Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1)

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Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1) Page 9

by Haven Rose

  His arms tighten around me, his whispered words of “don’t leave me” touching my heart, as I turn to assure him I’m not going anywhere except the bathroom. He relents, loosening his grip, barely, before brushing a tender kiss across my lips. He then, showing he’s more awake than he’s letting on, smacks my ass once I twist to leave the bed.

  Proving he already knows me well, and heard my moan, I hear him declare, with the command in his voice I’ve learned to crave, “Oh yeah, we are exploring that later.”

  My saucy response of ‘after I get my mouth around you’ results in running footsteps as he rushes behind me, then lifts me into his arms as he carries me into the bathroom.

  “You have ten minutes to take care of whatever you need to before I return. Then we’re going to take a shower together, which is how I suggest we start all our days from now on, and you’re going to wrap that sexy mouth of yours around my dick as promised. I’ll be feeding your breakfast to you this morning, Ruby, and you’re going to suck down every drop of it.” Shit, I just came from his threat, his promise, and he knows it, based upon his next words.

  “Fuck! You just climaxed, didn’t you? The thought of sucking me off turns you on that much?”

  I nod my head, unable to speak for the visions running through my head, picturing myself on my knees before him, one of his hands wrapped in my hair, tugging on the strands as he uses the other to feed his thick cock between my lips. I’m unable to stop the whimper from escaping, and he growls, before the words “You now only have five minutes” comes out of his mouth, then he walks out, mumbling as he does about how our sex life will kill him.

  I quickly shut the door before relieving myself and brushing my teeth. There is no way I want to have morning breath as I experience a blowjob and shower sex for the first time. It takes me a second to even realize I’m using my own toothbrush, but then I shrug, figuring at some point Ryan must’ve gotten up during the night to set it out for me.

  An hour later, my first time sucking him off was a complete success, if his knees collapsing was an indication, and my ass is a little sore from being spanked, something I decided I do in fact greatly enjoy. He didn’t want to take me again, well, he wanted to, but resisted, knowing how sore I probably was. He even wet the washcloth, making the water extra warm, before placing it between my legs, the soreness instantly feeling a little better.

  We’re now both dressed, me sitting on the living room couch in a New Haven PD shirt and a pair of drawstring shorts from Ryan, as we begin eating our breakfast. Ryan, shirtless, wearing a pair of pajama bottoms is in the recliner, Boots and Lucy at his feet begging.

  I’m nervous, unsure how to broach the subject, but deciding to just say it, because this is Ryan after all. “Ryan, I think I know why this is happening to me. I didn’t want to tell you last night in front of my dad, then we were otherwise occupied after getting here,” he smirks at that, and I just blurt it out, knowing I need to say it before losing my nerve, “um, about two weeks ago, while I was looking for some paper in the desk my dad and I share, I found a notebook saying he thinks my mom was murdered, along with information to back it up. That she didn’t die in a car accident like we’ve been told.”

  He’s quiet now, and I wonder if he’s starting to doubt who he’s ready to attach himself to, but he only asks questions, showing his intelligence and how good he must be at his job.

  I answer all of them, then, asking him to give me one second, rush to the living room, grabbing my backpack, before returning to him. I open it, handing him the file I created containing my dad’s notes, as well as the ones I’ve since added, including a copy of the police report.

  He doesn’t say anything aside from asking if I can get the notebook and pen sitting beside the kitchen phone. I do, then watch in fascination as he reads everything my dad and I accumulated, making notes as he goes.

  Twenty minutes go by, me trying to contain myself, before he looks at me, and I see the same fear and regret I did in his eyes last night before he took my virginity, when he admitted he didn’t want to hurt me. I swallow, my own tearing up as I wait for his words, knowing they’re going to change my life.

  “Ruby, our precious jewel,” but he stops there, gathering his thoughts I assume, but I’ve heard all I needed to. He said “our,” not “my,” which means he was including my parents, remembering I told him they called me that from the day I was born.

  He starts again, “Baby, I think you and your dad are right.” I’m still processing that as he continues, and even knowing it was a possibility, hearing him say it is devastating, knowing someone purposefully took my mother away from her family, breaking my dad’s heart and mine, because they decided her life needed to end.

  “It looks like the scene of the accident, as stated on the report, doesn’t line up with her injuries, because that’s all they should’ve been, aches easy to recover from, which means this report has been doctored, and that could’ve only been done by one of the deputies…or the sheriff.”


  Though it’s obvious she expected as much, I can tell by Ruby’s face she’s still shocked, not to mention hurt for so many reasons. First being that her mom should still be with her today, instead of having missed the last twelve years, and so many more to come. That isn’t something you can ever fully recover from, though with time the pain will lessen, it’ll never fade completely. Just the thought of losing either of my parents makes me want to call and let them know how much they mean to me, or better yet, bundle Ruby and our furry ones up and visit them. But I know the latter needs to wait, and the former will have to hold me over until then. The second, and I think this is what’s just now fully hitting her, is that whoever is responsible, whether for the accident itself, covering it up, or both, is someone who has seen the pain Ruby and her dad have lived with over the years, and it hasn’t impacted theirs in any way.

  As I’m watching her, because I can’t stop doing so now that she’s here with me, I see when everything hits Ruby. Her lower lip trembles and her eyes are so full of pain that the tears building there have no choice but to escape, trying to run away as I know Ruby wishes she could. I move quickly to sit beside her, gently taking her in my arms and pulling her onto my lap, one hand running up and down her back, giving as much comfort as I can in a situation where there really isn’t any to be had.

  I don’t know how long we sit like that, me alternating between trying to soothe her with my touch and words, but I know she needs the comfort right now, and I want to always provide her with whatever she needs. Loving her, taking care of her, was the reason I was put on this earth, and I intend to fulfill my purpose.

  Unfortunately, my cell rings, interrupting the time she needs to process everything. She asks if I need to answer that, and though I don’t want to because she’s more important than whoever is on the other line, and I tell her so, I also know it could be work, possibly about what happened at her house.

  “As much as I’d prefer to ignore it, it may be work. Will said the sheriff may need to talk with you personally today, as well as getting your statement.”

  Her confusion is clear as she asks, “But I told you everything, why would he need to talk to me too?”

  “Baby, I don’t want to take the chance that any evidence could be misconstrued as planted or tainted because I’ve collected or encountered with it. Our relationship will very soon be known by everyone, and all it takes is one person to point that out and start questioning everything.”

  “And how will it be known?” It takes me a second to realize what’s she’s asking, because I expected her to comment on my statements regarding the situation, not our relationship.

  “How? Because I intend to tell them, making sure everyone knows you’re mine, and I’m yours. I’d put an engagement ring on you right now if I could.”

  Again, she surprises me, showing me our life together will never be boring.

  “And I’d say yes if you did.” Her eyes are shining, this time
for a happier reason, when I look at her to see if she’s serious. She is.

  “You would? Even though we just met yesterday?”

  She doesn’t answer, but instead stands and walks to her bags, before pulling something out and coming back to the couch. I recognize it as the box she had me get from underneath the floorboard. She sits, then just stares at it for a moment, before turning and looking at me.

  “In case I forgot to say it last night, thank you for getting this for me. What’s inside may not seem like much to others, but they’re special to me, mementos of happier times.”

  She proceeds to pull out a few ticket stubs, a dried flower, what looks like an older model recorder that would hold a small tape, as well as a few other items. Ruby then explains a few of them, the ticket stubs being from movies with her parents, including the last one the three of them saw as a family, the flower is from a bouquet her mom got her when she turned ten, and the tape she tells me, her eyes growing misty again, holds a fairy tale.

  “My parents,” she says, the emotion thick in her voice, “were friends for years, and nothing but, until the day my dad heard a mutual friend of theirs talking about asking my mom out. It was then, dad always said, that he discovered what my mom meant to him. He didn’t waste any time after that before asking her out, and they were together from that day on, until we lost her. I used to beg him to tell me that story at night, viewing it as a fairy tale, and one night, not too long before, you know, I recorded it without him knowing, wanting the chance to listen to it whenever I wanted to.”

  She stops then, the emotions she’s feeling too much for her, but then she composes herself, showing yet again how strong she is, even when at her most vulnerable, and I am in awe of her for it. Ruby continues after another moment, but this time I can almost see her choosing her words before speaking.

  “It took me nine years before I could listen to it again, and even then, the love dad still clearly had for her brought tears to my eyes. I had asked him earlier that day why he didn’t react when any of the women around town showed their interest in him, and his answer in a nutshell, was because, in his heart, he was still married and always would be. I had always known, even before that night, that I wanted what they had, and refused to settle for anything less, but when I heard that, I made a vow to myself that if I ever found it, I wouldn’t hesitate to fight for it, knowing how rare it is. So, all that to say, I would, right now, if you were to ask, say yes, because my parents had that kind of love, the one I just know we’re going to have, and I refuse to waste even a second doubting it because I’ve seen how fast it can be taken from you.”

  I have no words, so I just lean forward, drawing her close, and proceed to show her what her confidence in us means to me.

  Later, our bodies weak from satisfaction, my phone rings again, and this time I answer, telling Sheriff Parker we’ll be at her house in thirty minutes.

  We take a quick shower, this time separately otherwise we’ll never leave the house, and get ready, running the dogs out before we go. We decided to leave Boots with Lucy and Princess, the three of them cuddled together on the couch, as we wanted Boots to start getting used to his new home.

  On the way, she asks out aloud what I know neither of us wanted to give voice to until now, “Can we trust the Sheriff? My instant reaction is yes, but based upon the report, we’d be stupid not to question it.”

  “I’d like to agree, but I really don’t know him that well, so I can’t make an accurate decision.”

  “It would kill Bobby if his dad was crooked. He did say his parents have been acting differently lately, and it started after I discovered dad’s notebook, but I’ve known him since I was little. He wouldn’t do that to me, to my parents, right?”

  She told me about Bobby, her best friend, when she gave me the full story about her mom, and though I haven’t had much contact with Sheriff Parker, aside from my interview, my gut says he can be trusted. But can we take the risk?

  “I honestly don’t know, baby. I want to believe we can count him as being on our side, but do we want to take the chance? What if we wait a little longer before making that choice? Hopefully we’ll have more information soon and can make a better-informed decision.”

  I can see her thinking about what I said, instead of instantly wanting to believe the man she’s known her entire life, and while I hate that she has to question this man, and the possibility that he could have something to do with her mom’s murder, I can’t help but feel good that she wants my opinion, and listens to it, before responding.

  “If that’s what you think we should do, then I agree. I trust you, and know you have more experience with this stuff than I do.” She gets quiet before saying my name again.

  I turn to her, curious what she’s thinking, when she shows how intuitive she is. “How do you and Will know each other? And please, don’t say from work, because your interaction yesterday was that of two people closer than co-workers for a couple days.”

  As I tell her my connection to Will, I can see her relax, and I realize this has been weighing on her, but she hasn’t asked until now, again a testament to her belief in me.

  “So, the Sheriff knows the truth behind your history with Will, but you don’t want anyone else to in case they try to question the reason you were hired?”

  I nod as we pull into her driveway, the Sheriff’s car already there, parked behind her dad’s. I turn off the car, but don’t get out yet, knowing we need to finish this discussion before walking inside, and what I’m about to say goes against everything I stand for as a cop, but I also know this is the only way to proceed.

  “Ruby, and this is hard for me to say due to my job, but I don’t think we have any other choice. I need you to keep what you told me about your dad’s notes and your own investigating between us, and Bobby as he already knows some of it. If we’re going to find out what really happened to your mom, we can’t say anything to the Sheriff, or any deputy aside from myself and Will, about our suspicions.”

  She nods, before asking, “Not even to my dad?”

  “We know we can trust him, baby, that isn’t the problem, but we don’t know who else he might mention something to, believing they’re his friend, when they could in fact be the enemy. And if they were to learn someone is doubting what happened, and is looking into it, that could put him in danger, and you in even more.”

  We’re both quiet, realizing what’s ahead for us, before she leans in, giving me a kiss full of emotion, then she opens the door, stepping out, her body bracing itself for what’s to come.

  We walk in, her dad hugging her, clearly still shaken about what happened, and could’ve had she been home, yesterday. The Sheriff and Will are hanging back, giving father and daughter a few moments before stepping forward and shaking my hand.

  The Sheriff, not knowing Ruby and I are unsure of him, reaches over and hugs her, the ease with which he does so showing it’s their usual way of greeting one another. Ruby returns it, but I’ve quickly become accustomed to her body language, and can see her second of hesitation before doing so. Thankfully, the Sheriff doesn’t notice it, and we follow her dad into the living room, Ruby and I sitting side by side on the couch.

  I know that closeness, plus her reaching over and twining her fingers with mine, isn’t missed by the other men. While her dad smiles, his approval of me clear, Will looks at me questioningly, and the Sheriff appears startled, seemingly unhappy with it.

  Two hours, and too many questions to count, later, I can tell Ruby is exhausted, but she’s finally answered everything the Sheriff threw her way, and was able to skirt the truth, wording her responses so she couldn’t later be called out for giving false information. My precious jewel is quite brilliant.

  The Sheriff and Will leave, both stating they’d see me in a few hours when I begin my shift. I don’t want to leave her, not knowing who can be trusted with her, and I know she sees it in my face.

  “What’s wrong, Ryan?”

  I tell h
er, always wanting to be honest with her, “I don’t like the idea of not being with you. What if something happens when I’m not there to keep you safe?”

  “Ryan, as sweet as that is, and as much as I’d like to spend time with you whenever I can, we both know we can’t always be together. I’ll be fine while you’re at work. I can get some of my own done while you’re gone, though I do need to head into the next town for clothes and personal items. I’m sure that store will be open, despite it being Memorial Day.”

  I open my mouth, wanting to beg her not to go, but she stops me before I can even try. “I promise to call when I leave your house,” I interrupt to correct her by saying it’s our house, “and when I get home.”

  “Can you take someone with you? Your dad, or Bobby? Maybe one of your girlfriends?”

  “I’ll take my dad that way we can spend the day together.” Though it’s not the same as me being with her, I know he’ll protect her just as I would.

  That afternoon…

  I returned to work, everyone talking about the destruction at Ruby Monroe’s home, saying how sweet she is, and that it’s such a shame something like this happened to her. It’s all anyone can talk about, then again, as this is a small town, even the slightest thing causes a stir. Hell, I remember when one of the teachers fell for a tourist and quit her job, wanting to leave with him when his trip was over. That was five years ago, and they, along with their three kids, visit her family every year, which still causes a few people to start the gossip about her all over again.

  I wish I could’ve seen Ruby’s face when she saw the pictures, and what I did to her room. Especially the present I left on her sexy bras and panties. I jacked off last night to visions of her wearing them. I know that means they now have my DNA, but I can easily make that disappear, or frame some unsuspecting person by adding theirs to the items, therefore ensuring the samples are ruined.


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