Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1)

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Grave Secrets (A Tangled Web Book 1) Page 11

by Haven Rose

  An hour has passed since Dad left. My new clothes, shoes, and personal items have all been put away, Ryan making sure to show me the drawers and closet space he cleared for me, until we can add the dresser from my own bedroom. I wanted nothing to do with the mattress, so Ryan hauled it out of the house after receiving permission from the Sheriff, leaving it for trash day. Thankfully, the frame wasn’t damaged or tainted by what that bastard did in there, so Ryan took it apart, saying we’d bring everything else here over the weekend. The plan is to put it in the spare room, and we’ll purchase a new mattress so when Ryan’s friend and former partner, Deacon, visits, he can use it.

  I’m looking forward to meeting him in a few weeks. Ryan has told me a lot about him, including his childhood and current relationship, as in basically non-existent, with his mom. I know Ryan wants Deacon to move here and plans on talking to him about it again when he’s here. I also know he’s going to leave a little seed in Deacon’s mind and heart regarding the Daniels family, of which Ryan and his parents consider Deacon to be a part of.

  My phone ring, and after checking the caller ID, I’m happy to see it’s Bobby. I was beginning to get worried. I answer, surprised to hear the excitement mingled with nervousness in his voice.

  “Bobby! Where have you been? I was getting worried.”

  “Ruby, can I come over? I need to show you something. It’s important.”

  “Of course. Don’t forget I live with Ryan now. He’s staying in Mr. Johnson’s rental house. Are you hungry? I have leftovers.”

  “No, I’m okay. I’ll pick up something on the way. Is Ryan there?”

  “Not yet, but he should be within an hour, give or take. He ended up having to work over.”

  “That’s perfect timing. I should arrive around the same time. Rubik’s, is everything locked up? Are the doors latched and the windows closed?”

  “Bobby, what’s going on? I’d like to say you sound paranoid, but with what’s happened lately…I’m checking now, then I’ll text Ryan and see if he knows when he’ll be home.”

  “Okay, good, good. Ruby, I need Ryan to be there to see this. I’ve found something, and it’s big. I gotta go, Rubes. See you soon.”

  “Please be careful, Bobby.” But he doesn’t hear me, the dial tone already ringing in my ear.

  I quickly text Ryan and breathe a sigh of relief when he says he’ll be home in half an hour. I reply and tell him Bobby is coming by, saying he has something to show us.

  As I wait for Ryan, and Bobby, I go through the house, double checking the windows and doors, not feeling as silly as I thought I would as I do so. Taking comfort in Boots and Lucy as they walk beside me, and the weight of Princess’ slight form as she climbs me before perching on my shoulder.

  Thirty minutes later, I hear Ryan opening the door, hollering out “Honey, I’m home.” I race to meet, smiling for the first time since getting off the phone with Bobby. Ryan wraps his arms around me, lifting me off the ground, as he laughs, saying “I love saying that.”

  I can’t help the girlish giggle that pours from me as I say, “How was your day, dear?”

  He chuckles before laying a kiss on me destined to soak my panties, and it does. I mentally start calculating the time before Bobby is due to arrive and figure, to hell with it, I need this. I place my palm on his rapidly hardening cock and hear him moan. I unzip him, then reach through the brilliantly placed opening in his boxers before wrapping my hand around him, my fingers barely touching. I can feel the breath stuttering in his chest as it tries to make its way to his mouth.

  “Baby, not that I’m complaining, I’d be an idiot to do so, but…oh the hell with it. Why do I care why you’re seducing me when I walk in the door?”

  “I want you, now, right here. Hard and fast. We have company arriving within twenty minutes, I’ll explain after, and I need to have you filling me before that happens. I hurt with wanting you.”

  “Then suck me off, Ruby. Show me how badly you need my come.”

  I drop to my knees after that, out of necessity for what he and I both want to happen, but also because his dominance melts me, making me want to do anything he asks of me, knowing he always has my best interests at heart.

  As I’m getting in place to worship my man, he unbuttons his pants, then pulls them down to his knees, allowing me the room I need to please him. I swear, when he talks again, the growl now present in his voice from arousal, causes a mini-climax. This man just does it for me.

  “You have choices, my jewel. First, I’m in your mouth, where I love to be, with my hands in your hair, while I fuck your face until you swallow every drop of me. Or second, we still do that, but then, before I come down your throat, you get on your hands and knees for me, and I take you from behind, shoving myself so deep into your tight pussy that we both come the second I’m inside you. Choose now.”

  “I want both, Ryan. Please. The ache I’m feeling can only be soothed by your come.” As if my words are all he needed, he begins fisting himself, and I know he’s waiting for me. So, already anticipating how delicious this is going to be, I open my mouth and wait for him to feed me.

  His cock slides in, going to the back of my throat, then his hands clench within my hair. He commands me to play with myself, then begins doing just as he promised, fucking my face, showing me he’s in control, and I love it. I love the feeling of him tunneling in and out of me, knowing I’m bringing him pleasure, just as he does me. He growls, letting me know he’s close, and once he loosens his hold on my hair, I turn around, knees and chest touching the floor, my ass in the air, and scream out my release seconds after he thrusts into me. I swear, he’s so deep I can feel his thickness in my throat. Though that may just still be from having it there.

  Surprisingly, I feel another climax rising, and I just know this one is going to be the ruin of me. He reaches forward, tapping my arms and I know what he wants. I steady myself, then put my arms behind me, and clench around him as I feel his hands surround both wrists, knowing I’m about to get fucked by the animal within the man.

  It isn’t long before he begins slamming into me, as rapid as machine gun fire, and right as I’m on the edge, knowing he’s there with me, he yells, “Come on my dick, baby. Soak me as I fill you with my seed.”

  I scream until my voice begins to go hoarse and I hear him groaning my name at the same time. That was hot as fuck, and I can’t wait to do it again.

  We both collapse onto the floor, breath heaving, wondering if we’ll ever be able to move again. That question is answered with a knock at the door and an urgently said, “Rubik’s, let me in.”

  Ryan and I move, both of us sighing as he slips out of me, then he helps me stand, fixing my shirt that had ridden up. As he tucks himself back into his pants and fastens them, I start toward the door, Ryan only a few steps behind me.

  I look through the small window in the door, knowing if I didn’t both Ryan and Bobby would call me on it, and open it when I see my best friend’s face.

  He walks in quickly, then tells me to close and lock the door. Now that he’s here, I’m reminded of how nervous he sounded on the phone and can’t help but feel like I don’t want to know what he needs to share with us after all.

  I introduce him and Ryan, telling Ryan as I do about Bobby’s phone call and why he was coming over. They shake hands, both having heard about the other but unable to meet until now. Ryan asks if he’d like something to drink. Bobby asks for a beer, then gives me a hug. I’m glad Ryan doesn’t seem bothered by it, or jealous, though I must admit if the situation was reversed, and Ryan’s best friend was a woman, I may not be as understanding. Hey, I’m a woman, it’s my right to be a contradiction. We’re puzzles and trying to decipher us isn’t worth the headache.

  I tell them dinner should be ready any minute now if they’d like to take a seat. Ryan runs upstairs to change out of his work clothes and wash up, while Bobby follows me into the dining room. He places something on the table, and I figure it’s the reason he’s
here, but I don’t ask, assuming he’ll tell us when he’s ready. I walk into the kitchen, grabbing a beer for the guys and a glass of water for myself, before joining Bobby.

  Boots, happy to see his friend, comes over, his body wriggling with excitement as Bobby pets him. Then, not to be outdone, Lucy and Princess do the same, wanting their share of love too. Bobby, an animal lover like Ryan and I, eagerly bestows it. I’m thankful to see he looks a little better than when I last saw him, and hope that means things are improving at home.

  I start to ask, but Ryan walks in before I’m able to, so I make a mental note to do it before he leaves. Ryan takes his seat and we start out with small talk, Ryan sensing Bobby needs to move at his own pace.

  Ryan talks about work, at least the aspects he can, while I mention I have a potential new client. They both ask questions, curious about my work. I tell them it was a man that said he’d passed through town not too long ago and overheard someone mentioning my company. He called the other day and said his office was trying to update their image and he was given the go ahead to approach me.

  Ryan asked what brought the man to town, always suspicious, but, with all he’s seen throughout his career, it’s completely understandable. I told him the man, Mr. Smith, getting a smirk from Ryan as he mumbles “fake name,” was here visiting family, a brother, I think, and someone at Bean There was talking about the new logo I’d designed for them.

  Bobby laughed, saying it was probably my dad, as he spends time there when he’s not at work or home. I snorted, knowing he was more than likely right. My dad and his buddies like to hang out there, the coffee and pastries are fantastic, and gossip worse than a group of women.

  Bobby starts talking about school, sharing a funny story involving one of his professors, and I can see him visibly relaxing with every minute that passes. By the time dinner is finished, we’re all laughing as we clean up after ourselves. There’s no leftovers, Ryan and Bobby having both sucked up their dinner like a Dyson vacuum, so it doesn’t take long to load the dishwasher and grab refills for our drinks. I hand Ryan his second, and know it’s his last, as he never drinks more than two just in case he’s called in for some reason. As for Bobby, he can always sleep it off on the couch since the guest room isn’t ready for visitors yet.

  We sit in the living room, the three spoiled bundles of fur laying wherever they please, and Bobby open the folder he was carrying, then lays it on the coffee table in front of me and Ryan.

  It takes my eyes a minute to process what I’m seeing, but Ryan gets it instantly, as evidenced by his “holy fuck” exclamation as he begins looking over the paper I’m still staring at.

  I glance at Bobby, realizing now what I’m seeing, and he says sadly, “I’m sorry, Rubes.”

  Ryan stops, then looks at me, checking to make sure I’m okay. I nod my head then shake it, and he gives me a small smile, knowing both perfectly describe what I’m feeling in this moment.

  Ryan asks Bobby where he got this, and he tells us what he did. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d told him, and the report with his dad’s forged writing. So, as he’d spent a lot of time as a kid at the station, first when his dad was a deputy and after he’d been elected Sheriff, he thought he could use that connection, that history, to do some digging. With that thinking, he’d made a trip to see Silas Jackson, the initial deputy on scene for my mom’s accident, and asked if he could come in, that he wanted to discuss a private matter.

  Mr. Jackson had agreed, asking after Bobby’s parents and wondering how things were in Colebrook. Bobby answered his questions, then asked one of his own, deciding to just be as honest as he could. He told Mr. Jackson about my dad and I’s suspicions regarding my mom’s death, and what I’d been going through lately, including the insinuation from my mystery caller it was connected to my questions.

  Bobby said Mr. Jackson, or Silas as he told Bobby to call him. got quiet, and he assumed he wasn’t going to help us, especially when he stood then walked away without saying a word. Bobby waited, unsure what to do, wondering if he should leave, and just as he was thinking he should, Silas returned. And in his hand, the folder Bobby was now showing us.

  Silas, regret in his eyes, told his story, and gave Bobby permission to record it on his cell phone.

  That night, he was nearing the end of his shift when dispatch said there was a woman calling from her cell phone, saying someone was following her. She also stated they had taken turns beating her, but she’d gotten away. Dispatch asked where she was now, and she said driving to the sheriff’s department. She was clearly distraught, her rambling giving it away. She told dispatch how her husband had gotten her a cell phone, wanting her to have it because you never know when you may need it, and she did right now. The dispatcher said she tried to ask who had hurt her and was currently following her, but all she could make out between the caller’s crying and mumbled words was what sounded like “man” and the phrase “two of them.”

  Dispatch, which was Mrs. Wilson that night, the department secretary who was filling in for someone, was still on the line with her, using her own cell to contact him, while trying to determine where she was. As Silas was making his way toward her, Mrs. Wilson said she and the caller had gotten disconnected, but she was trying to call her back, having asked for the woman’s number just in case. While she was dialing, Silas had reached the woman’s last known location and began looking for her car. As he turned the corner, he saw headlights and could tell not only was it driving erratically, but he realized there was another car following the first. He watched in horror as that car repeatedly rammed into the other. Silas stepped on the gas and turned on his sirens, knowing if he didn’t stop this now, someone would get hurt, or worse. The aggressor then sped up before hitting the vehicle in front of it as hard as it could, and Silas watched, while telling Mrs. Wilson to call for an ambulance, as the first car then spun out of control, stopping only when it smashed into a tree. The second car then took off, tires squealing in its haste to get away.

  The recording goes silent and Bobby said Silas stopped at that point, tears running down his cheeks, then he wiped them away, taking a moment to compose himself before continuing.

  Mrs. Wilson said an ambulance was ten minutes out, already having started heading in their direction. Silas didn’t even hesitate, knowing it was more important to rush to the car left behind as opposed to the one fleeing the scene.

  When he approached, shining his flashlight as the sun had begun setting during this time, he recognized the woman in the front seat, and knew, even though the ambulance was due any minute, she wasn’t going to make it.

  He did everything he could, but her injuries were such that even had she been immediately transported to a hospital, she wouldn’t survive. The impact to the car, and the damage to her body, was too much. Bobby grew quiet, as did the recording again, and now, with the tears pouring down his own cheeks, I knew, and had from the beginning if I was being honest with myself, what Silas was going to say next.

  Silas said he wrenched the passenger seat open, knowing all he could do at this point was offer comfort, and reached forward, clasping the woman’s hand as gently as possible so as not to cause her any more pain. She asked him to tell her husband and daughter she loved them, and she’d always be a part of their lives, even though her time on this earth was over. Silas said with her last breath she begged him to tell her family her last thoughts were of them, and that she’d loved every second of her life with them, that nothing had given her greater happiness than to marry the love of her life and be a mother to their precious jewel. Silas said he asked if she knew who’d done this to her, and she tried to nod her head, but the movement hurt too much, though she did mouth the word “twins,” before closing her eyes for the last time, her harsh breaths stopping shortly after.


  I caught Ruby as she fell forward, everything we’d just heard too much for her, her body shutting down to escape the truth of what happened to her mom.

  I just gathered her in my arms, pulling her into my lap as I held her, gently rocking back and forth, comforting her as best I could. While doing so, I looked at Bobby as he stopped the recording, the pain on his face obvious from not only learning what happened to a woman he’d known his whole life, but because doing so hurt his best friend, and he felt helpless, just as I did.

  While we gave Ruby the space her mind needed, I asked as many questions as I could. He said Silas had turned in his report, writing everything word for word as it had happened, and his recollection never changed, regardless of how many times he’d been asked, and by how many people. Silas said for some reason his bullshit meter was blaring and he heeded it. As soon as he’d had the chance, he made a copy of the report, the one he’d written with a true accounting of the situation, and kept it hidden in his safe at home. He said he never even talked to his wife about his suspicions, nor that he’d made a copy and kept it in their home.

  Ryan asked Bobby what had happened then, a feeling in the pit of his stomach he didn’t like alerting him to only one possibility. Silas had gone to work as scheduled for months following that, but every day seemed a little more tension filled, certain co-workers treating him differently. He said it wasn’t until Mr. Monroe had come into the station, asking to speak with him about his wife’s accident, that things started making sense. He’d gone into the sheriff’s office where the files were placed if a case wasn’t closed right away. He’d pulled out Mrs. Monroe’s, intending to talk over everything with her husband, but when he’d opened the file, looking it over one last time before rejoining Mr. Monroe at his desk, he was shocked to see a report inside that he hadn’t written. Oh, certain details were the same, but there was no mention of the second car, her final words to him, including the word “twins,” and it was labeled as her having lost control, therefore causing her death by hitting a tree head-on.


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