Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3) Page 24

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Alright, Jessie, we are going to make our way around to the south entrance. We will see you on the inside,” Yeritus said with a grin.

  “Yes, see you there,” I responded as we watched them creep along behind the warehouse and out of sight.

  “So we’re really going to do this, then?” Yahn asked.

  “We’re not here for a picnic, Yahn.”

  “I wonder how many pages you will get in the History reports,” Yahn replied.

  “Herstory, thank you very much!” I stated.

  I waved for the Sarceastians that were following me to move forward and crept along behind the buildings until I saw the guards across the walkway. It was time for us to make our move.

  Chapter 7


  The group led by Jessie and I came over to the north entrance while the group led by Yeritus went to the south entrance. The guards looked at us suspiciously. I walked up to the nearest guard who had his laser cannon ready.

  “We are back from an expedition. We need access to replenish our artillery,” I stated, forcefully. The guard looked at me and then at the other guard.

  "I'm going to need to grant you security clearance," he said as he pushed a button on his communication device. I looked at Jessie and nodded. I stunned the guard I had just spoken to, and Jessie stunned the other one. They fell limp to the ground and we took their access badges and opened the door. As we marched inside, no one paid us any mind. We had the official uniforms and acted as if we belonged there, and it worked just like a charm. That was the case until we made our way to the dungeons that seemed full of prisoners. One of the guards came over to us and began asking questions.[G402][G403][G404][G405]

  “Why are you soldiers in the dungeons, you do not have access or permission!” The guard stated. I simply stunned him rather than trying to explain myself. Jessie stunned the other guard there, but a third one saw what was happening and attempted to run for the door as he pushed the button on his communication device. We were forced to shoot him with a laser in the back. The prisoners in the dungeons looked quite puzzled. We went around and freed as many of them as we could, deactivating the invisible barriers around the stone-walled dungeons and unlocking the chains that bound them.

  "Go ahead, you are free," I told them. They smiled and made their way out of the dungeons. According to Yeritus, most of these prisoners were Sarceastians like the ones that we were helping that had been imprisoned for showing rebellious tendencies. As these prisoners made their way out of the doors, alarms were triggered, and soon we could hear soldiers making their way down the hallways towards the dungeons. We went through the opposite entrance and made our way to the next level, which was the prison block where the cells were stacked on top of each other with invisible barriers keeping the prisoners inside.[G406]

  By this time, the guards had been alerted to our presence. Suddenly, laser fire was being exchanged. Jessie talked to some of the Sarceastians behind us.

  "You make your way to the security control panel over there to free the prisoners. Also, send a couple of your men over to the entrance we came through so you can keep the guards from coming at us from behind. We will keep the guards occupied here while you do so," Jessie ordered. The Sarceastians nodded and made their way over to the control panel, one level up on a scaffold. We hid behind some columns and focused on shooting as many guards as we could. We shot many of them, and a couple of them made their way to the exit. Soon, we had the upper hand and the Sarceastians assisting us had the security locks deactivated. The noise of hundreds of prisoners making their way down from the cells filled our ears along with clanging alarms.[G407][G408][G409][G410]

  We forced our way out of the cell block and made our way up to the next level where the military supplies were housed. Now, we had a barrage of soldiers that knew that we were coming. We were hemmed in and so we were unable to move forward.

  "There are too many of them. We need to radio Yeritus to see where they are. We need them to help us if we're going to move forward to the upper levels and get out of here alive!" Jessie shouted. I tried to radio Yeritus, but I was unable to get through to him. The soldiers moved forward, closing in on us.[G411][G412]

  "Give up your weapons and come with us. Your invasion is now over!" A guard stated. Just then, Yeritus's group came in the opposite entrance, firing as they went. The soldiers guarding the military supplies didn't know what hit them. Soon we were able to move forward easily as we joined forces with Yeritus.[G413][G414]

  “Thank you for coming to our aid at just the right time, comrade!” I said as Yeritus smiled.

  “Let’s go up to the top and root out these ruling bastards!” Yeritus said, holding his laser cannon up high while his soldiers cheered.

  We made our way up to the office levels, which were less heavily guarded. However, more soldiers had entered the compound and were making their way up to where we were. As we walked through these levels, several well-dressed Sarceastian government officials threw their hands up in gestures of surrender.

  A few of our soldiers had been taken out, but as a whole, our casualties were very low. I began to feel very confident that we would be able to capture Demarin and Executive Farfaulus without too much trouble. However, as we reached the moving stairwell at the end of the hall, we were subjected to an unexpected onslaught of soldiers making their way down from the upper levels.[G415][G416][G417][G418]

  "Let me handle this!" I said as we hunkered down under the stairs, trying to avoid all of the laser fire from above. I transformed into a vaporous state and made my way through the soldiers who were puzzled to see this blue vapor moving through them. I transformed again once I was on the other side of them and began to stun as many as I could. Then, I began to fire into them with my laser cannon. Soon, I had cleared the way enough for Jessie, Yeritus, and the others to make their way up to the next level. We were puzzled when we got to the top level and heard no activity from the soldiers. We deactivated the security levels from below so that the soldiers below couldn't gain access.[G419][G420][G421]

  “Where do we go now? There doesn’t seem to be anyone left up here. Have the leaders already evacuated?” I asked.

  “That is just what they want us to think, but my comrades on the outside have not seen anyone escaping this compound. They are holed up in heavily armored chambers on this very level,” Yeritus said. “There are hidden doors somewhere on this level. We have to find them and find the control panel that will grant us access. I fear that there is only access from the outside.”

  I knew that I could sense energy fields that humans couldn’t see. It was similar to infrared vision. I closed my eyes and felt along the wall to find the force fields guarding the chambers where we presumed the leaders were hiding.

  “What are you doing?” Yeritus asked.

  “Karkastians can sense energy fields. I am trying to find where the force fields are located,” I said. Finally, towards the end of the hall, I picked up on it. “The doors are right on the other side of this wall,” I stated.

  “How do we get inside?” Yeritus asked.

  “Well, we can’t penetrate these walls with laser fire. I already had my lasers bounce off the walls. Maybe, if we try from the outside, the walls won’t be as heavily armored,” Jessie suggested.

  “You know, you might be right,” Yeritus said. “There is one more flight of movable stairs to the roof. We can try and gain access from there.”

  We made our way up to the roof and were surprised to find guards there that were huddled around a cruiser. We immediately began to fire at them, and they fired back. Unfortunately, one of those soldiers hit Jessie in the shoulder. She cried out in pain and fell to the ground. I tore off the sleeve of my shirt and wrapped it around her shoulder.[G422][G423]

  “Are you alright, my love?” I asked her.

  “Yes, let’s keeping moving. We have to prevent the officials from escaping. My guess is that the cruiser is there to help the executive and probably Demarin escape,�
�� Jessie answered.

  We moved forward. Yeritus and his soldiers had already taken out much of the executive guard.

  “Board the ship; we have to make sure that it doesn’t take off and save the executive!” Yeritus ordered. His soldiers entered the ship and a second later, we could hear some fire being exchanged.

  Cheers went up amongst our Sarceastian allies as Yeritus emerged from the ship with a laser cannon pointed to Executive Farfaulus.

  “We have the executive!” Yeritus declared.

  "Yah!" the cheer went up. The allied soldiers surrounded the executive and what was left of the executive guard. They were holding their laser cannons up to the sky and chanting.[G424]

  “Down with the executive!” they began to chant. Jessie and I watched from outside the circle that they had formed.

  “Where is Demarin? Something’s not right here,” Jessie stated.

  “I agree. I fear he’s already escaped,” I said. Our fears were not unfounded. A second later, an executive guard emerged from the stairway that led to the roof. He held a laser cannon up to one of our allied Sarceastian soldiers.

  “Hold it right there! Do not try anything or your comrade will get it!” Luckily, the guard couldn’t see that we had Executive Farfaulus that was hidden from view in the center of our soldiers.

  Yeritus and his group stopped their chanting and watched with concern as the executive guard stood there by the cruiser, the laser gun still pointed at our comrade. Just behind him, Demarin and several of his guards emerged from the stairwell and boarded the cruiser. Demarin saw us and gave us a sly grin before he climbed up the ramp into the cruiser to make his escape.[G425][G426]

  We watched helplessly as the cruiser began to lift off above us.

  “I knew it!” Jessie said, shaking her head. “He eluded us again.”

  “We still have the executive at least. That will be enough for a coup.” I rested my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

  We turned to the executive guard that still held one of our comrades captive.

  "Let him go! We have let your military commander escape!" Yeritus stated. The executive guard released our comrade and disappeared down the stairwell. Now we faced the dangerous prospect of making our way out of the complex. We made our way down the stairwell and immediately had to hunker down again as laser fire broke out all around us. The guards had flooded the building from below and escape now seemed impossible.[G427]

  “What shall we do now?” Jessie wondered.

  I knew that I had used an energy force field in the past to protect myself and Jessie, but I had yet to try and protect such a large group. However, I knew it was worth a try.[G428][G429]

  “Yeritus, I am going to try something. I need you and your men to huddle together with ours as closely as you can, just trust me.”

  He did as I asked and soon we were all huddled together, firing back at the soldiers in front of us. I closed my eyes, trying to draw as much power to myself as I possibly could. I thought of my love for Jessie and my entire family. Soon, a powerful energy bubble began to form around the group as I concentrated as hard as I could. Yeritus and his men were astonished as they looked at the bubble around them.[G430]

  “Move forward!” Jessie told them. Soon we were marching in formation, close together as the lasers being fired at us bounced off of our energy bubble. Slowly, we made our way down to the lower levels and exited the compound. We had successfully invaded the compound and captured the executive. I sustained the energy bubble long enough for us to make it out of the area. We fired back and retreated back to where we had come from.

  Chapter 8


  As soon as we got out of the complex, we saw a back army approaching us. Yahn and I each had a hold of Executive Farfaulus and I held a gun to his head.[G431]

  "Your armies must return from where you came from or your precious executive that pays you to intimidate the ‘underling' Sarceastians will be no more!" I shouted loudly. The soldiers did not move right away- they looked to Executive Farfaulus to see his reaction. He took a deep breath, trying to slow down his pounding heart.[G432]

  "You heard her, return to base," Executive Farfaulus declared.[G433][G434]

  “I’ll go with something better than that- soldiers drop all your weapons and return to base!” Yahn commanded. They looked at him and then at the executive in disbelief.

  “Is that what you wish, Executive Farfaulus?” one of the soldiers asked.

  “It is, I’m afraid a coup has taken place. I am sorry. Thank you for your devotion,” Executive Farfaulus muttered. He was far too a coward to risk any harm to himself.

  Soon there was a pile of laser cannons, freeze and heat rays, stun guns, and energy projectors in the street. The allied Sarceastians gathered up the weapons and marched the executive through the street. One by one, the members of the poor sections of the city drew closer to take a look at the victorious army as they marched back to Hilga's compound. Finally, one young male Sarceastian cried out.[G435]

  “They’ve performed a coup! The harsh government of the executive is no more!”

  "Yah!" the cheer went up in the crowd. "The executive is no more!" Finally, the chant spread far and wide. There was a celebration in the streets.[G436][G437]

  When we went back to Hilga’s building, the air was full of optimism. Several poverty-stricken Sarceastians followed them there. Finally, Yeritus turned to address the crowd.

  “My fellow Sarceastians, it’s a new day for us all!”

  “Yah! The cheer went up!”

  "Just as the prophecy says, the human and her Karkastian partner saved us. For they are the ones that mobilized the force that took down the executive. However, we must be on the lookout for the military commander, Demarin Goldarn. For he managed to escape in a hover copter from the compound." [G438]

  “Booo!” The crowded yelled out.

  “Even so, we will make sure that the will of our citizens is carried out. Just as it was before, the populace shall decide on our ruler. We will reinstate the election process as soon as possible and make right all of the wrongs that have been committed against us!”

  “Yah! Yeritus should rule us!” several called out.

  “Only if that were the will of the people. Right now, we should celebrate our alien friends who have brought freedom to us once more!” Yeritus called out. I blushed, and if Yahn’s face weren’t blue, I’d swear he was blushing too.

  Several Sarceastians came up to us to thank us. I had never felt such an outpouring of gratitude before and it gladdened my heart. I knew we had done the right thing; and by helping them, we had turned an enemy into an ally. I was hoping that this would bring the horrible invasions of the Sarceastians to an end. It would also make it likely that the relationship between Sarceastium and Earth would improve for the better. [G439][G440][G441][G442]

  The Sarceastians combined their resources to have a feast of sorts. There was some kind of unidentified meat that was seasoned with spices and fresh vegetables. It tasted delicious. Some had even raided the liquor in the executive pantry. Many small bowls of the sweet alcoholic drink were passed around; Sarceastians used them to drink from. Several of our allies had been left to guard the military complex in case the executive guards or Demarin Goldarn returned.

  “You are heroes and will always be considered friends of the Sarceastians!” Hilga announced, holding up her bowl of liquor.

  "To your continued health and long life, allies!" she said. [G443][G444]

  “To your continued health and long life!” The crowd repeated and everyone took a sip.

  “So what will you do now?” Yeritus asked. “You are welcome to stay here and help us better the situation of our citizens. Once we elect a new leader, we must go about rebuilding the wealth of all of our people and finding them worthwhile employment. That will take a lot of work and effort on the part of the people who care, such as yourselves,” he said.

  “Thank you, but for now, at least, I think we
need to see what has become of our home on Gwuarden and help them recover from Demarin's attack,” I stated. [G445]

  “No doubt you will, but perhaps you may return after you check on your home and help to rebuild it?” Hilga stated.

  "We must certainly return. I will make it a point to return and help with the work that is to come. For I'm sure that it will take a great deal of time to rebuild the former order," I said. Yahn had a strange look on his face. After Hilga, Yeritus and some of the other Sarceastians began to talk amongst themselves, Yahn took me aside. [G446]


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