Secret Surrender (The Forever Book 2)

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Secret Surrender (The Forever Book 2) Page 11

by Priscilla West

  My heart sank. Vincent’s schedule was really putting a strain on our relationship. I had taken the amount I was seeing him before for granted, and even that hadn’t been much. “Okay. Bye.”

  He hung up. I looked down at my phone and saw I still had another forty minutes before I had to get up. As I shifted to plunge back into my pillow, I felt a fresh wave of nausea. Fearing I was going to vomit, I got up and sprinted to my bathroom. I barely made it.

  After that, I did feel better. I went and grabbed some soda and drank it slowly in the kitchen. The nausea seemed to have gone away almost entirely, so I decided I’d still go to work. What to do about Vincent was another story. It wasn’t really his fault he was so busy, but I still felt more than a little neglected. Even though I wasn’t sure exactly what else he could do, I needed to talk to him about it.

  If we were going to be a couple, we wouldn’t be able to keep it secret forever. Vincent had correctly said that having relations with clients wasn’t expressly forbidden. I didn’t want to broadcast our relationship to the whole office, but we could risk a nice dinner in the city. It would show how much I cared about him. Whenever Vincent did return, I resolved to invite him out for a good steak. My treat.

  He ended up calling a couple days later. Apparently the response in Lisbon had been mediocre. It wasn’t the end of the line for the venture, but he would be returning to New York for a few days to work with another team on how to proceed. When I told him I wanted to take him out, he sounded genuinely excited. He would be getting in late Friday morning, and we were going out Friday night, despite my protests about jet lag.

  Finally, Friday evening came. Despite my busy schedule, I had managed to make time to buy a new dress for the occasion. It was a ruched sheath in black, cut slim to hang against my hips. With black stilettos, red lips, and my hair curling just right, I felt as sexy as I ever had going into a date. When I stepped out into the kitchen to show off to Riley, her jaw dropped.

  “Look at you, sexy girl! I bet his mouth will be absolutely watering.”

  I beamed. “Thanks. Are you going out?”

  She nodded. She was wearing a very short, shiny blue dress that made me guess she was clubbing. “Yeah, me and the girls are going prowling tonight. I’m actually going out to grab some early drinks at Jen’s before we get dinner and go dancing. Who knows, maybe I’ll snag my own billionaire. Where are you two headed?”

  “Strip House. After all these Caribbean weekends I figure I can treat him to a nice steak.”

  Our door buzzer went off. I looked at the oven clock: seven on the dot. Harried as he probably was from traveling, he was right on time. After saying a quick goodbye to Riley and grabbing my clutch, I hurried down to meet Vincent outside.

  He was leaning against a streetlight post, looking at his watch like he was posing for a picture. He wore a black button down with the sleeves rolled up and black pants. His skin had the golden color of a man who had been spending a lot of time in a tropical climate. Our days apart had already caused me to forget just how attractive I found him. The way he stood there, I had half a mind to invite him up to my apartment so I could get my hands on him immediately.

  He looked up and straightened. I watched him take in my appearance for the evening. Moving his eyes from my legs up to my eyes, he smiled. “Hello, Kristen.”

  I beamed. “Hello, Vincent.”

  “I like the outfit.” He stepped toward me and bent down to whisper in my ear. “It’ll look even better pooled on the floor.”

  I pressed my cheek into his chest. “I think you’re right. But we need to get ourselves fed first.”

  He took my hand. “Where to?”

  “I made reservations at Strip House. It’s nice out, so I think we should just walk.”

  Vincent looked around, then shrugged. “Lead the way.”

  We made it to Strip House twenty minutes later, holding hands the whole way. The restaurant was decorated in an 1890s bordello style, with red wallpaper and low lighting. The Zagat Guide had been right: this definitely felt romantic and even a little naughty. I was very pleased with the selection.

  Vincent looked around and took everything in. “Nice choice,” he said. As the hostess took us to our seat, he slid his hand down my back, fingering the band of my underwear through my dress.

  I shuddered at the intimate gesture. Thoughts of how the evening might end sent a surge of heat through my body. Every touch he gave me merely made me want him even more. The way I craved him bordered on scary: I had been working for the past two years to be a very self-sufficient person, but there was no replacement for his hands on my body.

  We took our seats and ordered quickly. I got a bottle of malbec to split between the two of us, and we both ordered steak. Vincent looked more relaxed than I had thought he would. Yet again, I was impressed with his ability to switch between modes seamlessly.

  We made chit-chat until the wine came. I had decided I wanted to wait until I had a little liquid courage before I brought up the topic of his schedule. There was still no answer popping out at me as far as what he could do, but I thought having the fact that it was bothering me on his radar wouldn’t hurt. If he got offended about it, then maybe, as much as it hurt, having him out of my life would be for the best. Some kind of balance between work and life was important to me in whoever I ended up with. As crazy as it sounded to me, I realized that thinking about him in those terms wasn’t too far-fetched. Of course, that was just my perspective. I wasn’t sure if he felt the same way.

  Once the wine came, I took a big sip. When I looked at Vincent, I could tell he was watching me carefully. He knew me well enough to know something was up.

  “So,” I said, gathering myself, “how was your trip?”

  He scrunched his eyebrows. “Fine. Business. Is there something you want to say?”

  I took a deep breath. “You were gone a long time.”

  “I know. It was exhausting.”

  “Is that normal for you?”

  He chewed his lip. “Yes and no. It happens. When you run a business, sometimes you just have to be the person to handle things.”

  “Can’t you just delegate to someone else and fire them if they do it poorly?”

  A fire broke out behind his eyes as he continued to work his jaw. “I could, sure. I could do whatever I wanted.”

  The intensity with which he had begun to speak startled me. I knew I could guess the answer to the following question, but I asked anyway. “So why don’t you?”

  “Because there are a lot of people whose jobs depend on my company being good at what it does, and I owe it to all of them to make my company the best I can make it.”

  I found myself nodding before I realized it. It was a more altruistic answer than I was expecting.

  “Besides,” he continued, “I’m thirty one. Not exactly pushing retirement age. As successful as I’ve been, I still have ambitions to push the company further.”

  That was closer to the answer I had guessed. “Where do I fit into these plans?” I asked. Tears fought to come out, but I held them back. I didn’t want to be crying for this conversation, especially in public.

  His expression softened. “I’m still figuring that out. Believe me, it’s not absent from my mind.”

  “These past two weeks were very hard for me. I felt like I was just another thing on your todo list.”

  He sighed. “Kristen, I told you at the Knicks game that I’m a very busy man.”

  “I know. And I brushed it off at the time. But it’s becoming a problem for me.” I was still holding on without crying, but I didn’t know how much more of this conversation I could take before the waterworks started. It was strange not being able to control my emotions better in public.

  He took another deep breath. His thin lips and squinting eyes signaled to me he was thinking hard about what he was going to say next. I waited. Finally, he spoke. “I just need some time to figure out how to make it work. You’re important to me. I think I’ve s
hown you that so far. Even if I’m not perfect, I want to make this work, and I tend to get what I want when I put my mind to it.” He smiled. “Just please be patient. I’m working on it.”

  It was as good an answer as I could expect. A smile crept over my faith. I was relieved that he hadn’t gotten too defensive. He was right: we hadn’t been dating that long. I couldn’t expect him to change his lifestyle overnight. If he was working on it, that was enough.

  I heard his phone buzz. He reached into his pocket and checked his phone quickly before looking up at me. “Sorry, that’s set to only vibrate when it’s from an important number. But tonight’s just between us. It can wait. I’m leaving this here while I go to the men’s room so you don’t think I’m sneaking away for business, okay?”

  I was surprised at the way his brown eyes searched my face. His expression showed how seriously he was taking our conversation. I nodded my assent. “Thank you for listening to me,” I said. “It means a lot.”

  I could see him relax as he smiled. “I’m trying. Be right back.”

  Sure enough, he left the phone next to his silverware. I watched it, musing on how many people must be trying to reach Vincent at all hours around the world. That he was the nexus of such a huge enterprise was amazing. Sure, I had to keep my work phone on me at all times, but that was mostly to answer to my bosses. When people went to Vincent, it was because they had decided he needed to know something. He wanted that communication.

  His phone flashed—though it didn’t vibrate—and despite my instincts toward respecting his privacy, I looked. What kinds of things were people sending to Vincent at all hours? I thought it would probably be something almost indecipherable to me: earnings reports, internal memos, or something similar. Instead it was a text message. I read the name upside down and felt my throat tighten up.

  The text was from Ariel Diamond. I reached across the table and snatched up his phone to read the message properly.

  Hey Vinny! Had so much fun riding your COCK ;-)

  My stomach dropped. My mouth tasted like acid. I wanted to throw the phone across the room. The wine along with it. The room felt as though it were turning like Vincent’s speed boat. I felt so sick I thought I might vomit in the restaurant.

  He fucked Ariel Diamond while he was on his ‘business’ trip.

  Mixing business with pleasure. I was almost more angry at myself for being such a fool than at him. How could I have fallen for his stupid charming words?

  I inhaled a shaky breath and got up from the table. Vincent could get this bill without a problem. In fact, he should. I wanted nothing to do with him.

  Tears flooded my vision as I left the restaurant.

  I was too shocked to feel anything but numbness. How could he do that to me? After he had reassured me so convincingly that he didn’t have feelings for Ariel anymore, he had sex with her. Just like that. It probably didn’t even mean anything to him. Maybe he didn’t have feelings for her and just had sex with her because he thought he could get away with it and needed a stress reliever. What were the chances I would find out, after all? I was all the way back in New York, trusting that he wasn’t calling because he was too busy. With work, of course.

  I found a cab and got in. Minutes later I was at my apartment. I gave the driver a twenty dollar bill and didn’t wait for the change. Vision still blurry with tears, I unlocked my apartment door and stepped inside. The place was empty; Riley must’ve already left with her girlfriends. I briefly entertained the idea of joining them but thought better of it. Being around people wasn’t what I needed right now. For now, I just wanted to be alone in my bed to cry.

  My phone had been vibrating in my purse the whole cab ride home. I didn’t dare look at it. Vincent surely had some brilliant excuse for that message, but I didn’t even want to hear his voice right now. As I replayed our relationship in my head, I couldn’t believe how foolish I had been. Of course a risk-taking billionaire like him wouldn’t want to be locked down with someone like me. I was too safe, too boring to satisfy his needs. Sure, sometimes he wanted someone safe to come home to, but that would never be enough.

  He would always want more.

  My phone buzzed again. Annoyed, I pulled it out of my clutch. Sure, enough, it was Vincent. He had called ten times and sent two text messages. I didn’t read them before I hit the phone’s power button. Maybe I never would. I could have Riley turn on my phone and delete them for me.

  A fresh wave of nausea and tears overtook me. I lay down on my bed and cried as hard as I ever had. Each sob shook my body so hard it was painful. At times it was hard to catch my breath, but still it kept coming. I just couldn’t believe he had done that. How could he? Right when I had finally opened myself up, he had stabbed me square in the back and twisted the knife for good measure.

  Dimly I heard a pounding at the door. He’d followed me home. I sat up and looked at the makeup smudging my pillow. Great, another piece of laundry.

  I probably looked like a raccoon. Even so, I couldn’t have him pounding on that door forever. My neighbors would file a noise complaint against me. I went to the door.

  “Go away,” I yelled. “I can’t even look at you right now.”

  The pounding stopped for a second, then became a knock. I was surprised he hadn’t yelled back. Typical Vincent, to have a measured response at a time like this. Where previously I had admired the way he could control himself, now I was thinking he might be some kind of robot.

  Maybe he would go away if I just screamed at him to his face. I opened the door, and was greeted by a man that wasn’t Vincent.

  My head felt like a helium balloon. The blue eyes behind the man’s rimless glasses sparked with an angry intensity I’d thought I’d left behind.

  It was Marty.

  Kristen and Vincent’s story continues in:

  Beautiful Surrender (The Forever Series)

  Keep reading for a sneak peak!

  An excerpt from Beautiful Surrender (The Forever Series)

  The pounding at my apartment door became a quiet knock after I told him to go away. The controlled response irritated me. How could Vincent act so cool after I’d just found out he cheated on me with Ariel? That asshole had some nerve showing up at my doorstep. I was going to open the door and scream at him. He was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and he’d fooled me.

  The worst part though—he wasn’t the first.

  I twisted back the deadbolt, but purposefully left the chain lock in place. Vincent wasn’t coming inside—not unless he begged. And even then, probably not. I opened the door a crack and glanced at the man standing on my welcome mat.

  I froze.

  It wasn’t Vincent at the other side of the door.

  Piercing blue eyes. Square, rimless glasses. Tousled brown hair parted down the center.

  It was Marty.

  My hand instinctively leaped to the heart-shaped necklace around my neck. How could this be happening? I’d been so consumed with Vincent and work lately that I nearly forgot he had shown up at my apartment a month ago when only Riley was home.

  “Kristen! I’m so glad I found you. I’ve been so worried.” The familiar crisp, masculine voice flowed over me, halting my breath. He placed one hand over his heart while keeping the other one behind his back. He was wearing a black v-neck over jeans that led down to brown suede boots. The casual, laid-back appearance contrasted sharply with my reaction to seeing this man on my doorstep.

  “Marty?” I wanted to shut the door, to run away, to change addresses again. Maybe change my name this time. But I couldn’t move. My hands and feet had turned to ice.

  “Wow, you look amazing.” He smiled as his eyes scanned up and down my body. “Even better than I remember. I don’t know how that’s possible.”

  I became acutely aware that I was still wearing the hip-hugging black dress I’d worn to dinner with Vincent. My hair was still styled but my makeup was a mess after crying over Vincent’s infidelity.

  “H-How did you find m

  “When I went to your place in Boston, I found out you weren’t there. I didn’t know where you went until I typed your name into Google recently and found this address.”

  That’s insanely strange. I regularly Googled myself to make sure my new address never showed up on the internet for that very reason. I knew my company never posted specific employee information on their website. Had I slipped up somehow?

  He continued. “I want to say I’m so so sorry for everything I’ve put you through. I know why you left in such a hurry and I can’t blame you.”

  Tears caught in my throat as I recalled the traumatic moments of my pinky being twisted. A flood of conflicting emotions confused me. Fear. Relief. Pain. Hope. Good and bad memories flashed through my mind. Office hours. Swing dancing. Nights we made love. Days we screamed at each other. His fist going into the wall. We’d been together for two and a half years and I thought I’d locked away those memories in some dark recess of my brain but all of it came crashing down on me now like an avalanche.

  “I know I can’t ever take things back. I should’ve called but I knew I had to tell you this in person.”

  My grip on the necklace tightened. He was right. He shouldn’t have just shown up on my doorstep unannounced. Not the first time. Not like this. I glanced warily at his other hand, which was still behind his back. I clicked off the safety on my mace necklace preparing for what he might do after what I was about to say to him.

  “Marty, you shouldn’t be here.”

  His blue eyes shifted. A subtle cover slid over them that changed their appearance to pleading. “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I’ve been working on myself. I’ve been seeing Dr. Perkins. I haven’t given up on us.”

  “That was two years ago,” I stuttered. “I’ve moved on. I needed to start over.”

  A flinch in his features betrayed frustration. For a brief instant his eyes flickered intensity. It was the same look as when he punched a hole in his apartment wall. But as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. “Don’t give up on me, Kristen. We’ve been through so much together. We’ve shared things we’ve never shared with anyone else. Don’t throw that all away.”


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