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Flash Page 17

by Stella Andrews

Grady looks on in disbelief and yells, “What the fuck is this? I agreed to nothing; it was blackmail.”

  He turns to the officer who is looking decidedly uncomfortable and shouts, “Arrest them. It’s fraud, that’s what this is.”

  The officer looks at him sternly. “I think we need to get everything checked out at the station.”

  Ryder stands and faces the cop with a hard look and I notice the officer starts to sweat—a lot.

  “There will be no need for that, officer.”

  He reaches in his pocket and produces a set of papers that he hands to the officer. “Here is the signed contract releasing the rights to Sunny Scott’s past and future works and effectively dissolving the contract she had with Grady Donaldson. It’s all dated and signed as of last night and now the money has been transferred, she is no longer under his control.”

  Grady’s mouth opens but no words come out as the officer looks through the paperwork. “I’ll have to get this checked out but if what you say is true, then there’s no reason for us to be involved.”

  Grady finds his voice and yells, “What the fuck is this? I never signed any contract, show me.”

  He grabs the papers and scans the pages wildly as we all look on. I catch Eric’s eye and he smiles and I think about the part he played in all this. Ryder gave him the contract last night, and he placed it in a folder with the hotel invoice. Grady was so distracted he signed the usual hotel receipts without checking and sealed his fate. Once the money hit my account, I was compensated for what he stole from me and free from the monster who controlled my life.

  As the penny drops, Grady turns a shade of puce and looks as if he’s about to hurl on the spot. The officer hands the contract back to Ryder and nods respectfully. “I’m sorry to interrupt Mr. King.”

  Ryder nods as the cops make to leave and Grady shouts, “Wait, look at what they’ve done. They attacked me and I want to press charges.”

  Eric steps forward. “I’m sorry sir but your injuries were self-inflicted when you fell and hit your face on the table. I am a witness to that and can’t back up your story.”

  The officer shakes his head and looks resigned. “I think you’ve wasted enough of our time Mr. Donaldson. I’ll bid you good day.”

  The cops leave and Grady stares after them in disbelief and as the door closes, he yells, “What the fuck is happening? You won’t get away with this, any of you.”

  Ryder steps forward and growls, “Leave now while you still can. If you’re still here in two seconds, I’ll knock you out myself.”

  Seeing the looks on the faces of the hostile men around him, Grady runs from the room like a frightened gazelle and as the door closes, Snake grins. “Well, that went well.”

  The relief in the room is evident as we all laugh and look around in disbelief. I feel the tears start to fall as I realize the enormity of what this means for me. Tyson catches me as I fall back and holds me tight. “You’re free now, darlin’. No more fear, ok?”

  I nod and just hold him so tightly it must hurt as I sob into his chest. The guys start to leave and I say quickly, “Wait.”

  I look around the room at each one of them and say with so much gratitude, “Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  Ryder smiles. “It was our pleasure, darlin’. Now we’ll leave you to sort this shit out and head home and you’re welcome to join us when you’re ready.”

  He turns to Eric. “You too man, you did well.”

  Eric nods and I walk across to him and hug him tightly. “Thank you so much, Eric. I really mean that.”

  He smiles sadly. “I always had your back, Sunny.”

  Quickly, I look across at Tyson and he nods and so smiling, I turn back and say, “I still need you, Eric. How would you like to work for me, the same job as before?”

  Eric looks surprised and Tyson says warmly, “We need to know Sunny is protected when she’s away and you’re the best man for the job.”

  Eric looks almost speechless as he nods in shock. “Of course, I would love to.”

  Grinning, I turn around and say happily, “Good, that’s settled then. Maybe we should all head back and see what happens next. It appears I have a week off before my next concert and there’s a lot to arrange.”

  The room empties and Sunny takes my hand and smiles. “I love you, country boy.”

  Pulling her lips to mine I say, “I love you more, country girl.”



  The next week is challenging, busy and one of the best of my life. Sunny spends most of the time with Lucy organizing her new company and making sure things are set for the concert next week. When she’s not seeing to business, she’s seeing to me and that’s the sweetest time of all.

  Sunny settles into life as a Reaper’s girl like she’s always been here. The guys and girls adore her and she helps Jen out in the bar most nights. I don’t mind that the other Reapers swarm around her as well as the girls because she’s a fascinating woman. Not only is she a star, but she’s also one of the kindest, funniest, most beautiful people I have ever met and she’s all mine.

  Sunny’s staff haven’t changed and they carry on as before. She’s due to leave in the morning to meet up with them on the next leg of her tour and Eric’s been promoted as her business manager as well as head of security.

  Tonight is our last night before she sets off but this time, I’m going with her. Ryder’s given me time off my duties to spend with Sunny and settle down into a relationship that was always meant to be.

  “Hey, Ty, what are you thinking?”

  I look across at Sunny who lies on my bed on her stomach, watching me through those beautiful baby blues. We’re getting ready to meet the others in the bar and need the rest after spending most of the afternoon in bed with sleeping far from our minds.

  I smile as I see her tousled hair and just fucked face and resist the urge to repeat the performance. Instead, I towel off and sit on the edge of the bed. “Just thinking about how different things could have been if I hadn’t seen you that day.”

  She nods. “I’ve thought the same. When I think of where I’d be now, my heart goes cold.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, I wonder what Grady told Colton’s management? I’m guessing they were none too pleased when you didn’t show up for the wedding.”

  She giggles and rolls her eyes. “He wouldn’t care–Colton, I mean. He’s just as much a puppet as I was.”

  Her face falls and instantly I want to know why. “What’s up, darlin’?”

  She sighs and sits in a crouched position on the bed. “I’m just worried in case Grady finds some kind of loophole and demands things go back the way they were. I mean, it’s scary being out on my own but Lucy’s been amazing and organized everything so well, it seems too easy.”

  I pull her to me and say firmly, “You don’t have to worry about Grady Donaldson. Ryder did some more digging and your old manager appears to have a rap sheet bigger than War and Peace. He’s currently helping the authorities with their investigations into money laundering, fraud and tax evasion. His assets have been seized, and he’s waiting on a long trial that’s sure to end in a lengthy stay in the penitentiary. I’m sure that’s the last you’ll ever see of him, although you may need to give evidence against him we can avoid you having to attend any trial and do it by statement.”

  Her eyes widen in disbelief. “You’re kidding.”

  Lowering my lips to hers, I whisper, “Nobody messes with us, darlin’, you can bet your life on that.”

  As I taste the woman I love, it gives my whole life meaning. Sunny and I were always meant to be together and although things are different from what we thought they would be, it all came good in the end. When her current tour finishes, we’re gonna head back to the ranch she owns and spend some time together and that’s what I’m looking forward to the most.

  Groaning, I pull away and say roughly, “You’d better get dressed before I ditch our plans for the evening. We have a party to
go to.”

  She looks surprised. “Where?”

  I grin. “Here. The guys wanted to throw you a leaving party, so you’re the guest of honor and it wouldn’t look good if you weren’t there.”

  I laugh at the excitement in her eyes. “Really, for me?”

  She jumps off the bed and rushes to the bathroom. “I’ll be out soon.”

  I laugh to myself. If I believe that, I’ll believe anything. Like most women, Sunny takes a painful amount of time to get ready, so I settle back and flick on the set. I could be here for some time.



  The bar is bursting when we finally make our way there. A huge cheer goes up when we walk into the room and I smile around me at the guys who all crowd around.

  Ashton takes my hand and pulls me away, saying, “Come on, we’ll get you a glass of wine and you can sit with the girls for a bit.”

  I join their group and sit beside Lucy and Bonnie and chat happily for a while. The girls have welcomed me in as one of their own and I love each one equally. Even the whores are now good friends and I’m surprised to find it doesn’t even bother me anymore. They’re good fun and we share lots of tips on makeup and clothes and it’s like having a big bunch of sisters to chat to and laugh with. God knows we need each other because the men here are something else. They’re all larger than life and the banter that flows between them would make a grown woman blush. I’m almost sorry to leave tomorrow but at least Tyson’s coming with me for which I’m grateful.

  Ashton smiles and whispers, “How are you feeling?”

  “Good thanks. I can’t believe what a difference a week makes. I should be married to Colton Jeffery and living a lie, yet here I am, surrounded by family and about to start a whole new life with the man I always loved. It’s funny how things work out.”

  Ashton nods and her eyes find her husband who is sitting with his group of closest friends. “You know, we’re all here by chance, Sunny. Our lives could all be so very different but fate has a hand in steering us down the right path. I never knew I would find so much love in a place such as this with a man who is the beat of my heart and the air in my lungs.”

  Jennifer nods. “We all have stories to tell and they’re not for the faint-hearted. Would we change anything, probably not because it’s the hardship that brought us here in the first place. Sometimes you have to go through the bad times to earn greater rewards. I for one, wouldn’t change a thing.”

  Lucy nods. “I think we’re all in agreement on that.”

  We look up as Angel one of the club whores sinks down in the seat opposite and looks worried. Immediately the girls share a look and Ashton says gently, “Is everything ok, Angel?”

  We’re shocked to see her eyes fill with tears, which is so out of character for the confident lady who enjoys herself way more than most with the guys on offer. Immediately, Ashton moves across and takes her hand and Bonnie takes the other side. “Tell us, we may be able to help.”

  Angel shakes her head and the tears run down her face. “I’m sorry but you can’t, not this time.”

  We all share a look and Angel sighs heavily. “I just had word that my father passed away.”

  We look at her in shock and before we can speak, she says in a small voice, “I must return home for the funeral. There’s a lot of shit to sort and I’m his only relative.”

  I feel bad for her as I can see she is genuinely upset and Ashton says sweetly, “Would you like me to go with you?”

  Immediately we hear a terse, “Go where?”

  Looking up, we see Ryder standing beside Ashton looking annoyed and she rolls her eyes. “Back off, honey. Angel’s had some terrible news. Her father’s dead and she needs to return home.”

  I stare in astonishment as Ryder pulls Angel up and whispers something in her ear. She nods and folds against him as his arms wrap around her and she sobs into his infernally hard chest. He shares a look with Ashton and they move away, taking Angel with them.

  Bonnie looks shocked. “Wow, that was intense. I’ve never seen anything like that. Something’s not right.”

  Lucy looks thoughtful. “I wonder what the story is, does anyone know why Angel came here?”

  The surrounding faces are blank and then Bonnie calls over Milly, a friend of Angel’s.

  “Hey, Milly, have you got a second?”

  Milly heads over and Bonnie says, “What’s the story with Angel?”

  Shaking her head, Milly sits down and says sadly, “Her father died and she’s got to go home. Apparently, they parted on bad terms and she’s got no one to turn to, no other family or any friends worth having.”

  Bonnie shrugs. “We can go with her.”

  Milly shakes her head. “I already offered but Angel wants to do this on her own. She leaves tomorrow.”

  Lucy says quickly, “Why did she come here in the first place?”

  Milly sighs. “She wanted to get away, and some creep picked her up at the railway station when she arrived. He promised her a job and lodgings and it turned out he expected her to pay on her back. You know, the usual thing.”

  I say with interest. “How did she come to live here?”

  Milly grins. “She escaped from the creep and ran to the nearest biker bar. She knew Bikers were good on protection and offered to work there in return for a place to stay. The president of the club was a guy called Stoker and he took a liking to Angel and they sort of became an item. The trouble is, the Reapers were called in when Stoker and his gang turned their hand to illegal shit and it was Brewer who pulled Angel from the carnage. He brought her back here, and the rest is history.”

  I just stare at them in surprise. “Wow, that’s some story.”

  Bonnie laughs. “The stories here would make your hair curl, honey.”

  We all laugh and my thoughts turn to Angel. She’s been through so much already; I wonder how she’ll cope with the next challenge.

  Tyson heads my way and my heart flutters. Just the sight of him always lights a trail of desire in me and I wonder if that will ever stop. He drops down before me and says softly, “Some of the guys were asking if you’d play a few songs for them. You don’t have to if you’d rather not.”

  The girls squeal all around me and I laugh. “Of course I will. Grab my guitar and I’ll play a few numbers.”

  As Tyson heads off to fetch my guitar, I smile at my new friends. Music and family, what more could I want?

  The End

  Thank you for reading Country Girl.

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  Stay healthy and happy and thanks for reading xx

  Books by Stella Andrews

  In the order written

  The Highest Bidder

  (Logan & Samantha)


  (Jax & Emily)

  Daddy’s Girls

  (Ryder & Ashton)


  (Sam & Kitty)

  The Billion Dollar baby

  (Tyler & Sydney)


  (Jet & Lucy)

  Made in London

  (Max & Summer)


  Coming Soon!





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