Forever My Lady: Steamy Older Man Younger Woman First Time Romance

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Forever My Lady: Steamy Older Man Younger Woman First Time Romance Page 2

by Mia Madison

  My eyes rolled. “Everyone knows you wouldn’t allow her to spend money on rent if she’s here in Dallas. And you’re more interested in renting out one of the extra units as opposed to letting her have one.”

  Vit waved me off and resumed his paperwork.

  “You’ll understand when Riley is older.”

  I raised my hands in surrender. “I’m not arguing with ya, Vit. I understand your feelings completely. I’m simply stating my observations.”

  I couldn’t imagine Riley growing up. If I could, I’d permanently lock her into childhood. She was so young and innocent. I never wanted her to grow up. Growing up meant boys, and as a guy I didn’t trust ‘em at all.

  I’d shoot any jerk who breaks my little girl’s heart.

  “Trust me,” I repeated, thinking aloud more to myself than anyone else. “More than anything else in the world, I definitely understand.”



  One month later

  I sighed, giving my apartment a final glance. Today was the day I left for Dallas. Life in Houston had been so much fun. There were cute guys. There were trips to the Gulf. You were so close to New Orleans, Mardi Gras was just a drive away.

  But despite my hustle, I couldn’t land a job to save my life. And as much as going home wasn’t ideal, I had to flow with life in order to avoid a nervous breakdown from stagnation.

  Going home meant driving four hours on a one way trip to Dallas, leaving the last four years of my life behind to live under dad’s watchful eye.

  Erika hadn’t taken wonderfully to the news. She was determined to help me stay. “You can stay with me if you need to. I’ve got plenty of space!”

  “I can’t live on your couch, Erika.” My heart tugged at the thought, but I knew that wouldn’t work. Erika had a gorgeous one bedroom; even though she meant every word, I knew she needed her privacy as I did mine.

  “Living with dad won’t be so bad,” I told her. “At least I’ll have a job. He won’t pay me cheaply either.”

  If I were to be fair, dad and I had a great relationship. He was an amazing man who worked hard to provide for me, and mother, when she was alive. He took pride in his work and our small family. His life’s vocation, if you let him tell it, were to make sure that neither her, nor I, wanted for anything.

  … In a way, you could say I was spoiled. And I appreciated every bit of spoiling he provided. On the other hand, mother also told me that Dad was one of a kind, and that I shouldn’t allow myself to expect every man to be as generous, that there was value in being self-made.

  “Even if you find a man as wonderful as your father, remember that it’s his character that matters,” she told me. “You want a man that cherishes your loyalty, and sees it an honor and a privilege to provide for you. Otherwise, he’ll see you as another bill to pay, an obligation. The resentment isn’t worth the experience.”

  Mother’s words weren’t the only reason I admired my father’s independence. I just naturally respected his work ethic, and I wanted to make him proud of me also.

  Maybe it was my own set of insecurities, but I wasn’t sure such a hardworking first-generation Italian man could be very proud of a daughter he needed to provide everything for, including her first full time job.

  … Even if he insisted on being the one to protect and provide for me.

  Handing in the keys to my landlord was one of the hardest things I’d ever done in my life, but I managed to make it happen.

  I trotted reluctantly to my black BMW 230i, a graduation gift from Daddy, and slid into the driver’s seat. I connected my iPhone to the USB port and started my music playlist.

  My plans were to drown my anxiety with Carly Rae Jepsen, Taylor Swift, and Katie Perry. This would be a feat. I had about four hours ahead of me, long enough for my mind to balance good music and anxious thoughts.

  Valencia Valenti, I thought, pulling onto I-45, may the odds be ever in your favor.



  What did I tell you? I drove over three hours in a near-completely straight line from Houston to Dallas. My mind was filled with sadness and anxiety the entire time.

  Daddy must’ve been waiting by the door for me. He opened it before I could even knock.

  When he opened the door, I had to do a double take. I felt like I was looking at an old picture, live and in person. He hadn’t aged a bit. In fact, he looked younger. He was still 6’1,” with smiling brown eyes, his thick black beard, and solid build. But the tire around his middle had nearly dissolved, and he had a… youthful glow about him.

  “Dad, you look nice. Have you been working out?”

  “Hello my love, and yes I have. Gio has been helping me stay consistent.”

  Daddy kissed me on the cheek and embraced me with a huge bear hug the minute I walked into the penthouse. I swear I could feel the extra muscles in his tight squeeze. “I’m so glad you made it safely.”

  “Dad, it was only three plus hours.” I shook my head; Dad could be so enthused and dramatic sometimes.

  “Anything can happen in three hours, honey. Sometimes people say goodbye, and…” He paused, and silence filled the air.

  “It’s the last time you ever speak to them again,” I finished for him. That’s what Mom said to us the last time she spoke to us. “Goodbye. I’ll see you later.”

  She never made it home, thanks to a reckless driver texting on I-35.

  Daddy escorted me through his penthouse, which he’d moved into after I left for school. On the top level, it provided a gorgeous panoramic view of Dallas. We were embedded in the city’s skyline; in my personal opinion, it didn’t look like much during the day. But at night, wow. It was breathtaking.

  “Here’s your room,” he said. It was on the other side of the penthouse from his bedroom. At least we’d have some privacy, even though there was no real need for it. Dad tended to work quite a bit, and even when I was home for the holidays, or to visit, I wouldn’t see him long enough to be annoyed.

  I guess there’s a first time for everything when you move back home… and your dad is your boss.

  “Daddy this room is gorgeous!”

  The room was painted in a minimalistic, modern color palette. The California King was nested in a tufted black leather bed frame with diamond studs in the pattern. Plus wall to wall carpeting provided a cushy feel under my toes, and the skyline view would be impeccable at night.

  “I didn’t get too much going, because it’s yours to decorate as you please. Call the staging company when you get settled and tell them what you want. We get a company discount on furniture purchases.”

  “Awesome, daddy.” Maybe living at home wasn’t going to be so bad after all? A girl could definitely get used to this.

  “Put your bags down. I need to take you to the office, show you where it is so you’re ready bright and early Monday morning.”



  Bright and early Monday morning, I was on my way to the car with Riley when I realized I’d left my phone in the management office.

  Kind of happens when you’re in a hurry.

  “Come on Riley,” I said. “We’re going to go to daddy’s office. I forgot my phone.”

  “Uh oh.” Riley said. “You need it so I can call mommy later.”

  … Yeah, so about that.

  Riley’s mother provided her typically indiscernible, ambiguous response about making it to her own daughter’s dance recital. Even though she had over a month to make arrangements, she had to “see” if she would be able to come.

  I pushed the thoughts of my daughter’s inevitable disappointment to the back of my mind as I went to unlock the office door. But the lights were on inside, letting me know Vit was in the office.

  Why wasn’t I surprised?

  What did surprise me though, was that he wasn’t alone. Valencia stood next to him.

  And damn was she gorgeous.

  The last time I’d seen her, she was a chunky little teen
ager with chubby cheeks and mass of curly black hair.

  Her beauty had evolved beyond words.

  She was a goddess.

  My eyes skimmed her body. She was curvy and volupt, her baby fat sculpted into a set of large breasts, a plump ass, and legs that looked like drumsticks.

  Her curly black hair pulled up in one of those wild buns that were stylish and popular at the moment. Accented with an electric purple flower, the upswept style drew attention to her sharp cheekbones, and piercing brown eyes. Pouty lips, swabbed with nude gloss, pulled off her look.

  I mentally salivated over her clothing. She wore a white blouse and black pencil skirt, the perfect office outfit for a Monday morning woody. The ankle booties were extremely sexy on her dainty legs. My cock pulsed.

  “Look who’s here! Hey Riley!”

  “Hi Uncle Vit!” Riley’s hand immediately broke away from mine. She ran to Vit, who knelt down to meet her with open arms.

  “Good morning, sweetheart! How are you?”

  “I’m good. Daddy’s taking me to school but he has to get his phone first. He left it in the office.” She looked at me with pouty tattletale lips.

  “You’re such a helpful little woman. Your daddy’s luck to have you here to make sure he has his phone.” He looked at me with teasing eyes.

  “Good morning, Gio! As you can see, we have extra help today.” He stood to his feet, and put his arm around Valencia. “Valencia’s our new finance and project manager.”

  Our eyes met, and I felt my heart skip a beat while my cock jumped again. Her chocolate brown eyes were sultry and innocent at once.

  “Hey Gio.” Her voice was professional, yet clear. “It’s good to see you.”

  She reached out for a handshake, which I met. Was I crazy, or was that a jolt of electricity that shocked the both of us when we touched?

  “It’s great to see you to Valencia. I’d say welcome to the family, but you are family.”

  I grabbed my phone off the desk, eager to distract my hardening cock from filling to the hilt.

  “Okay Riley. Say goodbye. Time to go to school.”

  “Bye Vit! Bye Valentia.”

  “It’s Valencia, sweety.”

  “Bye, Vah-len-see-uh.” Riley pronounced with emphasis.

  “Bye-bye.” Vit and Valencia said in unison.

  I couldn’t make it out the door fast enough.



  “You’ll be working in this corner,” Dad said. “You’ll be our hybrid accountant and project manager. You’ll manage the books to ensure everything is reconciled, as well as manage materials and expenses.”

  My desk was a corner unit in the loft style office where Dad and Gio placed the rest of their employees. The team was small, less than seven people, including myself.

  There weren’t any closed spaces in the office, with the exception of two rooms where paperwork was signed, and the section where Gio and Dad shared their private work quarters.

  As I settled down to get to work, I prayed for the strength to focus. My nerves were frazzled, yet it wasn’t my new job that had me on edge.

  It was Gio.

  He was a near lifelong friend of Dad’s. At least as long as I’d known him.

  He had always fit the tall, dark, and handsome profile. But when had he become so damn fine to me?

  My mouth watered as I envisioned him. Jet black hair, cut close to his scalp, with a short beard trimmed close to the skin. His eyes were a deep brown, accented with perfect eyebrows. If I hadn’t known him all my life, I would have sworn he was a metrosexual; those men always had perfect brows.

  And at over six feet tall, with sculpted arms - and I’m sure, washboard abs - he was perfect in every way.

  The stuff of wet fantasies.

  I had been single for a long time. College offered opportunities for boys and fun, but I didn’t allow myself to get too far. I needed to focus on my career. I needed to make my parents proud. That was enough for me to avoid trouble.

  But I could tell, if given the chance, I would allow myself to get in a whole new world’s worth of trouble with Gio.

  And then I remembered: I couldn’t.

  Gio, I recalled, was very married.

  He was completely off limits.

  There you go, V.

  You’re completely safe now. Besides, he’s your boss, and your dad’s best friend. You have to keep things innocent.

  And for the record, this needed to extend to every cute, enterprising man I met. The workplace was a place of business, and when your father’s the boss, everyone’s off-limits, especially you yourself.

  At least, that’s what I told myself.

  That’s what I planned to stick to.

  And then, an hour later, after everyone had settled in for work, Gio returned with donuts for our Monday morning meeting, and that’s I lost myself in his sexiness all over again.

  … And noticed he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. He didn’t even have any tan lines indicating he’d even worn one recently.



  “Hungry?” I held up the box of donuts. “Come into the conference room and help me set up for our meeting.”

  Valencia had been eyeing me ever since I walked back into the room. Either that or I was highly self-conscious and it simply felt that way.

  Valencia followed me into the conference room across the hall, her heels thudding lightly behind me.

  “Every Monday, we try to have a team meeting to assess our goals,” I explained. “Your father and I go over our statistics and expectations for the week, as well as any highs and lows in the company’s performance.

  “That sounds pretty neat. Is it just this office?”

  “We have two buildings, and staff from both properties meet here.”

  Valencia nodded in comprehension. Her pouty lips pursed as she processed the knowledge.

  Valencia smelled like pink sugar and musk, the perfect recipe for a bloodthirsty erection. My mind filled with erotic thoughts of bending her over the conference room, sliding her pencil skirt over her waist, and penetrating her wet pussy slowly, pumping in and out of her cunt until she creamed all over my eight inch cock.

  It wasn’t even 9 AM, and I’d busted five nuts inside of her in my thoughts.


  “Huh?” I looked up, caught off guard.

  Melissa, one of our employees, looked at me weirdly. “Do you need more coffee?” She joked. “We need to find more chairs. Do you know if there are any in the others?”

  “Yes, they should be in the closet down the hall.”

  “Okay.” She turned to Valencia. “If you come with me, I’ll show you where they are. We’ll be back in a minute.”

  “No,” I interrupted. The ladies looked at me curiously. My tone was a little stronger than they’d expected. Hell, it was stronger than I’d expected. “I’ll get some guys to handle it. Can you show Valencia how to prepare the board?”

  I left the ladies to the task as I assembled some manpower to set up the conference room.

  Valencia was too polished to carry chairs, especially in those delectable little ankle boots she wore.

  They’d look amazing wrapped around my neck, with her body writhing under the spell of my tongue on her lips. Lower lips.

  The Monday morning went smoothly, as did the rest of our day.

  “What do you think of Valencia?” Vit placed a report on my desk. “Look at how clean this report is. And this is her first day!”

  He beamed with pride as he showed me her work.

  “This looks amazing,” I agreed. “This is some great work, especially for her first day back. She’s going to master the learning curve really well.”

  “She belongs here. She’ll see it soon.” He didn’t wait for my reply as he grabbed the report from my hand and walked away.

  I had to admit, underneath that goddess body and ethereal beauty was a woman of brains and intellect.

  Her performa
nce wouldn’t be a problem. She’d always been bright, a natural grade-A student.

  It was just the effect she had on my manhood.

  I couldn’t explain it, but I was intensely attracted to Valencia. I dismissed my initial interest as that of novelty. Attractive women always catch your eye; they were like beautiful flowers to me, amazing to look at and then you move on.

  Yet Valencia exuded an air of eloquence. Like a Jade Vine, she was a rare bloom of beauty. I spent much of my time today in pure observance of her.

  Valencia possessed a self-contained strut, each step deliberately trained to carefully form a smooth rotation of one foot in front of the other. She walked with purpose, eyes cast down, or straight ahead.

  She didn’t have any intentions of putting anyone under her spell, however this didn’t prevent me from noticing her hips, and the way they naturally swayed.

  She couldn’t help it if she tried. She was built like a Roman goddess, resplendent of her Italian heritage. Being of Italian blood myself, I found nothing wrong with her voluptuous build. Generous curves like hers were the mark of a healthy woman.

  … A fertile woman.

  Because, quiet as kept, even though I wasn’t in the market for a new lover, if I were to fall in love again, it’d be with a healthy woman who was fertile and ready to start a family.

  Valencia was beautiful, but in a way, she was already like family. Her father and I were like brothers to each other; until now, I had looked at her like my niece.

  Even if I were to consider her, that alone would disqualify her. That and the fact that she’s fresh out of college. While I’ve lived my life, seen the world, and accomplished nearly all of my goals, she was just getting started.

  Obligations to a husband and children would only get in her, way.


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