ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary) Page 4

by Wanda Edmond

  “So your not going to forget about me once we reach Paris,” He eyed her nervously, fearful this would end here in this castle where it had begun, “I heard those French men can be quiet the charmers.”

  “The only thing I care about is the fashion,” She laughed and set down the sweater she was folding, “Those men have their French woman to woo.”

  Matt gave a deep laugh and pulled her closely to his chest, feeling the heat of his body as rubbed against him. Her body turned on instantly and she could already feel the wetness growing alongside her love. He kissed her deeply, caressing her check with the back of his large hand and then gazed into her beautiful eyes once more.

  “I think we should wait to tell my dad and your mom about this.” She smiled warmly, “At least until you and I see where this is going to lead.”

  “I agree,” He caught himself, “About waiting to tell them that is. I have no clue how they are going to react finding out there kids are in a love affair. Plus I don’t think your dad fully trusts me around you.”

  Kelsey raised an eyebrow in amusement, “Oh and you think he should? You took his daughter in the forest remember?”

  Matt rubbed his neck nervously and gave a laugh, then pulled her into him once more. He leaned in for another long kiss, savoring her taste before another long flight would keep them momentarily apart. He wanted this woman, not just in bed, but also as his for the rest of his life. Kelsey looked up into those irresistible eyes once more, her fear and conflict still looming in the background, but she had elected to keep an open mind. There were two more weeks abroad to find out just where this love affair was going to lead, though she still had reservations about the return home, and that was plenty of time to find out if there was love in the cards for her after all. She returned his kiss and inhaled his scent, knowing that once traveling again it would be impossible to taste him again until they reached Paris. She rubbed her nose against his and gave a long sigh, unwilling to let his arms release her. They stood together, watching their final sunset over the fields of Germany, excited for their future adventures and yet cautious of what love was going to bring.

  Chapter 7

  The jet screeched to a halt on the runway and Kelsey jolted from her sleep. She opened her crystal blue and blinked, gazing across at her secret love Matt with a groggy smile. He remained still, unmoved from his rest buy the quaking entrance to the Paris airport. She rose and stretched, just as the stewardess announced their arrival.

  “Thank you again ladies and gentlemen. We have now arrived in Paris, France and will be debarking shortly. Hope that you have enjoyed your flight.” She chirped through the speaker.

  Her family vacation to Europe, celebrating her father’s third marriage to his new Elena and Kelsey’s graduation from Harvard, had taken an unexpected twist when a secret love affair began between Kelsey and her handsome stepbrother Matt. The two ended their interesting adventure in the castles of Germany with a vow to let things happen as they would between them, and to keep the love from their parents until they were sure where it would lead. Kelsey watched as Matt finally awoke and gazed at her with his beautiful blue eyes still full of sleep. His thigh t-shirt showed every ripple of his muscular body as he raised his arms high above head for a long stretch and yawn. The final day in Germany had been exhausting, and the two took advantage of the flight as a chance to rest up before reaching the city of love. For Kelsey, this was an adventure in her passion, excitedly anticipating a week of shopping in the hub of the fashion world. Her father gave a laugh and broke her from her hungry stare.

  “Finally here,” He chuckled and eyed Kelsey happily, “Excited to indulge yourself in some shopping?”

  Kelsey nodded, a widening grin quickly spreading across her face. The flight attendant guided them from the plane and towards an awaiting car. There were many perks growing up the daughter of a successful business man as her father had executed a little abuse of power and used the company’s jet to fly them on their overseas adventure. She had modeled her future around him and upon return, would be starting a position with one of the most well known electronic companies in Silicon Valley. She watched out the car window as the old streets of Paris blurred by, heading towards L’Hotel, an exclusive and quaint hotel just minutes from the train station that would take her on her shopping adventures. The car stopped abruptly in front of the double doors and Kelsey gazed up with a smile. The hotel was once the home of a famous Paris resident and stood looming over the others on the street. She eyed the thick white marble exterior and iron walk out balconies. It had a romantic and yet humble feel, representing the feel of Paris well. Inside her father chatted with the hotel manager and she smiled at the royal feel of the lobby. Long velvet curtains draped the windows, and marble and gold pillars separated each area. A mini bar was stationed directly across from the entrance with a single, attractive worker cleaning glasses with a smile. They each took their room key and headed up the narrow staircase to find their rooms.

  Kelsey gasped as she entered, admiring the romantic and comfortable feel of her room. A welcomed change from the rustic castle they had stayed the week prior. The walls were decorated in long flowing cloth, garnished at the top with golden tassels that arched as they lined the area. Her bed, a queen sized layout, was dotted with matching pillows and a lacy comforter. She laughed and tossed herself on the bed, allowing the fact that she was finally in Paris to sink in. Outside her balcony she heard the sounds of honking cars and horse hooves on the old cobblestone pavement from the horse draw carriages passing by. She could smell freshly baked bread and the rose bush set delicately outside. This really is the city of love. She smiled even brighter. After unpacking her three loaded suitcases she grinned down at the empty bags. I am going to have to buy a forth suitcase to carry all the clothes and shoes I buy while here. It was evening and she headed down to meet the group for dinner, her heart still racing. She wore tight jeans and a lacy top, straight from the top designer in California, along with her new boots and jewelry purchased at the renaissance festival. Matt smiled happily as she approached the table.

  “This is so beautiful.” She glanced around at the lace daunted table clothes and comfy armchairs of the dining room. Each table had a burning candle as its centerpiece and the smells of fresh lavender filled the room, mixing with the scent of French cuisine.

  “It’s very romantic.” Matt eyed her with a playful look of hunger in his eyes.

  Kelsey blushed.

  “So what are your plans my dear?” Her father laughed, “As if I have to ask.”

  “Tomorrow I’ll take the train into the center of town where all the stores are and walk around a while.” She grinned.

  “Good, that’s what I thought you would say.” Daemon reached into his pocket, pulling out a silver and red credit card, “Take this but please don’t break the bank. And Matt? Could you escort her please the city is no place for a girl with an unlimited card who can’t speak French.”

  Kelsey’s heart sank as she had half hoped to experience this part of the trip alone without dragging anyone along. She eyed Matt, who happily agreed, the smile widening on his face. At least there won’t be many opportunities to show off his manhood here. She laughed to herself and sampled the delicate meal. She was puzzled by his reaction to being asked to get dragged around on a girl’s shopping spree, something a tough man from the Navy Seals wouldn’t be expected to look forward too. Matt ate hungrily, watching the way the candlelight dancing over her soft skin and breasts, wanting to take her right there in the chair. He resisted, knowing they had agreed to keep their love under wraps until they decided things would pan out. Though he wasn’t looking forward to a day spent in clothing stores, he was anticipating a romantic day alone with his new and stunningly beautiful love. Once dinner was complete, Kelsey headed upstairs for an early, eagerly anticipating an early start to her shopping. The last week, with no Internet and no decent stores within a hundred miles, had left her craving civilization and some much neede
d spending. Suddenly she felt strong hands clasp around her waist as she fumbled with her door key. She gasped and turned to find Matt grinning from ear to ear.

  “You can’t go to bed without a goodnight kiss now can you?” He giggled playfully

  He cupped her chin in his soft, strong hand and guided her lips to his, planting a long wet kiss on her lips. She inhaled his scent, feeling the lust rising between her legs once again. I have to fight it for now. She thought to herself, attempting to keep her focus on the shopping mission at hand. With a wink he disappeared down the dimly lit hallway to his room and closed the door. Kelsey stood in the hallway a moment, feeling the conflictions rising once more in her chest. Growing up she hadn’t believed in love, watching her father womanize after the death of her mother. But now Matt had begun to make her doubt her beliefs that career was everything. She sighed and entered her room, her head spinning once again.

  Chapter 8

  Bright and early the two headed for the train station and boarded for the main shopping hub of Paris. As her first stop, one of which she planned to return frequently, was Canal Saint-Martin and Rue Beaureparie, the premier spot for designer clothing and accessories. Kelsey watched wide-eyed as she and Matt passed through the neighborhood, a host to many of the up and coming artist and designers, as well as home to the “Who’s who” of the world. Down the cobblestone streets they marched, Daemon’s credit card burning an irresistible hole in her backpack as she recognized such names as Antoine ET Lili and Liza Korn. She felt like a kid in a candy store with more pocket money than she could have ever saved herself. After exhausting herself in a set a smaller shops on the East end, she and Matt stopped at a quiet café’ for some lunch and to cool her burning heels. The leather boots from her last venture at the old world market were cute, but not practically designed for a day of walking. I will have to wear tennis shoes tomorrow. She laughed and rubbed her heels as the waiter took their order in choppy English. Matt had been rather quiet all morning, watching quietly in fascination at the way her eyes seemed to light up whenever she came across something new for her collection. He listened to her chat on about who were the top designers and descriptions of their lines, knowing that this was Kelsey’s way of sharing something with her late mother. Finally he grinned and leaned across the table, playfully kissing the top of her delicate hand. She froze to stare at him, amused.

  “What was that for?” She laughed.

  “It’s that how you greet a beautiful lady in Paris?” He teased. “Besides, watching you where you’re more at home, and in the heat of your passions, makes you even more beautiful than ever as if that was possible.”

  Kelsey was only slightly amused by his flattery. She still held on to her suspicions that Matt’s feelings were nothing more than a distraction on this long journey overseas. That once they returned to their lives in California she also suspected that he would return to the same player he had been when they first met, a womanizer just like her father. She smiled politely and sipped her iced coffee. He looked slightly hurt by her lack of response. If he would have said that to any of his past romances they would have been butter in his hands. But not Kelsey, she wasn’t taken by the usual tricks of the game, one of the many things he was beginning to love about her.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he smiled again, shaking off the offense, “Your dad and my mom are headed out tonight to some fancy opera my mom is dying to see. I have something planned for us to do in the meantime.”

  “And what would that be?” She leaned in to gaze intently into his blue eyes.

  “That’s for me to know and you to discover.” He laughed, standing up to continue his unusual adventure in the female world, “Just come to my room at 8 sharp, please.”

  She followed along the streets, stopping in a few shops for artwork and unique home items. She paused to browse the artisan jewelry stands lining the open area before the two circled back towards the train station. Kelsey knew she would be returning to the quaint shopping hub multiple times and grinned at the day’s prizes. Back at the hotel Matt disappeared almost immediately, rushing to his room, while she greeted her father and stepbrother warmly. Daemon was looking handsome in a tuxedo he had rented for the gala night, while her new stepmother wore a shimmering gown that flowed onto the floor. Kelsey gave them both a compliment and headed upstairs to take stock of her latest trends and wait for evening and Matt’s surprise. She pondered as she showered, what could he possibly be planning other than a night of rough sex? She laughed to herself thinking of how at home he had been in the world of barbarians in Germany. After a hot shower she dressed in her sexiest mini skirt, paired with a favorite pair of new high-heeled boots that stopped just below her knee and a cute lacy top to tie up the look. She glanced at herself once last time and headed out towards Matt’s room. With a soft knock he answered with a smile, dressed in a nice green dress shirt and khaki pants, looking handsome in the dim light. Her heart raced.

  “Well good evening ma’am,” he bowed and laughed, “Please do come in, dinner is being served.”

  Kelsey gaped at the scene he had set up. There in the center of his royal blue room was a table for two, lining with the same lacy tablecloth from the dining room and soft chairs for eating. The room was lit completely by candles and shimmered off every inch of the small area. He had the balcony opened wide, allowing the smells of flowers and chirping crickets to fill the room with nature’s own melodies. In the background she could hear soft music from his cellphones Mp4 player, a romantic harmony of violins and Chellos. He pulled out her chair and motioned for her to sit. It was amazing the effort Matt had put into this romantic dinner, and her heart fluttered slightly, experiencing for the first time what a man in love was really capable of when he put his mind to it. The effort alone was enough to scream out his real feelings to her. Maybe I was too quick to assume. She found herself doubting her assumptions about Matt’s personality. Matt returned, carrying two large silver-covered platters and set one down gentle at each place. He sat down and grinned, folding his hands together and waiting anxiously for her to open it.

  “I did a little research and found out that you love pasta, specifically chicken fettuccini Alfredo, so I asked the cook if he could whip up some for tonight.” Matt beamed with pride, “I hope that was right I got it from your dad.”

  The delicious smells of milky sauce and sharp spices filled her nose as she glanced down at the lavishly designed plate. She gazed back at her sexy man once more, still in shock from the gesture of it all and smiled warmly, “It’s perfect. I can’t believe you went to all this trouble.”

  The two ate their meals, playfully chatting about unimportant business as he eyed her hungrily from the other side of the table. He licked his lips, sending shivers of lust down her spine as she finished her last bite. The bottle of wine he had picked out for the occasion had a sweet taste of aged grapes and was now nearly gone, the warming sensation of the cool drink making her calm and almost soothed into a lull of love and happiness. Matt suddenly rose and walked to her side, offering her hand and lifting her to her feet. He pulled her close into his arms and inhaled the sweet smell of hair deeply. With a single strong hand he pulled her chin upwards, planting a deep and passionate kiss on her ruby red lips. She let out a whimper and then a long moan, the wetness already building between her thighs. With a swoop she was up in his arms and being carried over to the bed, Kelsey giggling at the motion as it made her head spin. He placed her down on the soft comforter and eyed her with love and desire. Kelsey glanced up, her deep blue eyes shimmering in the candlelight. She looks so beautiful. He grinned down at his stunning love sprawled out on the bed.

  “I am going to pleasure you like you have never felt Kelsey.” He growled and slid his hands up her thighs until they disappeared below her miniskirt.

  His hands found her sweet spot and circled her clitoris slowly. Kelsey’s head fell backwards into the softness, savoring the satisfying caress of his fingertips. He pulled the mini skirt
from her, grinning momentarily at the lack of panties below and peeled off the lacy top, allowing it fall to the floor. With her eyes burning towards him he undressed, allowing her to take in the whole of his solid, shaped body. His muscles flexed under the movement budging in all the right places. She wanted to reach up and taste every inch of his golden skin, but Matt quickly pushed her shoulders back down the bed once more, shaking his head playfully. He left a wet trail of kisses up her thighs, teasing her mound with the anticipation and continuing to caress her pussy as he taunted. Finally his tongue ran along her quivering crevice and Kelsey gasped at the sudden wave of pleasure. Matt continued to lick and nip relentlessly listened to her breathing as it became rapid and desperate. Finally she released, the surging pleasure of orgasm rushing through her like a title wave. She cried out to the ceiling. He watched a moment as the surges continued, then rose to mount her shaking body. With a slow pressure his huge manhood slid easily into her, still wet from the pleasure. Kelsey let out a whimper, still adjusting to his large size. He planted another deep kiss on her supple lips, playing warmly with her breasts while he waited for her body to completely give in to him. As the intense pressure released, Kelsey felt full and ready for more. He grinned and continued his accost on her body.

  “I want you to take me hard Matt,” She cried out in a frenzy of lust, “Hard and fast.”

  “As you wish.” He growled and bit at her neck.

  His thrusts began deep and hard, rapidly pressing his manhood into her and filling her body full with desire. The pressure built once more, bringing her closer to cum with every motion. She felt the heat of his cock as it assaulted her with pleasure and heard his rapid breathing increase. Finally she came, calling out his name into the night air. Matt thrust once more, grunting in satisfaction at the sudden feeling of releasing his hot manhood into her. They lay together quivering from the satisfaction and panting from the heat and pleasure of one another’s bodies.


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