Out Of The Friend Zone

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Out Of The Friend Zone Page 16

by Stephanie Nicole

  His mother just looked at her, not saying anything. Brynn rambled on. "We just wanted to wait to tell everyone until we were sure what we had was real, and not just a passing fling. Neither one of us wanted to get the kids hopes up if it wasn't going to last."

  "I understand and respect that, but how can you be sure this will last?" She turned to her son. "Chandler, this is the first relationship you've been in since Brooklyn died. How do you know it's not some sort of rebound relationship?"

  "Mom, all I know is that I love Brynn. For the longest time, I walked around in a daze, not caring about anything but Willow. Now, I feel like I can see light again. My heart doesn't hurt anymore, and I don't feel empty inside. Brynn did that for me. She helped me feel again. She helped me live again. She helped me love again."

  Chandler reached over and took Brynn's hand. "Trust me, the same thoughts went through my head so many times. Was I using her to get over Brooklyn? Was I going to hurt her in the end? Would this last? But the thing is Mom, we have made it through so much in the short time we've been together, and if what we had wasn't real, then neither one of us would have fought to make it work. I love Brynn more than I thought was humanly possible. She's everything to me, Mom. When I felt dead, she came along and mended my soul. She makes me happy and alive, and that's really all that should matter to you."

  Nicolas looked over to Brynn, who was already on the verge of tears. He lifted he hand he was holding, and gave it a soft kiss.

  Mrs. Tiller cleared her throat, bringing the attention of Brynn and Chandler back to her. She looked right at Brynn. "Do you feel the same way about my son?"

  "Yes Mrs. Tiller, I do. I love him body and soul. He means everything to me, and I couldn't imagine my life without him."

  "Please dear, I think you should start calling me Madilyn now. I mean, you are practically family, and I can tell that one day you will be," she said with a smile, swirling the wine in her glass. "I'm sorry for being so overprotective, but I don't want Chandler to be hurt again, not to mention Willow."

  "Well, I would never hurt either of them on purpose. I love both of them," Brynn told her.

  Madilyn gave her a brisk nod. "Now that's settled, we need to have a discussion about Brooklyn's mom. The woman drove me insane today, ranting and raving about you moving on. She has this crazy notion she wants to get custody of Willow," Madilyn said, draining her wine and pouring another glass of wine.


  "That's impossible!"

  "She can't do that!"

  "What in the world?"

  Chandler and Brynn were almost frantic. "She can't do that! What would make her think anyone would give her custody of my daughter?" Chandler demanded.

  "Well, she said that since you are involved in a new relationship, Willow is being neglected. She said she would be able to raise her better than you would since she is retired," Madilyn explained.

  "That's ridiculous! Willow is never neglected! I am a good father, and Brynn is good to Willow too."

  "Willow has never missed any attention from her father," Brynn declared.

  "She won't win. I'll fight this to my death. No one is taking my daughter from me," Chandler said, outraged. "No one!"

  "Well son, I agree," Madilyn said calmly. "I believe you are a good father, and I've seen how Brynn is with Willow. Linda is just upset right now. I'm sure this whole thing will blow over soon enough."

  Chandler shook his head. "She is delusional if she thinks my daughter would be better off with her than with her own father. I'm contacting my lawyer tomorrow morning, just to be on the safe side."

  "That's a good idea, Chandler. I don't know if she is going to make good on her threat, but I just wanted to let you know ahead of time if she does, so that you aren't blindsided," Madilyn said. "Well, now that I've gotten rid of Linda and the three of us have had our talk, I think I am going to call it a night."

  "Thanks for coming back, and giving us a chance to explain, Mrs. Tiller...I mean, Madilyn," Brynn said, as the three of them walked to Madilyn's car.

  "Well, I'm sorry that things didn't go too well earlier today. If I had known, I wouldn't have brought Linda, and none of this would be happening," Madilyn told Chandler and Brynn.

  "It's okay, Mom. It's not your fault. We really do appreciate your coming back though," Chandler told her, and hugged her before she got in her car. "I love you. I'll see you soon."

  "I love you too, Chandler. Now, can I have a minute alone with Brynn?"

  Chandler looked at Brynn. "Sure, I'll be in the back waiting," Chandler said. He kissed Brynn's cheek, and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before walking to the back yard.

  "Don't look so nervous dear. I think you'll like what I have to say," Madilyn said with a smile. "My son was right about a few things. He has been walking around in a daze ever since Brooklyn died, as if he was just going through the motions of life. Ever since he met you, he has that sparkle back in his eye, and I can't thank you enough for that. You've given my son his life back, and I guess I didn't really see it until now. So I want to say thank you for everything you've done for this family. I'm glad that Chandler and Willow have you in their life."

  Madilyn smiled at Brynn's stunned expression. "Now, don't worry about Linda, because Willow isn't going anywhere. Chandler can handle her, and if not, his lawyer sure can. Now, go enjoy the rest of your night with my son."

  Brynn smiled at Madilyn. "Thank you, Madilyn, I can't tell you how much it means to have your support."

  Madilyn reached over and hugged Brynn tight. "And I can't tell you how much it means to see my son smile again."

  Madilyn backed away, and dried her eyes. She gave Brynn a big smile, got in her car and drove away.

  "She's right, you know," a gravelly voice said from behind her.

  Brynn spun around to see Chandler. "You scared me!"

  "Sorry. I thought you knew I didn't actually go to the back yard. I had to be close by, in case I needed to rush in and defend you." Chandler said with a smile. "But it looks like I didn't need to."

  "So, what was she right about?"

  "You have given me my life back, and you make me smile. Not to mention I can handle my former mother-in-law, Linda. There is nothing for you to worry about." Chandler bent his head down and captured Brynn's lips with his own.

  "I'm sorry if our relationship is making trouble for you," Brynn said, with her eyes full of sorrow.

  "None of that talk. I love you too, and I'm not sorry about our relationship..." Chandler paused, thinking. "Well, except for the parts where I screwed up. Ok, I'm not sorry that we have a relationship. Better?"

  Brynn chuckled. "Yeah."

  "Well, we better head in now. We both have to work in the morning, and I think that calls for a good night's rest," Chandler said, being the voice of reason.

  "Trying to get rid of me already?" Brynn teased.

  "Oh, that's right! I forgot that we have to sleep in separate houses tonight. Damn!"

  "I want nothing more than to be with you," she said.

  "Hey, I have an idea...Move in with me."

  Brynn's eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

  "Move in with me?"

  Brynn stared at him. "Are you insane?"

  "Why does it make me insane that I want to live with you? Do you know how much I hate the thought of us going to separate houses tonight? Do you know what I would give to hold you close to me every single night, and wake up with you in my arms every single morning?" Chandler asked.

  Brynn was stunned that he would bring it up so soon. "I understand that, and I feel the same way too, but isn't this a bit quick?"

  "Is it?"

  "Not to mention the fact that you live in the house that you shared with your first wife," she pointed out. "That's a little weird for me."

  "Then we'll live in your house."


  Please? Just think about it?" Chandler begged.

  "Fine, I'll think about it." What else could she do?<
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  "Well, at least I know you'll dream about me tonight," Chandler joked.

  "Yeah, if I get to sleep at all now!" Brynn chuckled.

  They looked at each other, not wanting to leave, but having no choice.

  "We better go. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Give me a call after you talk to your lawyer."

  "I will. I love you," Chandler said.

  "I love you too." Brynn went to walk away, but Chandler grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him.

  "Don't think you're getting away without this!" Chandler said, and kissed her. He took his time exploring her mouth. "Good night," he whispered when the kiss ended.

  "Good night," Brynn whispered back with a smile, and headed back to her own house.

  Chapter 21

  Brynn awoke the next morning, still tired and groggy from tossing and turning all night. Not only was she worried about the possibility of Chandler losing Willow, but she was also considering the prospect of them living together. She knew this wasn't a decision she could make at the drop of a hat, and she needed to talk to someone about it.

  After she showered and got dressed, Brynn made her way into work, leaving Barrett with his regular babysitter for the last time before school started again. As she pulled into the parking lot, she breathed a sigh of relief that Nyla was already there.

  Brynn parked her car and hurried into the building. Instead of making her way to her own office, she went directly to Nyla's. When she peered inside, she saw Nyla's head bent down, already pouring over the papers in front of her, in deep concentration.

  "Looks like you got a head start this morning," Brynn said, making her presence known.

  Nyla jumped, as Brynn's voice startled her. "What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?" Nyla scolded. "You should know not to sneak up on people like that!"

  Brynn laughed. "Sorry, I thought you heard me walk up. What are you working on?"

  "Just the Anderson file. I had an idea in the middle of the night, and wanted to come in early to get a jump on it," Nyla said, sitting back in her chair. "So, what brings you to my office so early in the morning? It must be pretty important for you to come here without stopping at your office to drop your stuff off."

  "Ah, you know me too well," Brynn smiled. "You missed some major developments leaving the barbeque so early yesterday. First of all, his mom came back after everyone left. We had a long talk, and she's fine with me and Chandler being together."

  "Good. It always helps to have his mother supportive of the relationship."

  "So, after we talked to her for a while about our relationship, she said she had spent most of the day trying to calm Brooklyn's mom down, and that Linda may try to sue Chandler for full custody of Willow."

  Nyla's eyes turned stone cold. "No way."

  "She thinks that with Chandler and me together, we wouldn't be giving Willow the care she needs. In other words, she's just upset and hut that Chandler is moving on with his life, and she's trying to punish him for it."

  "Wow, that's one cold bitch!" Nyla was shocked. "How could anyone do that? I couldn't see taking a girl away from her only parent, especially when the parent is as good to his child as Chandler is to Willow. She really is out for blood!"

  "Chandler is contacting his lawyer today, just in case she does follow through with the threat." Brynn sighed. "I just don't want to come between him and his daughter. I don't know what I would do if he lost Willow because of our relationship."

  "I'm sure that Chandler won't lose Willow," Nyla soothed. "Anyone can see how good he is with her and how much she loves her daddy. No one in his right mind would ever separate them."

  "And that's not all. When we were saying goodnight, he got frustrated that we do not have any sleepovers on weeknights, when we have to work or when the kids have school. So, he asked me to move in with him," Brynn told her.

  "Oh, my God! Are you kidding?" Nyla asked excitedly. "That is so great!"

  "Is it? I mean, aren't we moving too fast? I told him that I would think about it, and that if I said yes, there was no way I was moving into his house. We'd have to live in mine. There are just too many ghosts of Brooklyn in his house for me to be comfortable there."

  "I can understand that."

  "What do you think? I am so confused. I don't want to make the wrong decision."

  Nyla nodded. "Well, what does your heart say? I don't think there's a rulebook that says you need to wait a certain amount of time before you move in with someone. You need to do what you feel is best."

  "I don't know what's best. I mean, when I think about his arms wrapped around me every single night, it gives me such a warm feeling. I want to see him every night before I fall asleep, I want to feel him beside me as I dream about him, and I want to see him first thing in the morning when I wake up. I just don't want to rush into anything, and end up making a mistake," Brynn said, weighing her thoughts out loud. "I don't know. I guess Chandler and I need to talk about this some more."

  "Good idea," Nyla laughed. "Glad I could help!"

  Brynn rolled her eyes with a smile. "So, you and Zaiden seem to be getting along fabulously. This has to be some sort of record for you!"

  "Yeah, it is." Nyla's eyes got all dreamy. "There's just something about that man, I can't get enough of him."

  "So, is it love?" Brynn asked.

  "If it's not, I don't know what it is!" Nyla laughed.

  "I never thought I'd see the day where a man made you fall in love!" Brynn joked. "I'm happy for you though. I think this being in love stuff is doing wonders for your complexion. Your skin's all clear, and it's got a healthy glow to it..."

  "Get out of my office!" Nyla laughed, as a blush crept up her cheeks.

  "Thanks, Nyla!" Brynn called as she walked down the hall to her office. It was about time she was finally able to tease Nyla about being in love!

  As Brynn sat at her desk getting ready for her day, her mind started to wander over all the questions she had for Chandler about them moving in together. She took out a pad of paper, and began writing them down so she didn't forget any. Brynn knew that if there weren't any children involved, she would have moved in with him in a heartbeat. But when she thought about Barrett and Willow, she became more cautious. She didn't want the kids to get hurt as the result of a rushed decision, one she could have protected them from.

  Brynn was finally snapped out of her thoughts by the phone ringing. She looked at her clock and realized that an hour and a half had gone by. She hadn't done any work yet, except for writing down her personal questions for Chandler.

  "Brynn Chase," she said, when she picked up the receiver to answer her phone.

  "Hi Ms. Chase. This is Rylee Davis, Chandler Tiller's assistant. He was trying to call you, and got interrupted by an important business call. He asked that I keep the connection as he finishes the business with them. Is that alright?"

  "That's fine. I'm sure we'll be talking to each other a lot more often, and please, call me Brynn."

  "Well thank you, Brynn. Call me Rylee. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Chandler has been so much more pleasant to work for since he met you. I've been his assistant for nearly six years, and this is the happiest I've ever seen him."

  "Thank you Rylee," Brynn told her, a huge smile on her face. "That means a lot to me. I'm glad that I can make him happy because he does the same for me."

  "Well, he's ready to take the call now. He's practically pulling the phone out of my hand, so I better let you talk to him. It was nice finally speaking with you," Rylee said.

  "It was nice speaking with you, too. Maybe we can all get together for lunch one day?"

  "Sounds good. Here's boss-man!" Rylee said, before transferring her to Chandler.

  "Good morning, beautiful," a deep voice said into the phone.

  "Good morning! How are you today?" Brynn asked.

  "Tired, and missing you. Think you can meet me for lunch today?"

  "I think I might be able to arrange it. Is everything alright?"<
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  "Yeah, I just want to see you, and I can't wait until tonight," Chandler told her. "And I talked to my lawyer and I wanted to tell you what he said, but I don't have much time to go into it now."

  "Sure. I'll meet you at noon, at the diner at the corner of 18th and State St. That's about halfway between our offices."

  "Sounds good to me. I like the food there," Chandler told her.

  "Okay, well I'll see you then?"

  "See you then. Love you!"

  "Love you too," she said, before breaking the connection.

  Brynn worked like crazy right up until lunch to make up for the time that she spent daydreaming that morning. By the time she got to the diner, she had worked up quite an appetite. As soon as she stepped through the doors, Brynn spotted Chandler sitting at a booth waiting for her.

  When he spotted Brynn, his eyes lit up. As she approached the table, he stood up and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. Then they placed their order, and as soon as the waitress left, they started talking.

  "I have a list of questions that we need to discuss before I agree to live with you." Brynn told him.

  "You're making this sound a lot less romantic than it is," Chandler replied with a grin.

  "I know, but if we don't think this through, I'm worried it might have a negative impact on the kids," Brynn said.

  "You're right. We'll look at it from every angle before we do it. Now, grab your questions and hit me with them."

  "First, what would you do with your house?" Brynn asked.

  "Well, I can either sell it, or I can rent it out. If you're really nervous about this, then the best bet would be for me to rent it out, and if you decide you don't want me anymore, I'll kick the tenants out and move back in," Chandler said, half teasing, half serious. "Or, if you decide you want to keep me, I'll put it up for sale."

  Brynn smiled. Chandler always knew how to calm her fears. "Glad to know I have options," she joked.

  Brynn looked at all her other questions, but none of them seemed that important. She crumpled up the piece of paper, and looked into Chandler's eyes. "I only have one more question."


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