The Hidden Paths to Power

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The Hidden Paths to Power Page 2

by D. A. Smith

  The second blessing came in the form of my community coming to my defense. I had thousands of cards showing up at the hospital and hundreds of visitors all with the message that I wasn’t to blame.

  When I was shown this, I finally started to harden and found the will to take care of myself. When the doctors pronounced me fit enough to go home, I started doing what I used to do.

  Many people at school were hesitant to be friends with me but the two people I found, who were brave enough, became my lightning rods for sanity. I worried about them but they were each like me. They had parents that were so worried about their safety, they had them in classes to protect themselves, since they could walk.

  Tina Smith and Debra Lickney formed my world.

  Ryan hadn’t stopped being a problem for me. He was just giving me a break so I could get healthy again. I was the person I had always been. I was nice, I had fun but I had one new part of me.

  My hate for Ryan Gilpatrick.

  This situation was unique in the details but familiar in the type of problem it was. I had a stalker, who was smart enough and skilled enough, to cause problems for an entire community, if I didn’t give into him. He committed murders as a result of his obsession. This was all familiar danger; something the police could understand and try to combat.

  It wasn’t until I graduated high school and moved on to college that my story took a weird turn. This odd turn of events would eventually lead me back to the situation I described at the beginning of the story.

  I must take a moment to swear, what I say here is true. I know most people don’t believe in real magic; the kind where spells and wands and the like were used. I didn’t either, until these things became a part of my life.

  It started in my freshman year at Colorado University. I was beginning my journey to follow my dad in the FBI. I took the classes for criminal justice and behavioral analysis, getting high marks and much notice from my professors. I didn’t mind that my professors used my case in class for teaching.

  Ryan Gilpatrick hadn’t left my thoughts completely but slipped to the back of my mind, as I hadn’t heard about him since his bomb threats.

  It was during the third quarter, the weird events started, and Ryan came back into my life. I think the reason I hadn’t heard from him in so long was, he had to setup a base of operations, and collect the money to work on his favorite project; hurting me. My pain wasn’t what he was looking for, only my attention, but from my perspective, it seemed my pain was what he wanted.

  Somewhere in his life, Ryan’s focus changed from the mechanical to the mystical. Somehow, he managed to find his way to real magical power.

  The other thing about him that was different, since the last time I saw him, was he changed physically. The scrawny little tech genius had grown up and filled out. I won’t say he became gorgeous but he definitely improved in that area.

  I was leaving the campus on a Friday, to visit my parents for the weekend, when he approached me.

  I didn’t recognize him at first, as it was hard to match up the decent looking brown-haired, blue-eyed guy in front of me, to the boy I’d known, then noticed the large freckle, under the left eye, near the nose, that had been with Ryan since I knew him.

  I felt fear but anger was the prominent emotion coursing through me, “Get the fuck away from me!” I yelled this loud enough to draw many concerned looks from those passing by.

  I saw the rage on Ryan’s face before he ran, “You will be mine!”

  He got away but I was on my cell-phone with the police in seconds. The campus had to endure a full scale hunt for Ryan but he vanished. When they were done, I went to my parent’s house and huddled in misery, inside the protective arms of my mother.

  My father was just beside himself because, neither his efforts nor the police, had been enough to find him. This confused me, until I found out, how he’d been able to elude capture.

  The following weekend, I was enjoying myself at a party on campus. I didn’t drink but loved the atmosphere and felt secure in a large group setting.

  I met a guy I liked well enough to kiss. I wasn’t ready to give myself to anyone but this raven-haired guy, Tom Walters, was the first guy I met that had the potential for romance later. The feelings I was having, also drove all thoughts of Ryan Gilpatrick out of my head; to my shame and Tom’s detriment.

  Tom invited me to take a walk with him outside and though I was a little nervous, I agreed. It was February so we bundled up and I even allowed him to hold my hand, as we talked; getting to know each other. When I said I was getting a little too cold, we started to make our way back to the party.

  Ryan literally appeared out of nowhere in front of us and pointed a real, honest-to-God wand at Tom’s chest. Without a word, a bolt of green light left the wand and I watched; as if in slow motion; the energy slam into Tom, burning his heart from his chest.

  Ryan gave me a look of rage for one second then disappeared again.

  I ended up in a mental ward for six months after.

  Seeing Tom killed in front of me, and not being able to convince the police of the means Ryan used to do it, put me there. They believed Ryan was responsible but were sure, it was more of his technical genius rather than magic. They said, the stress and trauma made it impossible for me to gauge the situation rationally.

  I knew what I’d seen but after six months, I allowed the psychiatrists to think, I was accepting that, I didn’t see, what I thought I saw.

  For three months after I left the mental hospital, I buried myself in my parent’s house. I didn’t go back to school and my dad told me not to worry about it. He said I could pick up my life after Ryan was caught.

  The problem was, if what I saw was real, the police would never catch him, and my life would always be a misery. For those three months, I thought of everything Ryan had cost me, and my hate for him became a burning passion. I wouldn’t allow him to change me from who I was. My hate only had one focus.

  I started researching magic. I felt a little foolish but couldn’t deny what I saw. I became obsessed with the study and two weeks of sifting through what I could find online, I found three people in the Denver area that seemed to have more than a mild interest in the subject.

  Of course I had a problem. I believed Ryan left me alone at my parent’s house, and left them alone, because he’d seen what happened, when those closest to me were harmed or killed.

  I worried about what would happen, if Ryan found out, I was looking to challenge him. I didn’t want to put any more people at risk but needed help.

  Fortunately, one of the three I found, would provide that help.

  I went to the first two and discovered, they were firm believers in magic, but without the means to truly help me. I had to be circumspect because I didn’t want to leave many crumbs of knowledge behind of what my intentions were. It was risk enough that I was entering these people’s homes.

  If Ryan guessed what I was up to, he might start eliminating those who might help me. I never knew where he was or when he was watching me.

  When I met Doriane Lavoie, I was worried she would be like the others until the first time she said anything to me.

  I walked into her little shop that was filled with charms, powders, incense and all the normal things you find in shops like these. She sold the same books that could be found online. The store was small, with just enough mystique, to tantalize those who like to pretend they were involved with the real thing. Three other customers were looking over the items.

  I felt a little disappointment as I walked to the counter.

  Then the gorgeous, raven-haired mystic behind the glass case, containing the jewelry and two small knives, asked in a low voice, so the other people wouldn’t hear, “How did you get a tracer put on you?”

  I saw the concern in her brown eyes, “What tracer?”

  “Someone has put a locating spell on you to keep track of you.”

  This scared me as I knew who had done it. I also wasn’t su
rprised she didn’t recognize me. My story was semi-public but my face wasn’t the one frequenting the news. Ryan’s was. I was brought up on occasion as a connection to him but most of the time, his face was the one people saw, when the police were asking the public for help in finding him. So far, no luck.

  I responded, “I don’t really know anything about this. Up until recently, I was as most people; a nonbeliever who sometimes likes the look of the charms and the artwork involved in this subject. I came because of Ryan Gilpatrick.”

  Those brown eyes widened severely with sudden recognition, “You’re Deana Boller. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you sooner. My name is Doriane Lavoie, and if Ryan Gilpatrick has found his way to the power, then I must help you.”

  “That’s what he used when he killed Tom Walters. The police wouldn’t believe me but I know what I saw. I have no idea how he found his way to magic but believe me when I say, he’s a genius. If magic is real and he found a way to use it, he’s smart enough to learn the intricacies.”

  “He had to have found a teacher because the power can’t be awakened without the help of another. Whoever he found must be the one helping him to stay hidden. I need you to follow my instructions exactly.”

  We were interrupted, by one of the other customers, coming to the counter to make her purchases.

  When the woman left and Doriane made sure her other customers were doing okay, she continued softly, “It wouldn’t be a good idea to get rid of the tracer yet. If he holds that much of an obsession with you, it might cause him to panic. When you leave here, try to act disappointed; like you didn’t find what you were looking for. I’m going to give you my home address. You’ll need to warn, whoever you think necessary, that you’re going to disappear. I know you’ll miss your family and friends but, if you want help, you must do it my way. I close the store at 8:00 then it takes me about fifteen minutes to get home. When you get to my house, prepare to do whatever it takes, to put an end to the threat Ryan poses. Don’t tell anyone what you’re doing. Tell them whatever you have to, to get them to let you go, but do not give them details. I’m not saying these things to make it harder but any details known by anyone else, will just put them in danger.”

  “I’ll be there.” I got her address then put a slightly disgruntled look on my face as I left the store to get in my car.

  Since I was close to Downtown Denver, I drove straight for my father’s office. I checked in with the security desk and they made sure my father was in the building before I went to visit him.

  It hurt to see the look of fear on his face, when he looked in my direction these days. The brown eyes of Tim Boller, which he gifted to me, carried his thoughts that someday, he would have to visit my funeral. As much as it hurt to think about, I was fairly sure the death of everyone I love, would come before my own.

  After greeting those in the office I was familiar with and seated by his desk, my father asked, “You don’t have anything new to report, do you?”

  “As far as I know, Ryan hasn’t done anything but you and I know, he will eventually. I came to tell you something that’ll have mixed emotions attached to it. I’m going into hiding. I know, you don’t want me far from you, but I think it’s time I disappeared. If you can convince mom to do it, I’d like you to transfer to a new office in another state. I’m not asking you to run but it’d make me feel better, in case Ryan flips out, when he can’t find me.”

  “Are you sure? It might be what we need to catch him. If he panics, he might make the mistake that’ll allow us to end this thing.”

  “It also might put too many in danger. I couldn’t stand it, if one more person that I love, dies because of him. I’m informing you so you can tell everyone. I don’t want you, mom, Tina or Debra; or any of the people I care for; to be truly panicking but I need you to act as if you are. Pretend I just dropped off the edge of the Earth. As long as you’re in the FBI, I can find you again if an end to this does come.”

  “I’ll make sure everyone has eyes on them. Ryan has shown, he can find what he needs to. His technical skill is unmatched by few others.”

  “That’s why, I’m going to empty my bank account and live on cash. I’m going to do everything I can to fall off the grid. When you’re told that my abandoned car gets found, try not to panic for real. Just store my things until the day this whole business gets put to rest.”

  “Don’t go anywhere yet. I’ll be right back.” My father walked around to a few of his friends in the office then they started circulating among all the agents.

  Everyone in the office knew about my problem. They’d been offering their services as well when Detective Cramer asked for the help. That was always the most frustrating thing. Even with the resources of the FBI added to the case, Ryan stayed hidden. That more than anything told me the magic was real. It was the only way he could elude capture with the number of quality law enforcement personnel working on it. My father had commendations for his work and yet he couldn’t find him.

  Fifteen minutes later, my father came back, “I gave my boss permission, to use his authority to get your account emptied and closed. The cash will be waiting for you when you go to the closest branch of our bank, which is only a few blocks from here. The second thing is this…,” he handed me a thick envelope filled with money, “…I asked for help and got several people to loan me the money. I can pay them back later. Survive this.”

  “I plan to but I’m not as worried for me, as I am for everyone around me. If I thought it would help, I’d just give myself to him but I know it wouldn’t. I learned enough in my behavioral analysis classes to know, if I give into him for the sake of ending the violence, and not because I truly want to, it might make him worse. My hate for him would be too obvious. He wants me to come to him as a willing partner. That won’t ever happen.”

  “It’s also never a good idea to give in to evil. Those of us, who fight for the good side, cannot give in just to protect others. Everyone in law enforcement knows this. Everything Ryan does is his responsibility, not yours. If we hold to the idea, it’s important everyone be free to make their own choices, you can’t give away your ability to make your own choices. You can’t let him dictate your life for you.”

  “That’s why I’m doing this. I’ll keep my ear to the ground and, if my disappearing causes him to make a mistake that gets him caught, then hurray. If not, I just need to get away and hide, until you, Detective Cramer or someone else finds him. Goodbye, Dad. I love you, and tell mom I love her too, and I’m sorry, I didn’t give her a chance to say goodbye.”

  I was pulled into a rib-crushing hug, “I love you and don’t worry about your mother. She’ll understand and we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled, to see if Ryan makes a mistake, as a result of you dropping out of sight. With luck, you won’t have to stay hidden for long.”

  It was hard to leave but necessary. If I was to put an end to this, I needed everyone I cared about out of the line of fire. I just prayed Doriane had the ability to help with this.

  I drove to the bank and fortunately, wasn’t asked any questions, after showing my ID and collecting my money. I had a good amount to start with and hoped, I’d find the means to get more, when and if I needed it.

  I found the closest discount clothing store and bought a couple of cheap shirts, cheap pants, underwear and socks. They weren’t my usual taste but I wasn’t looking to stand out at my best.

  I drove to a crowded parking lot several blocks from Doriane’s house.

  It was a movie theatre and I had a few hours, so went to a movie. My mind was a million miles from caring about what I was seeing. I was just staying in public, to make it harder for Ryan to approach me. Going to the movie and shopping gave me a reason, for why I was going to the places I was, in case he was tracking my movements.

  Sitting there with a crowd of movie goers, I processed what I was doing. It still seemed crazy but I’d seen the evidence with my own eyes.

  The way Ryan appeared and disappeared, when he ki
lled Tom, cannot be done with any known tech, outside the controlled environments of a magician’s stage or movie studio.

  The energy from the wand had a foulness to it, I could feel, as it hit Tom’s chest. The medical examiner who did the autopsy said the edges of the wound had been burned it a way he’d never seen before. This simply led him to the conclusion, it was a result of the gadget used by Ryan.

  That was the official version. Tom Walters had been murdered by Ryan Gilpatrick using an unknown modern weapon. I knew it was more than that.

  When the movie was over, I left the theatre then slowly wandered in the direction of Doriane’s house. I made sure to stay where people could see me but was scared witless. Ryan was willing to approach me at the college when others were around. I just had to hope, he was busy with something else, and wasn’t paying close attention to me tonight.

  In time, I would find out why, there were such long intervals between his appearances. When I did, it would make me sadder, angrier and drive my hate for him to new heights. It would also make it harder, to keep my guilt away, that the sweet boy, who presented me with a flower, when he asked me to a dance, would turn into such a monster, because I said no.

  I was standing under a streetlight, with my purse and new clothes, across the street from the mystic’s house, when she arrived. As soon as I saw her get out of her car, I ran to her. She didn’t say anything until we were inside.

  Doriane lived in a small, two story, gray and white house that looked like any belonging to a thirty year old single woman. There were a few pieces of art, and other decorations, that displayed her trade but otherwise, it could be anyone’s house.

  As soon as her door was shut, she had me sit on her couch then went to get some tools.

  Doriane came back with some clay, a couple sticks of incense; scents I’d never encountered; and a ceremonial dagger, with designs finely etched into the surface of the blade.

  It made me nervous but I needed her help, so had to extend a little trust. The kindness in her eyes was enough to help ease my fear some.


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