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Flash Page 15

by Stella Andrews

  Ryder smiles and his eyes twinkle and immediately my heart settles. “Pleased to meet you, darlin’. Any friend of Tyson’s is a friend of ours.”

  He brings forward a stunning blonde who is smiling so sweetly it’s infectious. “This is Ashton, my wife.”

  She hugs me impulsively, “Pleased to meet you, honey. I must say we are beyond excited to be here.”

  Another beautiful girl with long, red, hair, presses forward and her excitement is contagious. “I’m so pleased to meet you, Sunny. I swear I’m your biggest fan, oh... I’m sorry... that sounded so lame and I bet you get that all the time but I am, I swear.”

  She shakes herself and then leans forward and hugs me warmly and I laugh as she introduces two more girls called Jennifer and Lucy. All the time Tyson stands by my side and it feels good. Good that he’s here and like a piece of home has found its way to my side, grounding me just like I needed.

  I find myself chatting with the girls and sipping champagne as they ask me question after question. The room fills up even more and soon I’m swallowed up by a group of bodies but I don’t register anything other than Tyson is by my side.

  It must be thirty minutes in that Ashton says warmly, “Hey, I don’t know about you but I could sure use the restroom after all this champagne.”

  Tyson nudges me and I look at him in surprise as he flicks his eyes to the door. The girls crowd around me and usher me with them and I allow myself to be taken from the room, surrounded by Tyson’s friends. He remains behind with Ryder blocking the view and my heart starts thumping as I sense something big is about to happen.

  As soon as we leave the room, I see Eric waiting and he smiles sadly, “Take care, Sunny.”

  I stare at him in surprise as the girls give me no time to delay and push me further down the corridor, chatting excitedly as we go. As we head to the door of the restroom, we pass another security guard who nods with respect. “Good show, Sunny.”

  “Thanks, Pete.”

  I smile but once again I’m carried through the door by the determined women until the door closes the rest of them out and Bonnie says firmly, “I’m sorry about this, Sunny, there’s no time to explain. We need you to come with us and we’re heading through that window.”

  I stare at her in surprise and she laughs softly. “Don’t worry, you’re perfectly safe, we just need to get you a little space for a few hours.”

  The tears prick behind my eyes as I see what Tyson has done for me. Freedom. Even just a few hours will be worth a lifetime of recriminations from Grady.

  I see the kind expressions of the women and know I’m in safe hands, so with a giggle, I smile and say softly, “What are we waiting for then?”

  One by one, we wriggle through the window into the arms of a couple of guys waiting outside. Much like Tyson and Ryder, these men wear the Reaper jackets and look so ferocious it makes my heart shake.

  A car is waiting nearby and we run to it as if our life depends on it. As we pile inside, the door closes and one of the guys jumps in and we tear away.

  As I sit back in the seat, I stare at the others in shock as they high five each other and laugh hysterically. Bonnie says, “Mission accomplished.”

  Then she turns to me and says kindly, “Honey, you’re just about to learn what it’s like being a Reaper’s girl. I hope you’re ready for this.”

  The others grin and a shiver runs through me. A Reaper’s girl, I fucking love the sound of that.



  We watch the girls leave and make sure they haven’t been spotted, then we make our getaway before the alarm is raised. As we leave the room, I spy the security guard waiting and he looks as sick as a dog as he nods to Ryder. “They’ve gone.”

  Ryder nods and we pass him with no more words spoken. I should have known. Ryder has eyes and ears everywhere and I might have known he would have covered every base.

  The cars have left so we grab the bikes and speed away as quickly as the tires will spin. As we ride, I grin to myself. Job done and now Sunny is all mine—for now, anyway. I wonder what she thought when the girls spirited her away. Knowing her, she’ll be cool but I do feel a touch anxious as I think of the confusion in those baby blues.

  I can’t get back to the compound quickly enough and neither can Ryder judging by the rubber he’s burning.

  In super quick time, we are pulling into the long drive of home and my heart bangs as I wonder what Sunny will make of it all.

  As soon as the bike stops, I wrench my helmet off and head quickly inside. Snake meets me at the door and says, “Ryder’s house.”

  Grateful they never took her to the bar; I head along with Ryder and Snake to the President’s house out back.

  We head inside and my eyes scan the room quickly and fall on the only woman I want to see and my heart settles. She looks up and grins impishly which causes a smile to crack my face as I sense her relief. Running over, she jumps in my arms and whispers, “Thank you.”

  Just for a moment, I cling to her as if I’ll never let go and there’s a hush in the room. Then Ryder clears his throat and says, “Ashton, honey, I don’t suppose you could rustle up a beer; I could sure use one right about now,”

  All around us bursts into activity and I lower Sunny to the ground and say in a whisper, “Do you mind, darlin’.”

  She shakes her head and looks at me with the softest expression. “How could I mind? I’m with you and that’s the only place I want to be.”

  Knowing we need to settle her in and explain our plan, I sit beside her on Ryder’s couch and wait until everyone has their drinks. The girls are obviously star-struck and ply Sunny with questions that she answers with good humor.

  Then Ryder speaks and we all listen. “I’m sorry, darlin’, we needed to get you out of there for a reason.”

  She says nothing and looks at him with interest as he says slowly, “We need more time to read through your contract. Lucy’s doing a good job but there are things we haven’t yet got answers for.”

  Sunny looks surprised. “What things?”

  Lucy says kindly, “It’s nothing to worry about but we think your manager may be acting illegally. We just need a bit more time to go through the finer details before we can call him out on it.”

  Ryder says, “The only way to buy us some time was to kidnap you and hold you to ransom.”

  Sunny’s eyes widen in shock as she says fearfully, “Kidnap?”

  I pull her close and say softly, “It’s just a word, darlin’. Of course, we haven’t kidnapped you but your manager won’t know that. First thing tomorrow, he’ll receive a ransom note asking for two million dollars for your safe return. We’re guessing he’ll be mighty pissed because you’re meant to be getting married and the whole deal could be threatened. We’re guessing he’ll soon come up with the money for your safe return and keep the publicity away because he’ll not want anything to interfere with his big announcement tomorrow.”

  Sunny looks shocked and Ryder says softly, “You can stay here with us in the meantime. You’ll be perfectly safe and the only downside is you’ll have to put up with Tyson.”

  The others laugh and Sunny looks at me with so much emotion in her eyes, it brings a lump to my throat. “I couldn’t think of anything I want more.”

  The girls smile and the guys roll their eyes as Ryder laughs. “I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Grady finds out you’re missing. Now that I would pay to see.”

  Sunny looks at him anxiously, “What about Eric? Will he get in trouble?”

  Ryder grins. “I wouldn’t worry about him. He’s pissed at Grady anyway and was going to leave months ago. He only stayed to keep you safe and now I’ve found him a better job with a company I know of. He’s glad to be rid of that man you call a manager and said that if ever you’re hiring again, consider him for the job.”

  Sunny nods and looks around her gratefully. “Thank you, all of you. It means a lot to me.”

  Her eyes fill and Ashton
says warmly, “No need to thank us. Now, I’m guessing you want some time with your man so we’ll leave it there. Tyson will show you to your room and we’ll catch up tomorrow. Don’t be afraid of what you see here, Sunny, it’s all show. There’s no one here who means you harm, and this is the safest place in the world for you to be.”

  Standing, I take Sunny’s hand and pull her up with me.

  “Thanks, guys. I mean that I won’t forget it.”

  The guys just nod and watch as we head out and it feels good to walk with Sunny’s hand in mine and if I have my way, Sunny’s stay here will be permanent. I want her to have it all and that includes a career and a loving home to come back to. I just hope Ryder’s plan works because now I’ve found her, I can’t let her go.



  My mind is whizzing around like a bull in a ring. What just happened?

  As we walk away from Ryder’s house, I have many questions that need answers but they can wait. The only one I need is holding my hand so tightly and it feels good.

  The night is still and an owl hoots nearby. The stars are out and a cold wind licks around my ankles and I shiver. Tyson pulls me closer and says in a whisper, “I’m glad you’re here, darlin’. I want to show you around my home and for you to meet my family. It means a lot to me to show you a life that is different from anything you ever imagined.”

  I want to believe him so much but the fear is still deep-rooted within me. “I’m afraid, Ty.”

  He stops and I feel him tense. “Of me?”

  Spinning around, I wrap my arms tightly around him and say, “No, never you. I’m afraid I may lose you all over again and this time I’ll never recover.”

  He pulls me tight against him and growls, “Trust me, honey, I’ll not let you down again. You don’t know who we really are because if you did, you would have no fear in your heart. The only one who should be afraid right now is that man you call a manager.”

  He lowers his lips to mine and I taste the future and as we kiss, it’s like a new beginning. Under the stars and free for now. He tips my face back and I stare into his eyes and his words make my heart sing. “I love you, Sunny, that never changed. We’ll work this out together and set you free.”

  My eyes fill as he says huskily, “I want you so badly it hurts.”

  I lick my lips and says in my best southern drawl, “Then what are you waiting for, cowboy?”

  With a roar, he swings me in his arms and carries me giggling toward a large building in the distance.

  I love being in Tyson’s arms because it’s where I was always meant to be and feel a little sorry when we reach a door in a passageway on the second floor of the house. He smiles with intent and growls, “I’ve got you now, darlin’, there’ll be no escaping your fate.”

  Giggling, I flutter my eyelashes, “Promises, promises, now show me what you’re made of.”

  Laughing, he opens the door and grins as I gasp in surprise. “Not what you expected?”

  I shake my head and look around me with surprise. “It’s beautiful.”

  As I stare at Tyson’s home, I can’t believe it. Far from being the sparse set of rooms I imagined; this place is a modern wonder. Beautiful lighting creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Polished floors hold scatter rugs and the interior is tasteful and bang up to date. It’s like the finest penthouse and it takes my breath away. “I can’t believe it?”

  Tyson laughs. “Doesn’t suit the image, does it?”

  I wander around in awe of my surroundings and Tyson moves toward a table and pours us both a shot of liquid into a cut glass crystal glass. Handing one to me, he raises his glass and says softly, “To the future.”

  I touch his glass with mine and say huskily, “To us.”

  He holds my eyes with his as we take a deep draft of the whiskey and both set the glasses down at the same time.

  I shrug out of my jacket as he does the same. Walking toward him, I slowly remove my shorts and make short work of my top until I stand before him in just the scrap of underwear that does nothing to hold my assets in.

  He makes a low growl as he tears his clothes off in haste and advances toward me like the predator I demand. Tonight, I want it raw, dangerous and dirty and Tyson always delivers what I want the most.

  He knows that look in my eye as he fists my hair and pulls me roughly to his lips. He bites my lower lip and I feel the sting as he sucks the pain away. I rake his back with my nails as he groans and pushes me roughly onto the couch, before joining me and kissing and biting every inch of my skin. He reaches the part of me that physically aches for him and his mouth tastes my desire as I cry out his name. I feel close to the edge as he licks and bites my throbbing clit until the need overcomes me and I squirm underneath him. With a low growl, he positions himself above me and stares me in the eye, “You’re mine, Sunny, no one else’s.”

  I gasp as his huge cock thrusts inside and drives all other thoughts from my mind. He invades my body with an urgent need and leaves no space unfilled. Tyson doesn’t make love, he consumes. Every nerve in me is standing to attention as it feels every inch of the fine man claiming it as his. His rough stubble grazes my cheek as he powers into me and I wrap my legs around his waist and draw him in closer. The sweat runs down our bodies as the couch moves under us as he powers home.

  As the pressure builds so do the feelings and, at this moment, I think of nothing but him. Tyson is the man I love with every part of me and always will, how did I get so lucky to find him again?

  As he finds the spot that promises heaven on earth, I scream his name and feel myself falling and throbbing under wave upon wave of ecstasy and his roar joins my scream as we go over the edge together.

  Our hearts bang together as only the slick sheen of sweat on skin separates us and in the silence that follows the storm, my world rights itself.



  I wake with Sunny curled under my arm, breathing as sweetly as an Angel. and watch the rise and fall of her chest as she smiles in her sleep. An overwhelming sense of love consumes me as I pull her close and stroke her hair lovingly. I want to wake up beside this woman every day for the rest of my life and although I know that’s unlikely to happen, I’m gonna make sure it’s whenever possible at least.

  She stirs and her beautiful eyes open and she smiles, “Morning.”

  Dropping a light kiss on her head, I whisper, “Morning, gorgeous.”

  She stretches and the sight of her full breasts is enough to make me hard and she grins, reaching for my rock-hard, cock and purrs, “Let me help you with that.”

  She rolls on top of me and kisses me lightly on the lips, before traveling down and kissing every part of me until she reaches her target. I groan as she runs her tongue over the tip and then takes it long and slow into her sweet mouth, sucking long and deep and flicking her tongue as it sinks as deep as is humanly possible.

  I make a fist and groan as she gently sucks and teases my cock until I can’t take anymore. I groan, “I won’t last long if you keep that up, darlin’.”

  She answers by cupping my balls and sucking harder and as I thrust into her soft, sweet, mouth, I feel myself close to the edge. She won’t give up, until with a groan, I give her what she demands and shoot my seed straight down the back of her throat. She hangs on until there is nothing left to give and then licks it clean and sits astride me looking pleased with herself.

  I stroke her hair and grin with fulfillment, “You’re a goddess.”

  Giggling, she leans down so her breasts tease my chest and kisses me long and hard, before shifting back and sinking down onto my already hard cock and riding it long and slow. She sits astride me and I swear it’s the most amazing sight. Her long golden hair swings down and strokes my chest as her large breasts move in the most captivating of ways. She grinds on my cock like she can’t get enough and as I play with her clit, she moans and closes her eyes. I watch with fascination as she dances on my lap and can’t tear my eyes fr
om her gorgeous face.

  As I feel myself deep inside her, it reminds me how much I love this woman and I feel an overwhelming surge of love for her.

  I watch her come apart as she bites her lip and groans and then I feel the slick, wet, desire, coating me and pulsing over my cock. Then I let pull her down hard and thrust inside her until she claims me for a second time already.

  When she slumps down onto me, I wrap my arms around her and whisper, “Fuck me, Sunny, you’re gonna kill me.”

  She laughs softly, “What a way to go.”

  We lie for a while tangled in the sheets and each other until our stomachs remind us we need to eat and I drag her from the bed into the shower to clean up. We wrap ourselves in large, white, robes and head to my small kitchen where I proceed to cook her a breakfast fit for royalty.

  She watches me closely and says sweetly, “You know, I love your home, honey, it feels good being here.”

  I smile and throw her a slice of toast. “It looks good with you in it, darlin’. Let’s make sure you become a permanent fixture.”

  Her eyes cloud with pain and she says in a small voice, “What’s gonna happen? I should be in Vegas now preparing for my wedding. Grady will be losing his shit right about now.”

  I laugh softly. “Yeah, I expect he is. I wouldn’t worry though; he’ll have got the ransom note by now and is probably doing everything he can to meet the demands so you are returned to him in time for that fucked up wedding later on today. I’m guessing Ryder will hear soon and then it’s showtime.”


  I grin wickedly. “Yeah, if everything goes according to plan, you’ll be your own boss soon enough and Grady will be looking for another poor soul to dupe.”

  She looks worried and I smile reassuringly. “Don’t worry, darlin’, it’s all sorted. After breakfast, I’ll show you around and then we’ll head to Ryder’s office and see if Lucy’s found anything.”


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