Forbidden Soulmates_A Steamy Hot Revenge Romance

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Forbidden Soulmates_A Steamy Hot Revenge Romance Page 8

by Melissa Devenport

  Jay’s fingers stilled. Her eyes shot open as he slid them out of her body. He moved away and she watched in awe as he slowly slid them into his mouth. He made sure she was watching every single second as he reached down with the other hand and gripped his engorged cock. He slid his palm over himself, kneeling between her parted, trembling thighs. His other hand fell away from his mouth, but his lips remained parted. His eyes slammed shut and she could see the concentration on his face as he plied his own cock.

  She watched him touch himself, those smooth movements of his wrist, his hand, his fingers all working in unison. She wanted to be the one to make him come. She wanted it to be her hand wrapped around his cock. Or better yet, her mouth.

  She moved so fast she didn’t even really know what she was doing. She rose up, gripped Jay’s hand in her own and slowly moved it away.

  “Laya, what are you doing?” he asked sharply.

  She didn’t answer. She figured that the way she bent her head was answer enough. She took his cock into her mouth. She suckled him deep, took him to the back of her throat while she worked him with her hand. That was all it took.

  His body shuddered violently and salty jets filled her mouth. She lapped at him, swallowed the long pumps. And suddenly, he gripped her jaw, gently but firmly, and pulled her head away. His cock kept kicking, hot jets pumping out over her neck and down the front of her blouse. It soaked in right away, so very hot at first and then colder, as the seconds ticked by.

  The warehouse was entirely silent except for their husky breaths. As that slowed and some semblance of sanity returned, she glanced down at her soiled shirt. She couldn’t believe she was half naked, kneeling in the dust of some old warehouse with a guy she didn’t even truly know. Or like. She actually did not like him. Or at least, that’s what she’d tried so hard to tell herself.

  The animal attraction that pulled them together changed as soon as she looked up into Jay’s eyes. She could tell he felt it too. The spark of wonderment, of something raw and unguarded and completely terrifying for being so very right.

  “I hope you have other clothes with you,” Jay panted.

  “No. I only have what I have on.”

  He sighed, long and hard. “Then, come back to my place. I’ll wash them for you.”

  “Just like that? That’s smooth.”

  “What is?” He actually looked like he didn’t see anything wrong with that proposition at all.

  “Come back to your place. Just like that.”

  Jay slowly crossed his arms over his chest. He stood and went about the tedious task of picking up their discarded clothing. He flung her panties at her and she actually caught them out of midair.

  “You probably don’t want to leave those behind.

  “I’m not coming back to your place.”

  Jay shrugged. He found his boxers and pulled them on before slamming muscular, bronzed legs back into his jeans. “Drive home like that then.” Laya’s mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Jay had the nerve to actually laugh at her. “What happened to times two, three, four and five? Or did that final act scare you off?”

  “No.” Laya knew her face was on fire. Jay picked up her jeans and extended them to her. She took them slowly, hand shaking.

  “Come back to my place,” Jay said, more gently this time. “I promise I’ll wash your clothes and you can have a bath. Nothing else if you don’t want it.”

  “And what if I do?”

  “What if you do?” He actually groaned. “Then I’ll be more prepared and I’ll be sure that there will be as many times as you want.”

  “And then what?”

  “And then what, what?”

  “You’re just going to send me on my way and never see me again? Never talk to me again?” Laya opted to skip the panties, being they were soaked and coated in dust from the floor and pull on her jeans.

  Jay was silent for a long time. Finally he offered a hand and Laya took it. He pulled her up and she slid her jeans on the rest of the way. It wasn’t at all graceful or dignified.

  “How could I think of not seeing a girl who goes commando in her jeans again? Do you have any idea what that image is going to do to me?”

  “You asked me,” Laya whispered. “If I thought about you. That’s all I thought about. If I come back to your house, it isn’t a one-time thing. One time isn’t going to be enough for me.”

  Something flickered in Jay’s eyes. Shock, wonderment, she wasn’t sure. She just knew that Jay wasn’t the kind of guy who called a girl back. He was as surprised as she was at the level of need. It was far too soon, far too fast, but she needed him. She knew she did, intrinsically, like she needed air. She wasn’t going to let him go, so that he could haunt her all over again.

  “Then it’s a good thing one time isn’t enough for me either.” His hand closed around her palm, his fingers twining through hers as naturally as if they’d held hands a thousand times before. Her heart hammered wildly at the strange connection she just couldn’t shake.

  She clenched his hand tightly and made a decision she knew was going to change the course of her life. “Then your place it is.”

  Chapter 14

  An Attempt At Cooking


  Cooking is for losers. At least, that’s what Jay used to think. A month with Laya had changed his mind. For being a stuck up, prissy, entitled, spoiled brat, she could sure cook. He couldn’t count how many times she came over to his place and cooked him a decent meal.

  He was trying to return the favor. By making a damn stir fry. Which should have been easy. It wasn’t. He was right in the middle of the water running out in a pan of vegetables because he’d forgot the burner was on high after he’d turned it there to heat it up, when Laya appeared in his kitchen.

  She stalked confidently over to the stove and removed the pan of over seared vegetables, setting it on the back burner to cool. Her hands flew over the other pot. Lifting the lid, she peered inside.

  “I see that you’re attempting a full on meal here. Good job.” She paused and flashed him a knowing smile. “But it’s probably a good thing I came along when I did. Rice isn’t like pasta. For the most part, you shouldn’t do the whole two to one ratio. Having this much rice is probably a guarantee that when it starts to get cooked it’s going to explode.”

  “Like a bomb? Detonate right in the kitchen?” Jay should have been irritated, but he wasn’t. It was impossible to be annoyed when an angel walked into his kitchen. Dressed in a tight fitting black cotton dress that highlighted absolutely every curve and angle, she was a vision as always. Her hair was combed out and straightened and hung nearly to her waist. He’d thought it was extensions at first, but he’d found out that it was all natural and soft as silk.

  “No, not like a bomb,” Laya giggled. “The lid might blow off though.”

  “You know that how?”

  Her cheekbones got that beautiful pink flush that he loved so much. “Well, the first time I tried to cook rice- don’t laugh at me, this is going to sound stupid.”

  He walked across the kitchen and set his hands at her waist. She looked up at him, the purest vision of beauty he’d ever seen. It must be damn true that opposites attracted, because while he and Laya did have a few things in common- a love for comedies, cooking, or at least eating on his part, surprisingly, football and even more shocking, welding, and working with their hands, whether it be a motor or sewing, they were forging a new connection for the most part. They were from different worlds.

  Jay’s mother, Leanne, his sister, and Rone all loved Laya. Leanne was always asking him to bring Laya around. He’d had more dinner invites from his mom in the last month than he had in the past year combined. Heather was so enamored with Laya that she took Jay aside the first night she met her, at a comedy club, and told him that he should marry her. He’d laughed it off. Marriage wasn’t in the cards. He’d never seen himself married, even if he did eventually settle down and have some kids.

he might have been from a different part of town, raised in a completely foreign way, but she sure knew how to charm his family with her natural kindness and her easy going nature. Two things he never would have pegged her for at first glance. He’d made a snap judgment and it turned out he was wrong as hell. Which wasn’t the first time, if he was willing to admit it.

  “Are you going to promise not to laugh and actually keep your promise?” Laya feigned seriousness, which on her face was absolutely adorable.

  “Yes, I promise.” Jay bent his head and kissed her lips. To say he loved the taste of her mouth was the understatement of the century. If he got to kiss her for the rest of his life, he wouldn’t get tired of it. Which for him, was saying a hell of a lot. When he pulled away he tried very hard to keep a straight face.

  “Don’t distract me.” Laya grinned. “Alright. So I was trying to make dinner when I was sixteen to impress this guy. It was Valentine ’s Day and I invited him over to make a meal for us. It was just some guy from school. He was the first real boyfriend or whatever, that I actually had.”

  “At sixteen? Was it serious?”

  “No,” she scoffed.

  An irrational streak of jealousy welled up in Jay’s chest. Who am I kidding? Am I seriously jealous of a sixteen year old kid a million years in the past?

  “And you tried to make rice…”

  “Yes, I tried to make rice. I was trying to do rice and shrimp with garlic butter. The shrimp was surprisingly easy. I had that down pat. My parents were out, having their own Valentine’s Day dinner. They didn’t know that I was having anyone over, let alone a guy. I was too embarrassed to tell them. We were- um- well- let’s just say that I got my first kiss that night and uh- the rice exploded. The pot lid hit the roof, I swear. It seriously sounded like a gunshot in the kitchen. There was rice everywhere and it was so sticky. It took me a long time to clean it up. My so called date was pretty much ruined. I made him leave right away, since I was so scared that my parent’s would come home. I had to see him at school after, but he was nice enough not to say anything.”

  “Well good. I’m glad that the rice exploded. It saves me having to find that kid and kick his ass for something he did over a decade ago.”

  “Not quite a decade ago.” Laya pretended to pout. “I’m not as ancient as you.”

  “Thanks. Old Man Jay over here. I guess you like grandpas.”

  “Well if you’re a grandpa, then I guess I do.”

  “And I’m wondering… I can’t believe I’m going to ask you, but where is my invite over to your house. We’ve been together for a month and I haven’t even seen your place. I haven’t met your parents.” Normally that would have been just fine with him, but he knew how close Laya was to his family and the fact that she’d mentioned nothing about an introduction made him nervous. He didn’t like to be nervous. He liked to be in control of the situation. He’d rather just get the meeting over and done with.

  Laya hedged. She got a look in her eyes that he didn’t expect and all of a sudden they weren’t joking anymore. A strange seriousness settled over the kitchen.

  “They do know about me, don’t they?” Jay asked flatly.

  Laya looked away, towards the stove, a dead giveaway that she was guilty as hell. Maybe guilty was the wrong word, but he knew he’d hit the damn nail right on the head.

  “I just- I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell them about you.”

  “Why? Because I’m not the trust fund type? Because I work in a shop instead of in court or in a hospital or a bank?”

  “No, that’s not it. It’s just that my dad’s been really busy with some important cases and my mom has been volunteering all the time and we haven’t had time to sit down as a family.”

  “It’s been a month.”

  “Really, Jay, I’m just waiting for the right time. I don’t bring guys home. The only guys I’ve been out on dates with were the ones my parents basically set up. Those guys were friends of my parent’s friends.”

  “So what? You’ve met my mom a million times. You’ve met my sister and her boyfriend. It would be pretty easy just to say, so, mom and dad, I’m seeing this guy…”

  “It’s not that easy for me. You don’t understand…”

  “What is there to understand? I think I get it. You’re ashamed of me because I don’t make half a million a year.” He let his hands fall away and took a step back. It was killing him not to touch her, not to hold her and laugh with her, but it needed to be said. He kept waiting for it, an invite that was never going to happen. I guess that makes it easy then. We knew this was just going to be fun and we’d end it eventually when we were bored with each other. I don’t believe in relationships. I don’t believe in any of that shit. You know that. I know that. I guess this just saves us a whole bunch of time and bullshit.”

  “Jay!” Laya’s eyes went wide with panic. Her mouth opened in a silent O before she slammed it shut.

  She stared at him helplessly and in that moment, though he wanted to feel rage, what he felt was pain. Sharp, stabbing pain right in his chest in the spot where his damn heart should have been beating. It felt like someone took a rusty butter knife to it and tried to jam it through his chest. Why am I pushing her away when she’s the only one I’ve ever wanted with me? I want her here, right here beside me. It was the most frightening realization of all. That he couldn’t just quit Laya. She was like a drug. A drug he couldn’t go off of without some serious side effects. For example, the fact that he’d be ruined for the rest of his life without her.

  “No, you don’t have to say it. I get it. Just leave.”

  “I… I don’t want to leave. I just need more time…”

  “No you don’t. You don’t need more time. You need someone more damn suitable.”

  “I’ll tell them tonight. I promise.” Her brows knitted together in a frown. “You don’t have to tell me to leave just because you’re angry. I’m sorry that I hurt you. You just have to believe me that I have no experience with this and I was just trying to figure out what to say and how to say it. I kind of liked them not knowing, not asking me a million questions. I liked you being my secret. It’s weird, living at home, when your parents know you’re going out with a guy and you’re home late. I don’t want them to think about what we’ve been doing.” Her cheeks colored a painful scarlet and damn that blush made him want to do all sorts of things to her. He wanted to replace that blush with the flush of passion.

  Because he didn’t truly want her to leave, Jay let it go. What she was saying made sense. He had no experience with actually dating someone either. Everything was new territory. And it would be weird living at home. He couldn’t imagine having to answer to his mother for anything he’d done. It was why he’d moved out early, so his business stayed his business and no one else’s.

  “Alright,” he said on a sigh. “Come here.” He extended his arms.

  Instead of just walking into them, Laya took a running leap. She pulled herself up on his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “You might have run in the past. All those women might have been stupid enough to let you, but it’s not going to happen with me. I’ll fight for you if I need to.” She stared down at him, fire blazing in her eyes.

  She was the most beautiful thing Jay had ever seen, not just in that moment, telling him that she’d fight for him, for them, that he meant something to her, but ever. He’d never seen or met a woman who just got him like Laya did. From the start he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. They went together like fire and gasoline. Is that even a good analogy. Fuck analogies.

  Laya bent her head and this time it was her claiming his mouth. She ignited the fire. He deepened the kiss, the roaring in his head, his chest, his bloodstream drowning out everything else. He had to have her and he was going to have her now. He needed to prove to her, no, he needed to prove to himself, that she was still his.

  Chapter 15

  Never Able To Leave

nbsp; Laya

  Jay kissed the breath right out of her lungs. She kissed him back, pouring absolutely everything she had into the kiss. He’d told her to leave. Didn’t he know that it wasn’t possible? Even if she walked out the door, she’d never be able to leave him. He was a part of her as she was a part of him.

  She locked her legs around Jay’s waist and he steered them over to the counter. The smell of singed vegetables lingered in the kitchen. She was starving, but the hunger for food could wait.

  It was always like that with them. They were never able to get enough of each other. The more they had each other, the more they wanted. Jay was like drinking salt water.

  Her ass hit the edge of the counter and Jay ran his hand up her thigh, up under her dress, searching for the panties that weren’t there. His fingers grazed her heated sex.

  He broke the kiss and let out a feral groan. “No panties. You’re trying to kill me again, aren’t you, Doll?”

  “Maybe I just forgot to put them on,” she said coyly. “How silly of me.”

  “You’re going to be the death of me yet.”

  “I’m starving, Jay. I’ve waited all day for this.”

  “And here I thought it was the rice that you came over for.”

  “That and the burned vegetables. I promise I’ll never taste anything better.”

  Jay ran his index finger over her soaked, swollen sex. She purred, thrusting her hips into his hand, trying to force the pressure of his finger to the exact place she wanted it. He let her, found her clit and started massaging small circles. She whimpered and arched into his hand. Her legs tightened around his waist to keep them from trembling all over the place.

  Jay’s hands were already fumbling at the button of his jeans. He had them undone in an instant. He didn’t take them off, just pulled them down enough to free his massive cock. Her mouth watered at the sight of him and she wished, as she always did, that her desperation for him didn’t override her urge to actually indulge in foreplay. No, with them, the foreplay was more like afterplay. It was on the second or third round that they actually took the time to enjoy each other’s bodies. The first, it was to sate the hunger, the depth of want and need that never seemed to grow less with the passing of time and familiarity.


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