The Girl of His Dreams (Bachelor #1)

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The Girl of His Dreams (Bachelor #1) Page 5

by Janet Nissenson

  She’d been half-tempted to say no, to back out of her previous commitment. But she’d never been the sort of female who enjoyed toying with a man, or playing games of cat and mouse or hard to get. She was unapologetically honest and sincere, and went out of her way not to hurt peoples feelings. And she sensed that beneath all of Jordan’s brash confidence and occasional arrogance, there was also a man whose feelings could be easily bruised, who could feel emotional pain and who was afraid of rejection.

  “Yes, it’s a date,” she’d agreed.

  But of course that hadn’t been the end of it in her mind, and over the last couple of hours since she’d returned home and told her roommates all about Jordan, Aubrey had been plagued with doubts about the wisdom of her impulsive decision to see him tonight.

  And while Aubrey in general was something of a free spirit, often doing something on the spur of the moment or acting on impulse, that sort of attitude had never crossed over to her romantic relationships. She had always exercised caution when it came to the men she had dated, avoided wild parties and singles bars, and she simply didn’t do one-night stands. And the more she thought about it, the more she was convinced that Jenna was absolutely right in her assessment of Jordan. A man of his age and sophistication would definitely expect that tonight’s date would wind up in his bed. He was a far cry from the boys she’d dated in high school and college, or even the men she had met over the past three years - like the buff, tanned Australian surfer she had dated for a month, until she realized that his muscles were a great deal larger than his puny brain.

  She turned off the taps and reached for her towel, shivering a little, though not because she was cold. Rather, the little quiver that ran up and down her spine was in anticipation of her upcoming date. As she dried herself off briskly, the image of Jordan’s tall, leanly muscled body and devilishly handsome face came instantly to mind.

  The very first thing about the persistent doctor that she’d noticed was his height. At five feet ten inches tall, Aubrey more often than not paid careful attention to a man’s height - whether he was shorter than she was or right at eye level or hopefully a few inches taller. Jordan Reeves was one of the few men she’d met in recent months who she had actually had to look up at. She estimated him to be around six three, maybe even six four. And while he wasn’t as bulked up or defined as the dumb as rocks surfer, or even the adventure outfitter she had once dated in Alaska, Jordan was most assuredly in very, very good shape. There wasn’t an ounce of spare fat anywhere on his body, his abs taut and toned, without a hint of a beer gut. He was built more along the lines of a male model, and she just guessed he wore his clothes very well.

  And the face on top of that tall, lean body was handsome enough to tempt a saint. Strong cheekbones, a slight cleft to his chin, and a full, firm mouth combined to make a mouthwatering package. Add in those unusual gray eyes, carefully trimmed designer stubble, and expertly cut, black as midnight hair, and Aubrey couldn’t imagine too many women who’d be able to resist him. And that was all before he started to turn on the charm.

  She’d thought herself immune to that sort of smooth masculine charm, too wary and almost cynical to fall for such suave, practiced lines. Since her junior high school days, right about the time she’d started developing boobs and hips, Aubrey had had to fight off frequent and persistent pick-up attempts, and had become quite adept at giving her would-be suitors the cold shoulder.

  But Jordan Reeves was admittedly way out of her league, and even though she’d put up a good fight, in the end he had worn down her defenses far more easily than she cared to admit. He was obviously much more experienced than any of the men she’d dated in the past, more suave and worldly. Part of that, of course, was because he was a lot older than she was, close to fifteen years she estimated. But judging by his smooth lines and charming smiles and blatant flirting, he was definitely a big time player, and Aubrey was a mere babe in the woods by comparison.

  Which was reason enough for her to cancel on him tonight. She was just a simple, uncomplicated girl, one whose idea of a fun night out was eating fish tacos and drinking margaritas while listening to some local band. She could wear jeans and a T-shirt and her beloved flip flops, and not have to worry whether she was dressed up enough for a fancy restaurant.

  But before she could grab her phone from her dresser and send Jordan that text, she was confronted with the alarming sight of half a dozen outfits spread over her bed, and a slightly frazzled Jenna looking them over intently.

  Jenna glanced up as Aubrey padded into the room, a scowl on her pretty face. “Well, it wasn’t easy but I managed to scrounge a few things from the depths of your closet. Good lord, Aubrey, how many cargo pants do you own anyway? And I won’t even mention the two dozen pairs of flip flops. Here, try this one on first. It’s the best of the bunch, and probably the only thing fancy enough for tonight.”

  Aubrey took a deep breath, knowing that her roommate wasn’t going to take her news well. “Actually, Jen, I’ve been giving it a lot of thought, and I really don’t think this is such a great idea after all. I’m so out of my league with this guy, and I didn’t think it through very well, so it’s just better all around if I text him and - “

  “No.” Jenna’s scowl grew even fiercer, to the point it was downright scary. “You are not backing out now, Aubrey. And since I knew you’d react like this I took the precaution of hiding your phone. You can have it back when hot doc arrives to pick you up. Now, come on. Get this perfect ass of yours in gear and try that dress on.”

  Realizing that she’d been thoroughly out-maneuvered, Aubrey reluctantly accepted the black dress Jenna held out to her and dropped her towel.

  Chapter Five

  “Here. Let me refill your wine glass.”

  Jordan topped off Aubrey’s glass with the very fine vintage of Chardonnay he’d ordered to accompany their meal. They had both chosen a seafood entree - Aubrey the sea bass and Jordan the paella - so a white wine had gone with their food nicely.

  “Thanks. It’s delicious, by the way,” offered Aubrey, taking a careful sip. “Not that I know a lot about wines, of course, but even I can tell this is exceptional.”

  “You’re correct. This winery has won a lot of awards and wine competitions. I’ve actually been to the winery a number of times for tastings and events. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the Napa Valley.”

  He tactfully changed the subject after that, sensing her unfamiliarity with fine wines, and in general with the sort of privileged lifestyle he’d come to take for granted. Since their arrival at the luxurious Gregson resort, she’d been gazing around in wide-eyed wonder, and had looked positively dazzled when he’d escorted her inside the restaurant. He was more curious than ever now to learn more about her background, but he was willing to bet she’d had a modest upbringing, and that going to dinner at a place like the Seven Palms was a brand new experience for her.

  Aubrey hadn’t been far off in her assessment of the beach shack she shared with two other young women. Jordan had grimaced when he’d first pulled up outside the somewhat dilapidated structure in the Porsche 911 he’d arranged to rent through the hotel staff. But he’d been relieved upon walking inside the little house to find that it was clean and tidy, and decorated in bright, tropical colors and patterns.

  Her two roommates had been hovering eagerly in the background, and while Aubrey had seemed annoyed by their presence, she had somewhat reluctantly introduced Jordan to them. Melanie, the petite redhead, had giggled nervously, reminding him of a friend’s sixteen-year-old little sister, while Jenna, the svelte Asian brunette, had grinned knowingly as she glanced between him and Aubrey.

  “Hey, be sure to show our girl here a good time, got it? Have fun, Aubrey, and we’ll see you in the morning.” Jenna had nudged Aubrey in the ribs. “Or maybe not. Be sure to order the white chocolate macadamia nut pancakes for breakfast if you decide to have a sleepover. I understand they’re out of this world.”r />
  Aubrey had scowled at her less-than-subtle roommate, while Jordan had given her a conspiratorial grin. He’d been tempted to tell Aubrey to pack an overnight bag, but hadn’t wanted to scare her off or seem too presumptuous.

  Odd that he wasn’t automatically assuming she would be spending the night in his bed, or that they would even be having sex this evening. He most definitely wanted to lock her in his suite for the next seventy-two hours straight, and make love to her in a dozen different ways. It was pretty much all he’d been thinking about since first meeting her earlier today. But the mere fact that he was thinking in terms of lovemaking as opposed to fucking when it came to Aubrey made it very clear in his mind that she was in a league of her own, someone very, very special who deserved to be cherished and treated with the utmost care and respect. He’d known almost immediately that she wasn’t one of the ditzy bimbos or aggressive maneaters who were his usual bed partners. And it wasn’t just her startling resemblance to Tessa that made her special. He had felt a connection with her, something that didn’t happen very often with the women he dated and took to bed, and he sensed that sex with her - correction, making love - was going to blow his mind to smithereens.

  Jordan studied her leisurely across the dinner table, marveling silently at the almost eerie resemblance she had to Tessa. Earlier today at the beach, it hadn’t been quite as noticeable, given that Aubrey’s hair had been wet and slicked back from her face, the color still undiscernible. She’d been very casually dressed, first in that sexy green bikini and then, over lunch, a cotton T-shirt and shorts. She’d been makeup free, and during lunch had covered those dazzling blue eyes with a pair of oversized sunglasses. Her casual, almost careless appearance had made her look even younger than the twenty-five years he now knew her to be, a realization that made him more than a little uncomfortable. Jordan recalled now that at first he’d teased Ian about robbing the cradle in regards to Tessa, ribbing him good-naturedly about the fifteen year difference in their ages. And while there was “merely” a fourteen year difference between him and Aubrey, Jordan was somewhat shamefacedly aware that he was now in danger of turning into a hypocrite.

  Tonight, however, Aubrey looked completely different - sophisticated, elegant, womanly. Nearly all traces of the fresh-faced, down-to-earth surfer girl were gone, replaced by a gorgeous, sexy, and very tempting woman. He suspected that her roommates – or at least Jenna - had had a hand in Aubrey’s transformation, but whatever the reason for the change he was in complete and enthusiastic approval.

  She wore a little black dress, made of some soft jersey fabric that clung lovingly to every lush curve of her tall, graceful figure. The dress didn’t look particularly expensive, but it didn’t matter in the least since Aubrey had the sort of figure that would look sensational in whatever she wore. He noted with masculine appreciation how the soft fabric emphasized the full, rounded curves of her breasts without being indecently tight or low-cut. Not, of course, that he didn’t enjoy a glimpse of bare flesh or impressive cleavage, but there was a definite time and place for that sort of thing - like the beach or a nightclub or a private party. But in a classy, Michelin-starred restaurant like the Seven Palms, it was expected that patrons dressed appropriately - jackets and ties were required for the men, while short skirts and plunging necklines were frowned upon for women. He had briefly thought about mentioning the dress code to Aubrey, somewhat concerned that the combination of her youth and laidback attitude meant she wouldn’t have thought there was anything wrong with wearing a sundress and sandals tonight.

  He shouldn’t have given the matter a second thought, however, because she looked stunning, and fit perfectly into these elegant surroundings. Along with the simple but classy little black dress, she wore black sling-back pumps with a modest heel, her shapely, tanned legs bare. Now that her hair was dry, he was pleased to note that his instincts had been right about the color - it was a pure, natural blonde, a shade that was somewhere between wheat and honey. She’d left the shiny tresses loose and they fell in long, straight waves well past her shoulders. Jordan guessed that Jenna had done her makeup, but Aubrey’s roommate fortunately hadn’t gone overboard, applying just enough to emphasize those big blue eyes, sculpted cheekbones, and lush mouth, all in neutral, natural shades.

  Aubrey’s only accessory was a pair of pearl drop earrings, and her neatly filed and buffed nails were covered in a clear gloss. The overall image she projected tonight was a combination of class and sensuality, and Jordan had scarcely been able to tear his eyes from her since the moment she’d opened her front door. The fact that she now looked even more like Tessa was one that he continued to ignore, and firmly pushed to the inner recesses of his brain.

  She was also the most amusing and thoroughly entertaining woman he had ever met, with a rather wicked sense of humor to match his own. In that respect, she couldn’t be more different than Tessa, who was shy and reserved, and who had frequently blushed when he’d teased or flirted with her. Aubrey exuded confidence, and he sensed she could easily hold her own in most any situation, and not allow herself to be intimidated by anyone. He was more than curious to learn how she’d come by that sort of confident, self-assured nature.

  Over their all-too-brief lunch earlier today, he’d learned that she had been born and raised in San Diego, and had attended college there as well. He knew that her job at the Westin Hotel here in Maui involved helping guests book various tours and excursions, but hadn’t learned a whole lot more than that - a circumstance that he was determined to change this evening.

  He grinned when she took another slice of bread from the basket and then spread butter over it thickly before taking a bite. The little “mmm” of pleasure she made as she savored her food had an immediate and potent effect on his senses, at least if the sudden swelling of his cock was any indicator. And when she licked a stray crumb from her upper lip, Jordan had to restrain himself from reaching across the table and claiming that sexy mouth in a deep kiss.

  He was enjoying the fact that Aubrey had a healthy appetite, unlike far too many of the women he’d dated over the years who would order the smallest, lowest calorie entrée on the menu, and then only eat a few small bites before declaring they were full. He had always stressed to his patients - especially the expectant mothers - how important it was to eat sensibly but also to make sure they were getting enough calories each day. He had never liked the ultra-thin look, preferring his lovers to have real curves, and was delighted that Aubrey seemed to be enjoying her meal to the fullest.

  She glanced up at him wide-eyed, as he slowly and deliberately trailed the tips of his fingers along her bare arm. An uncertain little smile played about her lips as she murmured, “What is it?”

  Jordan’s grin deepened as he noted the way she’d almost jumped in reaction to his touch. “I didn’t mean to startle you,” he apologized. “But it just occurred to me that I haven’t told you yet how beautiful you look this evening. Not,” he added hastily, “that you didn’t look equally as gorgeous on the beach earlier today. This is just - different.”

  She smirked at him knowingly. “I’ll bet you were worried about how I’d dress tonight, weren’t you? That I’d show up in booty shorts and flip flops. Or worse - a micro mini dress and stilettos.”

  “I wasn’t worried,” he protested. “Not, of course, that I’d ever object to seeing you in either of those outfits you just described.” He glanced around the elegant, discreetly lit restaurant uncertainly. “Um, but probably not in a place like this.”

  Aubrey laughed heartily. “Well, sorry to disappoint you, but the only one of those four items I just mentioned that I actually own would be the flip flops. And according to Jenna, I apparently own far too many of them.”

  “Spoilsport,” he replied teasingly. “And just when I was switching those two outfits around and picturing you in the booty shorts and stilettos. But in all seriousness, darlin’, you do look stunning tonight. The most beautiful woman in the place hands

  She beamed at him, visibly pleased at his compliment. “Jenna also said that I clean up pretty nicely when I set my mind to it. Over here in the islands there isn’t much need to dress up very often. When Jenna dragged this dress from the depths of my closet, I didn’t even remember that I owned something like this.”

  “It’s perfect,” Jordan assured her. “You’re perfect, Aubrey. So perfect that I haven’t been able to keep from staring at you all evening.”

  Her blue eyes darkened noticeably at his words. “You clean up pretty nice yourself,” she said softly, indicating the dark gray suit, crisp white dress shirt, and perfectly knotted burgundy tie he’d worn this evening. “Though I’m guessing you’re used to dressing up this way. At least a lot more often than I am.”

  He shrugged. “When I’m seeing patients in my office or making morning rounds I’m usually in a suit. But I actually prefer wearing scrubs as often as possible. Much more comfortable.”

  Aubrey rested her elbows on the table and leaned in closer to him. “I’ll bet all of your patients have huge crushes on you. The nurses, too. You must be the most popular OB/GYN in San Francisco.”

  Jordan shook his head, taking one of her hands in his. “Not for the reason you might be thinking. I have a strict hands-off policy when it comes to both patients and co-workers. I’ve never once dated a patient, or anyone who works at the hospital or in my office. Way too complicated, not to mention too high a risk of being accused of sexual harassment, especially nowadays. That doesn’t mean the nurses don’t think I’m pretty cute, though,” he added with a grin. “Years ago, in fact, when I first started working at the hospital, a group of the nurses nicknamed me Doctor Dreamboat.”


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