A Blessing for Miriam

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A Blessing for Miriam Page 3

by Jerry S. Eicher

  His face fell. “I’ll miss you all those months, but I understand. The time will fly though. And then we’ll be together on the farm.”

  Miriam smiled. “You know I look forward to that day. So let me ask Mamm. October shouldn’t be too soon for her at all.”

  Wayne found Miriam’s hand again. “The Lord has been in our relationship from the beginning.”

  “Yah, He has,” Miriam whispered. Memories of the first time she’d seen Wayne’s face filled her mind. She looked up at him. “You made quite an impression on me when I arrived in Oklahoma with Shirley.”

  He smiled down at her. “You mean when you arrived with Mr. Whitehorse? I thought you were a vision of heaven when you stepped out of the car.”

  “Wayne,” she scolded, “don’t say such things.”

  He grinned. “You’re a beautiful girl, Miriam. I want you to be my frau—and soon.”

  “Oh, Wayne!” She wanted to wrap her arms around him. It seemed like years since Wayne had really hugged her, and her heart ached for the comfort. But she couldn’t reach for him first. It wouldn’t be right.

  His free hand touched her face. “I love you, Miriam. Don’t ever doubt that. I will always love you with all my heart. Only the Lord will be first before you. I’m so glad you’re okay with a fall wedding date. I know most couples date for longer than a year, but it’s like I know you so well, and…” Wayne’s voice trailed off.

  Miriam caught her breath. His fingers warmed her entire body. She decided she could wait a while longer for the comfort of his arms. October would come soon enough, helped along by the rush of wedding plans. Already she could see the letter she’d write to Mamm. It would be full of questions of where, what, when, and how everything would be done. Mamm would be thrilled. Miriam was sure of that. Mamm had given her approval, and nothing would change now.

  Wayne interrupted her thoughts. “I should meet your parents, you know. What if they don’t approve of me?”

  Miriam laughed. “You don’t have to doubt them, Wayne. Mamm already told me she approves.”

  He didn’t appear convinced. “But they haven’t met me yet.”

  Miriam looked up into his eyes. “Shirley had a lot of gut things to say about you when she got back, and there’s my opinion, of course. Mamm and Daett trust me.”

  Wayne reached out, and Miriam stepped into his arms. He held her tight and whispered into her kapp, “This is a great honor, indeed.”

  Miriam said nothing as she cuddled into him. She wanted this moment to never end.

  Chapter Four

  Later that evening, Miriam and Aunt Fannie were putting supper on the table as the low rumble of Uncle William and Wayne’s voices drifted in from the living room. A plate in Miriam’s hands almost slid from her grasp. She caught it before it crashed to the floor.

  “Slow down!” Aunt Fannie’s order came in a whisper. “What has gotten into you, child?”

  Miriam caught her breath. She could barely say what she was feeling: Excitement! Exhilaration! Euphoria! She was going to marry Wayne! And soon. She turned to Aunt Fannie. “Wayne and I drove to the creek after school. It was wonderful.”

  “I see.” Aunt Fannie didn’t move as she waited for more information.

  Miriam set the plate on the table and stepped closer to her aunt. “Wayne wants a late-October wedding. Tonight I’m going to write Mamm to see if it will suit.”

  A delighted smile crept across Aunt Fannie’s face. “So that’s what all the excitement is about.”

  “Do you think it’s too soon?” Miriam asked. “You seemed to hesitate.”

  Aunt Fannie laughed. “No, I’m not surprised at all. And remember how little your fears about Esther the other evening had to do with reality. I’m excited for you!”

  Miriam let out a breath. “Thanks for hearing me out the other night. It was gut to speak of them, even if they were unfounded.”

  Aunt Fannie looked wise as she shared, “The two of us speaking in private was better than you bringing it up with Wayne. I hope you didn’t mention your fears regarding Esther to him.”

  “No, I didn’t say a word about her.”

  Aunt Fannie resumed supper preparations. “Gut! The less said about her the better. Our people trust in promises given, and Wayne has given his to you twice now. You ought to thank the Lord each day for such a decent, prospective husband.”

  “Oh, I do!” Miriam said dreamily.

  Moments later Aunt Fannie motioned toward the living room. “Call them. We’re ready.”

  Both men looked up when she appeared in the doorway.

  “Supper ready?” Uncle William boomed before Miriam could speak.

  “Yah,” Miriam said with a smile.

  Wayne sent her a quick smile, and Miriam beat a quick retreat, taking her seat at the kitchen table. Aunt Fannie smiled as the men filed in. Baby Jonathon was in Uncle William’s arms.

  Wayne settled into his seat with a pleased look on his face.

  Her intended’s nearness rushed over Miriam.

  Uncle William set baby Jonathon on his blanket beside the kitchen stove. He took his seat and cleared his throat. “We’re so happy to have the two of you here tonight. Right now you’re my favorite couple in the community.” Uncle William chuckled. “Of course, Miriam’s my niece by marriage, and Wayne’s my hired hand as well as my nephew, so maybe that has something to do with it.”

  “We’d still be thrilled,” Aunt Fannie countered. “The whole community is so happy with what the Lord is doing in your lives.”

  Miriam hid her face behind her hands, and everyone laughed. The young woman from Possum Valley wasn’t used to such plain talk about love.

  “I agree with that,” Uncle William continued. “Let’s pray now.”

  They all bowed their heads and Uncle William led out.

  Our gracious and merciful heavenly Father, blessed be Your name. Great is Your lovingkindness toward us. Each morning Your grace is poured out fresh into our lives, for which we express our feeble and inadequate praise. Bless now this evening and the food that Fannie and Miriam have prepared. Be with us as we spend the rest of the evening together. Give us a peaceful sleep tonight. Amen.

  “Amen,” Wayne echoed.

  Miriam kept silent, as did Aunt Fannie. Amish women didn’t participate in public expressions of worship, for which Miriam was grateful. She didn’t know how the men could speak of the Lord’s ways in front of other people. She had a hard enough time talking to God when she was alone. Thankfully, she could look forward to life under Wayne’s direction. He would lead out as a godly man should and supply what she lacked. Hadn’t Wayne already given her direction on how the two million dollars should be handled? She could trust him with her whole heart.

  Wayne gave her a warm smile as if sensing her thoughts.

  Miriam returned the smile. She looked toward Aunt Fannie as she passed around the food.

  “So what’s the latest news on the happy couple?” Uncle William’s voice filled the kitchen as he dipped out some potato salad.

  Miriam drew in a quick breath but said nothing. This was Wayne’s place to comment.

  “Plans, I guess.” Wayne chuckled. “Gut ones. Miriam is agreeable to an October wedding—if it works out with her folks. But, of course, this is to be kept under wraps until we know for sure.”

  “Of course.” Uncle William didn’t hesitate. “I won’t tell a soul. Not even the bishop will hear a whisper from me!”

  Everyone laughed.

  Miriam’s hand trembled as she dipped mashed potatoes onto her plate. She didn’t know Bishop Wengerd from the Oklahoma community that well. She only saw him at the Sunday services. The bishop was a young man with a wife and two young children. But he wouldn’t be the one Wayne and she would need to visit to request a wedding announcement. Wayne would have to make the trip out to Possum Valley because that’s where Miriam’s family lived. Wayne and Miriam would visit Bishop Wagler together. Because Bishop Wagler didn’t know Wayne, the you
ng man would likely bring along a letter of recommendation from Bishop Wengerd. That would expedite things and take care of any character questions—if Bishop Wagler had any.

  Aunt Fannie whispered to Wayne, “I’m so thankful you’re taking such good care of Miriam.”

  “I’m more than glad to,” Wayne whispered back with a smile.

  Miriam allowed the joy of their conversation to fill her heart. Moments later her daett’s face drifted through her thoughts. A chill ran up her back. Daett would have to be told soon about the money she’d inherited. He wouldn’t be happy, that was for sure. She wasn’t sure which he’d be unhappiest about—that she had money or that she’d kept it a secret. Uncle William had advised her to write to her parents, but she hadn’t yet. Maybe Wayne could give her further advice. Or maybe they could tell her parents when Wayne visited Possum Valley? Although not quite as courageous, that seemed like the easiest way to handle it.

  “How is this marriage stuff going to work out?” Uncle William asked. “Miriam’s teaching school, which doesn’t let out until the first of May. And she’s from Possum Valley.”

  “William!” Aunt Fannie scolded. “Miriam lives here now.”

  Uncle William gave his frau a fake glare. “You know what I mean. Tradition says Miriam has to marry in Possum Valley.”

  Wayne didn’t miss a beat. “We’ve talked about that, and the details have to be worked out, of course—with the Lord’s help. And if the October time doesn’t work with Miriam’s parents, then we can wait until it will work.”

  “That’s well spoken.” Uncle William nodded his approval. “I like that attitude.”

  And so did she, Miriam decided. Should she say so? Miriam gathered her courage but her voice still squeaked when she said, “I like that in a man—in my man.”

  Uncle William hooted with laughter. “Now that’s doubly well spoken. I would say you’re getting what you’re looking for in a frau, Wayne.”

  Now Wayne turned bright red.

  Miriam was glad Uncle William said what he did. Already she felt like Wayne’s frau.

  “Stop teasing them,” Aunt Fannie said. “They’re a sweet couple.”

  Uncle William looked ready to say something else, but he must have thought better of it.

  The silence that followed was broken only by Wayne’s fork scraping his plate.

  Aunt Fannie broke the quiet by leaping to her feet. “The pies! I almost forgot them!”

  “Can’t forget the pies!” Uncle William declared with a grin.

  Aunt Fannie waved the hot pies over the table so the delightful smell wafted through the air before she set them down. “There! Everyone fall to. I’m sure they’re delicious, if I do say so myself.”

  “Did Miriam bake them?” Wayne eyed the offered delicacies.

  Aunt Fannie smiled. “Well, she certainly could have. But I made these. Miriam’s too busy with school—and taking off for parts unknown with her man.”

  Miriam turned red again, but Wayne laughed.

  The two men both took large pieces and drove their forks into the flaky crust and abundant filling. Miriam cut a smaller portion out of a piece and gave the other half to Aunt Fannie. They leaned toward each other to whisper like coconspirators, “Gotta watch the weight.”

  The men seemed not to notice their giggles as Wayne asked William about the weather forecast for the next week.

  Uncle William pronounced with great certainty, “I expect business at the greenhouse to take off if the rains don’t hinder things. People are beginning to move about.”

  Miriam hadn’t noticed the weather because she was preoccupied with school and Wayne. Uncle William usually knew how to call things right when it came to his business though.

  Uncle William turned to Miriam. “Maybe you can help out a few hours after school? That is, if I can keep you away from young Wayne here and get some work out of you. We can’t have idle chitchat going on, you know.”

  Miriam didn’t hesitate. “For you the answer is always yes—even if I’m busy with school activities.”

  “Are you sure?” Aunt Fannie sounded concerned. “You mustn’t overdo yourself, Miriam.”

  “I’ll be more than glad to help,” Miriam assured them both.

  Uncle William grinned.

  Miriam stood and began to clear the table, but Aunt Fannie waved her off. “Go out and spend a few minutes with Wayne before he has to leave. I know he’s wanting to get home and rest, what with the slave labor that’s needed next week.”

  Wayne chuckled as he stood up. “I don’t know about the slave labor, but I should be going.”

  Wayne and Miriam stopped to put on coats before they stepped out the front door into the cool of the night.

  Wayne took Miriam’s hands in his. “It’s been a nice evening and a wonderful afternoon. Thanks.”

  “I’m the one who should say thanks.” Miriam stepped closer to look up into his face.

  They stayed that way for a long moment before Wayne’s hands found her shoulders and pulled her close.

  Miriam’s thoughts raced. She would get her kiss tonight after all! Her thoughts ceased as Wayne’s face came closer and she lost herself in the moment.

  Chapter Five

  Shirley Yoder hung on to the bag of fast-food with one hand and the door grip with the other.

  Jonas Beachy glanced over at her with a grin as he crested the hill and then brought his fancy convertible to a stop with a squeal of tires.

  The young woman drew in a long breath and took in the view of Possum Valley. She could make out the well-ordered Amish farms by the lights from gas lanterns hanging in windows even though the bright twinkle of stars shone overhead. Behind them lay the small town of Berlin, Ohio.

  “I guess we could have eaten somewhere much nicer than Burger King.” Jonas chuckled. He opened his car door so the interior light turned on and then reached over to dig a Whopper and fries from the bag Shirley held.

  That they’d gone to Burger King was a surprise to Shirley. Jonas usually took her to nice, sit-down restaurants. Why was tonight different? What was he up to?

  “You’re awfully quiet,” Jonas teased. “Burger King not up to your standards?”

  Shirley took out a chicken sandwich. “No, I like Burger King fine. It’s just not where we usually go.”

  “For fast food, I usually like Subway. Tonight I just wanted something different.”

  A stab of pain ran through Shirley. Was that how Jonas looked at her? As something different? The poor Amish girl who was a nobody? With his money, he probably had his choice of women. Why had he picked her tonight?

  Since returning from Oklahoma several months ago, Shirley had gone out with Jonas a few times. She never knew if or when he’d call again. Did he like her for real or was she just some kind of Amish amusement for him? And was she okay with that? Yes, she was. Dating Jonas was an opportunity she just couldn’t pass up. She decided she’d not feel guilty about seeing him like she had last fall. She was, after all, into rumspringa, and Jonas fit into that scenario well. She didn’t want to let him go.

  Jonas gazed down at the valley. He pointed toward the light illuminating an Amish farmhouse. “I wonder who lives there?”

  Shirley looked quickly and then unwrapped her sandwich. “I don’t know,” she replied. “It could be the Stolls, but Possum Valley is a big place. It could be someone else.”

  Jonas’s voice was low. “I’ve often wondered how life would have turned out if my parents had stayed Amish.”

  Shirley looked over at him. “You’re not thinking of going back to being Amish? Is that why you keep seeing me?”

  Jonas laughed. “I don’t think so…I mean the going Amish part. I see you because I like you.”

  A soft sigh escaped Shirley’s lips. “I like you too. But I’m only on my rumspringa. I’m not committed to your world.”

  His grin filled his face again. “Not yet anyway. But maybe someday?”

  “You mean leave the Amish and join your
church?” She gasped. “I could never do that.”

  Jonas shrugged. “You also told me we weren’t made for each other last fall. Remember? It was on a night like this. We were out near Apple Creek…and we kissed.”

  Shirley tried to take a deep breath. That evening had been so special. And that kiss had been their first and only kiss—so far. Was that why Jonas had brought her here tonight? Did he want their relationship to return to where it was headed last fall, before she’d left him for Oklahoma?

  “It doesn’t bother me that you’re Amish,” Jonas said.

  “I’m glad,” Shirley said. “But we both know…” She let the words go unsaid, knowing he’d understand what she wouldn’t say. We are worlds apart. One of us would have to give up a lot. Do we love each other enough for that?

  “I understand.” Jonas nodded. “But I still like being with you.”

  Jonas played her well, Shirley thought. That was why she was drawn to him despite her continual resolutions to never see him again. Her mind told her this relationship could never work, but her heart told her she could love Jonas…for now. And there was the fact that Jonas’s daett was one of the richest men in the county. She was ashamed to admit that part of her attraction had to do with their money. Jonas deserved a frau who loved him for himself, not for what he possessed and might someday inherit.

  Jonas reached for her hand. “You’ve never really told me what happened out in Oklahoma.”

  Shirley held her untouched sandwich and didn’t move. Jonas had accepted her return without explanation so far. Why bring it up now? Was he really interested?

  “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” His voice was kind.

  Tears sprang to Shirley’s eyes. “Oh, it was lots of things, I guess. Mostly turmoil with myself. Trying to figure out where I belonged. It didn’t seem to be in Oklahoma.”

  “You’re not eating.” He motioned toward her sandwich.

  Shirley looked down at her food. “I’m…I’m just thinking about things, that’s all.”


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