Reborn: Apocalypse (A LitRPG Story)(Volume 1)

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Reborn: Apocalypse (A LitRPG Story)(Volume 1) Page 28

by L. M. Kerr

  "Selling three Incandescent Shields, looking for Attacking Artifacts, nothing close range!"

  "Buying good condition rifles, looking for Defensive or Healing Artifacts."

  Various yells and shouts echoed in the air around Micheal, a chaotic cacophony of voices as the noon sun beat down.

  He was currently sitting down in a small wooden booth with a medium sized wooden sign. He sat back on a comfortable wooden chair, leaning back as he watched his surroundings. A small breeze washed over his neck, carrying the scent of dust, gunpowder, and a variety of other, more unpleasant scents.

  The Open Market had truly begun.

  More than 600 people could be seen atop the roof of this skyscraper, with dozens filing in and dozens filing out. Some traders went into the depths of the skyscraper, where several more shops and trading spots were located.

  Many of the well known and firmly established groups had a spot inside the skyscraper set up just for them, while those that were not well known, like Micheal, set up shop up top.

  While it might be easier and look better to have an entire lounge or room set up to sell things, if no one knew who you were, no one would bother to visit your shop.

  He glanced behind him, at the empty chair where Sophia had been. She had run off to explore and look at the various shops and stalls, interested in seeing if she could find anything she liked or wanted.

  Micheal didn't try to stop her. She was her own person, capable of taking care of herself. If she couldn't survive on her own, she would only drag him down in the future. It was a harsh mentality, but the alternative was that she died while following him due to being unable to keep up.

  'Well, it's not like the Open Market is unsafe.' The crime that did happen generally only occurred several skyscrapers away. Very few people would dare to cause trouble in the market itself, not with the armed-to-the-teeth Market Guard on watch.

  He sighed.

  'An hour and a half have already passed and no one has even stopped to consider my stall.' He had forgotten how inefficient the market was.

  'There isn't a singular currency on the First Layer, everyone barters. I forgot how annoying that could be.' He smiled slightly.

  Out in front of his stall, a large sign was placed, with some writing upon it. The Shop made all human languages understandable and readable, magically translating them, one of the perks of the apocalypse.

  Another 30 minutes passed. Micheal's position was a good one, only a few stalls down from one of the entrances to the rooftop. Despite that, no one had stopped by yet.

  As the Open Market went on, he saw many familiar faces pass by him.

  He saw several people he knew from the Saru Group, arriving in their own straggling groups. There was a lot of competition, even within the major powers of the Cluster. As a result, most of the people he saw here brought back memories of infighting or violence.

  Very few brought back anything he considered a pleasant memory.

  At one point he saw someone he had once considered a rival of his from the Tobagin Party. A low-level and new Chosen named Anthony, a Lesser Werewolf Type user. He was here with a group of his seniors, going on a special trip for newbies to the Open Market.

  Many, if not all, of the promising new recruits, would be allowed to attend the first Open Market. Here they would gain valuable experience, seeing the many different groups and powers and getting a feeling for other people in the Cluster.

  Micheal hadn't been a part of any of those early tours in his first run, though he was aware they happened.

  At one point, an altercation broke out between an irate Steel Body Type human yelling at a trader, over something to do with a Lucky Fox Foot Necklace, an Artifact worth 1,800 Points.

  Before either of them had even touched the other, only sharing some yells, the Market Guard swarmed the area, looking as if they were ready to start a war if need be. The fight was instantly defused before it even started, not requiring even a hint of action from Micheal.

  Eventually, he saw a pair of faces that left him relieved.

  Gobel the Necrozark and his mute wife entered the Market rather late. The duo walked into the Open Market confidently, closely followed by a grey-skinned Abnormal Morenkai. People parted out of the way of Gobel like fish parting for a shark, no one daring to stand in his path.

  The Necrozark didn't even bother looking at the shops up top, immediately moving over towards one of the stairwells that led to the inner workings of the large skyscraper.

  'Good, there's at least one Necrozark here, I have a backup. However… I'm not targeting him. Instead, if I wait long enough…' He kept his thoughts to himself as he waited patiently.

  He took the time to meditate, focusing on his Ki. He could feel the pulse of the energy throb in his body, moving around him in a continuous cycle.

  'I'm well into the Middle Stage of Mortal Tier. It hasn't been long, but the effects of having a 1 Star Physique are already showing.' While his stats hadn't changed much, he could feel his body adapting to the Ki and using it more easily.

  'If I can get my Physique to 2 or 3 Stars, the 2nd Layer should be much easier to handle.'

  Several more minutes passed. At one point, Micheal saw Sophia walk by, still browsing. There were so many different shops, some being set up and taken down in the span of half an hour, all full of various Artifacts. One could spend hours here and not learn about everything.

  Finally, as Micheal was considering whether or not to partially lift his mask to eat lunch, the moment he had been waiting for happened.

  "Gerald, look for any Skull Matrixes. We still need a few for that Blue Wave Blast technique, the ones we have are too shoddy." An authoritative voice barked out a command, cutting above the din. The speaker was rather loud, apparently unworried about what others heard.

  "Yes sir, Mister Kellar." Micheal could just make out the other voice, a subordinate answering.

  When he heard the first man speak, his eyes lit up. He immediately scanned the crowd, zeroing in on the voice.

  A group of men had just entered the Open Market from the entrance he was near. There were five of them, with a man in his late 20s leading. The group itself could not have looked less intimidating, wearing slacks and loose dress shirts, looking like a gaggle of accounts.

  The speaker was the man leading them. He had short brown hair and dull brown eyes, standing around Micheal's above average height, though skinnier.

  Despite their appearances, no one dared to stand in their way. Just like with Gobel, everyone gave them a wide berth as they walked forward, people glancing at them and quickly moving to the side.

  Micheal saw a couple of the men break off from the group, heading to search through a few specific stalls. One of them went towards one of the stairwells that led to the depths of the skyscraper.

  'The Flesh Wizards Tower.' He smiled behind his mask. They had shown up.

  Apart from Necrozarks, there were several other Abilities that were interested in or made use of Morenkai corpses. One of those Abilities was the 'Life Caster Ability,' known by the less complimentary name of 'Flesh Wizards.'

  The actual name of this group was the Skullbashers. They occupied a single tower in the northern sector, controlling it entirely on their own, despite the threat of the Black Flag Pirates.

  'The 2nd Ranked Flesh Wizard, Wizard Hunter, did come here quite often in search of ingredients.' This was exactly what he had hoped for.

  Plan B was to sell his Abnormal corpses to any Necrozarks or Death Alchemists that might show up. He had much lesser expectations for those groups, knowing their wealth and capabilities to get all he wanted would be limited.

  Very few people would be willing to spend Points in the Open Market, even if they had enough to buy what someone else was looking for. Most would save up and spend those on permanent Abilities.

  His Plan A, however, was to sell the Abnormal corpses he had to the Flesh Wizards Tower. Not only were they wealthy, they also had a variety of unique
odds and ends. He had quite the shopping list of Artifacts to acquire and figured his odds were high.

  'He's not going to notice my shop.' Despite his optimal location, he was, indeed, brand new. The Flesh Wizards were already moving past without even sparing his booth a glance.

  He frowned.

  'Looks like it's time to bring on a little trouble.'


  Chapter 53: Trade

  He blinked.

  For a brief moment, he stared at the 2nd Ranked Wizard of the Flesh Wizards Tower. As he stared at the strong B Ranker, he exploded forth his killing intent. His entire soul focused on willing destruction and death upon the Flesh Wizard, an ominous, rage-filled wave of emotion.

  This wave of intent cut through the din of the loud and cheerful market, zeroing in on the man in an instant. Micheal had been told it felt like having your brain dunked in ice cold water and felt that was an accurate description. He had felt the sensation directed at him more times than he could count in the upper Layers.

  Instantly, the Flesh Wizard froze, his eyes widening as he spun around. The man's entire body had tensed up, preparing to be attacked at a moment's notice.

  By the time he looked, however, Micheal had already returned back to normal, leaning back in his chair as he looked out at the crowd casually. The heavy backpack lay on the table, positioned precisely between Micheal and the man.

  "Hold." Hunter held out his hand, calling the rest of the Flesh Wizards to stop. His voice was full of caution, but also a hint of confusion.

  Smoothly, he began to walk towards Micheal, his eyes blinking slowly. The Flesh Wizard's hand drifted over to a Spatial Ring on his finger, as if he was preparing to defend himself at a moment's notice.

  The din of the market, and the general pandemonium of the Open Market, continued onward unabated. A small bubble of silence seemed to form as people moved out of the way of the Flesh Wizards Tower group, purposefully avoiding them.

  Soon, that bubble of silence arrived to greet Micheal. Hunter stopped in front of Micheal's stall, his arms crossed.

  "Selling Morenkai corpses." The Flesh Wizard read the sign that Micheal had set up, the man's voice carrying the same authoritative tone. It was decidedly at odds with his rather skinny and somewhat weak looking appearance, though Micheal was well aware of how appearances were deceiving in the 7 Layers.

  "You are selling Morenkai corpses?" The Flesh Wizard rapped on the table, looking at Micheal inquisitively. The other members of the Flesh Wizard Tower all filed in behind Wizard Hunter, standing in a semi-circle.

  Micheal continued to smile slightly, hidden behind his mask.

  'This is just the First Layer. He will have no idea what that killing intent truly was. He likely thinks his Ability reacted to something.' Micheal's eyes flicked over to the backpack on the table.

  He had placed it there precisely at a certain angle. When he unleashed his killing intent, causing a minor reaction as Hunter's soul felt that, he had been sitting directly across from the backpack. It had also been exactly situated between him and the Flesh Wizard Hunter.

  Now that Hunter was here, combined with everything the Flesh Wizard knew, the man would have to assume that whatever gave him that feeling had come from the backpack. Especially so when considering his Ability centered around using Morenkai corpses to form powerful energy blasts, traps, and more, and the fact that Micheal was selling Morenkai corpses.

  Sometimes, the appearance of things or a situation mattered just as much as what you had to offer. A better impression now meant a higher price he could score later.

  Micheal turned his head to face the Flesh Wizard.

  "Yes." He grunted, keeping his voice cool and unworried.

  The Flesh Wizard's eyes narrowed as he looked at Micheal's masked face, feeling slightly off-put. Most people would do everything they could to please him or avoid annoying him. It wasn't that Hunter was arrogant or rude. Merely, people feared power, and he was powerful.

  "Well then. Let's see them." Hunter motioned at Micheal expectantly.

  "Iron-Tail Feathers." Michael replied and then paused.

  Hunter blinked, staring,

  "Come again?"

  Micheal continued to speak, listing off several things,

  "Golden Bell Leaves. Hard Diamond Throwing Knives. A Mirror Shield. Flash Powder. Burn Flurry Crystals. A Mana Lantern." Rather than list a general category like most did, he spelled off a specific list of exactly what he was looking for.

  "I beg your pardon?" Hunter responded, confused.

  The other Flesh Wizards behind him all stirred as well, some of them sending glowering glares at Micheal. They were part of their own 'clique' and were fiercely defensive.

  "Do you have any of those?" Micheal kept his words cool and short. His every movement and statement painted him an expert, uncaring about the worries of the world around him.

  "Oi. Be a bit more respectful. This isn't a fuc-" One of the Flesh Wizards had had enough, interjecting. The impression Micheal gave was an arrogant one. To those that hadn't felt the wave of directed killing intent and the general mystery of the situation, it would indeed seem a bit much.

  Before the other Flesh Wizard could finish speaking, however, Hunter cut him off.

  "I have two sets of Flash Powder and three sets of Burn Flurry Crystals. As for the rest… I have a Remembrance Shield, but I don't have a Mirror one. We may have some of the other Artifacts pooled among my men." The Flesh Wizard checked over a Spatial Pouch he wore tucked around his waist in a few seconds, staring at Micheal calmly.

  "Now what do you have for me?"

  Micheal raised his hand and moved it over to the backpack he had left on the table. He tapped on the top of it, focusing for a split second.



  The body of a large, white skinned Morenkai slammed down hard onto the table, rattling it. This Morenkai gave off a faint feeling of darkness, as if it was sucking the color of the world around it within itself.

  It was one of the easier Morenkai for Micheal to kill. It was an Abnormal that could drain a human simply by touching him, even lightly. It let out a type of contact poison that was linked to it magically, sapping Ki from a human and using it to recharge themselves.

  It was also an Energy type Abnormal, though a far more physically focused one.

  The moment it appeared, Hunter's hands started to tremble. He slowly traced the corpse, his eyes scanning every inch of it. He picked its arms up, checking them for injuries and finding none. He then traced over the chest and legs, excitement appearing in his movements.

  "Incredible! Simply incredible! It's in mint condition and a perfect catch!" Micheal could hear the genuine pleasure and excitement in the man's voice.

  Life Casters used the latent 'life force' from a being to form powerful and unique 'Spells,' most of which were energy based attacks or blasts. When a creature died, it left behind a large amount of this latent life force, from which the Life Caster Ability came in handy.

  Abnormal corpses possessed a huge amount of this latent life force. Abnormals like the one he'd shown, in particular, had extremely energy rich corpses, practically treasure troves for Flesh Wizards.

  "How on Earth did you manage to kill it?" Hunter looked up from the corpse, a sliver of confusion in his eyes. The perfect condition of the corpse meant it would work near perfectly for his Spells, able to use every part of it.

  "Turn its head over." Micheal's tone was short.

  Hunter paused and then did as he asked, turning the head of the dead Morenkai to the side.

  A small, precise stab wound could be seen at the base of the neck in the Morenkai's back, cut in a precise spot.

  "Did you... You did this?" Hunter's eyes widened as he saw this.

  Killing a regular Morenkai was a challenge for most people. Killing an Abnormal was a sheer impossibility to most. Even trying to lure it off a bridge, the most common method for those that were weaker, was extremely dangerous.
r />   Fighting an Abnormal in melee combat… especially an Abnormal that could drain your life force and was adept at close combat… and managing to not only kill that Abnormal but kill it in a way that didn't ruin its body…

  Hunter's opinion of Micheal instantly exploded upward. His entire demeanor shifted as he looked at him. Behind his back, Hunter instantly made a hand motion, one that indicated to the other Flesh Wizards that they needed to be extremely careful.

  "Yes. I killed it." Micheal was technically not lying.

  He did indeed kill it. Only… he killed it after Sophia had used her Fairy Eyes to trap it.

  'My physique is nowhere near strong enough to handle an Abnormal that can drain energy without gruesomely killing it.' He thought with a wry smile. His Strength would need to be at least 40 points higher than what it currently was to have a chance at accomplishing that feat.

  'But there's no need to tell him that.'

  "That's not all." Micheal reached his hand out to the backpack that rested on the table.



  A second Abnormal Morenkai body fell out. At the same time, he simultaneously stored the first away, making room for the second body.

  This Abnormal Morenkai was the same Abnormal he had shown the Commissioner that oversaw the Market Guard. The energy-based one that could shoot bolts of energy. This one had a few precise cuts on it, but only in spots Micheal was aware wouldn't damage its value.

  When Hunter saw this, his entire body trembled. He looked at Micheal, his eyes full of raw excitement.

  "How many more Abnormal Morenkai corpses do you have?!"

  "7 in total."

  "I'll buy them all!"


  Chapter 54: Serial

  'That went well.' Micheal smiled as he looked over the contents of his Spatial Ring, beyond pleased. The booth around him was half taken down, the sign he'd had out front removed.

  In it were a variety of strange objects. There was a dimly glowing, reflective shield shaped like a circle, a collection of bundled up, grey feathers, several jars full of some type of strange white powder, around 10 fist-sized crystals that were colored a dark red, and a large, blue colored lantern.


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