Mrs. Claus

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Mrs. Claus Page 2

by Amanda Lanclos

  She nods her head as if she’s agreeing. “The whole I’m not getting any younger and you should be having kids for me to spoil speech, eh?”

  “Exactly.” I smile, willing my damn dick to stay down in my slacks. That’s the last thing I need today. A libido that won’t settle down while I’m trying to woo a woman who will think I’m insane when I tell her I’m Santa Claus’ kid.

  She bites her lip, giving me a nervous smile. “Well, I hate to bother you after the whole talk you’ve had with your father, but…”

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  Her eyes go down my body again, her stance taking on a different vibe as she appreciates what’s in front of her. “Yvette called from Hasbro, they were wanting to see about making a deal with you for some toys this year.”

  “With me? They have their own people.” Sitting on my desk, I can’t help but look over Elodie’s features. Her strawberry blonde hair is pulled back in that classic ponytail she wears all the time, which only shows off her beautiful facial features she tries so hard to not accentuate. Her button nose is slightly turned up and her lips, they could send an angel to hell with how perfect they are. Plump in the right places, just like the rest of her delectable body. Well, hell. If I keep this up, I’ll be giving Dad his legacy sooner rather than later.

  She bites her lip, which puts me on edge. I know she’s doing it because she knows I won’t like what she has to say, but I’m on edge because her biting her lip makes me want to bend her over my desk. These thoughts have always crossed my mind, but now that Dad’s called and told me that I need to get my shit together and get ready to take over the business, it’s like I’ve been hit by a freight truck.

  “She wants to talk to you about a partnership with Hasbro to put their toys in Claustine’s, and also maybe put some of your toys in their stores as well.” She rolls her eyes, letting me know exactly what she thinks of the idea of us doing that. Little do they know that we already have their toys in all of our stores because all the toys come from the same place…Santa’s workshop…which also happens to be run by none other than…my dad.

  “I’ll shoot them an e-mail. I’m going to be leaving here in a couple of weeks to do some stuff with the family, and get things in order for the upcoming holiday season.”

  She smiles softly. “I love that your family is so supportive and active in the decisions. I don’t know how you all do it. My family can’t even be in the same room to eat dinner. They start fighting over who gets what first. It’s ridiculous.”

  My head goes back as laughter overtakes me. It’s refreshing, and knowing she likes the fact that my family is close, means that maybe…just maybe she will be interested in becoming a part of it. “Well, it sounds like family functions can be a great laugh for you.”

  She scoffs, her beautiful green eyes rolling back into her head. “Sure, if you love Uncle Jimmy yelling because they gave the baby the turkey leg.”

  “Oh my, this I have got to see one day. It sounds like WWE with food instead of trash talking wrestlers.”

  Her eyes go wide with shock. “Oh no! You can’t go there, I would be mortified!”

  Holding my hands up in surrender, I smile reassuringly. “Okay, I won’t do that. But if you wouldn’t mind telling Yvette that I’ll be in touch, I’d greatly appreciate it. We have a lot to do before Christmas, so let’s get things going!”

  She jumps slightly, making her breasts bounce right in my view, and it takes all the self-control I have to make sure I don’t stare at them like a pervert. Billy Bob Thorton in Bad Santa comes to mind, which makes me feel disgusting. “I’ll get right on that, Nick. If you need anything, just buzz. I’m going to go down to the factory to check on things there, too.”

  “Thank you, Elodie. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Her face reminds me of a child with a puppy. Maybe I should compliment her more often. Do I not show her how much I appreciate her working for me? Note to self, give her a pay raise and tell her I appreciate her more. “You’re welcome, Nick. It’s kind of my job.” She smiles that kind smile I’ve always found comforting…if I was being honest, it was the main reason I hired her. Her smile always made me feel like there was nothing wrong in the world, and everyone wants to have that in their lives.

  Watching her walk out of my office, I know that she’s going to be the one…Dad may have set the plan in motion, but I’ve got to make it happen without her knowing that’s the reasoning behind what I am about to do. “Looks like it’s time to plan a trip to see Santa, and this time, it will be with someone who could change my life.”

  Stepping out into the snow, my eyes can’t believe what I’m seeing. I feel like I’ve been put in one of those snow globes that Hallmark sells at Christmas. You know, the ones with Santa’s workshop inside it.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I jump when I feel the heat of his breath against my ear. My body leans into him as the sound comes over me, as if it has a mind of its own. Great.

  Looking around the place, turning in a circle as I take in everything. “It’s incredible. I can’t believe it’s real.” I know I probably look like a little kid experiencing the magical world of Disney for the first time, but this is so enthralling that I can’t look away, even if I wanted to.

  “Elodie! What a surprise it is to see you here!” A booming voice makes me look toward the right. I see Harry walking toward us wearing a pair of red trousers with a pair of black suspenders over a white, long sleeve thermal shirt. His beard has gotten longer and his hair has, too, but the one thing that sticks out is those bright blue eyes.

  “Wait…Harry…he’s your dad?” My mind is reeling from the information overload clouding my brain. The eyes, that should have been a given for me. But I never really paid attention to Harry’s eyes.

  “Actually, Elodie. I’d like to formally introduce you to my father, Nicholas Claus the fifth. But he goes by Harry at the store.” Nick smiles hugely as he introduces me to his father, even though I’ve seen Nicholas several times before. “Or if you want to take it a step further, he answers to Santa, too.”

  Harry, or Santa, or Nicholas…whoever he is, smiles with a chuckle. His rosy cheeks getting redder by the second. “So true. I’m a man of many names, but it’s part of the job description.” His hands pull me into a hug before he lifts me up and spins me in a circle.

  “Dad, put the girl down!” Nick laughs as I squeal. “I know you’re excited, but let’s not run her off please.”

  Run me off? What the heck is that about? “I’m fine, thank you, sir. I enjoy being swept off my feet every now and then.” I laugh softly while I straighten my clothing.

  “Come on in. Lizzie is in the kitchen making sugar cookies and hot cocoa for everyone. You’ll know her as Mrs. Claus, but just call her Lizzie, she likes that so much more.” Nicholas smiles as he claps Nick on the back. “Your momma is going to be excited that you’ve brought a girl home, finally.”

  He looks at me, his eyes wide as he mouths ‘sorry’, but I just shrug it off. I’m sure they know by now that I’m nothing but his assistant. He grabs my bag, smiling when something comes flying over my head. I squeal out as I see a reindeer land right in front of us, with a nose so bright it really does glow…I can’t believe this is real, this can’t be real. I’m feeling dizzy.

  I watch as who I think is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and my boss play around as if he’s a five-year-old boy with his pup. I thought Sven and Kristof had a strange relationship in Frozen, but this…it takes the cake. The last thing I remember is the worried look on Harry’s face right before the darkness takes me over.

  “I mean, I knew she’d be shocked, but I didn’t think she’d actually pass out from shock. I guess Rudolph and that bright nose of his was a little too much too soon, but Momma, he doesn’t see me enough.” Nick’s voice covers me like a warm blanket before another voice comes into my brain. I can’t open my eyes, but I’m aware that they are there.

  “I know. He’s always bee
n one of your best friends. He’s a bit overwhelming, though, but the snow broke her fall and she’s going to be just fine.” The woman’s soft voice is like a bell ringing in the distance. She’s got such a soothing tone that I know this must be his mother. “She’s very beautiful, too. Is she the one for you?”

  Am I the one for him? What in the world? I’m his assistant. Why can’t I wake up!

  “I think if I truly had to settle down and find someone to be with, that it would be Elodie. She’s great with kids, she treats all of our employees like gold, and she’s simply stunning.” He chuckles before grabbing my hand and sending a shooting heat through my body. Maybe this place really is full of magic. “She took my breath away the first time I met her. I can remember it like it was yesterday.”

  So can I. It was mortifying for me, but let’s hear his side of the story.

  He lets out a small laugh before rubbing my arm with his hand. “Well, I’d just placed the ad for the assistant position when all of a sudden the door opens and in walks this woman, soaked from head to toe because the bottom fell out of the sky and she’d forgotten her umbrella. She was wearing this bright red dress with green and white polka dots, and looked like a Christmas dream, even with raccoon eyes.”

  It was horrible. I remember that day so vividly. I’d seen the ad in the paper and I knew in my heart that I was going to get that position. After getting there, the bottom had fallen out of the sky and there wasn’t a parking spot for miles. I knew I had to speak to them right away, but I surely didn’t think I’d actually speak to Mr. Claustine himself. I was a blubbering fool when my body came into contact with the man. He was wearing a dark gray button up shirt tucked into black slacks that fit him like they were made for him, and his blue eyes were filled with amusement and what looked to be pity.

  “I’m here for the job you have listed in the paper. Please excuse my appearance. My umbrella must have fallen out of my purse.” Nope, I just realized I gave it to the homeless woman at the park a couple of weeks ago, with a reminder to get myself another one.

  He chuckles and the sound sends a small tingle of pleasure right through me. “You gave your umbrella to a homeless woman?”

  “Uh! I think out loud when I’m really nervous.” My body cringes as I realize I’m dripping water all over this very nice business. I look around, taking in the elegant details of the office, including the man in front of me. The big mahogany desk sitting in the middle of the room makes itself known from the second you walk in. It’s a beautifully elegant piece that has minimal materials on the top, just some papers and a cup with some pens, as well as a huge Mac computer.

  The man is looking at me with either a look that is wondering just how crazy I truly am, or maybe a look that is making him think how crazy he is about to be. His hand grazes mine as it takes the soggy folder out of my hand and flips it open to reveal my résumé. I’ve got a very extensive portfolio, so I know that I am able to do the job he’s got in the paper.

  “Ms. Elodie, your résumé shows that you have a lot of potential, and your rambling shows me that you’re not only a great worker, but a compassionate person. Which happens to be the one thing I am looking for. Can you start tomorrow morning?” He gives an eager look as he hands me back my folder and leans his hip onto his desk, making my eyes travel down toward the package in his pants. “I’ll give you a salary of fifty-five thousand a year.”

  I suppose the look on my face made him question my answer, so money was his next viable choice. “Yes, I would love to be a part of your company, Mr. Claustine.”

  “Please, call me Nick. Can I get you something to wear so you aren’t stuck in wet clothing?”

  If you’re going to look at me like that, then I’d gladly keep my wet clothes on. “Yes, that would be great. If you have some extra clothing lying around.”

  He nods before walking toward his desk, opening a drawer and pulling out a black tee shirt and a pair of red running shorts. They will most likely fall off of me, or encompass me, but at least they will be dry. “Thank you.”

  His smile, which takes over his face, makes me want to explode with giddiness, like a kid with a schoolgirl crush. “Thank you, for coming in here a sopping wet mess and making an impression that will last me a lifetime. I believe you’re going to do just well here, Elodie Masters.”

  If I was being honest, walking into that office four years ago, dripping water all over the immaculate floors was the best thing that ever happened in my life. I mean, how many people could actually say they got to experience the real magic of Santa Claus? Hell, half the people in the world didn’t even believe that there was a Santa Claus.

  Mom looks at me with this knowing gleam in her eye just before Elodie groans, making us both stop in our tracks and glance over. She looks around, taking in the bedroom I grew up in. It’s changed a good bit, considering I’m not a ten-year-old boy who plays with reindeer and bakes sugar cookies with my mother. I try to take the room in through her eyes. The walls are painted a light gray, almost like the clouds right before the snow starts to fall, and the comforter is a navy blue against the walnut-colored bed Dad crafted with his own hands.

  “What happened?” Her voice shakes a little as she sits up, trying to figure out where she is.

  “Hi, sweetie…you passed out with all the excitement. Don’t feel bad, I did it, too, when I first met Rudolph.” Mom chuckles softly as her hand covers Elodie’s. “He’s quite the character, that Rudolph. He knows how to make an entrance.” Yep, it was actually Rudoph!

  “Elodie, you’ve met my mother, Lizzie. She’s been to the store a few times.” Grabbing a glass of water, I rise to my feet to see if I can help her. “Would you like something to drink? Or maybe some of Mom’s famous cookies?”

  She eyes me, almost as if she’d much rather have me than the glass in my hand, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I liked it. The way her eyes trail down my body, I could take and die a happy man. “Um, the water would be nice. I’m feeling a little parched.”

  Momma laughs, shaking her head and clapping me on the back. “I like her, Nick. She’s going to be a wonderful addition around here.”

  “Way to talk about her like she’s not here, Mother.” Grumbling, I try not to stare into Elodie’s face because I know she has no clue what the heck is going on here. Mom just chuckles as she walks out of the room. “I’m sorry about that.” Rolling my eyes, I turn my attention back to the woman in my bed. God, she looks amazing there.

  Her nose scrunches in that adorable way it always has since the first day I met her. “I don’t know what the heck is going on here, but you better get to spilling, Nickolas.”

  I’m taken aback by the way she speaks, I’ve never heard her so stern. She isn’t playing around. “Fine, I’ll tell you.” Taking a deep breath, I grab her hand, surprised when a small shot of electricity courses through my veins. I didn’t expect it.

  “I felt it, too.” She sighs softly as she shakes her arm to dispel the electricity. “I’ve felt it since the first day, if I’m going to be honest.”

  “Elodie, I brought you here because…” I take a deep breath, not sure how to continue. I rub my hands on my jeans, trying to rid them of the clamminess I feel. “Well, Dad’s not getting any younger. He’s told me for years I’ve needed to settle down and show him that I am serious about running this business. That I need to find a wife and have kids eventually so our family can continue to grow. So the magic of Santa Claus never dies.”

  “And? You think I’m the woman to do that for you?” Her chest is heaving up and down, almost as if she’s about to go into cardiac arrest. I’m worried I’ll kill her, and then I will be back at square one.

  “I’ve always thought you were beautiful, Elodie, but I couldn’t pursue you because of the fact that you were my employee.” Way to go, ass, she’s still your employee, so why is it any different today? “But I never could find anyone else to pique my interest. I’ve thought about you since the day you walked into my office
, but I didn’t really think of it until Dad called. He told me I had to wake up and find someone. He was getting older and needed to retire. He actually dropped the hint of you. He told me to bring you with me up here. He was right all along, but he usually is.” Running my fingers through my hair, I pray that I’m not sounding like a complete asshole to her.

  She cocks her head to the side, looking at me almost as if she’s a lost puppy. It’s cute. “So, wait…” she pauses, her eyes moving back and forth in her head, a sure sign that she is calculating her words before she throws them my way, “you’re saying, you want me to what? Marry you?”

  “Well, I’m saying I would like us to spend this week getting to know each other on a different level, and if something were to happen, then yes, I would love to take you as my wife.” I’m surprised at myself and how calmly I’ve just said those words. I’d been alone so long due to work and not wanting to let the family secret slip out, it’s actually a relief to tell someone. “I truly believe if anyone can make this family business better, it’s going to be you. You have a way with people that makes them feel special, and watching you with the kids in the store, you are great with them. You’re going to be a great Mrs. Claus one day.”

  She’s lying in my bed, shaking her head as if she doesn’t know what’s going on. “Nick, this is just too much. I mean, I just found out that the legend I came to know as Santa Claus is actually very much real. And now his son is asking me to step into the family and help it grow.”

  Raising my hand up to stop her from speaking more, I know she’s worried and afraid. It’s a lot to take in and I don’t really know how to make it not seem as crazy as it actually is. I just know now that I’ve considered it, there is no one else I want. “Elodie, I’m going to give you a bit to shower and process all of the things I’ve told you today. You know how I get when there is something I want. Right now, that’s you. I want you, Elodie.” Her eyes go wide and her body reacts. She wants me, too. Good. “I’m going to go meet with Dad. Take a shower and get ready. I’ll show you around the grounds after I talk to him.”


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