by Hart, Alana
She climbed on top of his large cock, sinking her pussy over it fitting snuggly and eliciting a moan from Darnell. He helped her along as he came closer to coming, helping her slide up and down over his pole. The extra blood flow to her pelvis caused Jenna to have the ability to orgasm in this position easily and now they came together as Darnell shot his pole deep in her womb once again. Afterward they lay spooning and relishing the mood of being newly-weds.
"I wonder if Will and Macy will have children," Jenna mused.
Darnell chuckled. "I'm sure they will at some point. It was one area they couldn't beat us on though."
"Yeah, I know. They will have pretty children too. Macy has beautiful skin tone with Will's dark hair and striking eyes. I think it's neat that we are creating a multicultural family with what we've done. Not only us but them too."
"Yeah, that's true. Some places still don't like to see mixed race couples," Darnell said.
"Well, I don't give a damn about them. I think their just jealous. I am married to a man I'm very proud to be with," Jenna said and rolled over to face her husband.
He wrapped his muscled arms about her drawing her closer and enjoying her scent. Once again and less than two hours after they consummated their marriage they made love again. They couldn't get enough of each other.
The honeymoon lasted for two weeks. On the way home Jenna laid her head on Darnell's shoulder. "I'm so happy. I can't wait to settle into our new home," she said. Before they left to get married Darnell purchased a new home and allowed her to customize it with exactly what she wanted. Before they moved in they flew off to Las Vegas to get married.
"A place that will be uniquely you and me," Darnell said
Chapter Twenty-Three
"It's beautiful," Jenna said as they walked into their new home. Darnell had snagged a model home on Crescent Hill, the one with the ten acre yard. Darnell hired the servants back from before and they went right to work landscaping the yard and setting up housekeeping.
"I'm just not accustomed to having a staff working for me," Jenna said as she held back from picking up.
"My income makes this possible. I have it I'm going to spend it. I grew up with a housekeeper but I'm able to afford more. This gives us opportunity to focus our wealth on other areas. Macy took part in many organizations that helped the community. She still has the ability to continue this for a while. You can do this if you wish or continue to work with me," Darnell said.
"I want to work with you, part time perhaps. The larger I become the more tired I am," Jenna said as she ran her hand over her very swollen belly. Darnell bent down and kissed her.
"I love my little one. And I love you Jenna. You can stay home as much as you want. When the baby comes, I'll understand if you want to come to work, but I also hope you will want to stay home with them," Darnell said.
Jenna smiled and swiped a sprig of golden hair from her eyes. "I will want to stay home too. I think part of why I hesitated to have children with Will was knowing he expected me to continue working. We'd discuss daycare and I'd cringe at the thought," Jenna said.
"If you decide to come back to work after the baby comes I will start a daycare right on the premises," Darnell said.
"You know, that would be a good idea anyway. It would encourage your workers to stay if you go the extra mile to take care of them. I think more mothers will opt to work for you if they can drop their children off right where they work," Jenna said.
"Then let's do it. You can help with the development and implementation of it." Darnell embraced his wife landing another kiss on her lips.
As Jenna grew larger she reached a point where she opted to stay home. She had decorated the nursery in peach and green. They chose not to find out the sex of the baby until birth so she went gender neutral. Now she awaited labor to start.
Two weeks before her due date in the heart of the cold winter, with Darnell away at the plant, Jenna went into labor. At first it felt like small twinges, but they persisted and grew stronger. By mid-morning she sat down timing each one lasting one minute and coming every nine. She punched in Darnell's number to let him know they probably needed to head to Huntsville.
In less than half an hour Darnell busted through the front door ready to take his wife to the hospital. "They are coming every seven to eight minutes now," Jenna said as she doubled over feeling the pain and pressure.
"Let's go."
By the time Darnell and Jenna arrived to the hospital the contractions came every six minutes lasting up to a minute and a half. Jenna would barely catch her breath before they'd start up again. The nurse checked Jenna confirming labor. "You're dilated to a four, this is good. Dr. Brennan will check you as soon as he arrives," she said as she strapped the fetal and contraction monitor to Jenna's belly.
Dr. Brennan arrived shortly after, checked her, broke her water and ordered an IV and the epidural. "Let's see if we can have a baby today," he said with a smile.
Jenna nervously awaited the epidural as the contractions hit every five minutes and coming on strong. Darnell pulled up a chair keeping a watchful eye on his wife and on the monitor. The lull of the baby's heartbeat filled the room. The anesthesiologist arrived and administered the epidural just in time and during a contraction. Up until that point the contractions came every four minutes. After the epidural they spaced out to seven minutes apart for the anxious mother.
Jenna labored until after supper when the contractions finally edged up to three minutes apart. The nurse checked her and said she was almost to a ten and she called Dr. Brennan. Jenna looked eagerly at Darnell.
"Are you ready to meet your son or daughter?" she asked wearily.
"Oh baby, I'm ready. Are you okay? Just think it will be over soon, we'll be holding our little one." Darnell planted a kiss on Jenna's sweaty brow.
Dr. Brennan set up for the birth. Jenna panted between the contractions now even though she only felt extreme pressure. "Okay Jenna, it's time to push. When you feel the pressure and when I say I want you to bear down and push with all your might like you learned in childbirth class."
Jenna nodded. Darnell took his place by her side, with his hands on her back to support each pushing effort. "Okay, now," Dr. Brennan ordered.
Jenna sat forward and pushed for ten counts before collapsing back on her pillows. She barely had time to take a few deep breaths before she had to push again. "I see a head full of dark curls," Dr. Brennan said and motioned for Darnell to see his baby for the first time.
"Oh," Darnell said as tears stung his eyes.
"Push Jenna, this baby wants out," Dr. Brennan ordered.
Jenna pushed with all her might and with one last bit of her strength the baby slid out and she instantly felt better. The baby cried lustily, the sound bringing about tears from everyone. Dr. Brennan held the baby up for the parents to see.
"You have a baby girl," Dr. Brennan announced. Jenna cried at seeing her daughter for the first time as Dr. Brennan allowed Darnell to cut the cord. Darnell then took his baby daughter and held her for a second before placing her in Jenna's awaiting arms.
"Oh honey, we have a daughter," Jenna said to Darnell. He smiled through his tears and kissed his wife's moppy head. The three bonded while Dr. Brennan cleaned up Jenna.
Will and Macy came by the hospital the next day to meet the new baby girl. "What's her name?" Macy asked as she came around to see the little golden skinned baby girl.
"Her name is Freda Dione Pickens. My father is Fred; Darnell's father is Dion so we're making it a cross between the two. We're not sure we're having any more babies and since Darnell's mother is Darlene and my mother, Maria, already has a granddaughter named after her we chose to name ours after our fathers," Jenna said.
"Well, she's beautiful," Will said as he gazed at baby Freda.
Jenna and Darnell brought baby Freda home a few days later. This began a new era in their lives as they happily took on the role of family. Darnell found happiness he never knew he missed with Jenna a
nd his baby girl by his side. Jenna thought often of Will and hoped he and Macy were as happy as she and Darnell.
About the Authors
Alana Hart
Alana Hart is an American romance writer who decided that writing with friends is better than writing alone. Hartfelt Books brings together a huge group of sweet and steamy romance authors, collaborating on a new line of books that will have your heart pounding.
When she’s not skyping and sharing her latest collaboration on googledocs, she’s typing away in her local coffee shop with a hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and extra whipped cream, on hand. She claims it makes her happy ever afters that much sweeter!
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Alana Claire
Alana Claire loves to write books. Sensual descriptions and romance are a favorite of hers. She loves to come up with stories that step outside the box. Steamy romances are one of her favorite genres.
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Romance collaborations from the Hart
Look for more books by Alana Hart in September 2015.
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The next series from HARTFELT BOOKS is Hallowed Love coming in October 2015.
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