The Hidden Paths to Power

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The Hidden Paths to Power Page 10

by D. A. Smith

  I didn’t know what to feel in that moment as I took in this scene.

  Ryan was willing to put the world’s balance at risk for me.

  I knew better than to take any blame any more.

  What Ryan Gilpatrick was doing was all his responsibility but this had gone beyond a feud between me and him.

  He was attempting to make me his slave, which shows he wasn’t thinking clearly. It was me he wanted, but without my free will, I wouldn’t be me. If he’d succeeded, it would’ve been worse, than if I had chosen to go to him, to end the violence. He would’ve ended what he was searching for; my willingness to accept his love.

  Without my free will, I couldn’t make that choice.

  After we searched the room, to ensure all the dark magic had been eliminated, we went back up and sat on the front porch.

  I called Harold, “Lieutenant Cramer.”

  “You really need to work on how you greet people on the phone. I feel like a colleague rather than the niece I think of myself as.”

  “Saves time, which I don’t have much of these days. I hope you aren’t reporting another dismal find.”

  “It’s both dismal and a possible break in your case. We found where Ryan was hiding. He and those who were sheltering him are gone but the house we’re at, may give you, your first hot lead in a long while.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Are crime scene personnel going to be necessary?”

  “I need you to take a look at the scene, before you determine your next move. This one is creepy from my point of view, if you catch my meaning.”

  “That bad, huh? Give me the address.”

  Fifteen minutes later, I was diving into his arms for a comforting hug, before we took him down to the room below the house.

  Harold took one look at the scene and said, “I need you to come out of hiding before this goes public.”

  Part Three

  Finding My Strength

  Two hours later, Doriane and I returned home.

  I could sense my mentor was upset about something but wouldn’t say anything, until she had us in the casting room and seated.

  Doriane sighed, “I wish you would’ve consulted with me, before agreeing so quickly to come out of hiding. I understand Harold’s position. He needs you to provide something positive to the community, as the details of the new find become public. I also understand that, with Ryan under the careful management of his mentor, the risk to you has been minimized. What you failed to take into account, before so quickly agreeing, were the potential consequences to us as guardians. You accepted the mantle of guardian, so that must be your first priority before the feelings of others.”

  “What potential consequences?”

  “Harold’s request, to have you come out so soon after the find, will turn you into a celebrity. You are a public face but we’re talking the whole gamut of being a celebrity. That means talk shows and multiple interviews in front of cameras. There will be many public appearances. That means, we’re talking about several years, of you appearing in the public eye, without being seen to change. You can change your appearance with magic but the more you have to use, to give the appearance of aging, the greater the chance of making a mistake that could expose the magical world.”

  “I’m sorry. I got a little excited with the knowledge that, I might be able to openly see my friends and family soon.”

  “I understand your motivation but it’s my job, as your teacher, to remind you of your first priority, until it becomes stuck in your mind. It must be an even greater priority than the feelings of your friends and family. I brought you in here because I have a new spell to teach you. I think you’re strong enough now to cast it, though it might leave you feeling like sleeping through the whole day tomorrow. It’s an important one for us. Now take off your shoes and socks because you need direct contact between the skin and the symbols you will use.”

  She directed me to sit on a pillow, with my right foot on the traveler’s symbol, and my left on the symbol for an oak tree spirit. She taught me the names of the symbols in the language of mystics then the three keywords for the spell I was casting.

  When she was ready, she stood by the door to go upstairs, “When you’re steady enough, make the room go dark and cast that spell. I’ll be waiting for you upstairs when you’re done.”

  I could tell, this was one of those things, she wished she didn’t have to do, but was necessary, for me come to a full understanding of this life we have.

  I was nervous but used the techniques I was taught, to steady my mind, then passed my hand left to right above my head, while concentrating on my power. This signaled the room to extinguish the candles.

  I said the two words, to make the symbols my feet were on light up then centered myself, and said the three keyword phrase that cast the spell.

  At first, I didn’t think anything happened then felt my essence separate from my body.

  I was taken somewhere and realized, I was being shown a vision, of the possible future, if I make the choice to reveal myself, without careful consideration.

  I saw myself, standing next to Harold at a press conference, as I was being publically displayed as being alive and well. I was asked questions about where I had been and started having to mount lie after lie on top of each other.

  I was approached by the producer of a late night talk show and convinced to go on camera, in front of the nation, and tell my story again, but I didn’t remember everything I said at the press conference exactly.

  Some people, who were quick to pick up on the subtle differences, started to ask hard questions.

  The vision moved forward ten years and I still looked the same. I had the presence of mind to add some crow’s feet but my vanity, after being a celebrity so long, didn’t let me adopt more drastic changes, and people started taking notice.

  Women would approach me and at first, ask politely how I maintained my youth, but as I stammered out excuse after excuse, became bitter and demanding.

  The vision took me forward one hundred years.

  I looked twenty-two, with black hair, but someone was able to compare an image of me from today, to an image taken a hundred years from now and discovered, it was the same woman in both pictures. That caused me to become a hunted person, both by those who wanted to know how I did it, and religious extremists, who still carried the doctrine about magic being the work of the devil.

  The vision moved forward fifty years and showed a world ravaged by war because magic had become known. Those with the jealous desire to possess such skills, fought with those who felt, all magic was evil, and should be stamped out.

  All mystics were hunted but the dark users, were willing to use their skills to defend themselves. The guardians only did so reluctantly and, as more guardians lost their lives, there were fewer to contain the dark magic.

  The balance began to tilt and I watched in horror, as the world became a dead thing, floating around the sun.

  This was only one possible future but the most probable, if I wasn’t careful about every action I take, as a guardian. The simple act of revealing that I was alive and well, without a detailed and practiced explanation, could lead to the world dying.

  That was a lot of pressure but I was grateful to Doriane, for forcing me to do this.

  The visions came to an end and I tiredly got the candles lit again. She was right that I felt like falling on my bed and sleeping through the whole day tomorrow but I forced myself to do one thing first.

  I dragged myself up the stairs, found a tearful Doriane sitting on the couch and slowly moved into her, buried my face in her chest and cried.

  I tenderly kissed her lips then said, “Thank you. I know how to handle this better.”

  “I had to endure the same thing, the first time Gerridon forced me to cast it. Once I was free of my village, I became a little reckless. I spent time in the taverns and going to parties thrown by the wealthy. It wasn’t as bad then as it is now, because becoming fa
mous was harder but when women took on that kind of notice, they were remembered for it more often than men. Gerridon tracked me down and forced me to cast that spell. If I didn’t show more restraint, one of my careless decisions, could’ve tilted the balance too far within fifty years. Each of us must guard this knowledge with our lives and make the world of magic our first priority. I understand that it seems unfair because you aren’t allowed to know the consequences before you make your choice.”

  “I understand and harbor no bitterness or ill will. For all the difficulties, I’m still happier being a guardian and being in your life. I love you and appreciate you more every time, I’m showed another glimpse into what this world means. I’m still going to help Harold but not in the way he might imagine. I’m not going to be a darling for the media.”

  “Just don’t become infamous either. Find the right balance that says here I am, alive and well, but you won’t take it well if you’re being hounded with attention.”

  I didn’t sleep through the entire next day but when I woke, it was too late, to put any plan into practical motion, so spent the day doing casual friendship things with my mentor. I did my laundry and other simple chores, and had a normal day with a friend.

  Doriane’s confidence shone bright when she saw, I really didn’t harbor hard emotions over the vision.

  The next day was Friday and I called Tina openly. The surprise and delight in her voice was heartwarming, “What are you up to this time?”

  “I’m nearly ready to come out of hiding but I need your help, and Debra’s, if you can get away.”

  “We both have today off from school and work. We’re just lounging around the apartment we share now.”

  “I’m going to give you my address and need you two, to get here without telling anyone else yet. I need to set this up right.”

  “Absolutely. We’ve been dying to see you again. One, three minute dose, is just not enough.”

  I gave her the address then dialed Harold, “This is Lieutenant Cramer.”

  “At least the population of words in your greeting has doubled. How are you doing right now with the room?”

  “All nine girls have been identified, and now officers and counselors are traveling to the homes of the families, to inform them. It’s been a grim couple of days and I’m still filing the reports. We’ve also managed to identify ten of the fifteen children in the first room through DNA tests. Those families are also being notified. The tests on the other five are due in tomorrow, so I have more bad news to deliver to the community.

  “Linda Tomlinson, of the Rocky Pines Homeowner’s Association, has been taking some heat but mostly, she’s been breathing down my neck, to find the Gilpatricks so she can start the lawsuits against them, for the unauthorized construction of the room below the house. I have the property deeds in front of me and found out, they aren’t going to help as much as we hoped.

  “The name on the deeds is Steven Gilpatrick, Ryan’s father. He owned both houses to keep the names of those living in the more expensive house from being known. I have sketch artists working with the neighbors who lived closest to them. They told us, three people lived in that house for the last ten years or more. There’s an auburn-haired woman in her mid-twenties. There’s a man whose description is close enough, he could be a brother to Steven. The third is another man, with blonde hair, that could be an older cousin to Ryan. There’s no paper trail to where they moved to.

  “The neighbors reported a foul odor that was a constant presence on the property and there was a lot of late night activity. I’m guessing that was when Ryan was moving around so he wouldn’t be spotted.”

  “Hopefully what I’m about to tell you will help. I’m almost ready to come out of hiding but this has to be done my way. Can you take a break long enough to come to Kim’s house where I’m staying and hear me out?”

  “I can do that. Just having the knowledge out there that you’re alive and well, will be a note of brightness, to add to all the dismal I have to report.”

  I gave him the address then paced anxiously, waiting for them to get here.

  Doriane made sure we swept the house and put anything that shouldn’t be seen below.

  I was about to climb out of my own skin when the doorbell finally rang.

  Tina and Debra both pounced on me now that they could claim more than a few minutes of my time.

  After introducing them to Kimberly, we sat in the living room and just chatted, until Harold arrived. I took only a small amount of pity on Harold, being the only man in a room with four attractive women. I hoped, he’d find a special person soon. This case had taken so much of his time, his personal life got neglected. I’m trying to fill a small void there by being a niece to him.

  Once everyone was seated with drinks I stood, took a deep breath then said, “I hope what I’m planning, will be the help you need Harold. I’m going to publically announce that I’m out of hiding but I also plan, to take whatever measures necessary, not to become a celebrity. When the press conference takes place, I may say a few things that’ll make the media a little uncomfortable. I needed Tina and Debra here because, I’m hoping they’ll let me bring them up as well. I’ll be as gentle as I can but I’ll not let the media paint a bull’s eye on my head or that of my friends and family. I realize, there’s only so much that can be done, but I’m planning to be hostile. I’ll go as far as necessary, to keep editors from being comfortable putting what I say in print, or producers putting what I say on air. I want to let people know I’m okay but not at the expense of antagonizing Ryan more. The more of my face he sees, the more obsessed he gets.”

  Harold smiled, “I’ll enjoy the front row seats, of watching those vultures get a little hostility thrown at them. I’m not allowed to because I must remain politic.”

  Debra asked, “What were you planning to say about me and Tina?”

  “When I say, I don’t feel like having a target painted on me, I also want to mention, I’ll take it badly, if they paint one on you too. I can’t make this decision for you. If either or both, are willing to risk it, to gain a little notoriety as my friends, then go for it. I just won’t support it. For all that I’m willing to walk out in public again, Ryan still hasn’t been caught. I believe his family is going to do what they can to contain him, even as they shield him, since his actions have now brought notice to them.”

  Tina responded, “I may play it up a little but respect what you’re saying. The protection on us expired yesterday, so we’ve been taking a few measures to guard each other. You know we’ve been in classes since the age of three on self-defense.”

  “I know but Ryan’s skill is becoming legendary. He’s more vicious than either of you could dream of being. Unfortunately because we still haven’t caught him, Lisa and Erica still have to stay in witness protection. I suppose, when I come out, there’s a chance they may change their minds, now that they’re adults. I can’t count on that and will understand, if they wish to stay hidden. I have a letter ready to be mailed to my parents, to let them know, they can call me or visit me anytime they feel like it.”

  I decided to do this in Aurora.

  Harold drove me back to the station with Tina and Debra following.

  I kept my hair hidden with my cap so I could control when I’m fully recognized. I was nervous but walked into the station and found many of the expressions comical, as some of the officers recognized me even with the hat.

  After filing the paperwork that made the positive identification real, I was taken to visit Harold’s captain.

  Captain Bert Cominski stared at me over his desk for a few minutes, with a less than pleased expression that I wasn’t willing to play the politics game.

  He ordered Harold out and his door shut then said, “I’ll ask that you be held accountable for the expense of looking for you, if you don’t play the game the right way, Ms. Boller.”

  “Charge me with the bill. I will dictate my life not you. I didn’t break any laws, as I was an ad
ult when I went into hiding, and have the right to protect myself however I see fit. Do not forget that I grew up in a family of FBI agents. Not one thing I did was illegal. I will not let the media paint a bull’s eye on me or my friends. Ryan Gilpatrick is still loose. Though I feel strong enough to let the community know I’m safe, I’m going to do what I can not to antagonize Ryan’s obsession more than can be helped.”

  “The media are already flocking in. We have them staged in the front of the building. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  I stood, walked out of his office and made my way confidently to the steps outside the front doors.

  I appreciated the effort by many of the officers I knew, to keep the reporters from crowding me. Many of them had been involved at one time or another since this began.

  The officer who tackled me off my bike turned with a grin for a second before shielding me some more.

  I came to a stop on the top step, took some comfort from Harold, Debra and Tina then stood still, until the reporters understood, they wouldn’t get anything from me, until they were quiet. The flood of questions started the moment I came out but until I had their undivided attention, I wouldn’t say anything.

  I took off my hat and let my long mane of blonde hair free, “I am Deana Boller. The woman who has garnered the attention of a vicious criminal like Ryan Gilpatrick. His obsession with me, has led him to commit heinous acts, I firmly believe, he will pay for. I’m standing before you today, to inform you that I have not been missing, but in deliberate and self-imposed hiding, to keep my face out of the public eye. I did this because I never know when Ryan is watching me and it seems, every time my face is made public, his cruelty and sadistic behavior only grows worse.


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