  She mentally cursed her parents again. They may be dead now, but even when they were there, all they did was cause harm.

  “Look. We’re almost there,” shouted eight-year-old Jay from the back seat.

  A sign with New Hope in big, bold letters suddenly appeared, indicating they were nearing the town Tessa planned to set up as home. They were almost there. She sent a thank you to her friend, Ella, whose family had helped her find a place so quickly. Her friend’s family had set up a place for them to stay in a small dwelling in back of the main house that had recently become available and belonged to the Alpha of her friend’s Pride.

  Tessa knew the area she was moving to was a shifter town, Ella and her family were tiger shifters. She hoped the strong sense of community she had heard about in a Pride, would help her in raising
her siblings.

  “Okay, guys. Not long now, just a little bit further,” she told them, focusing on the road ahead, reading the signs and praying she didn’t get lost. When she realized she had indeed gotten lost, Tessa had to pull to the side of the road and check her phones GPS.

  Struggling to get a signal, Tessa frowned when headlights appeared in her mirror, slowing down until the vehicle came to a stop behind her. Suspicious, she watched as a large figure exited the car.

  She tensed as the stranger moved closer, jumping a little when there was a knock on her window.

  Damn, he moves fast. Is he a shifter?

  Reaching for her heavy duty torch under the seat, she gripped it firmly.

  “I’m just going to see what's wrong. You guys stay in here,” she instructed as she opened her car door, closing it firmly behind her to keep the warm air in. Turning to face the man, she paused in surprise at the immaculate suit he wore. Surely if the man planned to attack her, he wouldn’t look like he was on his way to a black tie event. Right?

  The second thing she noticed was the man’s piercing honey-brown eyes. Mesmerized as she was by them, all she could do was blink at him stupidly. “Um…can I help you?”

  “Noticed you had stopped. Just wondering if you need help,” he replied, his voice a deep rumble.

  “Oh, um. We’re just trying to find our way to New Hope,” she replied, a tingling sensation working its way up her spine.

  Whoa. What was that?

  “We?” He cocked an eyebrow, visibly taking a deep breath.

  Was he sniffing the air?

  Tessa began to feel uneasy. “Yes. But I’m sure we’ll be fine. Thanks.”

  The handsome stranger chuckled, “I’ve no intention of hurting you.” His eyes drifted to the car before coming back to her. “Or the children. You can follow me along the main road, then I’m sure you can find your way from there.”

  Without waiting for her to respond, he headed back to his car and slid in. Confused by what had just happened, Tessa climbed back into the warmth of her vehicle.

  “Who was that, Tess?” her brother, Oliver, asked. “Was he know what?”

  She had told her eldest brother about shifters, knowing there would be no way to keep it from him. Tessa also knew Oliver wouldn't go around talking about it. She planned to tell the others when the timing was right. But now wasn't it.

  “I don’t know, but he’s offered to show us to the main road in town.”

  He frowned. “Are you sure you can trust him?”

  She sighed tired and desperate for some rest. “I don’t really have a choice. The GPS isn’t working, and it’s only getting colder.”

  Tessa worried the younger ones would end up sick if she kept them out in this weather much longer.

  Pulling out behind the other car, she followed him to the main road, just as he had promised. When he slowed down, parking at the curb, Tessa did the same. She watched him climb out again and approach her car.

  This time she wound down the window. “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome,” he said quietly. “By the way, the name is Sage.”

  “I’m Tessa.”

  “Tessa. Well, it’s nice to meet you, Tessa.” He smiled at her, and her heart fluttered at how utterly gorgeous he was. “Do you need help finding your way to wherever it is you’re headed?”

  His eyes never left hers, she felt trapped by them, and suddenly found it difficult to breathe. Damn, those eyes were mesmerizing. “Um, no thanks. I think I’ve got it from here.”

  She tried hard not to let her attraction to the stranger show, but something about the way his lips twitched, and the amusement she saw in his eyes, let her know she hadn’t been too successful. He was handsome, and she couldn’t help it.

  “Well, I’ll let you be on your way then. No sense in keeping the kids out in the cold longer than necessary.” He stepped back, giving her a nod. “I’ll see you around I’m sure, it’s a small town.”

  Thanking him again, Tessa wound up the window and started the engine. She squinted through the windscreen as the snow began to fall thicker. Letting out a sigh of relief, she finally found the name of the street she had been looking for. Sunset Lane.

  “Thank God,” she muttered.

  Turning into the driveway of number seven, she followed it down the back of the property and to the three bedroom granny flat that would be there new home.

  Placing the car in park, she twisted in her seat. “Okay, guys. We’re here.”

  She smiled as she was met with cheers.

  They clambered out of the vehicle and Tessa quickly made her way to the front door. Having already gotten the keys from her friend, Ella, she let them in, surprised to find the heat already turned on.

  There was a handwritten note on the table by the door, and she picked it up to read.


  I figured you and the children would be cold and hungry by the time you arrived, so there is lasagne ready to be heated in the fridge. I also turned the heat on. I hope you don’t mind.

  I’ll be working late, so I will come by to introduce myself tomorrow. Please don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.


  Below was a phone number she assumed belonged to the Alpha.

  “Wow.” She couldn’t believe how nice the man was.

  Oliver came to stand behind her, reading the note over her shoulder. “Huh, nice guy. I’ll go heat the dinner up, did you need me to do anything else?”

  “Let me check out the rooms to see what we need. I can bring some things in from the car, but the rest can wait until tomorrow. Just stay in here where it’s warm,” she instructed them all.

  Wandering down the hall, she flipped on the light to the first room, frowning when she found it completely set up. A queen size bed sat in the middle of the room, fresh linen covering the beautiful mahogany furniture. A plush cornflower blue towel sat on the end that matched the curtains hanging. The room was simple, but homey. Further inspection showed that all three bedrooms were set up the same, ready to go. Tears pricked at the edges of her eyes at such a considerate gesture. After having her own family turn their backs on her, for a complete stranger to go to this much trouble was so much more than she could have ever expected.

  She sighed. “Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad after all.”

  Heading back out into the living room, Tessa stumbled to a stop when she glanced at the letter again.

  “Oh shit,” she whispered in shock.

  The letter S suddenly stood out like a neon sign. How had she not realized before? S for Sage, the name of the Alpha, and the incredibly gorgeous man who had helped her find her way to town.

  She had just met the freaking Alpha!


  Sage Ashcroft gritted his teeth against the cool winds blowing the falling snow. “Damn, it’s freezing.”

  The fact the weather affected him at all was a testament to how cold it was. As a White Tiger shifter, the temperature rarely registered to him.

  “You can say that again,” his brother, Chase muttered. “Why the hell are we out here anyway?”

  He chuckled. “What’s wrong, little brother, the snow messing with your perfectly styled hair?”

  Chase didn’t bother responding other than to flip him off and kept walking.

  “And you know why,” he said seriously. “Aidan and his men keep encroaching on our territory. After the stunt they pulled with Summer and Evan I’m not putting up with it any longer.”

  Aidan Morris led a group of misfit shifters a few hours north of New Hope Valley. Sage wouldn’t do the other man the honor of calling him Alpha. The man had no morals, and lacked any kind of leadership quality. As an Alpha himself, Sage didn’t understand how someone so cruel and vindictive could lead anyone. A few weeks back, Aidan had set a plan in motion, which involved his half-brother, Brad, attempting to rape Sage’s younger sister, Summer. When that failed, thanks to Summer’s mate, Evan, Brad returned one las
t time, trying to kidnap Summer and bring her to Aidan. All so their family could become part of this ridiculous prophesy.

  His Pride had resided in New Hope from the moment it had been built, and there was no way in hell he was letting the likes of Aidan Morris to come in and hurt his people again. The man only brought trouble.

  Bunching his jacket closer, he cursed the fact they couldn’t shift. Since they were so damn close to the line, Sage couldn’t do anything to provoke the bastard. Knowing Aidan, he’d run crying foul to their frigging council.

  “So how long do we have to stay out here? And why?” Chase complained. “You’re the frigging Alpha, can’t you order someone else to do this shit?”

  “That’s right, I’m the Alpha. I need to set an example.” He loved his brother dearly, but the man could whine better than any canine.

  “Example, shmample,” his brother grumbled, kicking at the snow beneath his feet.

  “Buck up, sunshine.” He slapped his brother on the back. “Rourke and Dominic should be here soon to take over.”

  Sage continued to trudge through the mud and thick snow, thinking his two brothers, and Betas, couldn’t get here soon enough, if for no other reason than to shut Chase up.

  “What has you in such a great mood anyway?” Chase asked, narrowing his gaze on him. “There is no way you’re this happy to be traipsing around the woods at this time of night, and in this weather. So what gives?”


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