ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary)

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ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary) Page 9

by Wanda Edmond

  “Wow you are such a hard worker,” He grinned and leaned in a little closer to whisper, “That is a valued trait in both men and woman here.”

  Her heart leapt when he neared, close enough to smell his scent and her body peaked with lust. She would fit in nicely in this little village only there were no large companies to take over and no success to be had, unless you count the winery. She smiled politely but could feel her cheeks beginning to flush. Antonio leaned back and continued the conversation. Matt was enraged, watching what was clearly a move in her direction from the car across the street. He knew that the boy was up to something and now he was sure of it. After their meal, Antonio took the long way back to the cabin, showing her more of the town’s rich heritage and culture as they drove. Soon they turned and headed back towards her cabin where he dropped her off with a polite hug. She smiled as she headed inside. The entire day had not been at all what she expected, or feared, and was actually glad she had taken the little adventure.

  “Where’s Matt?” She glanced around the room nervously, half expected to walk into a scowl.

  “Oh he had some business in town dear,” Elena smiled brightly as if she knew a secret, “He should be along shortly. Come and sit with us, tell us about your day.”

  Matt returned just as Kelsey finished her story and rushed past to his room without so much as a hello. He had something grasped tightly in his hand, a ring in a velvet box that he had to hide before she became suspicious. Kelsey’s heart leapt at his coldness towards her, fleeing the room so fast. She knew it had to do with her day with Antonio and rushed to explain that he had been a gentleman. She knocked softly on his door and Matt frantically hit the ring in his bag.

  “Come in.” He cleared his throat.

  Chapter 17

  Kelsey closed the door softly behind her and stared deeply into his saddened blue eyes. She could read his face like a book, the jealous and hurt was there for all to see. She walked towards his and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. He barely returned the hug, still teeming over her spending the day with that attractive local player. She glanced up, her eyes sparkling a desperate plea of forgiveness that made his heart melt.

  “So,” He tried to stay mad, “How was your day around town with Antonio?”

  “It was interesting,” she sighed, “The winery was actually kind of interesting, and I have never seen anything like that. But nothing happened Matt, he took me for lunch after the tour and then brought me back.”

  He wanted to mention the lean in he had seen, but it would give away that he was spying, so he kept quiet and stepped away from her grasp. Kelsey felt shunned by his move, and angry, since it was her father that agreed she would go in the first place.

  “Hey don’t get mad at me,” She tried to keep her voice steady, “I didn’t ask to go on this trip and he didn’t even make a move on me.”

  “I highly doubt that,” He growled, “look at you, you’re still blushing.”

  “I’m flushed because I’m mad Matt,” She folded her arms and scowled, “and maybe I should be asking you where you were all day?”

  Matt froze, not only could he not tell her had been spying, but he had also picked up her secret ring while there. He pondered an excuse but couldn’t think of anything fast enough.

  “You’re dad sent me on an errand.” He finally snapped.

  Kelsey’s tone softened, believing the story and the two stood silently staring at one another a moment. Matt’s anger eased up, knowing that even though it looked as if the man had made a pass, she hadn’t responded to it. It wasn’t her fault. He reminded himself. He lunged forward and pulled her into his arms, locking the door from behind her back. She gasped at his sudden touch, feeling the warmth of his skin on hers and she did her best to play it off that she was still angry. He laughed at her scowl and pulled her lips up to meet his, tasting her sweetness deeply. His tongue danced with hers as he walked her over to his bed and pushed her down on the covers. She gazed up at him, her blue eyes filled with desire, and watched as he stripped down for her eyes to feed on the sight. His washboard stomach stood rippling with his soft skin and suddenly she felt a deep wave of lust building. Without a word he removed her clothes, piece by piece and watched hungrily as each part of her beautiful body was revealed to him. He kissed and sucked roughly on her hardening nipples, still heated from the jealously and the argument between them. Her heart beat widely in her chest, the wetness already building from his rough attack of her body. Before mounting her, he leaned down to stare intently into her eyes, cupping her soft skin on her cheeks with both hands.

  “You’re still mine, right?” He looked at her with a plea in his eyes.

  “Yes my love,” She sighed, her body on fire with need, “I am still yours.”

  With a swift thrust his thick cock was inside her once more, the springs of the old bed groaning under his rough, fast thrusts. He couldn’t help himself, the adrenaline still running through his veins he wanted to take her body hard and rough, show her why he was the one for her and light her body up with pleasure. She moaned and tossed her head from side to side under his relentless attack on her wet pussy. She could feel him fill her fully with each glide of his hard cock into her, pressing deeply against the core of her desire. She couldn’t take the pressure and grasped the bed, biting her lips to keep from screaming as she burst into a wild orgasm. It continued to build rather than slow and with each slam of his solid hips the intense pleasure seemed to rush through like a title wave. He cried out softly and filled her body with his cum. Shaking and twitching from the release and grasping the covers above her head. The two sat still a moment, feeling the sensational pleasure one another brought to their lovemaking. Kelsey kept her eyes tightly closed, desperately trying to calm the quivering of her body, and savoring this moment of released tension. She hoped that would be the end of the issue with Antonio and Matt’s jealously issues.

  Since their love is no longer a secret, Kelsey curled up into Matt’s arms, deciding to stay there for the night. She needed to feel him close to her while she struggled with unwanted thought of Antonio. His sweet personality and charming life, not to mention his gorgeous looks, were all growing on her like a fog. She was doubting her feelings for Matt were real. If I can want this man, then am I really in love with Matt like I thought? She closed her eyes tightly; wishing the terrible thoughts would just drift away just as they had came. Matt held her tightly until he was sure she was fast asleep, then slowly crept from the bed. He couldn’t sleep, rolling the events and this stranger over and over in his head. It was plaguing him and the strange, gut feeling was building more with each thought. He needed some air and headed out past the dark living room to the night sky outside. Down the hiking trial he wandered, his mind racing and playing over the conversations like a broken record. He also thought of the ring, wondering if now was really the best time to pop the question, with this new man getting in the way of their love.

  Soon he rounded a corner and found himself at the edge of the vineyards where he and Kelsey had made passionate love. He could see a campfire from between the thick vines and hear voices wafting through the air, one of which he was sure was Antonio’s. Using his skills from the Navy Seals, he crept quietly along the ground to get a closer look and listen in on the conversation. As he approached, he noticed Antonio pacing by the fire, with two other younger men sitting nearby watching him as he moved.

  “You don’t understand I have to have this woman.” He spoke in English, “She is a rose among roses.”

  The one man laughed loudly, “You have to have to every woman tourist that comes this way Antonio. Maybe this one is just out of your reach?”

  “Hah” he chugged a bottle of wine and glared at his friend menacingly, “No woman is out of my reach. They all fall for it eventually. That sweet, shy Italian boy act gets them opening their legs to me every time.”

  “And what about the boyfriend? He looks like a brute.” The second boy chimed in, slurring his word
s from clearly too much wine.

  “They have all had boyfriend Giorgio,” He laughed sarcastically, “The sneak off for a little vacation fun. This one is no different. Oh I want to taste that sweetness so badly.”

  “Then you’d better hurry up good man,” The boy chimed in again, “They leave in two days.”

  “I know that idiot,” He snarled, “But I have a plan. She likes to take long walks in the forest and that’s my chance.”

  Matt had heard enough and slunk back into the shadows, his blood boiling to the brim. He knew that if he attacked this womanizer that it would only look bad on his part, as some not warranted attack from his jealously. No this time he had to go about this differently, other than violence. So as much as he wanted to leap from his hiding place like a tiger and beat his face bloody for even thinking he would have his love, he turned and headed back down the trail towards the cabin. He would tell Kelsey in private what he had heard and seen in the woods first thing in the morning and end this before the man had a chance to make his move. Back inside he slunk through the darkened hallway and slid back under the covers, pulling her naked body close to him so that he could feel her near. His mind was racing too much to fall asleep right away, so he lay there just savoring her as she peacefully slept. He had come too far and put too much heart into this beautiful woman to let some punk Italian boy swoop in and snatch her away.


  The following morning, as he watched her dress, he swallowed hard and rose to hold her.

  “I have to tell you something important Kelsey,” His eyes shown with worry, “Last night after you fell asleep I couldn’t get to bed so I went for a walk down that trail near the house.”

  “Ok,” Kelsey smiled and wrapped her long hair up into a ponytail, “That’s fine dear.”

  “Well that’s not all,” His voice was so serious that Kelsey was forced to stop and look at his, noticing the fear in his eyes for the first time, “I came across your friend Antonio and a few of his pals.”

  “Oh no,” She sat down and glared at him, “What did you do?”

  Matt looked hurt and angry, “I didn’t do anything I just listened. They were drunk and hanging out in the vineyard at a campfire. I heard that guy bragging to his buddies how he was going to sleep with you before we leave. He was saying he slept with all the young woman tourists and how much he wanted to taste you.”

  “Come on Matt,” She stood up, the frustration in her eyes, “I know your jealous of him but there is no way that shy guy said all that. And even if you did see them, maybe you just took what you heard wrong is all. I understand you’re pissed off because he wants to be my friend but there is nothing else to it.”

  “This isn’t some jealously scheme Kelsey, come on, you know me better than that,” He growled and chased her towards the door as she attempted to make a hasty exit, “If I was that mad I would have just kicked his ass and got it over with. But no, I decided to let you make your own decision, thinking you would trust my word. Guess I was mistaken huh.”

  “You’re right,” She shouted angrily, “It is my decision. And until I see something out of the usual than there is nothing to be said. Just drop it.”

  “I think you like the attention then,” He snapped, the words spewing out like venom before he even thought through what he was going to say.

  Kelsey could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as his words cut through her like daggers. Never before had someone she loved so deeply been so cruel to her, suggesting that her friendship with the local was her getting off on having two men fight over her. That wasn’t her way of doing things and until Matt she didn’t even give one man the time of day, let alone two. She stormed from the room, running past her parents as they looked up from their reading startled. She headed out the front door without a word, and let the tears roll down her soft cheeks. I’m not going to let him see me cry over that. She commanded herself and jogged on towards the trail. She stopped when the cabin was finally out of sight and sobbed into her delicate hands.

  Chapter 18

  Matt paced the living room nervously, it had been an hour since Kelsey had stormed out of the house and considering what he had heard, she wasn’t safe out in the woods alone. He raced towards the door and headed out to find her, fearful that Antonio had found her first. As he marched along, he could hear heated voices in the distance and his steps quickened.

  “I said no!” Kelsey shouted, making a feeble attempt to push Antonio away.

  He had her pinned against a large tree, clasping her hands tightly and leaning in to force a kiss. She squirmed and titled her head, refusing his passed. In frustration he slammed her back against the tree, the bark scraping at her shirt.

  “I took you on a tour, spent all this time with you,” He leaned in once more, “I expect to get something in return.”

  “Screw off,” She struggled again, only his strength was too much for her fight back, “Matt was right about you.”

  “See dear?” Matt stood glaring at Antonio on the trail, his thick arms folded across his chest, “I told you not to trust him.”

  Matt didn’t wait for an explanation and lunged towards them, grasped Antonio by the neck and ripping him from away from his love. The two men prepared to fight, circling one another and scuffing up dirt from the trail. Kelsey stood helplessly watching, ashamed she had not listened to her love in the first place and disgusted with Antonio’s true colors. Antonio swung hard, but Matt was too quick, dodging the punch and sending him whirling in a circle. He lunged forward and grabbed the momentarily stunned man by the neck, landing a swift punch on his jaw in the process. Antonio howled in pain and cupped his face as Matt released him.

  “I hope this teaches you punk,” Matt panted from the strain, “That you should be careful whose woman you try to bait.”

  Antonio made another attempt to swing and Matt quickly countered with another swift punch, this time square in the handsome man’s nose. He shouted out and fell to his knees, the blood trickling down from his face. Matt walked slowly to Kelsey and grasped her tightly in his arms, thankful she was unharmed. He eyed the man still kneeling in the dirt with a scowl and walked Kelsey back down the trail. She cuddled in his strong arm as they walked, scolding herself for even doubting that Matt was the real man she had been searching for. Yes he was coarse and rough, but that was really who he was, not like these sheep in wolves clothing. He stopped before they reached the trails end and gazed into her eyes.

  “I am so sorry Kelsey,” He sighed, “For what I said this morning. I was just upset you weren’t listening to me.”

  “And I should have listened,” She looked down at her feet, “I will learn to trust your word from now on.”

  “I love you so much,” the tears began to well up in her eyes once again and she kissed his soft lips.

  With a smile, Matt suddenly knelt down on one knee. From his pocket he pulled out a small, blue velvet box. Kelsey heart was racing in confusion and excitement. Is he proposing to me? Her mind was giddy. She could see his arms were trembling as he looked up at her, fear clear in his eyes.

  “Kelsey I fell for you,” he smiled, “I never expected to find a love like you in my entire life. But you are my one and only. Please take this ring, as a sign that when we return home I will devote my time to you and no one else will ever lead me astray. I know you have a lot going on and I want to support you in that, not take you from it. We can work as a team. Will you marry me?”

  Kelsey stared wide-eyed as he opened the box. Inside was a stunning diamond, shaped into a heart and mounted in shimmering white gold. He looked up nervously at her delayed response.

  “It’s a one of a kind,” He grinned proudly, “The jeweler here in town made it for me. I thought you would appreciate that.”

  Kelsey took the ring from its place and held it in her hand, it was beautiful and so was this tough man kneeling before her. All her life she had placed no value in love and relationships but now she had found the love of her life in t
he most unexpected of places. She slid the ring onto her finger and smiled down at him, her eyes flowing huge tears of joy and her heart filling with so much love that it was going to burst at any moment.

  “Yes Matt,” She choked back her tears, “I will marry you.”

  They held each other tightly on the trail, the sounds of birds chirping and soft winds as they blew through the trees. She savored her love’s touch and inhaled his scent. Closing her eyes she imagined a successful life, one that included her rising to the top of her field and now also spending it with the one man whose love was strong enough to open her heart. They had weathered many storms on what should have been a peaceful vacation and there were more to come when they returned, but she knew that their love was one that could endure. He leaned down and kissed her deeply once more, his heart full of happiness that he was entering the next phase of life with this beautiful, strong woman. She would never forget this venture in Europe and secretly hoped that they would return soon, for their honeymoon this time.

  ~~~ THE END ~~~

  >> Wanda's Other Stepbrother Romance Stories <<

  Note from Author

  I really hope you enjoyed this story. I would really love if you could help support my work by giving me a rating on the store.

  I hope to write many more stepbrother romances so I hope to get as much support as possible.


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