Dragon Protecting (Torch Lake Shifters Book 4)

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Dragon Protecting (Torch Lake Shifters Book 4) Page 10

by Sloane Meyers

  “Yes, I’ve been weak like this for so long. I haven’t had a proper meal since Eagle Thicket burned. Do you think I could have something to eat once we get out of this forest?”

  “Of course,” Clint said. “We’ll order whatever you want.”

  “There are also plenty of donuts in our hotel room,” Sunny said, winking at Clint.

  He laughed. “There most certainly are. Let’s get going.”

  He turned to head toward town, his own stomach growling as well. This day hadn’t turned out at all like he thought it would, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t upset about losing yet another dragon. But hopefully it would be the last dragon they lost. The mystery of the disappearing spell was solved, and Sunny seemed ecstatic to have her old friend back. Clint decided that, all things considered, the mission had been a success.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Sunny. Sunny, wake up. We’re home.”

  Sunny blinked her eyes open and looked over at Clint. Then she looked out the window of his truck to see that they were now parked in front of his house. She sat up and tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

  “I can’t believe I fell asleep again. It’s not even a full half hour drive from Leif’s place to here.”

  “You’ve had a long day. A long week.”

  “A long year,” Sunny said. A soft whine from the backseat brought a smile to her face, and she turned around to see Mocha sitting up expectantly, waiting to be let out of the truck.

  “She knows she’s home,” Clint said with a smile.

  Sunny’s smile deepened. Clint’s friend Leif had been watching Mocha while Sunny was out of town on the mission. Leif had loved pet-sitting the dog, and Mocha seemed to have become fast friends with Leif. But there was no denying that Mocha was happy to be back home.

  Sunny got out of the truck and held the door open for Mocha, who jumped from the back seat to the front and then onto the ground in one giant leap. She began to run in circles as fast as her legs would carry her, barking happily in the falling darkness.

  Sunny laughed, and Clint did, too.

  “Running is fine, Mocha. Just stay out of my flowerbeds,” he said.

  Mocha yipped in response, and kept up her frantic running. Sunny stood with Clint, watching the dog for a few moments. Clint reached out and grabbed her hand, and Sunny bit her lower lip happily. In moments like this, standing with a gorgeous man next to his truck and watching a dog run giddily around in the moonlight, it was easy to forget how full of heartache the last few years had been. The simple, good things in life were still there, if you watched out for them.

  “Did you work at a coffee shop back in Falcon Cross, too?” Clint asked, breaking the silence and surprising Sunny with the question. She looked back at him and shook her head.

  “No. At a Mexican restaurant, actually. Why?”

  “Oh. I was just wondering where Mocha got her name. I had always figured you named her that because you were a barista.”

  Sunny shook her head again. “No. That’s just coincidence. I didn’t name her actually. I rescued her from an animal shelter in Falcon Cross. There were quite a few dogs that lost their owners in the War. Her previous owner named her Mocha and I thought it wouldn’t be nice to change it. She’d already been through so much, you know? Why change her name on top of all that?”

  “Yeah, makes sense. I still can’t believe you were trying to hide out as a barista here.”

  Sunny hung her head. “I guess it was pretty cowardly of me.” She didn’t dare look Clint in the eye. What must a brave dragon like him think of someone as cowardly as her?

  But Clint reached over and gently turned her chin toward him, so that she had to gaze up at him. “I don’t think you’re a coward, Sunny. I think you were trying to survive and do the best you could after the war, just like all of us. And after seeing what happened with Barnabas and the Dark Warriors, I really understand where you were coming from.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. I mean, look how they used his powers to harm you. I understand now why you said you worried that those close to you would be hurt if anyone knew you could do ancient magic.”

  Sunny sighed. “So, do you still want to be close to me, knowing all of that?”

  Clint threw his head back and laughed. Then he leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. “I’m a dragon, Sunny. I’m not afraid of a little ancient magic. Don’t think you’re getting rid of me that easily.”

  Sunny smiled. “I wasn’t sure. We haven’t really talked about…what happened in the hotel room.”

  “I know,” Clint said. “I’m sorry about that. Things have been a bit chaotic since then. What do you say you come inside with me? I’ll pour you a nice glass of wine and we can talk.”

  Sunny smiled, even as her heart did a nervous flip flop in her chest. “I’d like that. But, what about Mocha?”

  “What about her?”

  “If we leave her out here alone she might dig up your flowerbeds.”

  “She can’t do much more damage than she’s already done. Come on. I’m more interested in talking to you than in my flowerbeds. We have a lot to discuss.”

  Sunny nodded and let Clint lead her into his house. He pushed her toward the couch, then went to the kitchen to get the wine he had promised. She tapped her feet nervously and looked around, surprised at how homey the place was. Despite being a bachelor, Clint had taken quite a bit of interest in decorating his house. Most of the guys Sunny had dated back in Eagle Thicket hadn’t cared about the way their apartments looked. Then again, most of those guys had barely been more than boys. Clint was much more than a boy. He was a man, and a man’s man at that.

  “Here you go,” Clint said, reappearing in the living room and handing her a glass of red. He held up his own glass to her. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” she replied, clinking her glass with his. She took a long sip, hoping the wine would help calm her nerves a bit. She didn’t know how she’d gone from thinking Clint was a grumpy neighbor to hoping that he might want to pursue a serious future with her, but it was too late to turn back now. Her heart was completely wrapped up with his, and she didn’t know how she would be able to bear it if he didn’t want things to be as serious as she did.

  As she watched him slowly sip his wine, though, she started to panic. Was he just trying to figure out a way to let her down easy? Had their little romp in the hotel room just been a bit of fun, and now he was ready to get back to real life? Sunny’s eyes dropped down to her glass and she fought back the tears that wanted to fall. No matter what, she would not let herself cry in front of him. She had decided after her last bad breakup that no man was worth her tears.

  That last breakup seemed so far away now. The man Sunny had thought she wanted to spend the rest of her life with had turned out to be a jerk, and yet Sunny hadn’t been able to stop begging him to stay with her. She had always seemed more interested in men than they were in her. No more, though. She was a strong, independent woman. She’d proven to herself that she could make it on her own. It hadn’t been easy to get by on the low wages she’d made as a retail or restaurant worker, but she’d done it. She’d supported herself, and Mocha, too! She didn’t need a man, and she would not grovel. If Clint didn’t want her, then she would hold her head high and wait for a man who did. A man who would truly appreciate her.

  “That’s an awfully intense face,” Clint said, breaking into her thoughts. He was raising an eyebrow in her direction in a slightly amused expression as he swirled his wine in its glass.

  Sunny swallowed hard and forced her face into a more neutral expression. “Just a lot on my mind,” she said. “It’s been a busy week.”

  “I’ll say,” Clint said, then leaned lazily back in his armchair. He kicked off his shoes, which he’d still been wearing, and flexed his toes back and forth in his thick, black socks. Sunny didn’t understand how he could seem so relaxed right now. She took it as more proof that he didn’t think things between them wer
e that serious. Well, then, she wouldn’t let him know that she did. She held her chin high and tried to look as laidback as he did.

  “You know, Clint, we really don’t have to make a big deal out of what happened in the hotel room. We had fun, and I think it helped us both relieve stress during a really tense time. But I don’t want it to make things awkward between us.”

  Clint gave her a long, sideways glance. His eyes took on that intense, swirling look they had when he was really serious about something, and he no longer looked as casual as he had a moment ago. “Is that really how you feel?” he asked.

  “Well, I mean…I, um…” Sunny stammered. “No.”

  “Good,” Clint said, setting down his wine glass. “Because that’s not how I feel, either. I’ll tell you how I feel. I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole damn life to find you. I’ve watched a lot of my buddies find love, and I was beginning to think that it was never going to happen to me. I’ve dated a few girls here in town, but there’s never been a spark, you know? Some people told me to just settle down with one of those girls. They were good girls, who would have made anyone a good wife. But they didn’t make me come alive. You, Sunny, you make me come alive inside.”

  “I do?”

  “Hell yeah, you do. You drove me crazy from the first moment I saw you. I tried to pass it off as a mere physical attraction, and, don’t get me wrong, I’m crazy attracted to your body. But it’s so much more than that. I’m attracted to your heart, too. To the very essence of who you are. I’m drawn to you like a magnet. I’ve never known anyone like you. I tried to resist it, but I couldn’t.”

  Sunny could only stare at Clint, her heart pounding. She had waited so long to hear a man say words like this to her. To have a man actually want her, and tell her how valuable she was. Instead of having to beg Clint to care for her, he was freely telling her how much she meant to him. He was putting his heart on the line for her. So this was what it felt like to be wanted. To not have to beg for someone’s affection, but to have it given to you because they actually cared about you.

  “Clint, I…”

  But he held up his hand to stop her. “No, wait a second and let me finish. I need you to hear what I have to say. Have you ever heard of lifemates, Sunny?”

  She furrowed her brow. “I’ve heard about them, yeah. Some of the shifters back in Falcon Cross would mention lifemates now and then, but I never really heard them explain the concept. Is it kind of like soulmates?”

  “Kind of, but deeper. You see, we shifters believe that each of us is matched with a fated lifemate from the moment we’re born. We believe that destiny works to bring us together with our lifemate. When we find that person and make love to them, a bond is formed. The lifemate bond. It’s unbreakable.”

  Sunny felt her heart pounding. Was Clint saying what she thought he was saying?

  He smiled at her then. A warm, wide smile that gave her a sweet, fluttery feeling in her stomach. “Sunny, I believe you’re my lifemate.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the words he had just spoken wash over her. This man, this strong dragon who was respected and revered by so many in this community, thought she, Sunny Rivera, was destined for him? For life? She could hardly believe it, and yet, for the first time in her life, she did believe it. She believed in her heart that she was worthy of this. That she deserved a love like this. That she deserved a man who would respect her, honor her, and love her. Who would not make her beg to be with him, but who wanted to be with her just as much as she wanted to be with him.

  “How do you know?” she asked. “How do you know I’m your lifemate?”

  “I suspected you might be. When I had such a hard time keeping my thoughts off of you, I thought that maybe there was something more there than just a simple physical attraction. But after we made love, I was sure. I felt the lifemate bond. It’s a warm, almost burning feeling in your core, and I felt it.”

  “Oh my god!” Sunny said. “I felt that, too! In the hotel room, I remember thinking that I had never felt such heat before. I had never felt so much like I was on fire.”

  This time, it was Clint who closed his eyes. “How did I get so lucky? I can’t believe it’s true. My lifemate is not only the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, but also one of the smartest, most talented wizards alive today.”

  “Oh, come on,” Sunny said, blushing. “You’re exaggerating a little bit there.”

  Clint’s eyes flew open, once again swirling and intense. “I’m not exaggerating. You don’t even realize how amazing you are, Sunny. You are a master of ancient magic. One of only two in the world.”

  “Barnabas is the master, look how much stronger he is than me! Even as weak as he was, I couldn’t manage to do a counter spell against him!”

  Clint laughed. “Barnabas is an expert, yes. He’s also about fifty years older than you, so he’s had just a bit more time to practice, I would say. Something tells me that when you’re his age, you’ll be even better than he is now. And he’s pretty damn good right now.”

  Sunny blushed even deeper. “I hope so.”

  “I know so. And I hope that when you are old and wrinkly and more talented at ancient magic than any wizard this world has ever seen, that you’ll be coming home to me every night. I hope that we spend every day and every night together from this moment forward.”


  “Yes, really. That’s how the lifemate bond works. It’s a bond, for life. No matter how you feel about me, I know that I am yours for life. There will never be anyone else for me, Sunny. My heart is yours until the day I die. I will protect you until the day I die. If you don’t want me around I’ll respect your decision, but I still won’t ever be with anyone else. It’s only you, Sunny. You’re my lifemate.”

  Sunny shook her head in wonder. “How can you be so sure so quickly? You have to admit that’s kind of crazy.”

  Clint smiled. “Most of life is. So what do you say? Want to do this crazy ride with me?”

  Sunny grinned. “Yes. Bring on the adventure.”

  Clint laughed and stood. “We’ve already had quite some adventures, I’d say. And we’ve only just begun.”

  He walked over to her and set his wine glass down on the coffee table, then took hers from her and set it down as well. “Come here, you. I want to taste those sweet lips of yours again.”

  Sunny gladly obliged him. Her heart felt like it might burst with happiness, and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt that way. His kiss felt like home, and it had been so long since she’d had a place called home.

  There were still uncertainties about the future, but weren’t there always? At least she knew now that she would be with Clint. She would be here in Torch Lake, fighting for the side of good. Her barista days were over, just like her days of hiding out and pretending to be an ordinary wizard were over. But that was okay. She had learned that it was important to have the courage to stand up and fight for what was good. If she hadn’t agreed to let everyone know that she could do ancient magic, she probably wouldn’t have ended up discovering that Clint was her lifemate, and she definitely wouldn’t have rescued Barnabas. She was learning that good things happened when she believed in herself.

  And good things happened whenever she was alone with Clint. She’d been craving the chance to kiss him again ever since their night together in the hotel room, but things had been too busy. They had been surrounded by people as they got Barnabas safely to Torch Lake and discussed with the High Council what had happened on the mission. There had been so many important details to take care of, but now, the only detail that mattered was Clint.

  Her stomach did delightful flip-flops as he put his arms around her and held her close. She felt warmth beginning to glow in her core again, and she smiled. The lifemate bond. She hadn’t even known such a bond existed, but she couldn’t have been happier that destiny had paired her with Clint. What girl wouldn’t want a dragon, and a kind, handsome one at that? Sunny had been
given more than she could have hoped for.

  Now, she was hoping that Clint would keep going with those delicious lips of his. He had moved them to her neck, and was gently nibbling. Shivers of pleasure went up and down her spine, and she closed her eyes to let the wonder of it all wash over her. She could hear his ragged breathing. He was hungry. Hungry for her. He pushed her backward on the couch, moving his hands to unbutton and unzip her jeans. He moved with her, though, leaning down so that his lips never left her neck even as his hands began to undress her. His breath was warm, and she could feel it tickling her skin. She shivered again.

  As he continued to undress her, his movements tender and deliberate, she could feel herself growing wetter and wetter between her legs. She had never felt so wanted, and she was surprised to discover just how much of a turn-on it was to be wanted. To be truly desired by a man, and not just treated like some sort of convenient plaything. Clint wanted her badly. The fire in his eyes left no doubt about that. Nor did the stiffness of his huge erection, which came into full, glorious view as he tore his own clothes off. They were both ready for each other. She with her slick entrance throbbing in anticipation, and he with his rock hard shaft ready to slide into her.

  Clint let out a low growl, and some deeply primal instinct seemed to overcome him. He climbed over Sunny on the couch, and paused for just a moment to run his teeth across her breasts, nibbling gently, before slamming into her. Sunny gasped and moaned as the pleasure of him inside of her instantly overwhelmed her. He pushed against her wet, warm inner walls and thrust, deeper and deeper, reaching further and further into her. Warm, tingling pressure filled her, and she bit her lip to keep from screaming. There was a confidence and authority in his movements that turned her on even more. He was claiming her, and she knew it. And it was damn sexy.

  When he bent his neck down again so that he could nibble on her nipples while he moved inside of her, Sunny could no longer take it. The cocktail of tingling hot sensations was too much and her release exploded inside her without warning. She did scream then, arching her back and pushing her hips up against his as her inner muscles clenched around him. Shudders of pure ecstasy passed through her, and she wrapped her arms tightly around Clint’s neck. She wanted to hold onto him, and onto this sensation, for as long as she could.


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