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Dragon Protecting (Torch Lake Shifters Book 4)

Page 11

by Sloane Meyers

  He followed closely behind her, letting out a loud roar as he came into her. She could feel him pulsing inside of her, and his breathing became more uneven as the passion of the moment overcame him as well. They held each other tightly, bodies intertwined as they gave in to the waves of pure ecstasy that washed over them. Even when the intensity of the moment was over, Clint didn’t pull away. He lay there, resting inside her, for a long time. Finally, he sat up slowly, wiping a thin layer of sweat off his brow as he did. He smiled down at her, looking adorable with his thick hair sticking out in every possible direction.

  “I could definitely get used to coming home to that,” he said, then winked. “I might even forget to be angry that I don’t have the street to myself anymore.”

  She reached behind her and threw one of the couch’s throw pillows right in his face, but he barely even blinked. He just threw back his head and laughed, then tackled her again and started tickling her. Sunny laughed, squealed and tried to wriggle away, but it was impossible to escape. Clint laughed, too. And when he finally stopped tickling her and she had stopped thrashing around, he bent down and whispered in her ear. “Welcome to the neighborhood, Sexy.”

  And what a wonderful welcome it had been.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Four weeks later, Sunny no longer felt like an outsider in Torch Lake. She’d even taken time to get her flying license so she could zoom around on her broomstick without worrying about getting a ticket. She knew her way around the city, and was learning some of the shortcuts that only the locals used. She also had a favorite pizza place, a favorite bar, and, of course, a favorite coffee shop—the Bewitched Bean. She no longer worked there, but she stopped in quite often for a Mystical Mint Mocha.

  Torch Lake’s High Council had paid her generously for her part in the mission that had rescued Barnabas, so Sunny no longer had to worry about how she was going to pay her bills. She still wasn’t sure what she was going to do for a career, though. Clint had been busy helping several teams prepare for more dragon recruitment missions. Now that the Dark Warriors had lost Barnabas, everyone hoped the Torch Lake Dragon Recovery Specialists would be able to actually recruit some new dragons. The High Council had told Sunny they would be asking her for help soon, but they needed time to help Barnabas recover and figure out what place ancient magic was going to play in Torch Lake.

  Sunny’s heart leapt when she finally got a call to come in and see the High Council. She’d been bored the last few weeks, without even lattes to make. She’d tried her hand at training Mocha better, but that dog was as stubborn as they came. Hopefully the High Council had figured out a job that would keep her busy.

  When she arrived in the High Council’s conference room, she was pleased to see Barnabas sitting there, too. He looked much healthier now than even the last time Sunny had visited him in the hospital—and that had only been a week ago.

  “Barnabas!” she said, rushing to embrace him. “It’s so good to see you. How are you?”

  “Much better. Stronger every day,” he said as he patted her back.

  Sunny sat beside him, happy to be with her old mentor again. After everything she’d lost, the last few weeks had been like a breath of fresh air. She’d discovered Barnabas was still alive, and she and Clint had fallen in love. Now, she was about to be offered some sort of official job in Torch Lake, and she had a feeling it would pay much better than her coffee shop job had paid. Life was pretty good.

  “Sunny, thank you for coming,” Head Councilor Morgan said. “We asked you to come here today because we have a proposal that we hope you will be excited about. We’ve already talked to Barnabas and he has agreed, but we’ll need your help too if we’re going to make this work.”

  “Okay,” Sunny said, shifting nervously in her seat and telling herself over and over not to tap her fingers on the table in front of her.

  Councilor Morgan smiled broadly. “Sunny, we’d like to open an Academy of Ancient Magic right here in Torch Lake. And we’d like you to be a professor there.”

  Sunny’s jaw dropped. This had not been what she’d expected at all. She’d thought that she would probably be offered some sort of job defending the city, or perhaps using her ancient magic skills to help with dragon recruitment efforts. She had never expected this.

  “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  And she didn’t. Being a full time professor at an Ancient Magic Academy had been her dream job. She’d been a junior professor back in Eagle Thicket, but she knew this was different. This position would be much more. She and Barnabas were the only two who knew ancient magic, so if Sunny agreed to this she would be an integral part of the academy. But she could already feel her old self-doubts starting to creep in. Yes, she had a master’s and had been highly regarded as an ancient magic expert in Eagle Thicket. But was she really ready to be in charge of training up the entire next generation of ancient magic wizards? She looked over at Barnabas, hoping for some guidance. How did he feel about her teaching ancient magic? He smiled and laughed when he saw her face.

  “Still working on your confidence, eh? You always were much too critical of yourself, Sunny. I wouldn’t be agreeing to do this if I didn’t think you had what it took to help me. I’m an old man, and I can’t manage this on my own. But you are young, smart and talented. Together, we can get this university off the ground. You always said you wanted to really make a difference in the world, Sunny, and this is your chance. Unless we train up new wizards, ancient magic will die with us. You owe it to the wizard community to do this. You have great knowledge, and it is your responsibility to stand up courageously and pass it on.”

  Sunny bit her lower lip, still nervous. But she had already made her decision. Barnabas was right—she owed this to the wizard community. And besides, if being with Clint had taught her anything, it was that sometimes the craziest chances were the ones most worth taking.

  “Okay,” she said. “I’ll do it. Torch Lake Academy of Ancient Magic, here I come.”

  The room broke out in cheers, and Sunny couldn’t help but smile. Destiny had been making up for lost time with her, it would seem. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  * * *

  “You are looking at the newest professor for the Torch Lake Academy of Ancient Magic.” Sunny grinned proudly as she stood in the late afternoon sunlight that streamed onto Clint’s porch.

  Clint whooped and pulled her into a giant hug. He’d heard rumors that the High Council was going to start an Ancient Magic Academy, but he hadn’t wanted to say anything to Sunny in case the rumors weren’t true. But now, he had confirmation.

  “I am so proud of you. I know it hasn’t been easy to put yourself out there as an expert in ancient magic, but this is really important work you’re doing. It’s going to make all of us stronger against the forces of evil.”

  “Thanks,” Sunny said, lowering her lashes and looking down at her feet. “I’ll admit I’m nervous, but I’m also excited. It’s pretty much my dream job.”

  “Dream job for my dream girl,” Clint said, planting a big kiss on her lips. “You’re going to be amazing at it. When do you start?”

  “Well, the Academy won’t open for another year, but Barnabas and I are going to start working on the curriculum right away.”

  Clint nodded. “That’s awesome. You two work great together.”

  “Yeah, it’s going to be a lot of fun. I have to say, I never could have imagined how perfectly things would turn out when I moved to Torch Lake. But I’m excited about the future for the first time since the War started.”

  “I’m glad you moved here, too. And I’m glad you’re liking it. So…would now be a good time to ask you when you’re going to move in with me?”

  Sunny looked up at him and her eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yes, of course, really. I have plenty of room here. And I own the house. No sense in you continuing to lease the place next door when you’re always over here anyway.”

  Sunny’s smi
le widened, and Clint felt like his heart expanded at least ten sizes. She was so beautiful, and she was his!

  “Alright. I’ll do it. This weekend I’ll pack up my things and move on over.”

  Clint whooped again, and pulled Sunny into his arms for another kiss. This time, the kiss quickly started to turn into something more. He felt a stiffening between his legs, and he heard Sunny moan softly as he slipped his tongue between her lips. Before things could get too serious, though, he heard an all-too familiar snorting and scraping sound. Sunny groaned and pulled back from him.

  “Mocha!” they both shouted in unison. They looked over the side of the porch to find Mocha looking up at them with a muddy snout, happily wagging her tail.

  Clint let out an exasperated sigh. “Yup, you might as well move over, since your dog already feels quite at home here.”

  Sunny shrugged. “You know you love her.”

  “I do. But I’m still signing her up for obedience lessons with me next week. She needs some manners.”

  Sunny laughed. “Whatever you say.” Then she ran a finger tantalizingly down his chest. “Now, where we again?”

  “Exactly where we’re supposed to be,” Clint replied, then put his lips back on hers.

  She’d turned out to be the best neighbor ever.

  Thank You For Reading!

  Book Five in the Torch Lake Shifters series, will be coming in January 2018!

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  More Books by Sloane Meyers

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  About the Author

  There are shifters walking among us. Sloane Meyers is devoted to telling their stories.

  Sloane thinks we could all use a little escape in our lives. And what better way to shake up the ordinary than to transport yourself to the mysterious world of those who have an animal within them, roaring to be let out. Sloane brings you hot shifter males, and spunky, spirited heroines—with NO cliffhangers! Each book can be read as a standalone.

  When she’s not busy crafting shifter tales, Sloane enjoys a good glass of wine, preferably shared with good friends. She loves reading (duh!) and spending time in the great outdoors.

  Want more interaction? Visit Sloane on her website,, and be sure to find her on Facebook at




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